Andrew Mailman Mailing Lists

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Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
06-262-11excel [no description available]
06-262-12excel [no description available]
06221-excel-group2 [no description available]
06262-s19-11 [no description available]
06262-s19-12 [no description available]
06262-s19-13 [no description available]
08721-su11 [no description available]
08810-s14 [no description available]
09-217-orgo-i-si [no description available]
10-601b-instructors [no description available]
10-718-fall2021 [no description available]
1000plus-committee [no description available]
11-716 Dialog Processing Seminar
11-754 Dialogue Systems Project Course
11-a Members of the CMU Faculty Organization
110-f19-h [no description available]
110-s20-l [no description available]
110-staff-f19 [no description available]
110-staff-s20 [no description available]
112-cohort [no description available]
112-D1-jstentz [no description available]
112-d1-kthangal [no description available]
112-d1-lsands [no description available]
112-f21-section-n [no description available]
112-lec3-recitation-b Recitation B
112-m18-e [no description available]
112-m20-leads [no description available]
112-mentees-f19-elena [no description available]
112-s17-gg [no description available]
112-s19-b [no description available]
112-s19-tp [no description available]
112-s21-c2 [no description available]
112-s21-cohort [no description available]
112-s21-g0 [no description available]
112-s21-recitationd1 [no description available]
112-s22-r [no description available]
112-s22-section-j [no description available]
112-section-c [no description available]
112-section-g-f19 [no description available]
112-staff-m1-2018 [no description available]
112-tp [no description available]
112-tp-kthangal [no description available]
112f16-h [no description available]
112section-m [no description available]
112tp-lizzy [no description available]
11637-teaching-staff [no description available]
11691-instructors [no description available]
11711-fall15 [no description available]
12-100-fall-2020 [no description available]
12-3 [no description available]
12-a Workday Faculty list (Nov. 2015)
12749-spring-21 [no description available]
13-14umoboard 2013-2014 Board
14-15mudgec1 [no description available]
14-15umoboard [no description available]
14740-staff-s12 [no description available]
14741-18631-instructors [no description available]
15-110-section-c C is for Cool
15-112-cohort-vbeaudoi vbeaudoi's cohort
15-112-f0 [no description available]
15-112-f14-l [no description available]
15-112-f14-o [no description available]
15-112-f14-section-p [no description available]
15-112-f15-d [no description available]
15-112-f17-n [no description available]
15-112-f20-section-b0 [no description available]
15-112-f20-section-f [no description available]
15-112-f20-section-z [no description available]
15-112-f21-joycestp [no description available]
15-112-f22-tp-lckim [no description available]
15-112-N19-Section-A [no description available]
15-112-N20-Staff [no description available]
15-112-n21-h 15-112 N21 H
15-112-n22-section-g [no description available]
15-112-rectitation-c0 [no description available]
15-112-s15-g [no description available]
15-112-s15-m [no description available]
15-112-s15-q [no description available]
15-112-s18-o [no description available]
15-112-s20-section-c [no description available]
15-112-s21-anita-cohort [no description available]
15-112-s21-cohort-nancy [no description available]
15-112-s21-elisa-cohort [no description available]
15-112-s21-recitation-f1 15-112 recitation F1
15-112-s21-section-b0 [no description available]
15-112-s21-section-b1 [no description available]
15-112-s21-section-c0 [no description available]
15-112-s21-section-h0 [no description available]
15-112-s21-tate-cohort [no description available]
15-112-s21-tate-mentees [no description available]
15-112-s22-recitation-m 15-112 S22 recitation M
15-112-s22-section-l [no description available]
15-112-s22-section-o [no description available]
15-112-s22-tp [no description available]
15-112-section-c2 [no description available]
15-112-section-d [no description available]
15-112-Section-H [no description available]
15-112-section-l [no description available]
15-112-section-p [no description available]
15-112-section-q [no description available]
15-112-section-y0 [no description available]
15-112-SectionE S15 15-112 Section E email list
15-112-sectionh [no description available]
15-112-summer2-staff [no description available]
15-112-y0-crystal-cohort [no description available]
15-112k S15 15-112 Section K
15-112section-p [no description available]
15-112sectionfff [no description available]
15-112spring2016sectionh [no description available]
15-112tp [no description available]
15-122-si-all 15-122 SI
15-150tas [no description available]
15-316-course-staff Mailing list to contact 15-316 course staff
15-440-fa20-private 15-440 Fall 2020 Private Student-Instructor List
15-440-fall20-instructors for internal communication among all the TAs and faculty for Fall 20 15-440
15-440-instructors All 15-440 instructors (TAs + professors)
15-440-student-private List for students to ask private administrative requests
15-744-class [no description available]
15-821-mentors [no description available]
15-821-students All students and instructors in 15-821/18-843
15110-leads [no description available]
15110-s17 [no description available]
15110-staff-f20 [no description available]
15110-staff-s21 [no description available]
15112-d [no description available]
15112-f16-b [no description available]
15112-f16-sec-p [no description available]
15112-f16-tp [no description available]
15112-f17-section-e [no description available]
15112-f18-c [no description available]
15112-f18-section-d [no description available]
15112-f19-sectionf [no description available]
15112-f20-section-f1 15-112 f20 section F1
15112-f20-sectionc1 [no description available]
15112-f21-section-l [no description available]
15112-i-cas The CA's of section I of 15-112 Fall 2012
15112-j-f15 [no description available]
15112-lec3-recitation-aa [no description available]
15112-lec3-recitation-dd [no description available]
15112-m-f14 Section M of 15-112, Fall 2014 (i.e. the best section)
15112-n [no description available]
15112-n21-section-b [no description available]
15112-n22-victoriastp [no description available]
15112-recitation-p [no description available]
15112-s16 [no description available]
15112-s18-f 15-112 Spring 18 Section F
15112-s18-sectiond [no description available]
15112-s19-sectionk [no description available]
15112-s22-tps-steven [no description available]
15112-s22-victoriastp [no description available]
15112-section-C [no description available]
15112-section-h Mailing List for students in Section H of 15112
15112-section-p [no description available]
15112-sectionl [no description available]
15112p-s14 [no description available]
15112s16-n [no description available]
15150-f16-tas [no description available]
15150-s16-staff 15150 Spring 2016 Staff
15150-TA-applicants 15150 TA Applicants
15151-section-a 15-151 Section A
15151f16-recitatione [no description available]
15210-f18-staff 15-210 Fall 18 Mailing List
15251-staff [no description available]
15251-staff-s15 [no description available]
15251-tas-s14 [no description available]
15317s22-staff [no description available]
15359-s15 Probability and Computing Spring2015
15414-staff Course staff for 15-414
15619-aws-reports AWS Notifications
15619-aws-warning-dump [no description available]
15853f19-students 15853 Fall 2019 - Algorithms in the Real World
16-311-s16-tas [no description available]
16-311-s20-tas [no description available]
16-311-s21-tas [no description available]
16-311-s22-lab10-tas [no description available]
16-311-s22-tas [no description available]
16-311-s23-lab10-tas [no description available]
16-311-s23-tas [no description available]
16-831f14 [no description available]
16311-s11-tas [no description available]
16311-s15 [no description available]
16311-sp14 [no description available]
16311-sp14-lab10 [no description available]
16311-sp14-tas [no description available]
16311-sp15-lab10 [no description available]
16311-student-lab-2016 16311 Student Defined Lab, Spring 2016
16662-sp17-ta 2017 Spring 16-662 TA mailing list
16741-f17 [no description available]
16782-pdr [no description available]
16782-pdr-fall19 [no description available]
16861-f13 16-861 Mobile Robot Design - Fall 2013
16861-f14 16-861: Mobile Robot Design - Fall 2014
16861-f14-andy 16-861: Andy
16861-f14-andy3-systems [no description available]
16861-f14-cuberover 16-861: CubeRover
16861-fall19 Course mailing list for 16-861 in Fall 2019
16861-fall20 16861 Space Robotics Fall 2020 list
16865-s14 16-865 Advanced Mobile Robot Development - Spring 2014
16865-s14-avionics 16-865 Advanced Mobile Robot Development - Spring 2014 - Avionics
16865-s14-software 16-865 Advanced Mobile Robot Development - Spring 2014 - Software
16865-s14-structures 16-865 Advanced Mobile Robot Development - Spring 2014 - Structures
16865-s14-systems 16-865 Advanced Mobile Robot Development - Spring 2014 - Systems
16865-s15 [no description available]
16865-s16 [no description available]
16865-s16-avionics [no description available]
16865-s16-mechanical [no description available]
16865-s16-software [no description available]
16865-spring20 Email list for the Spring 2020 16-865 class
16865-spring21 16865 Space Robotics Spring 2021 mailing list
16867-instructors [no description available]
16881-tas TA's and course instructor for 16-881
16899-nuke-fall18 List for the Fall '18 16899 course on Nuclear Robots
17-18-figure-skating [no description available]
17-614-staff [no description available]
17655-staff [no description available]
17780-s21-team8 [no description available]
18-349 Mailing list for 18-349: Embedded Real-Time Systems course (Prof. Priya Narasimhan, ECE)
18-781 [no description available]
18-848d Sports Technology Course at CMU (Fall 2009)
180dc-2019-20-members [no description available]
180dc-accenture [no description available]
180dc-dlist [no description available]
180dc-members [no description available]
180dc19-20-ruk-marketing [no description available]
180dc19-20-rukdata [no description available]
18100-fall18 [no description available]
18202-fall20 18202 Fall 2020 teaching staff
18202-s19 [no description available]
18202-ts-s18 18202 Spring 2018 Teaching Staff
18220-staff [no description available]
18330-s21-instructors [no description available]
18587-f14 [no description available]
18600-staff [no description available]
18631-instructors 18-631/14-741 instructors mailing list
18643-ajnswj [no description available]
18643-staff [no description available]
18661-f19 [no description available]
18725-gameboy 18-725 GBoC group
18733-instructor [no description available]
18740-staff [no description available]
1f-15112-n22 [no description available]
2012-acs-scholars Discussion list for proposals
2013cssa-roster CSSA 2013 Roster
2014--analysts [no description available]
2014-2015 [no description available]
2014-2015rasandcas [no description available]
2014-analyst [no description available]
2014-analyst-list [no description available]
2014-scobell-2 [no description available]
2015-2016rasandcas [no description available]
2015-enrolled-FTSM-12 [no description available]
2015-enrolled-FTSM-16 [no description available]
2015-enrolled-PTSM [no description available]
2015-grappling [no description available]
2015-reu-socialcomputing [no description available]
2015-sm-admit-ft [no description available]
2015-udream-candidates [no description available]
2016-enrolled-FTSM-12 [no description available]
2016-enrolled-FTSM-16 [no description available]
2016-summer-capstone-project-au [no description available]
2017-citawards [no description available]
2017-ostaff [no description available]
2018-2019-beac [no description available]
2018-2019-dsa-team [no description available]
2019-20-etower-6th-fl [no description available]
2019-2020ecetourguides [no description available]
2019-lockers-laundry [no description available]
2019-qualifiers [no description available]
2020-course-dev [no description available]
2020spring-gradtas 2020 spring grad tas
2020tepper-leads [no description available]
2021-ched-data-analytics2 [no description available]
2021-enrolled-mstv-strathclyde [no description available]
2021-sbpbrims 2021 SBP-BRiMS Conference Attendees
2021aaaep-pdteadm Digital Transformation, Enterprise Architecture and Data Management 2021 AAAEP-P Exec Ed list
2021aaaep-prd2 Policy Research Development Batch 2_AAAEP-P
2022-bspbida2 [no description available]
2022-dlps [no description available]
2022-dlps2 [no description available]
2022-enrolled-ftsm-12 [no description available]
2022-enrolled-ftsm-16 [no description available]
2022-enrolled-ptsm [no description available]
2022-hrda [no description available]
2022-sbpbrims 2022 SBP-BRiMS participant list distro
2023-24-erg-co-leads [no description available]
2023-all-booth-builders [no description available]
2023-enrolled-ftsm-12 [no description available]
2023-enrolled-ftsm-16 [no description available]
2023-enrolled-ptsm [no description available]
2023-honors [no description available]
2023-ideasconf Participants for the 2023 IDeaS Conference
2023-sbpbrims Participants for the 2023 SBP-BRiMS Conference
21-120-f14-section-l 21-120 Section L Fall 2014
21-120mf14 [no description available]
21-120mf15 [no description available]
21-120n 21-120 Section N Fall 2015
21-122g [no description available]
21-22-calendar-feedback [no description available]
21-259-s14 [no description available]
21127-j-f15 [no description available]
21259s21-tas [no description available]
21266s23-staff 21-266 Spring 2023 course staff
24-262 [no description available]
24-673 [no description available]
24-753 [no description available]
24673-s18 24-673 Soft Robots: Mechanics, Design and Modeling (Spring 2018)
251-mentees [no description available]
251-mentees-2 [no description available]
251-recitation-b-s17 Calvin and Woo's Recitation from S17 15251
251-staff-f18 The mailing list for all course staff of 251.
251-tas-s17 [no description available]
2o-15112-s23 [no description available]
2resnik2013-2014 [no description available]
2westwing2013-2014 [no description available]
3-a Hamerschlag 3A 2016-2017
3-tower Morewood E-Tower 3
311-scrg-students 311 SCRG Student list
349-ta-fall2011 TA list for 18-349 in Fall 2011 (Prof. Priya Narasimhan)
349-ta-fall2012 [no description available]
36-200-u2-17 36-200 Staff and Students Summer 2 2017
36402-s24-tas [no description available]
39-660b [no description available]
39605-team-1 [no description available]
39611-spring-2021 [no description available]
3d-perception-reading [no description available]
3resnik2013-2014 [no description available]
3westwing2013-2014 [no description available]
4-trez Rez 4!
407-espresso-users [no description available]
4620-olympus-occupants [no description available]
4721d-list Building D-List
48-200-f13 [no description available]
4th-floor-ab [no description available]
4th-year-design-awards 4th Year Design Award Participants
53110-gameproduction [no description available]
53353-gameengine-f20 [no description available]
53471-gameproduction [no description available]
53472-advancedgame [no description available]
53558-realitycomputing-f20 dlist for 53-558 Reality Computing Studio
539-backend-team [no description available]
539-ux [no description available]
549-slapscreen [no description available]
549-staff 18-549 course staff, Spring 2014
57337-soundrecording1 Mailing list for the fall 2020, Mini 1 Sound Recording class
5westwing2013-2014 [no description available]
601a-staff [no description available]
642-jobs [no description available]
6555-penn Building List 6555 Penn
67262-372-f15 [no description available]
67371-f14 Fundamentals of System Development
686577-6528 [no description available]
746-announce 15/18-746 announce
746-aws [no description available]
746-fall17staff 746 staff of Fall 2017
746-fall18staff 746 staff mailing list from Fall 2018
746-phd [no description available]
746-staff 746 staff dlist
76-265 Jerry Costanzo's class dlist
76-269 Dilworth SOF:Screenwriting
76-365 [no description available]
76-375 76-375 Magazine Writing
76-460 Sharon Dilworth
76-870-guide-project-mapws 76-870 Guide Project MAPWs
785-survival [no description available]
7cups-summer-2021 [no description available]
7e-tower [no description available]
80100f19-gh A email dlist for communicating with sections G & H of 80-100 Intro to Philosophy, Fall 2019
842-assist-shutterbug [no description available]
84350-spring2020 Students in 84-350 during Spring 2020
85-102-e [no description available]
85-102-f [no description available]
85211-instructors-f14 [no description available]
8th-summit-eboard [no description available]
94889-fall2021 [no description available]
94889-fall2022 [no description available]
94889-fall2023 [no description available]
94889-waitlist-f22 [no description available]
94889-waitlist-f23 [no description available]
98-232 Game Development on the Web
98038-anime-stuco [no description available]
98246-instructors [no description available]
98321-s18 Mailing list for 98-321: Kanye West (s18)
99-250 Summer Section 99-250
A-ambassadors [no description available]
A-is-for-apron A is for Apron Cast
A-list [no description available]
Aaai-fs-23-icagm Prospective attendees list of 2023 AAAI FS
Aaai-fs-23-icagm-organizers List of organizing committee of 2023 AAAI FS
AAB-SETF [no description available]
Aaqr-wg [no description available]
Aaroheeisleaving-andwearesad [no description available]
Aart-artificial-agents [no description available]
Aart-concept-learning [no description available]
Aart-lab [no description available]
ab-events [no description available]
AB-Films-Committee AB Films committee membership d-list
Ab-geebs A list of the general body members in AB.
Ab-machines-crew Ab Machine run crew
AB-Music-Committee [no description available]
Ab-music2013 [no description available]
Ab-newmembersf14 [no description available]
Ab-publicity [no description available]
Ab-readme [no description available]
ABFilms-MoviesInMcConomy Movies in McConomy
Able-dlist [no description available]
About-humans [no description available]
Above-the-line [no description available]
Above-the-line-students PTM above the line students
abtech-bowties [no description available]
abtech-new-members-f14 [no description available]
Abtech-new-members-s15 [no description available]
Ac-esb AC Enterprise Service Bus list
Ac-esb-devtest AC Enterprise Service Bus email id
Ac-mellon AC Mellon
Ac-planters AC grab bag of systems
ac-sais-meeting weekly ac-sais meeting
ac-webadmins [no description available]
Academic-advisors-dietrich All dietrich college academic advisors
Academic-advisors-pbk-qualifiers [no description available]
Academic-affairs-f15 Senate AA Fall 2015
Academic-case-management Undergrad Academic Case Management meeting group
Academic-computing-team [no description available]
Academic-feedom-commission [no description available]
Academic-freedom-commission [no description available]
ACAI-crew MCDS ACAI Project Group
acappella-announce A Cappella Fan List
Accdc-l [no description available]
Accelerator-6008 6008 Mailing List
Accelerator-business-meetings [no description available]
Accessibility-lunch Accessibility Lunch seminar announcements
Ace-aro [no description available]
acearo-sg [no description available]
Acf-2023-retreat [no description available]
Acf-all [no description available]
Acf-summer19 [no description available]
Acf-summer2013 [no description available]
Acf-summer2021 [no description available]
Acf-summer2022 [no description available]
Acf-summer2023 [no description available]
Acfleaders19-20 [no description available]
Acic-2018 [no description available]
Acis-advance ADVANCE system group
Acis-galatea-rr D list for Acis and Galatea rehearsal reports
ACM-AppsTeam ACM@CMU Apps Team
acm-hackplus More than just a hack.
acm-jobs [no description available]
Acm-members [no description available]
acm-public [no description available]
Acmi-all ACMI Lab Members
Acmi-phdstudents [no description available]
aco-reading-group ACO Grad Student Reading Group
Aco-seminar ACO Seminar Announcements
aco-students List for communicating with ACO PhD Students
Aco-workshop-cancel ACO@CMU Workshop Postponement
ACRA-list ACRA-List
Acs-attendees [no description available]
Acs-board Andrew Carnegie Society Executive Board members
Acs-exhibit [no description available]
Acs-scholars Andrew Carnegie Scholars
ACS-Scholars-2014-15 ACS Scholars 2014-15
Acs-strategic-plan ACS Strategic Planning Committee
Acs-vendor [no description available]
Act-r-and-fms [no description available]
ACT-up ACT-UP users and developers
Activities-Board Mailing list for the Activities Board Executive committee only (join AB-Geebs for general body information!)
Activities-board-weekly-update [no description available]
ActivitiesBoard-GB Mailing list for the Activities Board general body to receive information about how to get involved and help out at AB events
Actuarialmember2015-2016 [no description available]
actuary-members Actuarial Club
Acui-try Chelsea Cui Try
Ada-da-team Digital Accessibility Team
ada-dev Group working on ADA in the Personal Robotics Lab
AdaptErrEx-Support Support for AdaptErrEx and Stoichtutor sites
Adarkklan-1415 [no description available]
Adblocker-experiment-api [no description available]
ADC-dlist Associate Deans Council (ADC)
Adgp-dlist Associate Deans Graduate Programs
Adjunct-faculty (DO NOT USE)All adjunct faculty and part-time faculty/staff
Admin-CAOslab CAOs Lab Mass Emails
Admin-free-cos [no description available]
Administrative-computing-forum [no description available]
Admission-all [no description available]
Admission-counselors [no description available]
admission-dashboards [no description available]
Admission-supportstaff [no description available]
adp-logs PC/Payroll server logs
Adv-ais-cashnet CashNet application Technical or System emails
adv-alum Alumni Relations Staff
Adv-db-clones Advance database clone notifications
Adv-heinz-professorships Heinz College Professorship Recipients
adv-igpm [no description available]
Adv-intranet-feedback [no description available]
Adv-professorships [no description available]
Adv-tepper-professorship Tepper Professorship Recipients
Adv-tepper-professorships [no description available]
adv-test [no description available]
adv-test2 [no description available]
Advanced-mobility [no description available]
Advcell-neuro [no description available]
Adversarial-swarm [no description available]
Advising-cortina 6 Feb 2017
Advising-reid-miller [no description available]
Advising2-reid-miller [no description available]
Advising3-reid-miller [no description available]
Advocacy-18-19 [no description available]
Aea-pgh Pittsburgh AEA Mailing List
Aed-fall-pledges [no description available]
Aed-fallpledges2015 [no description available]
AED-members [no description available]
AED-officers [no description available]
Aed-spring2017pledges [no description available]
Aerial-silks [no description available]
Aethel-heralds Discussion list for the AEthelmearc College of Heralds
Afriq-air [no description available]
Afrogsa-exec AfroGSA is a home for graduate students of African descent at Carnegie Mellon
Afrogsa-members African Graduate Student Association
Afrstud-researchcon African Studies Research Consortium
Agrinteract-proj [no description available]
agrobot-project Mailing list for all discussions related to the agrobot project.
Ai-addtl-majors [no description available]
Ai-classics-reading [no description available]
AI-CRC members of the AI curriculum review committee
Ai-fifthyr Fifth year students in BSAI program
Ai-frosh Freshman who just declared AI.
Ai-in-action-events [no description available]
Ai-inactionevents [no description available]
Ai-juniors Juniors in BSAI program
Ai-literacy [no description available]
Ai-minors [no description available]
Ai-seniors Seniors in BSAI program
Ai-sophs Sophomores in the BSAI program
Ai-subcommittee [no description available]
Ai-undergrad-graduates [no description available]
Ai-undergrads All AI UG D-lists combined
Aias2013-2014 [no description available]
Aiat-team-zeus [no description available]
Aiche-pitt [no description available]
Aidda-proposal Mailing list for AIDDA proposal
Aiira-cmu [no description available]
Aiira-cmu-fullteam [no description available]
Aiml-netsec alias for aiml for netsec research at cmu
Aiphysics-course [no description available]
Ais-systems Systems and Software Development Team List
Ais-systems-admins AIS System Admins (for Certs, CNames, PSR, etc.)
Ais-systems-support AIS Systems Support Notification Emails
Ais-web AIS web development
aishare-netsec [no description available]
Aisoc-symposium [no description available]
akpsi-alphazeta [Alpha Zeta]
AKPsi-Alumni Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni
Akpsi-committee-chairs-fall2018 [no description available]
Akpsi-committee-chairs-fall2019 AKPsi Committee Chairs Fall 2019
Akpsi-committee-chairs-spring2020 AKPsi Committee Chairs Spring 2020
Akpsi-committee-chairs-spring2021 [no description available]
Akpsi-committeechairs-spring2018 [no description available]
Akpsi-committees-fall2017 [no description available]
Akpsi-dbf20 [no description available]
Akpsi-eboard-fall2017 [no description available]
Akpsi-eboard-fall2018 [no description available]
AKPsi-eboard-fall2019 AKPsi E-board Fall 2019
Akpsi-eboard-spring2018 [no description available]
Akpsi-eboard-spring2020 AKPsi E-board Spring 2020
Akpsi-eboard-spring2021 [no description available]
Akpsi-kpc [no description available]
Akpsi-thefamily [no description available]
Al-2017 [no description available]
al-2019 [no description available]
Aladdin-audio Aladdin audio mailing list
Alexaprize-2019 [no description available]
Alg-test [no description available]
Alhazen-users [no description available]
Ali-18240-smallgroup [no description available]
Alice-challenge Alice Challenge
alice-teachers Alice educators
All-BXA-Advisors Contact List for all BXA Advisors
All-cashnet-users [no description available]
All-fraternity-sorority-members [no description available]
All-gender All Gender Restroom Committee
all-ghostriders [no description available]
All-hands-f15 All-Hands Meeting - Fall 2015
All-hfs All Housefellows
All-students-msit-ebiz-ft-2015 [no description available]
All-TalentAcquisition All Talent Acquisition
Allegro-users [no description available]
Allies-ace ALLIES Ace support group
Allies-dlist ALLIES CMU mailing list
Allies-grad LGBTQIA+ and allies list for graduate students
Allies-office [no description available]
Allies-open-mic [no description available]
Allies-poc LGBTQ POC Affinity Group at CMU
Allies-qmsg Queer Men's Society dlist
Allies-qwsg [no description available]
Allies-trans PRISM Trans/Non-binary Support Group
Alpha-research List for Alumni to Send Club Research
Alphaboard-2012 [no description available]
Altbreak-2013 [no description available]
Alternate-possibilities Alternate Possibilities Cast
Alumni-2015 [no description available]
Alumni-dl Design Alumni
alumni-email [no description available]
am-hoops For the early morning hooping crowd at Carnegie Mellon
Amazing-yousuf [no description available]
Amazingrace-cmfa [no description available]
Amazon-1 [no description available]
Amazon-3 [no description available]
Amazonf23-mt [no description available]
Amazons23-mt [no description available]
Amberroad-users [no description available]
Ambient-intelligence ambient intelligence disccussion group mailing list
Amnesty-generalinterest General Information about Amnesty International Events!
Amnestyinternational-boardmembers Amnesty International Board Member Dlist
Ampmap-project [no description available]
Amw-studio [no description available]
Amzf1-6 [no description available]
AN-IDEAL Accessibility and Diversity in Neuroscience
Analysis-group8 [no description available]
Andrew-Ambassadors The Andrew Ambassadors
Andrew-knight-club [no description available]
Andy-all [no description available]
Andy-avionics [no description available]
Andy-camera [no description available]
Andy-mechanical [no description available]
Andy-media [no description available]
Andy-public-contact Public Point of Contact for CMU Lunar Rover
Andy-software-nav [no description available]
Andy-software-ui [no description available]
Andy-technical For the Andy technical team
Andys-list [no description available]
Animal-Welfare-CMU [no description available]
Anime-stuco-f20 [no description available]
Anne-tg2021 [no description available]
Annex-people [no description available]
Antiracism-students-core [no description available]
Anvil-board Mailing list for the ANVIL board.
Anvil-members Mailing list for members of ANVIL
ao-list [no description available]
Apex-alumni [no description available]
Apex-alumni-2021-2022 [no description available]
Apex-dlist [no description available]
Apex-engineering [no description available]
Apex-members-2019-20 All Apex Buggy Members 2019-2020
Apex-members-2020-2021 [no description available]
Apex-members-2021-2022 [no description available]
Apex-recruitment-2023-2024 [no description available]
Apex-recruits-2016 [no description available]
Apex-recruits-2021-2022 [no description available]
Apex-recruits-fall-22 [no description available]
Aphio-kappa-alumni Alpha Phi Omega Kappa Chapter Alumni mailing list
Aphio-kappa-appointed Appointed Positions of Alpha Phi Omega
Aphio-kappa-interest [no description available]
Aphio-kappa-officers [no description available]
APhiO-SoupComm [no description available]
Apinquiry-users [no description available]
APO-kappa Alpha Phi Omega - Kappa Chapter
Apo-sectionals-committee [no description available]
App-taskforce Academic Policies and Practices (APP) Task Force Committee
Appdev-cloud-team [no description available]
Appdev-db-backup AppDev: Database Backup notifications
Appdev-db-clone AppDev: Database Clone Notifications
Appdev-db-user-access [no description available]
Appdev-flux [no description available]
Apple-dev-program Apple Developer Program administrators
Apple-dev-university Apple Developer University admins
Applied-analytics [no description available]
Applied-micro Applied Micro Mailing List
Appmgt-team [no description available]
Apse-06720 [no description available]
Apse-2024 APSE 2024 Mailing List
Aquorn-studio [no description available]
Arab-Student-Organization Arab Student Organization
Arb-members [no description available]
arcc-board13-14 [ARCC Board]
arcc-board14-15 [ARCC Board]
Arcc-general Awareness of Roots in Chinese Culture's general members
ARCH-COMP-nonlinear [no description available]
archery-club-2013 [no description available]
Archgrad-support [no description available]
Arcs-lab [no description available]
Argus-info Open list for users of Argus audit SW -
Ariel-cmu [no description available]
Arjantp-s21 [no description available]
Arl-community ARL Project Community Meeting
Arl-strong Mail list for ARL STRONG Project
Articles-and-research [no description available]
Arts-greenhouse [no description available]
Arts-greenhouse-participants List for Current AG Saturday Class Participants
Arts-greenhouse-staff Email list for Arts Greenhouse staff coordination
Arts-greenhouse-workshops Coodinating Arts Greenhouse classes, workshops, and special events
Arts-list Arts funding information
Arturo-ui-crew [no description available]
Asa-advisors [no description available]
Asa-board-2015 [no description available]
Asa-board-2016 [no description available]
Asa-board-2017 [no description available]
Asa-executive-board-2012 [no description available]
Asa-f15 [no description available]
Asa-f16-dlist [no description available]
Asa-pr-members-2014 [no description available]
Asa-prmembers-2012 [no description available]
Asa-prmembers-fall2012 [no description available]
Asa-prmembers-fall2013 [no description available]
Asa-s16 [no description available]
Asce-board ASCE Board
Asce-booth [no description available]
ASCE-booth-23 ASCE's 2023 Booth
Asce-competitions [no description available]
Ascend-cohort-1 [no description available]
Ascend-cohort-2 [no description available]
Ascend-cohort-3 [no description available]
Ascend-leadership ASCEND Mentor Network Leadership Team
ashok-kumar [no description available]
Asian-student-organizations-2012 [no description available]
Asist-ta1 Mail list for TA1 DARPA ASIST Team
Asist-ta1-assessment [no description available]
Asist-ta1-beliefs [no description available]
Asist-ta1-nlp [no description available]
Asist-ta2 DARPA ASIST TA2 group members
Ask-cs [no description available]
ask-the-oracle testing SURI 2021 Project
Asl-sv-status [no description available]
Asme-cmu [no description available]
Asme-generalmembers ASME Members List
ASO-body [no description available]
Assassins-cast A Distribution List for Cast of Assassins
assessment-robotics-capabilities Assessment of Robotics Capabilities (ARC)
Astro-booth Old mailing list specifically for Astronomy Club's Booth activities.
Astroc-officers [no description available]
Astronomy-Club Mailing List for the CMU Astronomy Club
Athena-crew [no description available]
Athletics-cuc CUC Athletics 2020-2021
Atk-ameriprise [no description available]
Atlas-All [Atlas-All]
Atlas-cmu [no description available]
Atlas-group [no description available]
Atlas-Officers [Atlas-Officers]
Atlas-project [no description available]
Atlas-runcrew [no description available]
Atlas-team [no description available]
Au-casual-staff-fy1819 [no description available]
auo-interested All University Orchestra interested list
auo-members All University Orchestra mailing list
Auo-prospective [no description available]
auo-string-theory AUO String Theory Members' List
auo-stringtheory [no description available]
auo-symphony Mailing list for everyone in AUO symphony orchestra
Autel-mapping [no description available]
Autodesk-users Campus Autodesk Users
Autolab-announcements [no description available]
Autolab-dev Autolab Developers
Autonomous-Moon Email list to coordinate autonomous Moon roving work
Autosecretary-team [no description available]
Autosecretary-updates [no description available]
Avesh-1 [no description available]
Avesh-f13 [no description available]
Avesh-s13 [no description available]
Awap-2015 [no description available]
Awap-2016-orgs Algorithms with a Purpose 2016 Organizers
Awap-competitors [no description available]
Awesome-photonics [no description available]
Axo-atogs2017 AXO ATO Greek Sing 2017
Axo-exec-2014 Mailing list for 2013-2014 Alpha Chi Omega Kappa Nu Exec Board.
Axo-graduating2014 [no description available]
Axo-spring2014-cob-newmembers [no description available]
Axo-spring2014-cob2-newmembers [no description available]
Ayli-castcontact The As You Like It Cast Contact Distribution
B-rangell [no description available]
B1-2016-2017 [no description available]
B3-mailing-list [no description available]
Ba-additionalmajors18 [no description available]
Ba-minors18 [no description available]
Babbies-wrct [no description available]
BABS-psychmajors BA and BS Psychology Majors
Backup-admins Backup application alerts and admin communications
Backup-customers Communications to backup application customers
Badminton-cmu CMU Badminton Club
Bads-team [no description available]
Bag-cast [no description available]
Bag-crew [no description available]
Balas-Memorial List of invitees - excludes most CMU-Tepper
Balas-memorial-book2 [no description available]
Balas-memorial-dinner Sunday night dinner
Balas-memorial-no Those who can't come
Balas-memorial-noanswer People who didn't reply
Balas-memorial-participants [no description available]
Balas-memorial-speakers [no description available]
Balas-memorial-yes People who said yes
Balas-videos re Balas Fellowship Fund
Ballroom-comp CMU Ballroom Dance Competition Team
Ballroom-general CMU Ballroom Dance Club
Ballroom-officers CMU Ballroom Dance Club Officers
Ballroom-summer CMU Ballroom Dance Club Summer
Ballroom-summer-15 [no description available]
Ballroom-summer-22 CMU Ballroom Dance Club Summer 2022
Ballroom-summer14 [no description available]
Ballroom-summer23 [no description available]
BaM-House-Council [no description available]
Bam-house-council-2015-2016 Boss and Mcgill's House Council for the 2015-2016 school year
Bam-service-2011-2012 [no description available]
Bamhc10-11 BaM House Council 2010-2011
BAML-group Brain and Machine Learning discussion group
bankman-group [no description available]
Barati-group [no description available]
Barblab-booth-backup [no description available]
Barth-lab [no description available]
basketball-club [no description available]
Bay-Area-IxD-interns IxD interns in the SF Bay Area, summer 2014
Bb-capstone-2018 [no description available]
BB-presenters Presenters for Bridges and Borders Conference
Bb-press13 [no description available]
BBBS-Bigs Bigs in BBBS of CMU
Bbbs-club Big Brothers Big Sisters of CMU
Bcc-bcc [no description available]
BCSA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the BCSA degree program.
BCSA-junior To send announcements, etc. to the juniors in the BCSA degree program.
BCSA-senior To send announcements, etc. to the seniors in the BCSA degree program.
BCSA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to the sophomores in the BCSA degree program.
Bcsa-ugrads [no description available]
BE-IL Behavioral Economics in Israel
Beacon-all BeaconSys Internal List
Beacon-dev BeaconSys Developer List
Bee-struction [no description available]
Beeler-5168 [no description available]
Beg-badminton Students in beginning badminton class
Beg-tennis Physical Education class Beginning Tennis
beggars-cast [no description available]
beluga-users Beluga Computing Cluster users list
Bepo-cap19 BEPO capstone in Spring 2019
BEPO-students Behavioral Economics, Policy, and Organizations students
Berlin-ulissi [no description available]
BESA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the BESA degree program.
BESA-junior To send announcements, etc. to the juniors in the BESA degree program.
BESA-senior To send announcements, etc. to the seniors in the BESA degree program.
BESA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to the sophomores in the BESA degree program.
Beta-dreamhouse [no description available]
bettinger-group Bettinger Group Email List
Beyonce-stuco-f12 [no description available]
Beyonce-stuco-s13 [no description available]
bez-1 [no description available]
Bfe-team-2 [no description available]
Bgso-current BGSO
BHA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the BHA degree program.
Bha-jun [no description available]
BHA-junior To send announcements, etc. to juniors in the BHA degree program.
BHA-senior To send announcements, etc. to seniors in the BHA degree program.
Bha-seniors [no description available]
BHA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to sophomores in the BHA degree program.
Bhangra-stuco-s20 [no description available]
Bhangraintheburgh-gb [no description available]
bhc-2016 [no description available]
Bhci-casc BHCI Project Spring 2010 for CASC
Bhp-list [no description available]
Bib-4 [no description available]
Bib-duquesne-organizationlist [no description available]
Bib-III [no description available]
Bib-pr [no description available]
Bib4-exec [no description available]
BIB4-liaisons BIB4 Liaisons
Bib4-ops [no description available]
Bib5-allstaff BIB5 All Staff D-List
Bib5-execboard [no description available]
Bib5-liaison [no description available]
Bib6-allstaff [no description available]
Bib6-execboard [no description available]
Bib6-liaisons [no description available]
Bib6-ops [no description available]
Bib6-pr [no description available]
Bib7-allstaff [no description available]
Bib7-execboard [no description available]
Bib7-ops [no description available]
Bib8-allstaff [no description available]
Bib8-execboard [no description available]
Bib8-ops [no description available]
Bib9-executive-board [no description available]
Bibv-prstaff [no description available]
Bic-team1 [no description available]
Bida2-2020 [no description available]
Biegler-servers [no description available]
Big-list [no description available]
Big-questions-precollege-edition [no description available]
Big-sisters [no description available]
Big-summer [no description available]
Biglab-all [no description available]
Biglearning-ssp BigLearning SSP Team
Bigstraw-designers [no description available]
Bigstraw-dlist Big Straw, CMU's Asian-American Interests Magazine
Bigstraw-magazine Big Straw Magazine mailing list
Bigstraw-marketing [no description available]
BigStraw-Staff BS Staff
Bigstraw-writingediting [no description available]
Bike-advisorycommittee [no description available]
Billy-actors Billy the Kid Actors
Bio-2020cohort [no description available]
Bio-affiliatedphd Non-bio PhD students
Bio-dei Bio DEI Committee members
Bio-ms-alumni [no description available]
Bio-partyplanning [no description available]
Bio-sac Biological Sciences Student Advisory Council
Biochem-s11 [no description available]
Bioeng-organs CMU Bioengineered Organs Initiative
Biometric-research [no description available]
biometrics-lab-gen [no description available]
Biopharma-club Tepper's BioPharma Club Mailing List
Biophotonics-lab [no description available]
Biorobotics-jumpingbot-list [no description available]
Biorobotics-medical-list [no description available]
Biorobotics-multiagent [no description available]
Biorobotics-pain-prevention [no description available]
Biorobotics-slam [no description available]
Biorobotics-study-group [no description available]
Biorobotics-tactile [no description available]
Biorobotics-tracer Tracer Project List
Biosac-doghouse [no description available]
bioscidept-holidayparty [no description available]
Black-latino-business-association [no description available]
Black-team [no description available]
Black-team-list [no description available]
Blacktop-cast Blacktop Cast
Blarg-tv Updates on weekly TV-show viewings
BLBA-Members [no description available]
Blba23-24 [no description available]
Block-center-advisory-board List of all advisory board members of the Block Center for Technology and Society
Block-center-trust-and-transparency-working-group [no description available]
Block-fow-lead Block Center Future of Work Leads
Block-lead Block Center dlist
Block-rai-lead Block Center Responsible AI Leads
Blockchain-students [no description available]
Bme-ambassadors BME MS students-ambassadors
Bme-committeeadmission [no description available]
Bme-committeedei [no description available]
bme-committeescott BME Scott Hall steering committee
bme-facultyall BME Faculty
bme-grad-discuss Students-only discuss list for BME grad
Bme-gradcommence19 [no description available]
Bme-graddeferred [no description available]
Bme-incomingms [no description available]
Bme-incomingphd [no description available]
Bme-nonbme [no description available]
bme-scotthallsummer [no description available]
bme-scotthalltrainees Students and Research Staff working in Scott Hall
bme-seminars BME seminar announcements
Bme-single-major-survey BME Single Major Survey, March 2014
bme-ta BME Teaching Assistants
bme-testpurchasing Student testers of new purchasing and recharge system
bme-ug2016MechE [no description available]
bme-ug2017MechE [no description available]
bme-ug2021 BME Undergrad Class of 2021
bme-ug2022 BME Undergrad Class of 2022
bme-ug2023 BME Undergrad Class of 2023
bme-ug2024 BME Undergrad Class of 2024
bme-ug2025 BME Undergrad Class of 2025
bme-ug2026 BME Undergrad Class of 2026
bme-ug2027 BME Undergrad Class of 2027
BMEDesign1819-kneebrace [no description available]
Bmes-all [no description available]
Bmes-research [no description available]
Bmes-social [no description available]
Bmes12-13 [no description available]
Boal2016-cast [no description available]
Board-game-club Board Game Club club-wide communication
Board-Games-Night [no description available]
Board-jsa-f11 [no description available]
Board-uea [no description available]
Bocc-2010 [no description available]
Bod12-13 [no description available]
Bodymedia-team [no description available]
Boeing-starling [no description available]
Boom-crew [no description available]
Booth-builders [no description available]
Booth-committee-2018 Spring Carnival Booth Committee 2018
Boothexec-allies [no description available]
Borg-mts-user Email list for BORG lab MTS users
borstevans-menteegroup MENTORSHIP
Boss-1 [no description available]
Boss-1-1617 [no description available]
Boss-1-2017 [no description available]
Boss-2-Residents [no description available]
Boss-2012-2013 [no description available]
Boss-3 [no description available]
Boss2-1617 [no description available]
Bossanova-capstone [no description available]
Bosshousecouncil2012-2013 McGill and Boss House Council 2012-2013
Boxoffice-project [no description available]
Brandeis-all Brandeis Everyone
breakfast-club For notifications about queer women/non-binary focused events
Breaking-API Research updates about software ecosystem values and practices
Brewmeisters-2011 Brewmeisters 2011-2012
Bri-2 [no description available]
Brian-rangell [no description available]
BRIDGE-All Pitt-CMU BRIDGE Center Everyone Email List
BRIDGE-cancellations BRIDGE Center MRI Cancellations
BRIDGE-childMRI Child imaging list for BRIDGE Center.
BRIDGE-Exec BRIDGE Center Executive Group
BRIDGE-PI Pitt-CMU BRIDGE Center PI Email List
BRIDGE-Safety List for BRIDGE Center Safety Committee
Bridge-steering [no description available]
BRIDGE-Users Pitt-CMU BRIDGE Center Users Email List
Bright-crew [no description available]
Broadcast-test [no description available]
Brothers-cast Cast of Brothers Size
BSA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to freshmen in the BSA degree program.
BSA-junior To send announcements, etc. to juniors in the BSA degree program.
BSA-senior To send announcements, etc. to seniors in the BSA degree program.
BSA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to sophomores in the BSA degree program.
bsba-minors [no description available]
Bsp-bida2020 [no description available]
bss-team [no description available]
Bswmw-2016 Barbara Smith Women Mentoring Women 2016
Bswmw-cmu Barbara Smith Women Mentoring Women Program
Bswmw-match Barbara Smith Women Mentoring Women Matches
Btc-general [no description available]
Btg-mail-list [no description available]
Buggy100-raceday Buggy 100 Raceday/Broadcast Subcommittee
Bughouse-chess List for CMU bughouse players
Build18-2019 Build18 Teammates for 2019 (my project)
Build18-builders-2014 [no description available]
Build18-builders-2015 [no description available]
Build18-builders-2016 Official Build18 List
Build18-Officers Build18 Officers
burgh-explorers [no description available]
Business-managers Emails for All Business Manager
Buy-nothing-board [no description available]
Bvw-support-fall2011 [no description available]
BXA-dec-grad To send announcements, etc. to December graduating students in the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs.
BXA-grad To send announcements, etc. to graduating students in the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs.
BXA-prospective To send announcements, etc. to prospective students seeking transfer to the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs.
bytes-audition2012 [no description available]
c-2 Mudge C2 2017-2018
C-squad46 [no description available]
C-squad47 [no description available]
C-squad48 [no description available]
C-squad49 [no description available]
C-squad50 [no description available]
C-squad51 [no description available]
C-squad52 [no description available]
C-squad53 [no description available]
C-squad54 [no description available]
C-squad55 [no description available]
C-squad56 [no description available]
C-squad57 [no description available]
C-squad58 [no description available]
C-squad59 [no description available]
C-squad60 [no description available]
C-squad61 [no description available]
C-squad62 [no description available]
C-squad63 [no description available]
C-squad64 [no description available]
C-squad65 [no description available]
C-squad66 [no description available]
C-squad67 [no description available]
C1-2k15-2k16 Weekly emails for residents of Mudge C1.
C2news2013-2014 [no description available]
C3-2013-2014 [no description available]
C3-whereyoube-2011-2012 [no description available]
C3news-2012-2013 [no description available]
C4g-cancer [no description available]
Ca-dlist20182019 [no description available]
Ca-dlist20192020 [no description available]
Ca-dlist20202021 [no description available]
Ca-dlist20212022 [no description available]
Ca-dlist2223 CA d-list for 2022-2023
cabal-phil [no description available]
Cabinet-19-20 [no description available]
Cac-cmu Colleges Against Cancer CMU
Cac-exec CAC CMU Executive Board
Cac-groupme CAC GroupMe mailing list
cacao-vin chocolate tastings and orders
CACES-All All CACES Contributors
CACES-Exec [no description available]
CACES-Faculty Faculty member leadership for CACES group
CACES-Project-4 [no description available]
CACES-SAC SAC Members, Executive Committee, EPA Reps
CAH-1 CAH1 Member List
Cah-exec-dir-search-committee [no description available]
CAH-info [no description available]
Cah-wg2 [no description available]
Cah-wg3 [no description available]
CAL-dlist [no description available]
Cal-test [no description available]
Calcm-fac-list [no description available]
Calcm-list [no description available]
calcm-reading-group [no description available]
calcm-superscalar [no description available]
Calisto-spring2016 [no description available]
Call-to-action [no description available]
Call-to-action-announce [no description available]
Callbacks-2012 [no description available]
camp-kesem-cmu [no description available]
Campbell-irmg [no description available]
Campkesem-cmu Camp Kesem CMU mailing list
Campus-affairs-all Campus Affairs Group
Campus-cloud-consultation Campus Cloud consultation request form
Campus-software-group Campus Software Group
CampusCulture-StudentSuccess CC&SS d-list
Campuslife16-17 [no description available]
CAPD-members Center for Advanced Process Decision-making
caps-alumni CAPS Alumni
Caps-cluster-help CAPS Cluster Help
CAPS-computing Users of CAPS computer cluster
Caps-events [no description available]
Caps-lab [no description available]
Caps-seminar [no description available]
Caps-staff All Current Staff at CaPS
capstone-pwctrust [no description available]
Career-academy Career Academy Student List
Career-academy-student-list Career Academy Student List
Career-office send+information+to+Career+Center+Staff
Carnegie--cares [no description available]
Carnegie-analytics-members Carnegie Analytics club members
Carnegie-bosch-institute-2020-rfp [no description available]
Carnegie-bosch-institute-2021-rfp [no description available]
Carnegie-scenic [no description available]
Carnegiecares--board [no description available]
CarnegieClubTennis-Competitive CMU Club Tennis Competitive
CarnegieClubTennis-General CMU Club Tennis General
carnegiemellon-golfclub Carnegie Mellon Golf Club
carnival-booth-chairs [no description available]
carnival-stakeholders [no description available]
Carnival-west-2018 [no description available]
Carnivalwest-2015 [no description available]
Carnivalwest-2016 [no description available]
Cas2015-2016 [no description available]
Case-competition [no description available]
Case-primary-research [no description available]
Casecomp-leaders [no description available]
Cashnet-checkouts Checkouts in Cashnet
cashnet-info Cashnet storefront requests
cashnet-p2-pe pci p2 pe reporting
cashnet-saq-a cashnet
Cashnet-saq-b cashnet saq b reporting
Cashnet-saq-c-vt cashnet saq c vt reporting
cashnet-storefront-business Business owners of Cashnet Storefronts
cashnet-storefront-technical Technical Resources of Cashnet storefronts
Casos-all email sent to the entire CASOS lab (PHDs and staff)
Casos-cemap-notifications [no description available]
Casos-minerva [no description available]
Casos-networkscience [no description available]
Casos-phds email sent to all CASOS PHDs
Casos-staff email sent to all CASOS staff
Casos-summer-institute-2014 Summer Institute 2014 participants
Casos-summer-institute-2015 Summer Institute 2015
Casos-sysadmin [no description available]
Cassies-army [no description available]
catalog-contacts Undergraduate Catalog Editors
Cathedralstair-runners [no description available]
catholic-newman-club Catholic Newman Club
Causality-list [no description available]
Cav-policy-sig Vehicle Automation and Connectivity Policy SIG
Cawp-competition [no description available]
Cb-juniors [no description available]
Cb-seniors [no description available]
Cbdr-affiliates All CBDR Affiliates
Cbdr-rppinstructors CBDR RPP Instructors
Cbrne-list [no description available]
CC-Collaboration [no description available]
CC-Communications [no description available]
Cc-daily-rpt [no description available]
cc-exec-list Carnegie Clan Executive Board Mailing List
CC-IGL-DEI [no description available]
CC-Info-and-Data-Literacy Email list for Information and Data Literacy Core Competencies committee
CC-Intercultural [no description available]
Cc-offices [no description available]
Ccard-code [no description available]
ccard-feeder-upload-notify notification when an e-commerce feede file is uploaded to dataxchange
Ccc-cib [no description available]
ccee-deferred-py20-21 [no description available]
ccee-educatorsstaff Cyert Center Educators and Staff
ccee-enrollment-pre2-prekk Cyert-Enrollment-Pre2 & PreKK
ccee-enrollment-preschool Cyert-Enrollment-Preschool
ccee-enrollment-toddler Cyert-Enrollment-Toddler
ccee-enrollment-youngtoddler Cyert-Enrollment-Young Toddler
ccee-group1 [no description available]
ccee-group2 [no description available]
ccee-group3 [no description available]
ccee-group4 [no description available]
ccee-group5 [no description available]
ccee-group6 [no description available]
ccee-group7 [no description available]
ccee-oldercluster Older Cluster
ccee-parentlist Cyert Center Parent List
ccee-py20-21-parents CCEE-Program Year 20-21-Parents
ccee-py20-21-staff [no description available]
ccee-summer2020-ot Cyert-Summer 2020-OT
ccee-summer2020-parents Cyert-Summer 2020-Parents
ccee-summer2020-pre2 Cyert-Summer 2020-Pre2
ccee-summer2020-prekk Cyert-Summer 2020-Prek/K
ccee-summer2020-preschool Cyert-Summer 2020-Preschool
ccee-summer2020-staff Cyert-Summer 2020-Staff
ccee-summer2020-yt Cyert-Summer 2020-YT
CCEN-CMU Campus Civic Engagement Network
ccm-instructors C@CM Teaching Assistants
Ccmt-computingcrisismgmtteam Computing Crisis Management Team
Cd-adjuncts Design CD Adjuncts
Cdfd-gopro-1 CMU CDFD GoPro 1 list
Cdl-lab The Cognitive Development Lab
CE-BEST-TA3 [no description available]
Cedm-advisory-board [no description available]
Cedm-annual-meeting [no description available]
Cedm-ex-com [no description available]
Cedm-master [no description available]
Cedm-mefs [no description available]
Cedm-researchers [no description available]
Cedm-server Cedm-server
Cedm-students [no description available]
Cee-academic-jobs [no description available]
Cee-adaptation-researchers CMU researchers connected with CEE's climate adaptation initiative
Cee-asce CEE ASCE Exec Board
Cee-bookclub [no description available]
Cee-dei [no description available]
Cee-mcm-faculty [no description available]
Cee-mmc-seminar [no description available]
cee-tpalumni [no description available]
CEEM-section2 [no description available]
CEEM-test [no description available]
Ceic-students [no description available]
Cellbiosi-s11 [no description available]
Center-team Center team d-list
Centerfellows20-21 Center Fellowship 2020-2021
Cep-members [no description available]
CERT-ACE Mailing list for ACE research project
Cert-expiry [no description available]
Ces-rosters [no description available]
CES-TerraDotta-Admins [no description available]
CFA-AAC College of Fine Arts - Academic Advisory Council
CFA-DeansOffice CFA Dean's Office Mailing List
CFA-DEI-Committee [no description available]
CFA-DICE-Committee CFA DE&I Committee
CFA-Faculty CFA Faculty
Cfa-fun CFA FUN List
cfa-funding CFA Funding Information
CFA-genai [no description available]
CFA-genai-workinggroup CFA Generative AI Working Group
CFA-research email forward for CFA research team
CFA-runoff [no description available]
CFA-SDM To send announcements, etc. to the students in the CFA SDM degree program.
CFA-Staff CFA Staff List
Cfa-staff-assembly [no description available]
CFA-Students CFA students
cfaphoto-gigs photo jobs
cfe-seminar Mailing list for CFE Seminar Series
Cfs-all Attendees for all CFS programs
Cfs-futurefaculty Attendees for CFS Future Faculty program
cfulton-tp-mentees [no description available]
Chacha-slide [no description available]
Chairmen-Sweepstakes Chairmen for Raceday 2024
Challah4hunger-cmu [no description available]
Challenge-2021 Fitness Challenge 2021
Chanel-2020 [no description available]
Changemakers-SV [no description available]
Chapter-broadcasts broadcast emails sent to regional alumni chapters
Chapter-chairs-2018 [no description available]
Chapter-leader Regional and Identity Network Leaders
Chapter-presidents Chapter Presidents list to use for GS emails
ChargeCar-EVowners Electric Vehicle Owners
Charpie-dlist [no description available]
Charpie-scholars [no description available]
Ched-data-analytics-digital-transformation-2021 [no description available]
Chefbot-proj [no description available]
chegsa-outreach Community outreach for ChemE grad students
Chem-staff-and-special-faculty [no description available]
Chem-e-car-2010-11 ChemECar Dlist
Chem-fac-spec [no description available]
Chem-newphd [no description available]
Chem-seminar CMU Chemistry Seminar Announcements & Reminders
Chem-staff All Chemistry Staff
Cheme-3103-datacenter [no description available]
Cheme-computing [no description available]
ChemE-Cube ChemE Cube
Cheme-exchange-users List for Exchange users being migrated to g-suite
Cheme-faculty-cmunames [no description available]
ChemE-Head-Search-Committee ChemE Head Search COmmittee
Cheme-ms ChemE Masters Students
Cheme-nmc ChemE car NMC
Cheme-phds ChemE Phds
Cheme-prospective-undergrads ChemE Prospective Undergraduates
Cheme-pse-students [no description available]
Cheme-researchers ChemE Researchers
Cheme-ug-firstyears ChemE Undergrad First Years
Cheme-ug-juniors ChemE Juniors
Cheme-ug-seniors ChemE Seniors
Cheme-ug-sophomores ChemE Sophomores
Cheme-visitors ChemE Visitors
Chemecar-battery [no description available]
Chemecar-data [no description available]
Chemecar-fuelcell [no description available]
Chemecar-glow [no description available]
Chemecar-mechsys Mechanical Systems Team
Chemecar-nmc New Member Car 2016-2017
Chemecar-nmc1 [no description available]
Chemecar-nmc2 [no description available]
Chemecar-nsm [no description available]
Chemecar-shine [no description available]
Chemecar-structures [no description available]
Chemical-cmuengineering [no description available]
Chemistry-admissions-committee [no description available]
Chemistry-ta-list-fall2021 [no description available]
Chemistry-theory-suite Info and Events for Theory Groups in Chemistry Department at CMU
Chemsa-17 [no description available]
Chen-a [no description available]
Chengdian-guonan [no description available]
Chess-club [no description available]
Chevron-general [no description available]
Chi-lab [no description available]
Chicken-swing Chicken Swing
Childrensschool-all [no description available]
Childrensschool-alum Children's School Alumni
Childrensschool-undergrads [no description available]
Chinese-minor [no description available]
CIA-all CIA All
Cia-newtemp [no description available]
CIA-officers Contact CIA Officers
Cic-4thfloor-reading [no description available]
Cic-4thfloor-residents [no description available]
Cic-4thfloor-social CIC4-Social
Cinzano-cast Cinzano Rehearsal Room Team
Cio-workday-members-admins [no description available]
Cip-cmu [no description available]
Circle-K Circle K
Circulo-juvenil [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-equipo [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-friends [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-padres [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-padres-s11 [no description available]
cirrus-users CIRRUS aka TASHI user list
Cis15466-fall-12 CIS 15466 Fall 2012
cis15466-fall-13 15-466/666 F13 Mailing List
Cis15466-fall-14 [no description available]
Cis15466-fall-15 [no description available]
Cit-dc CIT Diversity Committee
Cit-dei-outreach We support underserved K-12 communities in Pittsburgh
cit-esc ESC d-list
Cit-grad-coordinators For CIT Graduate Student Coordinators
Cit-it CIT IT Committee
Cit-jedi-summer-2021-faculty [no description available]
Cit-jedi-summer-2021-staff [no description available]
Cit-jedi-summer-2021-students [no description available]
CIT-Junior-Women-Faculty CIT Junior Women Faculty
Cit-labmanagers [no description available]
cit-outreach-committee CIT faculty and staff involved in STEM outreach
Cit-phd-sa CIT PhD Success Academy
Cit-postdocs Postdoctoral Researchers in College of Engineering
Cit-pretenured-faculty CIT pretenured faculty - associate and assistant
CIT-pursuit CIT-pursuit
Cit-ra-list College of Engineering research administrators
CIT-supergroup [no description available]
CIT-teachingfaculty Teaching Faculty in the College of Engineering
Cit-womenfaculty CIT women faculty
Cit18-staffawards [no description available]
Cit19-staffawards [no description available]
Citda-list CIT PRIMARY Department Administrators List
Citsubscription-Events CIT Subscription: Events Notifications
CITsubscription-InternshipOpportunities CIT Internships Opportunities
CITsubscription-ScholarshipOpportunities Scholarship Opportunities
CITsubscription-StudyAbroad CIT Study Abroad Opportunities
Civil-and-environmental-engineering-graduate-students Current civil and environmental engineering graduate students and post-docs, as well as others interested and/or associated with CEE
Cjamal-parent [no description available]
Cjamaltest-1 [no description available]
Cjamaltest-2 [no description available]
Ck-cmu20 [no description available]
Ck1-23 [no description available]
Cl2018-2019 [no description available]
Class-2020 [no description available]
Class-2021 [no description available]
Class-2022 [no description available]
Class-2023 [no description available]
Class-gift-2015 Class Gift 2015
Class-insight [no description available]
Class-of-2013 [no description available]
Class-of24 School of Architecture Class of 2024
Class-of25 School of Architecture Class of 2025
Class-of26 School of Architecture Class of 2026
Class-of27 School of Architecture Class of 2027
Class-of28 School of Architecture Class of 2028
Cleopatra-runcrew Antony and Cleopatra Run Crew D-List
Clima-fac [no description available]
Climate-careers Informal list for climate and energy job listings
Close-to-nature Close to Nature Cast
Cloud-Course [no description available]
Cloud-team-mellon [no description available]
Cloudcast-list [no description available]
Cls-alumni-2020 [no description available]
Cls-alumni-2022 [no description available]
Cltawpa-2014-15 [no description available]
Cltawpa-2015-16 [no description available]
Cltawpa-2016-17 CLTA-WPA-2016-17
Cltawpa-2017-18 [no description available]
Club-soccer [no description available]
Club-Softball Girl's Club Softball Members
club-vball CMU Volleyball Club
clubtennis-recreational CMU Club Tennis General
Clyde-House [no description available]
Clydehouse-spring2020 [no description available]
cmba2012-13board CMBA Board
CMBMC-all Black Male Summit event announcements and updates
CMBMC-core CMU Black Male Collective organizers
cmcc-board-11-12 CMCC Board
cmcc-general CMU Cricket Club
Cmcm-members [no description available]
Cmdragons-robocup [no description available]
Cmecs-faculty Faculty-Center-CMECS
Cmecs-researchers Researchers outside Faculty-part of CMECS
Cmfa-members [no description available]
Cmfa-qatar [no description available]
Cmimc-2022-contestants [no description available]
Cmimc-2022-prog-contestants [no description available]
Cmimc-admins [no description available]
cmimc-all The CMIMC Staff mailing list
cmimc-organizing-team General mailing list for the CMIMC Organizing Team
Cmimc-past-participants [no description available]
Cmimc-prog-past [no description available]
Cmist-corefaculty CMIST Core Full-Time Faculty
Cmist-faculty CMIST All Pittsburgh Faculty
Cmist-facultystaff CMIST All Faculty and Staff
Cmist-staff CMIST Staff
Cmist-undergraduates All declared majors and minors in CMIST
Cmlh-fellowship-2017 Mailing list for 2017 CMLH student fellows
Cmoli-project List for participants of a project to develop online courses - Carnegie M
Cmr-credit-s16 [no description available]
Cmr-glv-f14 [no description available]
Cms-analytics [no description available]
Cms-announce News and announcements relating to the university's content management system
Cmsr-2021-members CMSR members in 2021
Cmsr-active-members [no description available]
Cmsr-alumni [no description available]
Cmsr-fall-2019 [no description available]
Cmsr-new-members [no description available]
CMU-17-313-staff [no description available]
cmu-2021-tournament Mailing list for teams attending the 2021 Mini SO tournament
cmu-abhinaya [no description available]
Cmu-ace-pi-23 [no description available]
Cmu-adelaidestudents [no description available]
Cmu-administrators-and-staff [no description available]
Cmu-africa-alumni CMU-Africa alumni
Cmu-africa-alumni-2014 CMU-Africa alumni C2014
Cmu-africa-alumni-2015 CMU-Africa alumni C2015
Cmu-africa-alumni-2016 CMU-Africa alumni C2016
Cmu-africa-alumni-2017 CMU-Africa alumni C2017
Cmu-africa-alumni-2018 CMU-Africa alumni C2018
Cmu-africa-alumni-2019 CMU-Africa alumni C2019
Cmu-africa-alumni-2020 CMU-Africa alumni C2020
Cmu-africa-alumni-2021 CMU-Africa alumni C2021
Cmu-africa-alumni-2022 CMU-Africa alumni C2022
Cmu-africa-alumni-2023 CMU-Africa alumni C2023
Cmu-africa-alumni-association-council-2024 CMU-Africa Alumni Association Council 2024
Cmu-africa-alumni-committee CMU-Africa alumni association committee
Cmu-africa-alumni-female CMU-Africa Women alumni
Cmu-africa-alumni-mcf-scholars CMU-Africa alumni Mastercard Foundation Scholars
Cmu-africa-alumni-rwanda CMU-Africa Rwandan alumni
cmu-africa-guild [no description available]
CMU-AHA Mailing list for Atheists, Humanists, Agnostics,
cmu-ai-mentoring-mentors mentors for undergrad AI mentoring program
cmu-ai-mentoring-questions [no description available]
cmu-ai-mentoring-undergrads [no description available]
Cmu-aiaa [no description available]
Cmu-aiaa-sub [no description available]
Cmu-aiche Emailing list for CMU AIChE student chapter.
cmu-airsoft-club CMU Airsoft Club
Cmu-ambassadors [no description available]
Cmu-announcements [no description available]
cmu-anz List to receive ANZ bank notifications
Cmu-apple [no description available]
Cmu-apt-sublet Psts about offered or wanted subleases by cmu students
CMU-ASA [no description available]
Cmu-asce-ovsc Carnegie Mellon University American Society of Civil Engineering Ohio Valley Student Conference
Cmu-asme American Society of Mechanical Engineers
cmu-awm [no description available]
Cmu-badminton [no description available]
Cmu-benefitsandfitnessfair [no description available]
Cmu-bhangra-1516 [no description available]
Cmu-bhangra-2009-dlist CMU Bhangra 2009 D-List
Cmu-bhangra-2010-team [no description available]
Cmu-bhangra-2011-2012 [no description available]
Cmu-bhangra-2013-2014 [no description available]
Cmu-big [no description available]
Cmu-big-des [no description available]
Cmu-bikecurious CMU Bike Curious D-List
cmu-blockchain CMU Blockchain Group's mailing list
cmu-blockchain-exec [no description available]
cmu-blockchain-jobs blockchain job postings
Cmu-Boeing-FODBOT [no description available]
Cmu-boeing-pi [no description available]
Cmu-borg [no description available]
Cmu-brain-exercise-initiative [no description available]
Cmu-bridge CMU Bridge
CMU-Bronies CMUBronies mailing list
CMU-Bronies-discuss CMU Bronies discussion mailing list
Cmu-business-careers-club CMU Business Careers Club
cmu-cashnet-alert CASHNet Umbrella List
cmu-cashnet-user-group User Group for CMU Internal CASHNet eMarketplace
Cmu-ccc Email list for Chinese Cooking Club
Cmu-cheese-club [no description available]
Cmu-cheme-car [no description available]
Cmu-cheme-car-exec [no description available]
Cmu-chess-club [no description available]
CMU-chiepsilon [no description available]
Cmu-christian-faculty [no description available]
Cmu-cip-2020 [no description available]
Cmu-cip-waitlist [no description available]
Cmu-circle-k [no description available]
cmu-climbing-club-officers [no description available]
CMU-Club-Swimming CMU Club Swimming
Cmu-Club-Swimming-Leaders CMU Club Swimming Leaders
CMU-CORGI [no description available]
Cmu-corp-relations [no description available]
Cmu-cyphers [no description available]
cmu-debate CMU Debate
Cmu-debate-f19 [no description available]
cmu-debate-officers [no description available]
cmu-debate-team [no description available]
cmu-deltau [no description available]
cmu-deltau-advisors [no description available]
cmu-deltau-exec DU Exec Board
Cmu-democrats [no description available]
Cmu-dems-2020 [no description available]
CMU-DFA Design for America @ CMU
Cmu-dfa-14 [no description available]
CMU-DoD DoD Students at CMU
CMU-DSC [no description available]
Cmu-ea-arete [no description available]
cmu-ebs-clone-notification List notification of new EBS Instance Clones
Cmu-ece-hardware-security [no description available]
cmu-ecobank-payments List to receive Ecobank payment file acknowledgements
Cmu-effective-altruism strategic social impact at cmu effective altruism ea
Cmu-ems-buggy CMU EMS Buggy Mailing List
Cmu-ems-gb CMU EMS General Body Mailing List
Cmu-ems-newmembers [no description available]
Cmu-enactus [no description available]
Cmu-energy-clubs [no description available]
cmu-equilibrium [no description available]
Cmu-esports [no description available]
Cmu-Faculty CMU Portugal faculty at CMU
Cmu-fbd [no description available]
CMU-Foosball-Club [no description available]
Cmu-full-marcom [no description available]
Cmu-garden [no description available]
Cmu-ghc [no description available]
cmu-grad-coffee-chats CMU grad student coffee chats program
Cmu-graduateconsultingclub CMU Graduate Consulting Club
Cmu-haiti-19 [no description available]
Cmu-haiti-board [no description available]
cmu-hillel [no description available]
CMU-Hockey CMU hockey dlist
Cmu-holi-2021 [no description available]
CMU-Humanist-League CMU Humanist League Mailing List
cmu-icl CMU Infant Cognition Lab Mailing List
Cmu-icwerx [no description available]
Cmu-igsa [no description available]
Cmu-in-pr [no description available]
Cmu-in-puerto-rico CMU in Puerto Rico
cmu-informs Announcements related to the CMU INFORMS Student Chapter
cmu-informs-practice Practice interest group promoted by the CMU INFORMS Student Chapter
cmu-informs-research Research interest group promoted by the CMU INFORMS Student Chapter
Cmu-ini-teamsev [no description available]
Cmu-inst-history Folks working on or interested in CMU history
Cmu-internet-behavior-research [no description available]
Cmu-intertwine Support list for WikiEd experiment
Cmu-ipd-proj-team [no description available]
cmu-iro [no description available]
Cmu-jack-buncher-jewish-studies [no description available]
Cmu-japanese-program メーリス for the CMU Japanese language program
Cmu-jsa-21-22-exec CMU JSA Exec Board (2021-22)
Cmu-jsa-21-22-members CMU JSA Members (2021-22)
Cmu-kasa CMU Korean American Students' Association
Cmu-kdsap-general [no description available]
CMU-KGB Information for Komrades
cmu-libertarians-activity Coordination for the CMU Libertarians' current activity
Cmu-link [no description available]
cmu-listens CMU Listens announcements
Cmu-mbl [no description available]
cmu-military [no description available]
Cmu-mma Carnegie Mellon University Mixed Martial Arts
cmu-mobile-apps-club CMU Mobile Apps Club
Cmu-mosip CMU team studying MOSIP
cmu-mse-elixir [no description available]
CMU-MuayThai CMU Muay Thai Group X
CMU-MUN [no description available]
Cmu-mwp [no description available]
Cmu-nextm-internal [no description available]
Cmu-nonpgh-marcom [no description available]
Cmu-nsbe-newsletters Mailing list for NSBE Newsletters
Cmu-nsfconvergenceaccelerator [no description available]
cmu-ohqueue [no description available]
cmu-om [no description available]
Cmu-outreach-360 [no description available]
Cmu-pantry-general-announcement-list General pantry related announcements
Cmu-pantry-users This email list is for registered CMU Pantry Shoppers.
Cmu-pantry-volunteers Volunteer List for CMU Pantry
Cmu-parking Non official parking list redirect.
CMU-Photoclub CMU Photography Club
Cmu-pitt-diwali-2020 [no description available]
Cmu-pitt-ugd-2021 [no description available]
Cmu-pnd-drummers [no description available]
cmu-policy-security Information Security Policy Review Committee Mailing List
CMU-pool-club Carnegie Mellon University Pool Club
CMU-Portugal-Affiliated-Staff [no description available]
Cmu-portugal-deans [no description available]
Cmu-portugal-department-heads [no description available]
Cmu-powerlifting-email-list [no description available]
Cmu-pre-law-society [no description available]
Cmu-prec-foode [no description available]
cmu-prison-education-project [no description available]
Cmu-professorships [no description available]
Cmu-psichi [no description available]
Cmu-q CMU Qatar Email List
CMU-QUANT [no description available]
Cmu-quidditchclub D-list for the CMU Quidditch Club
Cmu-quizbowl CMU's Quiz Bowl team
Cmu-quizbowl-2019-2020 CMU Quizbowl
Cmu-recbadminton [no description available]
Cmu-red-cross General Body of CMU Red Cross
Cmu-redcross14 CMU Red Cross F14S15
Cmu-redcross15 CMU Red Cross F15 S16
Cmu-redcross16 General Body for 2016 and Beyond
Cmu-redcross18 [no description available]
Cmu-republicans [no description available]
Cmu-research reserach administration
cmu-rfc Carnegie Mellon University Rugby
cmu-rg [no description available]
CMU-Roller-Hockey CMU Roller Hockey Club
Cmu-rowing-novice-class-2015 [no description available]
Cmu-rumi-ebru [no description available]
Cmu-rumi-ney [no description available]
Cmu-scanning-project [no description available]
Cmu-seds [no description available]
CMU-service Civic Engagement at CMU
Cmu-shpe-2017 [no description available]
Cmu-sla [no description available]
Cmu-slate-users CMU Slate User's Group
cmu-social [no description available]
Cmu-sophamy [no description available]
Cmu-spikeclub [no description available]
CMU-SPS Mailing list for CMU Society of Physics Students
cmu-summit [no description available]
cmu-sv-research-lunch CMU SV dlist for research lunch series
Cmu-sws [no description available]
CMU-TES-Forum [no description available]
CMU-TNC-equity-group [no description available]
Cmu-tpeg [no description available]
cmu-transportation-energy CMU Transportation Energy research lunch meeting mailing list
cmu-triangle List for Triangle Fraternity Colony
cmu-triangle-exec List for Triangle Fraternity Exec Officers
cmu-tricking-club We do flips.
CMU-TSMO-Team [no description available]
Cmu-tug [no description available]
cmu-twloha CMU TWLOHA
Cmu-uasocial [no description available]
cmu-ug-adm-events [no description available]
Cmu-ug-adm-events-resubmit [no description available]
Cmu-ug-adm-precoll [no description available]
cmu-undergrad-adm-events [no description available]
Cmu-unicef [no description available]
CMU-UNICEF-1617 [no description available]
Cmu-unicef1415 [no description available]
Cmu-unicef1516 CMU UNICEF 2015-2016
Cmu-urbansystems CMU Faculty participants in Urban Systems Institute
Cmu-utilities-strategic-plan [no description available]
Cmu-uxa [no description available]
Cmu-vb Carnegie Mellon Women's Volleyball
cmu-vegan-society [no description available]
cmu-vh The Variety Hour
Cmu-voice-interface-project [no description available]
Cmu-wip CMU Women In Politics
cmu-wrfc Carnegie Mellon University Women's Rugby
cmu-wsp CMU/WSP Participants for Fall 2018
Cmu-xe [no description available]
Cmu-yala [no description available]
Cmu-yala15 [no description available]
cmu-yarn Yarnivores Mailing List
Cmua-alumni CMU Australia Alumni
Cmua-alumni-au CMUA Alumni in Australia
Cmua-f19internship [no description available]
Cmua-f21internship [no description available]
Cmua-m18internship [no description available]
Cmua-m19internship [no description available]
Cmua-m20-internships [no description available]
Cmua-m21 [no description available]
Cmua-m21internship [no description available]
Cmua-m22internship [no description available]
Cmua-s18internship [no description available]
Cmua-s19internship [no description available]
Cmua-s20-internships [no description available]
Cmua-s21internship [no description available]
Cmua-s21newstudents S21 New Students
Cmua-s22internship [no description available]
Cmua-social [no description available]
Cmuaa-network-leaders Regional and Interest Network Leaders
Cmuab-squash CMU AB League squash team mailing list
Cmuadv-professorships [no description available]
Cmuaeds-fall2015 [no description available]
Cmuaeds-fallinterviews2015 [no description available]
Cmuaeds-potentials [no description available]
Cmuama18-19 CMU AMA d-list
Cmubhangra16-17 [no description available]
Cmubhangra17-18 [no description available]
Cmubhangra20-21 CMU Bhangra 20-21
Cmubhangrateam18-19 [no description available]
cmubhangrateam19-20 cmubhangra19-20
Cmudm-general [no description available]
cmuedtech-club For those interested in educational technology.
cmufcu-supervisory Carnegie Mellon Federal Credit Union Supervisory Committee
cmugl-finrptg-journal-backup CMUGL Financial Reporting Journal Backup
cmugl-monthly-exchange-rates notification of monthly avg/end exchange rate file from Oracle
cmuiro-board [no description available]
Cmuiro-mun CMUIRO General Body
Cmujsa-20-21-members [no description available]
Cmujsa20-21 [no description available]
CMUken-master CMUken Master Distribution List
Cmukgb-defectors [no description available]
Cmumc-booth-2015 Math Club Booth 2015
Cmumc-general CMU Math Club
Cmumc-officers CMU Math Club Officers
CMUMWP-board CMU Mens Water Polo Board
CMUMWP-team Carnegie Mellon Men's Water Polo Team
Cmuorientation-2018 [no description available]
Cmuorientation-2019 [no description available]
Cmuportugal-10 [no description available]
Cmuq-filmmakers CMUQ filmmakers
Cmuredcross-exec15 [no description available]
Cmuredcross-exec16 [no description available]
Cmuredcross-exec17 [no description available]
cmuscioly-all Mailing list for the CMU Science Olympiad Student Organization
cmuscioly-interest Mailing list for all persons interested in attending the CMU Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament
Cmuscioly-newmembers [no description available]
cmuscioly-tournament-2022 [no description available]
Cmuscioly-tournament-2023 2023 tournament coaches and contacts
cmuscioly-volunteers-2022 [no description available]
Cmuscioly-volunteers-2023 [no description available]
Cmuscioly-volunteers-2024 [no description available]
Cmusife-ecomarket [no description available]
cmusport-taekwondo CMU Sport Taekwondo Club
Cmussop-2018 [no description available]
cmuTV-Exec Information for executive members
cmutv-f17 [no description available]
Cmutv-f18 cmuTV Fall Members
Cmutv-f19 cmuTV Fall 2019 Members
Cmutv-info Cmutv Info Channel
cmutv-interested-f2021 [no description available]
cmuTV-Members cmuTV Announcements
Cmutv-s17 [no description available]
Cmutv-s18 [no description available]
Cmutv-s19 cmuTV Spring Members
Cmutv-s20 cmuTV Spring 2020 Members
Cmutv-s22 [no description available]
Cmutv-s23 cmutv announcements for 22-23
Cmuunicef-2013 [no description available]
Cmuunicef-education [no description available]
Cmuwebteam-atlassian-users Distribution list for JIRA, Confluence & Slack users in the M&C and CS web team environments.
cmuworks-conversion [no description available]
Cmuworks-integrations-benefits Cmuworks integrations notifications benefits
Cmuworks-integrations-inst-research Cmuworks integrations notifications institutional research
Cmuworks-integrations-insurance Cmuworks integrations notifications insurance
Cmuworks-integrations-nics Computing Services Network Billing
Cmuworks-integrations-notify Cmuworks integrations notifications for campus data producers and consumers
Cmuworks-integrations-oracle-hier Cmuworks integrations notifications oracle hierarchy
Cmuworks-integrations-parking [no description available]
Cmuworks-integrations-payroll Cmuworks integrations notifications payroll
Cmuworks-integrations-retirement Cmuworks integrations notifications retirement
Cmuworks-integrations-sis-ws Cmuworks Student Workstudy
Cmuworks-integrations-tuition Cmuworks Workday <-> Salesforce notifications
Cmuworks-integrations-ua Cmuworks integrations notifications university advancement
CMUWP-alumni Alumni of the CMU Water Polo Team
Cmuwsp-f19 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-f20 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-f21 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-f22 Mailing List for Fall 2022 WSP Cohort
Cmuwsp-f23 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-f24 Mailing List for Fall 2024 WSP Cohort
Cmuwsp-faculty CMU/WSP Faculty
cmuwsp-s19 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s20 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s21 [no description available]
cmuwsp-s22 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s23 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s24 [no description available]
Cmuwspf20-mentors [no description available]
Cmuwsps21-mentors [no description available]
CMUWWP-board CMU Womens Water Polo Exec Board
Cmuwwp-interested CMU Women's Water Polo Interested
CMUWWP-team CMU Womens Water Polo Team
Cmwa-knitandcrochet CMWA Knit and Crochet Club Members
Cmwa-membership2016-2017 [no description available]
Cmwa-membership2017-2018 [no description available]
Cmwa-membership2018-2019 [no description available]
Cmwa-membership2019-2020 [no description available]
Cmwa-membership2020-2021 CMWA 2020-21 Membership List
Cmwa-membership2021-2022 CMWA 2021-22 Membership List
Cmwa-service-2018-2019 [no description available]
Cmy-juniors [no description available]
Cmy-seniors [no description available]
Cmy-sophmores [no description available]
Cn-lgbtq-group [no description available]
Cnast-faculty CNAST Faculty
Cnast-grads [no description available]
Cnast-postdocs [no description available]
Cnast-staff [no description available]
Cnast-undergrads [no description available]
Co-designing-the-future-of-transit [no description available]
co23discord-fantasy19 [no description available]
COBI-lab COBI lab members mailing list
Code-lab [no description available]
Coe-hmtt [no description available]
Coe-reminst-taskforce [no description available]
Cogneuromethods-s17 [no description available]
Cogneuromethods-s18 [no description available]
Cognitive-science List for communication between Cognitive Science majors at CMU
Cognitive-science-advisory-board [no description available]
CogSci-Seminar Seminar on Modeling of cognitive and neurocognitive phenomena
Coi-sparcs SPARCS COI d-list
Collaborative-mapping-group [no description available]
Collectionadvisory-council [no description available]
college-adv College-based Advancement
College-Democrats [no description available]
Colors-at-cmu [no description available]
Comb-opt-workshop [no description available]
Commencement-14 Commencement 2014
Commencement-2014 [no description available]
Commencement-2015 [no description available]
Commencement-2016 [no description available]
Commencement-2017 [no description available]
Commencement-2018 [no description available]
Commencement-2020 [no description available]
Commencement-2021 [no description available]
Commencement-2022 [no description available]
Commencement-2023 [no description available]
Commencement-2024 [no description available]
Commencement-24 grads from F23 S24 and M24 all SCS degrees
Commencement-honors-22 [no description available]
common-model Common Model of Cognition
Common-model-emotion-workshop CMC Emotions Workshop Attendees
CommS-consultants [no description available]
Communications-1819 [no description available]
Community-Connections Community Connections Committee
Community-sentiment-workshop [no description available]
Community-tech [no description available]
comp-chem-club Computational Chemistry Club at CMU
Comp-imaging-reading [no description available]
Comp-olf Computational olfaction journal club
Compbio-timesheets [no description available]
competition-member CMU Summit competition 17-18 members
Competitive-programming for people interested in programming competitively
Complex-systems Complex Systems Speaker Series
Compressive-sensing-group [no description available]
Compserv-campus-cloud-team Internal list for Campus Cloud service team
Compserv-dcns-mag-outage used for 5-24-2017 outage communications
Compserv-eim-monitoring [no description available]
Compserv-informatica-cloud-services Computing Services Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) List
compserv-rhel-satellite-users Red Hat Satellite Users
Compserv-sii-team [no description available]
Compsvcs-admins [no description available]
Computer-vision-club [no description available]
Computing-club [no description available]
Concepts-EXCEL-1 The email list for Charlie's Concepts EXCEL group
ConfirmSeat-senate [no description available]
conix-all CONIX Full Team
conix-cmu CONIX CMU Faculty, Staff, Students
conix-excom CONIX Executive Committee
conix-faculty CONIX Faculty
conix-liaisons CONIX Liaisons
conix-smartcities CONIX Smart Cities Driver Application
conix-students CONIX Students & Postdocs
conix-theme1 CONIX Theme 1: ARENA Integrator
conix-theme2 CONIX Theme 2: Hardware/Software Platforms
conix-theme3 CONIX Theme 3: Security
conix-theme4 CONIX Theme 4: Machine Learning
conix-theme5 CONIX Theme 5: Communication, Positioning and Control
conix-theme6 CONIX Theme 6: Programming and Resource Management
Considering-matthew-crew Considering Matthew Crew
Const-comm [no description available]
Constructive-interference [no description available]
Consulting-14 [no description available]
Consulting-academy [no description available]
Consulting-club [no description available]
content-collaborators [no description available]
Control-learning-seminar Mail List for control and learning seminar
Controllers-office [no description available]
Conversations-series [no description available]
Convo-2017 Convocation 2017
Convo-writers [no description available]
Cook-lab [no description available]
Cook-lab-lungs [no description available]
Cooking-club [no description available]
Coop-board Neville Co-op Board
Cop-users City of Pittsburgh Network Sensor Users
Corects-at-cmu Core Group for CTS Strategy at CMU
Corinne-Daniel-mt-11-12 Team Corinne and Daniel MT '11/'12
Corner-table [no description available]
Coro-fellows [no description available]
Corp-fin [no description available]
Corp-fin2 [no description available]
Cors-2019 Council of Religious Students
Cortina-advisees [no description available]
COS-practicum COS Practicum, Spring 2012
cosmo-stats [no description available]
Cosmology-pfc Mailing list for coordinating 2016 Physics Frontiers Center proposal for cosmology
Coso-2017-2018 [no description available]
Coso-spring-2018 [no description available]
Coso11-12 [no description available]
Coso12-13 [no description available]
Cosplay-101-fall-2014 Mailing list for the Cosplay 101 Fall 2014 StuCo.
Cosplay-at-CMU Mailing list for Cosplay@CMU.
Costa-research-group [no description available]
Counterpoint-Acapella [no description available]
Coxswains-novices [no description available]
Cpdc-arch-3rd-5th Architecture 3rd - 5th year, 2013-14 for CPDC
Cpdc-arch-grad-students Architecture Graduate Students 2013-2014 for CPDC
Cpdc-bxa-design-arch [no description available]
Cpdc-cfa-undeclared [no description available]
Cpdc-design-all [no description available]
Cpdc-secretsnowman2014 [no description available]
CPDC-Survey [no description available]
Cpnp-members [no description available]
Cpp-concert-group-f23 [no description available]
Cpp-members Members of C++, C#'s open branch
Cps-expeditions [no description available]
cps-members CPS Program and CCFE Members
Cr-2021-designers [no description available]
Cr-2022-dps [no description available]
Cr-2023-dps [no description available]
Crash-Course-2020 [no description available]
crashcourse-2019 CrashCourse 2019
Create-group [no description available]
Creative-1 [no description available]
Credence-research CREDENCE - Cloud based Reliable DistributEd platform for New Coding Experiments
Credential-sharing [no description available]
Crew-potential-members [no description available]
Critical-hci Reading Group for Critical HCI
Cross-b2 [no description available]
crowdcamp-2012 [no description available]
Crowley-lab [no description available]
Crypto-announce [no description available]
Crystal-s21-tp-mentees [no description available]
Crystal-tp-mentees [no description available]
Cs-5 [no description available]
Cs-admins [no description available]
Cs-asset-team [no description available]
CS-bcsa BCSA 31 Jan 2017
CS-deanslist S19 updated 9/23/19
Cs-gold-stakeholders [no description available]
Cs-reading-group [no description available]
Cs-soph-m [no description available]
CS-undergradcommencement Spring 23 SCS Commencment list (M22, F22, S23, M23, BCSA)
Cs11711-fall2022 [no description available]
Cs11711-spring2024 [no description available]
cs3-content [no description available]
Csa-badminton [no description available]
Csa-basketball [no description available]
CSA-Big-Buddy [no description available]
CSA-Board [no description available]
Csa-committee [no description available]
Csa-committeemembers [no description available]
Csa-eboard-membermailinglist [no description available]
Csa-freshman-general [no description available]
Csa-gblist [no description available]
Csa-generalmemberlist [no description available]
CSA-Little-Buddy [no description available]
Csa-mentorship [no description available]
Csa-raftingtrip [no description available]
Csa-soccer [no description available]
Csa-tennis [no description available]
Csc-wdint Internal Communications for all of UTDC HR
csd-dei CSD DEI Committee Members
Csd-ta [no description available]
Csd-teaching-track teaching track csd
CSDI-Events Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion
Csdi-student-orgs [no description available]
Csec-cra-bootcamp CSec CRA Boot Camp
Csf-jcs-2014 [no description available]
csgold-covid-reports [no description available]
Csharp-board Current C# board members (directors and cabinet)
csharp-concertgroup C# Concert Groups
Csharp-f22-interest Interest List for C# (Fall 2022)
Csharp-members All active and alumni members of C#
Csharp2017-2018 [no description available]
CSI-2023 CASOS SI 2023 participants and presenters
csl-numo-students [no description available]
csm2016-chemotaxis [no description available]
Csmall-test1 [no description available]
Csmall-test2 [no description available]
Csmall-test3 [no description available]
Cspathwayssummer-2022 [no description available]
Cspathwayssummer-2022all [no description available]
Css-members Active members of CSS
CSSA-17-18 [no description available]
Cssa-2009 Email List for Incoming CMU students in 2009
Cssa-2010 [no description available]
Cssa-board [no description available]
Cssa-board2010 [no description available]
Cssa-board2011 [no description available]
cssa-list Public Mailing List for the CMU Chinese community
CSSA18-19 [no description available]
Csta-cmu [no description available]
Ctat-build CTAT automated-build status
ctat-support [no description available]
CTCS-Moonshot-All [no description available]
Ctp-affiliate-educator CTP Affiliate Educator List
ctp-affiliate-faculty Maling list for CTP Affiliate Faculty
Ctp-affiliate-game-designers Maling list for CTP Affiliate Game Designers
ctp-affiliate-student Maling list for CTP Affiliate Students
Ctp-alumni [no description available]
ctp-announce CTP Announcements
ctp-core CTP Core Team
Ctp-phd [no description available]
Cts-at-cmu Critical Technology Strategy at CMU
Cts-gr-strategy CTS Government Relations Strategy
Cttec-staff [no description available]
Cube-rover [no description available]
Cuc-desk Student Workers at the equipment and fitness desk
Cuc-summer-desk-attendants [no description available]
cuc-supers CUC Supervisors
Cut-magazine-dlist The Cut Magazine general d-list
Cuties-dlist Carnegie United Towards Increased Effort in Service
cuwip-pgh-2020 Leadership team for the CUWiP Pittsburgh 2020 organizing committee.
Cw-interests [no description available]
CWCC-wing-chun [no description available]
Cyber-cra-lfd Cyber CRA LfD
Cybercrime-research Cyber crime research - Cylab
Cybercrime-studies [no description available]
cyclingfusion-team [no description available]
Cyert-PEC Parent Educator Committee
Cyertot-penn Cyert Center for Early Education-Penn Ave-Older Toddler Educators & Families
Cyertpenn-parents [no description available]
Cyertpreschool-penn Cyert Center for Early Education-Penn Avenue-Preschool
cyertstaff-penn Cyert Center Staff - Penn Ave
Cyh-computing-services-students CYH Student Team List
Cyh-kitchen-leak Mailing list for leaks in Cyert Hall kitchens.
Cyh-mech-leak Mailing list for leaks in Cyert Hall mechanical rooms
cylab-africa-team Cylab Africa
Cylab-alumni CyLab Alumni
cylab-edu-sg CyLab education steering group members
Cylab-future-enterprise-pi22 [no description available]
Cylab-hiking Organization of CyLab Hiking Events
Cylab-partners [no description available]
Cylab-pc21 [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2020-pi [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2021-pi [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2022-pi [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2023-pi [no description available]
D-3west [no description available]
D-forum [no description available]
D-list [no description available]
D-westresidents10-11 [no description available]
D1e-1011 [no description available]
d1w-f5 Donner 1W: Fairfax 5
D3-lab [no description available]
D3-Lab-RAs D3 Lab for-credit RA d-list
Dag-123 [no description available]
DANCE-all Discussion Affordances for Natural Collaborative Exchange
Dance-club-tepper [no description available]
Dancelight-12-advisors [no description available]
Dancelight-12-costumes [no description available]
Dancelight-12-dancers [no description available]
Dancelight-12-light [no description available]
Dancer-c-f12 [no description available]
Dancer-cf10 [no description available]
Dancer-cf11 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f13 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f14 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f15 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f16 Choreographers for Dancers' Symposium - Fall 2016
Dancer-cs-f17 DS Fall 2017 Choreographers
Dancer-cs-f18 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f19 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f21 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f22 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f23 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s15 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s16 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s17 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s18 DS Spring 2018 Choreographers
Dancer-cs-s19 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s20 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s21 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s22 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s23 [no description available]
Dancer-cs11 [no description available]
Dancer-cs12 S12 Choreographers
Dancer-cs13 S13 Choreographers
Dancer-f10 Dancer List Fall 2010
Dancer-f11 Dancers' Symposium Fall 2011 Members
Dancer-f12 [no description available]
Dancer-f14 [no description available]
Dancer-f15 [no description available]
Dancer-f16 [no description available]
Dancer-f17 [no description available]
Dancer-f18 [no description available]
Dancer-f19 [no description available]
Dancer-f20 [no description available]
Dancer-f21 [no description available]
Dancer-f22 [no description available]
Dancer-f23 [no description available]
Dancer-s10 Dancers' Symposium Spring 2010 Dancers
Dancer-s11 [no description available]
Dancer-s12 Dancers' Symposium Spring 2012 Members
Dancer-s13 [no description available]
Dancer-s14 [no description available]
Dancer-s15 [no description available]
Dancer-s16 [no description available]
Dancer-s17 [no description available]
Dancer-s18 [no description available]
Dancer-s19 [no description available]
Dancer-s20 [no description available]
Dancer-s21 [no description available]
Dancer-s22 [no description available]
Dancer-s23 [no description available]
Dancer-su18 [no description available]
Dancer-uf12 Dancers' Symposium Unassigned F12
Dancer-us11 [no description available]
Dancer-us13 [no description available]
Dancer-usf11 DS Unassigned Dancers Fall 2011
Dancers-alumni [no description available]
Dancers-announce Dancers' Symposium General Annoucements
Dark-matter [no description available]
Dark-room [no description available]
Darpa-tami [no description available]
Darwin-yang [no description available]
Data-mgmt [no description available]
Data-mining-seminar [no description available]
dataex-bank-file-notify bnymellon file transfer notification
dataex-e-verify-file-notify e-verify file transfer notification
dataex-scs-outload-file-notify scs outload file transfer notification
dataex-wkdy-ee-pay-file-notify wkdy_ee_pay file transfer notification
Datagrams-musicvideo [no description available]
Datalab-updates DataLab Updates
Datashop-users Data Shop Users
Dave64-test Test list for dave64
db-f15 DB TA list
Db-group [no description available]
Db-ta-f17 [no description available]
Dba-grid-test-alerts Database - Cloud Control (Test)Automated Alerts
DC-AIM [no description available]
Dc-bha-shs-undergrads Dietrich, BHA and SHS undergrads
Dc-cabinet [no description available]
Dc-case-advisors created for Kelli Maxwell, October 2022
Dc-heads-only List of Dietrich Department Heads ONLY - no associate deans or anyone else.
Dc-internship-grant-recipients [no description available]
DC-PSIP [no description available]
Dc-senior-honors-qualifiers includes DC primary, DC additional, BHA and ISP
Dc-staff-managers [no description available]
DC-text Data Center Text alerts
Dcsystems-1 DC Systems Synthesis Group, TOD with Bill Millar
Dcsystems-2 DC Systems Synthesis Group, Financing with Erik Devereux
Dcsystems-3 DC Systems Synthesis Group, Impact of Large Scale Events on Transportation in Emerging Countries with Andy Richman
Dd-hand-meeting [no description available]
Ddd-fall-house [no description available]
Ddd-seniors Tri Delta SeniorGiftIdeas.Com
ddj-bogus-test-list [no description available]
Ddoshi-test [no description available]
Deans-only CMU Deans Only
Deans-plus [no description available]
Deansoffice-timeentries [no description available]
debate-interested-18 [no description available]
Deep-fakes [no description available]
Deep-learning [no description available]
Deep-thought-team [no description available]
Deeprl-Instructors DeepRL(10703) Instructors
Deewane-ACappella [no description available]
deewane-alumni [no description available]
deewane-exec Deewane Executive Members
deewane-members [no description available]
deewane-members-1516 Deewane members active during 2015-16
Deewane-members-1617 Deewane Members 16-17
Del-ete [no description available]
Delete-delete [no description available]
DeLight-Sensing Delight
Delphi-COVIDcast-API Announcements and discussion for users of the COVIDcast API
Delphi-epicast-czar [no description available]
Delphi-stat-czar [no description available]
Delphi-survey-info Contact for Delphi's COVID-19 surveys
Delphi-symptom-survey Announcements and discussion for users of data from Delphi's COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey
Delt-epsilonclass Epsilon Class
Delt-publicrelationsalumni Public Relations
Delt-recruitmentandgrowth Recruitment & Growth
Delta-array NSF NRI project on delta arrays
Delta-booth-2011 [Booth]
Delta-force-buggy ∆T∆/∆∆∆ Buggy
Deltafs-cmu [no description available]
Deltaxiphi-members [no description available]
Department-store-hunt [no description available]
Dept-computing-group Computing Services Departmental Computing Forum (Dugas)
Dept-conclst [no description available]
Dept-enrlst [no description available]
Dept-fteset [no description available]
Dept-org-advisors Departmentally recognized student organization advisors.
Dept-signage-group Digital Signage Users on Campus
Deriv-sec [no description available]
Design-adjuncts Design Adjuncts
Design-aiga [no description available]
Design-all [no description available]
Design-all-students [no description available]
Design-cdfaculty [no description available]
Design-cjuniors [no description available]
Design-confluence Design Confluence
Design-cseniors [no description available]
Design-csophs [no description available]
Design-Decisions-Lab Design Decisions Laboratory Distribution List
Design-ejuniors [no description available]
Design-environments-faculty [no description available]
Design-environments-students [no description available]
Design-eseniors [no description available]
Design-esophs [no description available]
Design-faculty [no description available]
Design-faculty-staff [no description available]
Design-faculty-staff-invites [no description available]
Design-ffaculty [no description available]
Design-first-year [no description available]
Design-grad-invites [no description available]
Design-idfaculty [no description available]
Design-incoming-firstyear [no description available]
Design-incoming-masters [no description available]
Design-incoming-phds [no description available]
Design-juniors [no description available]
Design-ma [no description available]
Design-masters-all [no description available]
Design-mdes-1 [no description available]
Design-mdes-2 [no description available]
Design-mdes-all [no description available]
Design-mdes-mps-1 [no description available]
Design-minors [no description available]
Design-mps [no description available]
Design-phd-researchers [no description available]
Design-pjuniors [no description available]
Design-pseniors [no description available]
Design-psophs [no description available]
Design-recent-graduates [no description available]
Design-sandwich [no description available]
Design-seniors [no description available]
Design-sfaculty [no description available]
Design-sophs [no description available]
Design-src [no description available]
Design-staff [no description available]
Design-td-2020 [no description available]
Design-techcom [no description available]
Design-thinking [no description available]
Design-undergrads [no description available]
Design1-team [no description available]
Design2-teamb3 [no description available]
Desk-services-assistants All Desk Services Assistants
Detroit-67-crew [no description available]
Deva-lab Deva Ramanan's lab
Dfa-2020 [no description available]
dfa-cmu [no description available]
Dfa-cmu-2021 [no description available]
dfa-cmu-f16 DFA@CMU
Dfa-f18 [no description available]
Dfa-s18 [no description available]
Dfs-members Active members of DFS
Dh-cmu Digital humanities news and events.
Dh-undergrad [no description available]
Dhs-faculty [no description available]
Dhti-master [no description available]
DHTI-PI [no description available]
Dhti-wearables Medical Wearables
dialog-research-center [no description available]
Dialport-developer Mailing list for DialPort developers
Diarvm-list Diarization Tools for Daylong Recordings - and more
Dietrich-gened For faculty and staff affiliated with the Dietrich GenEd launched in Fall 2021
Dietrich-HRGeneralists Dietrich / HR Generalists
Dietrich-liaisons [no description available]
Dietrich-web-customers Customers of Dietrich Web Services
dietrichcollege-communicators For Dietrich College communicators.
digital-twin-journal-club [no description available]
Digital-twin-reading-group Digital Twin Reading Group (for design, manufacturing, production)
Dilks-com Dilks Library Committee
Dining-mealplan-holders Active Dining Meal Plan Holders
Dinner-foodfriends [no description available]
Dirty-unibees [no description available]
Disksim-users [no description available]
Distinguished-service-tepper Special Faculty
Distributed-ai Joint Distributed AI Project
Distributedstaff-f15 Mailing List for Staff of Distributed
Distributedsystems-staff Mailing List for Staff of Distributed Systems
Diva-list IARPA DIVA project CMU
Diver-alum [no description available]
Diver-list [no description available]
Diversityinclusion-network Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion Network
Divest-cmu [no description available]
Diwali-kenny-cmu-pitt [no description available]
Diy-club [no description available]
Dlareau-test [no description available]
Dlb-designco Designing & Leading a Business
Dls-list [no description available]
Dm-announce [no description available]
Dm-seminar [no description available]
DMI-Group Discussions of the Disaster Management Initiative at CMU-Silicon Valley
DNAZone-volunteer [no description available]
docs-cmu [no description available]
Docs-general-body15-16 [no description available]
docseboard2014-2015 [no description available]
Doe-curb-project [no description available]
DOE-FORK [no description available]
DOE-multimodal-external [no description available]
DOE-tunnel List for modeling of tunnels and other DOE facilities
DOE-Underwater [no description available]
Doherty-14 [no description available]
Doherty-A-Tower [no description available]
Doherty-afm [no description available]
Doherty-award-nomination-2023 [no description available]
Doherty-bio [no description available]
Dominion-players [no description available]
Don-DunEast [no description available]
Don-one-east [no description available]
Donner-2012 [no description available]
Donner-3-west-2010 [no description available]
Donner-andys-floor [no description available]
Donner-dsas-fall-2017 DONNER FALL 17
Donner-DunEast [no description available]
Donner-HC [no description available]
Donner-home-desk Donner Home Desk DSAs
Donner-mentors11 Donner Mentors 2011
Donner-ocs14 [no description available]
Donner-tweast-10-11 [no description available]
Donor-relations Donor Relations
Donors-scholarship List of donors to the Carrasquel scholarship
dorans-lab [no description available]
Dosa-dh-group DoSA DH Group
Dosa-division [no description available]
Dosa-establishingawellnessmindset [no description available]
Dosa-healthyeating [no description available]
Dosa-leadership-forum DoSA Leadership Forum
Dosa-relaxationmeditation [no description available]
Dp-showcase [no description available]
dpac-social-working-group [no description available]
DR-all Donor Relations and Advancement Events Team
DR-stewardship stewardship team in donor relations
drama-100employment Job listings and other relevant info for the Drama community. You must join using your Andrew email.
drama-acting-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-acting-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-acting-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-acting-ug-yr4 [no description available]
Drama-afterlab-2012 [no description available]
drama-all-freshmen [no description available]
drama-area-acting-mt [no description available]
drama-area-coordinators [no description available]
drama-area-design [no description available]
drama-area-directing [no description available]
drama-area-lit [no description available]
drama-area-ptm [no description available]
Drama-costprod-grad [no description available]
drama-directing-grad-yr2 [no description available]
drama-directing-grad-yr3 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr4 [no description available]
drama-dp-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-dp-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-events [no description available]
drama-facultystaff-review [no description available]
drama-final-year [no description available]
drama-gsa-reps [no description available]
Drama-Laser Updates related to the School of Drama Laser Cutter
drama-leadership [no description available]
drama-loa [no description available]
drama-media-grad-yr3 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr4 [no description available]
drama-oc-lunch [no description available]
drama-option-acting-mt [no description available]
drama-option-coordinators [no description available]
drama-option-design [no description available]
drama-option-directing [no description available]
drama-option-lit [no description available]
drama-option-ptm [no description available]
drama-others [no description available]
drama-precollege [no description available]
Drama-precollegeprivatevoice [no description available]
drama-ptm-all All PTM (& 1st & 2nd year D/P) students
Drama-safe CMU SOD Safety Committee Contact
Drama-Scheme Crazy Schemers
Drama-SchemeAdvisors Crazy Scheme Advisors
Drama-SchemeWorkstudy Crazy Scheme Workstudy Call
drama-staff [no description available]
Drama-stagecraft-sick-list Stagecraft Sick List
drama-student-posters [no description available]
drama-students-together [no description available]
drama-theatre-studies-ug [no description available]
drama-theatre-studies-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-theatre-studies-ug-yr4 [no description available]
Drbc-services [no description available]
Driver-interface-team-cmr [no description available]
Drone-racing-club Drone Racing Club Mailing List
Drowsy-crew [no description available]
Drskinner-updates [no description available]
Drupal-alerts [no description available]
Drupal-announce [no description available]
DS-club [no description available]
Ds-lana-del-rey-2015fall [no description available]
DS-students Decision Science students
Ds-summer16 Summer Open Classes 2016
Dsa-s13 [no description available]
Dsa-spring2014 [no description available]
Dsa-summer2014 [no description available]
Dsa-winterbreak2015 [no description available]
Dsa17-18winterbreak [no description available]
DSAC-main Main DSAC email list
DSAs-summer-2017 DSAs Summer 2017
Dsateam-summer-2019 [no description available]
dsateam19-20 [no description available]
DSG-props-crew [no description available]
Dsi-2020 [no description available]
Dsm-2012 [no description available]
Dsn-i-seminar [no description available]
DSP-Bomgar DSP-Bomgar
Dsp-execit [no description available]
Dsp-liaisons DSP Liaisons
Dsp-newsletter [no description available]
Dssg-dojo-mh [no description available]
dssg-fellows-2022 [no description available]
Dssg2020-r1-interviewers [no description available]
Dssg2020-reviewers [no description available]
Dtd-execb Executive Committee Only
DU-brothers [no description available]
Dualdegree-2020 Dualdegree-2020
Dualdegree-2021 Dualdegree-2021
Dualdegree-2022 Dualdegree-2022
Dualdegree-2023 Dualdegree-2023
Dualdegree-2024 Dualdegree-2024
Duane-michals-doc [no description available]
Duck-bois [no description available]
Duck-productions [no description available]
Dx-r12-support [no description available]
Dynballbot-proj [no description available]
Dystopic-tech Mailing list for Dystopic Tech Watch.
E-3 [no description available]
E-board [no description available]
E-lamp E-lamp multimedia team
E-lite Team E-lite
E-tower-6th-floor-22-23 [no description available]
E-tower-7th-floor-2021-2022 [no description available]
E-tower-fifth-floor [no description available]
E-towerhousecouncil [no description available]
E2ed-dev End-To-End Diagnostic Development Group
Ea-app-devs [no description available]
Ea-devops-team [no description available]
EA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the EA additional major program.
EA-junior To send announcements, etc. to juniors in the EA additional major program.
Ea-managers-team [no description available]
EA-senior To send announcements, etc. to seniors in the EA additional major program.
EA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to sophomores in the EA additional major program.
Ea-support-team [no description available]
EarthSpace-Davos Earth Space at Davos.
East-end-youth-projects [no description available]
Ebg-dlist Behavior Decision Policy Working Group
ebiz-bbu [no description available]
Ebiz-feedback-2012 [no description available]
Ebiz-management [no description available]
Ebiz-nonfeedback-members [no description available]
Ebiz-team [no description available]
Ebiz-team11 [no description available]
Ebiz-team6-2013 [no description available]
Ebiz2011fall-team3 [no description available]
Ebiz2011fall-teamblack [no description available]
eboard-cmu-summit [no description available]
Eboard-jsa-f11 [no description available]
ebpf-DevSecTools [no description available]
ebs-prod-status Oracle EBS Production outages
Ecap-fdr [no description available]
Ecap-feedr old unused ecap list
ecd-discuss Elizabeth's social list
Ece-advisory-council [no description available]
Ece-awards-committee ECE Awards Committee
Ece-aws [no description available]
Ece-bros [no description available]
Ece-chamanzargroup [no description available]
Ece-cmcmt-planning ECE Commencement Planning Team
ece-core-staff [no description available]
Ece-curriculum-committee [no description available]
Ece-fac-comp-hw-apps Computer Hardware and Applications
Ece-fac-comp-sw-net-sec Computer Software Networking & Security
ece-fac-cs ECE Computer Systems (CS) Area D-list
ece-fac-ist ECE Integrated Systems (IST) Area D-list
ece-fac-spcc ECE Signal Processing, Communications and Controls (SPCC) Area D-list
Ece-ghc-2019 [no description available]
ece-graduate-seminar ECE Graduate Seminar Series
Ece-ieee-outreach-program ECE Outreach Program
Ece-ioc Inclusion and Outreach
ECE-ITS-Tera-Admins ECE ITS Teradactyl Backup Admins
ECE-ITS-Tera-Report-Admins ECE ITS Teradactyl Backup Report Admins
Ece-junior-women-faculty ECE Junior Women Faculty
Ece-lab-users Users of the ECE Labs
Ece-Mac The CMU Ece Masters' Advisory Council Mailing List
Ece-mac-chair [no description available]
Ece-outreach-interest-f21 ECE Outreach Interest F21
Ece-phi [no description available]
ECE-PTO [no description available]
Ece-qual-practice-announce ECE Qual Practice Announce List
Ece-ricomm [no description available]
Ece-rock [no description available]
Ece-sac-chair [no description available]
Ece-senior-faculty-prt ECE Tenured Senior Faculty Members
Ece-student-employees ECE Student Employment
ECE-SV-PhD PhD ECE Students at Silicon Valley
Ece-svms [no description available]
Ece-usc [no description available]
ECE224-staff Professors and Staff of the ECE course 18-224 at CMU
ECE341-staff Professor and TAs for 18-341
ece755-staff ECE 18755 Staff List
Eceday-planningcommittee [no description available]
Eceday2019-planningcommittee [no description available]
Eceits-test [no description available]
Echem-group [no description available]
ecm-depts [no description available]
ECM-project-requests To be used when requesting new ECM related projects.
Eco-cbet ECO-CBET-4-Polymers
Eco-facultys23 Economics faculty for spring 2023
Eco-reps-all CMU Eco-reps
Ecobank-statements Daily Eco statements
Ecom-dept-managers [no description available]
ecom-feed CASHNet general ledger feeder notification
Ecom-pci-contacts [no description available]
ecom-refund Refunds processed in Cashnet
ecom-rpt CASHNet admin report notifications
Econ-a14s [no description available]
Econ-addlmaj09 [no description available]
Econ-addlmaj10 [no description available]
Econ-addlmaj11 [no description available]
Econ-addlmaj12 [no description available]
Econ-alumnijobs [no description available]
Econ-eac [no description available]
Econ-j14s [no description available]
Econ-maj11 [no description available]
Econ-maj12 [no description available]
Econ-maj13 [no description available]
Econ-maj14 [no description available]
Econ-maj15 [no description available]
Econ-maj16 [no description available]
Econ-maj17 [no description available]
Econ-maj18 [no description available]
Econ-maj19 [no description available]
Econ-maj20 [no description available]
Econ-maj21 [no description available]
Econ-maj22 [no description available]
Econ-maj23 [no description available]
Econ-maj24 [no description available]
Econ-maj25 [no description available]
Econ-min09 [no description available]
Econ-min10 [no description available]
Econ-min11 [no description available]
Economic-society [no description available]
Economics-alladditionalmajors [no description available]
Economics-allminors [no description available]
Economics-maj09 [no description available]
Economics-maj10 [no description available]
Economics-maj11 [no description available]
Economics-maj12 [no description available]
Economics-maj13 [no description available]
Economics-maj14 [no description available]
Economics-maj15 [no description available]
Economics-maj16 [no description available]
Economics-maj17 [no description available]
Economics-maj18 [no description available]
Economics-maj19 [no description available]
Economics-maj20 [no description available]
Economics-maj21 [no description available]
Economics-maj22 [no description available]
Economics-maj23 [no description available]
Economics-maj24 [no description available]
Economics-maj25 [no description available]
Economics-politics Economics and Politics majors
Ed-tech-dev [no description available]
EDC-2018 [no description available]
Eddy-announce EDDY event announcements
Eddy-support EDDY cluster support list
Edigs-management [no description available]
Edison-gao [no description available]
Edu-sense [no description available]
Education-policy Education Policy Club
Education-unicef1415 [no description available]
Edward-cast Edward II Cast
Edx-stat1 [no description available]
EE-alerts Endpoint Engineering Alerts
EE-DeviceManager Email account to connect to cloud services
EE-Staff Endpoint Engineering Team List
Eecs-lab [no description available]
EEG-Lab EEG Lab mailing list
eeg-users EEG Lab @ CMU Psychology
EES-club [no description available]
Ego-announce ECE Graduate Organization List
Eguide-all [no description available]
Eguide-staff [no description available]
Eguide-students [no description available]
Ehpp-dl [no description available]
Ehpp-students current EHPP undergrads
Eim-team eim-team
Eis-committee EIS seminar committee
EIS-seminar Theory-related seminar in ECE
ejzhang-tp-f20 [no description available]
Ela-cmu-cohort-1 [no description available]
Electronicmusic-list [no description available]
Elementary-chinese-faculty [no description available]
elijah-mondays weekly Elijah meeting participants
Emaillist-2020graduatingstudents [no description available]
embedded-istc-proposals [no description available]
Embedded-vision [no description available]
Emm-cit [no description available]
EMS-DEVGRU CMU EMS Development Group
Ems-exec [no description available]
En-pointe [no description available]
En-pointe-class-23-34 [no description available]
En-pointe-general-23-24 [no description available]
En-pointe-interest [no description available]
En-pointe-performance [no description available]
Enactus-2015 Enactus 2015
Enactus-2019 [no description available]
Enactus-cmu Enactus
Enactus-eboard [no description available]
Enactus-eboard-pl [no description available]
Enactus-generalbody enactus
enactus-pl-eboard [no description available]
Enactus16-17 [no description available]
EnactusMexico14-15 [no description available]
Endtherain-updates [no description available]
Endtherains19-recruit [no description available]
Energy-club CMU Energy Science and Innovation Club
energy-club-board [no description available]
Energy-institute-related-faculty Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation Affiliates
energy-jobs dlist for alumni jobs
Energy-study [no description available]
eng-babbys-2018 [no description available]
english-creativewriting Creative Writing
english-dei-committee English Dept. DEI committee list
English-dei-taskforce DEI Task Force
English-dh-faculty-group English Digital Humanities Research Group
english-dohafaculty [no description available]
english-film-visual-media Film & Visual Media
english-gcat masters+of+arts+in+global+communication+and+applied+translation
english-human HumAn Minor
english-literature-culture Literature & Culture
english-malcsalumni ma lcs alumni list
english-marhetoricalumni ma rhetoric alumni list
english-professionalwriting Professional Writing
english-SigmaTauDelta Sigma Tau Delta aka English Dept. Honors Society
english-technicalwriting Technical Writing
English-writingcommfaculty for full-time & visiting Lecturers
enhance-announce [no description available]
Enrollmentmanagement-all [no description available]
Enrollmentmanagement-directors [no description available]
Enrollmentmanagement-leadership [no description available]
EnrSys-s3support Email for S3 Support and EnrSys CMU-ONLY team members
EnrSys-team Enrollment Systems Team Members w/contractors
Ent-seminar Distribution List for TSB Ent Seminar
Ent-space-working-group [no description available]
Enterprise-space-list [no description available]
Envpol-heinz Environmental Policy at the Heinz School
EnyAC Energy Aware Computing Group
Epic-cmu [no description available]
epic-cmu-siemens [no description available]
Epp-dc-trip-2023 A mailman list to reach everyone attending EPP's 2023 DC Trip
Epp-dei [no description available]
Epp-doctoralwomen [no description available]
Epp-dwepp [no description available]
EPP-GCC Engineering and Public Policy Graduate Curriculum Committee
EPP-GROW [no description available]
Epp-growplus-allies [no description available]
Epp-growplus-womxn [no description available]
Epp-instructors [no description available]
Epp-instructors-spring-20 EPP instructors
EPP-MS-Committee Committee for the Master in Engineering and Public Policy program
Epp-projects-project [no description available]
EPP-social [no description available]
Epp-undergrad-alumni [no description available]
Epp-undergrads [no description available]
Epp-webmaster [no description available]
Equipment-desk-lockers FORMER - DO NOT USE! Locker rentals at the equipment desk
Ericsson-cloud-scale [no description available]
Es-vaeducationalbenefits [no description available]
Esg-data-reporting-team [no description available]
Eship-f09 [no description available]
Eshowcase-breakout-1 Guests w/o addresses who have not been emailed
eShowcase-breakout-address Guests w/o physical addresses
Eshowcase-breakout-guests List of breakout guest emails for eShowcase 2020
Espresso-server-users [no description available]
Estimation-group1 [no description available]
ESTP-Alumni ESTP dlist for Alumni
Estp-ay18-19 ESTP email list for AY 2018-2019
Estp-ay19-20 EST&P e-mail list for AY2019-2020
Estp-ay20-21 EST&P e-mail list for AY2020-2021
Estp-students EST&P mailing list for just students
ESW-members Members of Engineers without Borders
Etc-fortitude-interviewees [no description available]
Etc-grc Game Review Club
Etc-gsa-2014 [no description available]
Etc-herb-all [no description available]
ETC-internship-m22 [no description available]
Etc-play4life-team-members [no description available]
Etc-practicum-summer17 [no description available]
Etc-practicum-summer19 Summer Practicum course summer 19
Etc-sc etc student council mailing list
Etc-summer-practicum-summer20 [no description available]
Etc-wiixercise [no description available]
Etc-xiaoparty [no description available]
Ethics-for-technologists Ethics for Technologists Lecture Series (2018)
Ethics-students Ethics minor
Etim-2018 Etim-2018
Etim-2023 Etim-2023
Etim-2024 Etim-2024
Etim-faculty E&TIM Faculty
Etim-gsa ETIM GSA Reps
Etimalumni-2012 [no description available]
Etimalumni-2013 [no description available]
Etimalumni-2014 [no description available]
Etimalumni-2015 [no description available]
Etimalumni-2016 [no description available]
Etimalumni-all [no description available]
Etimsingle-2019 Etimsingle-2019
etower-1920-residents [no description available]
Etower-5-2016-2017 [no description available]
Etower-ambassadors [no description available]
Etower-floor3 Morewood E-Tower 3rd Floor Residents
Etower-mentors-2011 [no description available]
Etowerstaff15-16 [no description available]
eugene-tp-mentor [no description available]
Eureka-f18-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f18-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f19-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f19-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f20-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f20-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f21-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f21-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f22-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f22-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f23-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f23-ta [no description available]
Eureka-mcs EUREKA!
Eventbrite-9thsummnit [no description available]
Events-dl Design Events Mailing List
Everybody-advisors [no description available]
Evolving-systems-reading-group [no description available]
Ewb-Agriculture [no description available]
Ewb-alumni [no description available]
EWB-Coffee [no description available]
Ewb-drones [no description available]
Ewb-ecuador-2015 [no description available]
EWB-EmeraldViewPark [no description available]
Ewb-exec-2013 EWB Exec Board
Ewb-exec2018 [no description available]
Ewb-finance [no description available]
Ewb-fund Engineers Without Borders Fundraising
Ewb-leadership [no description available]
Ewb-leadership2020 [no description available]
Ewb-leads2018 [no description available]
Ewb-medicaldevicesanitation [no description available]
Ewb-members Members of Engineers Without Borders
Ewb-pet-thatch [no description available]
EWB-PlasticThatchProject [no description available]
ewb-project-symbiosis [no description available]
Ewb-project2010 India Project
Ewb-projectleads [no description available]
Ewb-zimbabwe [no description available]
Ewb-zimbabwe-biogas [no description available]
EWO-members EWO - CAPD Special Interest Group
Excomm-16-17 [no description available]
Excomm-18-19 Student Senate's executive committee for the 18-19 term.
Excomm-f15 [no description available]
Execboard2015-2016 [no description available]
Execboard2016-2017 [no description available]
Execed-alumnilist [no description available]
Execedchubb-alumni [no description available]
execit-staff Executive IT Staff
Expertise-at-scale [no description available]
Explorers-hiking Rapid Communication for Explorers Club Hikers
Extension-2021 [no description available]
Extension-faculty [no description available]
Extensionfaculty-1920 [no description available]
Extensionfaculty2022-2023 [no description available]
External-utc Traffic21 Funded Researchers Outside CMU
eyluo-tp-s18 [no description available]
f-sae Formula SAE Racing Team - Full Distribution
F-sae-glv Formula SAE Grounded Low Voltage System Engineers
F13-18370 [no description available]
F14-18370 [no description available]
F14-18879 [no description available]
F14-98-251 [no description available]
F14-mentees [no description available]
F14-neuman-ta [no description available]
F15-112-section-aye-aye Section aye-aye, Cap'n
F15-section-m-mm [no description available]
F15-term-project [no description available]
F16-15112-o [no description available]
F16-section-j-jj [no description available]
F17-14741-18631ta [no description available]
F17-15112j [no description available]
F17-mentees [no description available]
F17-rowing-novices [no description available]
F17-stuco-teachers [no description available]
F18-112-tp [no description available]
F18-15112-section-p [no description available]
F18-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F19-deanslist [no description available]
F19-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F20-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F2016-quals Fall 17 Quals
F2018-quals [no description available]
F2022-mechequals [no description available]
F21-deanslist [no description available]
F21-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F21-swsg CMU Strong Women Strong Girls
F22-outside-org [no description available]
F22-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F22-swsg F22 email list for Strong Women Strong Girls
F23-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F23-swsg Strong Women Strong Girls F23
F24-stuco-instructors [no description available]
fab-2024 Get emails from the CIT First-Year Advisory Board Class of 2024
Fac-list-fall-24 [no description available]
Fac-list-fall23 [no description available]
faculty-24 Masters Programs Faculty
Faculty-assistants [no description available]
Faculty-cee [no description available]
faculty-cmuafrica CMU-Africa Faculty
faculty-for-fair-work faculty for fair work
facultystaff-cmuafrica CMU Africa Faculty and Staff
Fairfax-2 [no description available]
Fairfax-2nd-floor-1718 [no description available]
Fairfax-3-2012 [no description available]
Fairfax-4th-floor-2013-14 [no description available]
Fairfax-7-2011-2012 [no description available]
Fairfax-8thfloor [no description available]
Fairfax-five [no description available]
Fairfax-floor4 Fairfax floor 4 residents
Fairfax-floor6 [no description available]
Fairfax-seven [no description available]
Fairfax-summer2014 [no description available]
Fairfax6-2014 [no description available]
Fairfax9-17-18 Fairfax 9th floor 2017-18
Fairfaxannex-2014 [no description available]
Fairfaxfive-5 [no description available]
Fake-bullshit [no description available]
Fall-11physicsiiforengineers [no description available]
Fall-2017-applicants [no description available]
Fall-2019 [no description available]
Fall-2019qual [no description available]
Fall-2020-faculty [no description available]
Fall-2021-faculty Fall 2021 Faculty List
Fall-2022-rb-retaining [no description available]
Fall-22-deanslist [no description available]
Fall-faculty2019 [no description available]
Fall-frenzy [no description available]
Fall-rez-2017 Fall 2017 Rez DSA Roster
Fall14-quals [no description available]
Fall15-quals Fall 2015 Qual Students
fall18-mentors [no description available]
Fall19-msaii [no description available]
Fall20-msaii [no description available]
Fall2011-circstudents Hunt Circulation Employees
Fall2016-17655 [no description available]
Fall2017-quals [no description available]
Fall2020-qual [no description available]
Fall2023-phd [no description available]
Fall21-msaii [no description available]
Fall22-msaii [no description available]
Fall23-msaii [no description available]
Falldsa-stever-2016 Stever DSAs
Fallsubject-2020 [no description available]
Family-care-advisory-committee [no description available]
Familycare-childcare [no description available]
Familycare-kpp [no description available]
Familycare-proctoring [no description available]
Fanti-research-group [no description available]
Fast-2011 [no description available]
Fate-series [no description available]
Fb-committee-msit-ebiz-ft-2015 [no description available]
Fb-content Additional content owners for the Finance Bulletin
Fba-2 FBA Floor 2
Fca-10 Tartan Athlete Fellowship
Fca-2010 Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fcc-group-a [no description available]
Fcc-group-b [no description available]
Fcc-group-c [no description available]
Fcl-4n [no description available]
Fcl-4s [no description available]
Fdharamshi-list [no description available]
Feat-ml [no description available]
Featml-cmu [no description available]
feature-all [no description available]
Feature-prg Announcements and reminders for the paper reading group
Feeder-interface list error in Feeder interface process
Feiyue-TAs list for staff and teaching assistants for Feiyue Robotics summer program
Femme-interest [no description available]
Fenics-seminar [no description available]
Ffc-s17 [no description available]
Ffs-board [no description available]
Ffs-members [no description available]
Fi-content Additional content owners for the Finance Insider
Fieldrobotics-40 Field Robotics Center's 40th Anniversary
Fifth-and-clyde-residents [no description available]
Fifth-clyde-third-floor-23-24 [no description available]
Fifthonfifth2013-2014 Rez on Fifth, Fifth Floor News
Figaro-cast [no description available]
Film-Club All Film Club members
Film-Club-Execs Film Club executives
Film-paradigm [no description available]
Filmminor-dash [no description available]
Fin-1 [no description available]
Fin-budget-mgrs Budget Managers @ university
Fin-comm-of Financial community (Oracle Financials Users)
Fin-comm-wo-of Opt-in Finance Bulletin list
Fin-controller Controller's Group
Fin-div-wo-of Finance Division members without Oracle resp
Fin-pc-dh Finance: President's Council & Dept Heads
Fin-pcard Finance - purchasing cardholders
Finance-dr Finance Division Direct Reports
Finance-supervisors Finance Division Supervisors
Finance-tier2 Finance Division Tier 2 Leadership
financial-crisis-analysis-group [no description available]
fingerpoint-r-us Fingerpointing research (Prof. Priya Narasimhan)
First-alumni Mailing list for the FIRST Pittsburgh Alumni Association
First-gen-students First Gen Students at CMU
First-generation [no description available]
FIRST-together Information and events for the FIRST Together Initiative
First-year-mealplans First Years on Mealplans
First-years First Year Potential CEE students
Firstyear-cas-2010-11 [no description available]
Fitclub2015-2016 [no description available]
Fitness-challenge Carnegie Mellon's Fitness Challenge members.
Fitness-challenge-cont [no description available]
Fitness-club [no description available]
Fitness-fair Vendors for Fitness Fair
Fitness-instructor [no description available]
Fitnessstudios-studentdanceorgs Student Organizations in the Fitness Studios
Flag-football-12 [no description available]
Flex-time-social [no description available]
Flextime-2014 [no description available]
Floor-2010 [no description available]
Floor-3 3rd Floor Fairfax Residents
Flos-cmu [no description available]
flos-dlist [no description available]
flute-choir Flutonium
Fm-rg Formal Methods Reading Group
fmcs-it Communication for FMCS IT Staff
FMR-2011 [no description available]
Fmr-interest-2018 [no description available]
fms-1campus Mailing list to all buildings and coordinators
fms-205sc Information regarding all staff at 205 S. Craig
fms-2ndshift List for Information Regarding FMS 2nd Shift Staff
fms-300scraig FMS's shutdown notice list for 300 S. Craig Street Building
fms-407scraig FMS's shutdown notice list for 407 S. Craig Building
fms-4616henry FMS's shutdown notice list for 4616 Henry Street Building
fms-4721fifth FMCS Shutdown Notice - 4721 Fifth Ave Building
fms-477melwood FMS alerts for 477 Melwood
fms-6555penn FMS's shutdown notice list for 6555 Penn Ave Building
fms-accessibility For members with accessibility issues
fms-alumni FMS's shutdown notice list for Alumni House
fms-ansys FMS's shutdown notice list for the ANSYS building
fms-baker FMS's shutdown notice list for Baker Hall
fms-bramer FMS's shutdown notice list for Bramer House.
fms-cfa FMS's shutdown notice list for College of Fine Arts Building
fms-cic FMS's shutdown notice list for the CIC Building.
fms-craigstreetcorridor FMS's notice list for Craig Street Corridor
fms-cyert FMS's shutdown notice list for Cyert Hall.
fms-doherty FMS's shutdown notice list for Doherty Hall.
fms-elevator This list notifies members of elevator outages and updates
fms-gatf FMS's shutdown notice list for the GATF Building.
fms-ghc FMS's shutdown notice list for Gates Hillman Complex
Fms-group Dlist for FMS Cognitive Modeling Group
fms-gsia FMS's shutdown notice list for GSIA Building
fms-gym FMS shutdown notice list for the gym
fms-hamburg FMS's shutdown notice list for Hamburg Hall
fms-hamerschlag FMS's shutdown notice list for Hamerschlag Hall
fms-hoa FMS's shutdown notice list for the Hall of Arts (HOA).
fms-housing FMS's shutdown notice list for Housing
fms-hunt FMS's shutdown notice list for Hunt Library
fms-hvac Information for HVAC Staff
fms-mellon FMS's shutdown notice list for Mellon Institute
fms-mmc FMS's shutdown notice list for Margaret Morrison Building
fms-morewood FMS's shutdown notice list for Morewood Gardens Building
fms-newelsimon FMS's shutdown notice list for Newel-Simon
fms-offshift FMS Off-Shift Report Mailing List
fms-porter FMS's shutdown notice list for Porter Hall
fms-posner FMS's shutdown notice list for Posner Center
fms-ppb FMS's shutdown notice list for PPB
fms-ptc FMS's shutdown notice list for Pittsburgh Technology Center
fms-purnell FMS's shutdown notice list for Purnell Hall
fms-quadtwrwater Daily Summary Report for Quad Water Quality
fms-roberts FMS's shutdown notice list for Roberts Hall
Fms-SafetyCommittee FMS safety work orders subscribers
fms-scaife FMS's shutdown notice list for Scaife Hall
fms-scott FMS's shutdown notice list for Scott Hall
fms-sei FMS's shutdown notice list for SEI
fms-shutdown [no description available]
fms-smith FMS's shutdown notice list for Smith Hall
fms-src SRC Staff Information
fms-staff Information pertinent to FMS staff only
fms-supervisors Mailing list for FMS Operations supervisors
fms-svrusers [no description available]
fms-tcs FMS's shutdown notice list for the TCS building
fms-tepperquad FMCS's shutdown notice list for Tepper Quad Building
fms-testtheselists FMS's test list
fms-uc FMSs shutdown notice for University Center
fms-utdc FMS's shutdown notice list for UTDC
fms-warner FMS's shutdown notice list for Warner Hall
fms-wean FMS's shutdown notice list for Wean Hall
fms-whitfield FMS's shutdown notice list for Whitfield Hall
fmsfcc-all FMS's shutdown notice list for All Building Facility Coordinators
Fmt-mailinglist [no description available]
Fn-3 [no description available]
Foam-hand-lab [no description available]
focal-updates [no description available]
Foolforlove-cast [no description available]
Foos-list CMU Foos List
Foosball-club [no description available]
Football-biblestudy [no description available]
football-r-us Research on enhanced football viewing/refereeing (Prof. Priya Narasimhan)
forex-internal-troubleshoot forex internal troubleshooting team
forex-users communication to consumers regarding availability of the currency exchange file “currency_rate.MMDDYYYY”
Forge-cmu CMU FORGE
Formal-cookies CSD Formal Methods PhD Students and Faculty
Formula-energetics List for the Energetics division of Carnegie Mellon Racing (F-SAE)
Formula-SAE Formula SAE Racing Team - Executive Board
Forward-aus [no description available]
FoundationServices-AppleUEM-Administrators Foundation Services Apple Unified Endpoint Management Administrators
FoundationServices-SCCM-Admins Foundation Services SCCM Administrators
Fourth-floor-rez [no description available]
Foxconn-all Foxconn All Hands
Foxconn-gitlab [no description available]
Foxconn-IMR Foxconn IMR project
Foxconn-imr-david Foxconn IMR project
Foxconn-pi A group of merry PIs interested in Foxconn
Frc-activities-committee FRC Activities Committee
free-food free food at cmu
Free-ride-volunteers Organizational List for Free-Ride volunteers
French-Dance List for French Traditional Arts (CMU student organisation)
Freshcheck-dlist [no description available]
Freshcom2013-14 [no description available]
Freshman-2016 [no description available]
Freshman2015-2016 [no description available]
Freshmanedge-faculty [no description available]
Freshmanedge-students [no description available]
Freshmanshowcase2014-15 Freshman Showcase 2014-15
FRFG-ABarth [no description available]
FRFG-BMcCartney [no description available]
FRFG-CEttensohn [no description available]
FRFG-DBridges [no description available]
FRFG-FLanni [no description available]
FRFG-JHenninger [no description available]
FRFG-JWoolford [no description available]
FRFG-ZKuang [no description available]
Fringe-1819 Main fringe mailing list for 2019-2020 school year
Fringe-1920 Main fringe mailing list for 2019-2020 school year
Fringe-2021 Fringe mailing list for the 2020 2021 school year
Fringe-22 Fringe Recruitment S22
Fringe-22-23 Fringe mailing list for the 2022-2023 school year
Fringe-23-24 General mailing list of Fringe for the 23-24 academic year
Fringe-Interested Mailing list for all those interested in joining Fringe
Fringe-interested-18-19 [no description available]
Fringe-new-alumni [no description available]
Fringe-push17 [no description available]
Fringe-push18 [no description available]
Fringe-recruitment [no description available]
Fringe-recruitment24 Fringe spring recruitment mailing list for 2024
Fringe21-22 Fringe mailing list for the 2022-2023 school year
Frisbee-casual [no description available]
FS-RemoteSupportTools Foundation Services Remote Support Tools Customers
fs-sais-meeting Financial Systems - SAIS meeting attendees list
Fsa-e-board [no description available]
Fsa-f19-s20 [no description available]
FSA-Members [no description available]
Fsae-alumni [no description available]
Fsae-energetics [no description available]
Fsae-ev [no description available]
Fsae-f13 [no description available]
FSAE-F14 [no description available]
fsae-f15 Fall 2015 Recruitment
Fsae-f16 [no description available]
Fsae-f17 FSAE F17 Recruitment
fsae-f18 CMR F18 New Member List
Fsae-s15 [no description available]
Fsae-s16 [no description available]
Fsae-shifter [no description available]
Fsg-2010 [no description available]
Fsg-group Finance Division
Ftmsba-24 [no description available]
Fuchs-research-group [no description available]
Full-time-caps-staff All Full-Time CaPS Staff
Functor-fanclub God, I love structures and their Corresponding Signatures
Future-enterprise-students [no description available]
Future-faculty-program [no description available]
Future-leaders-in-science [no description available]
Fwr-staff [no description available]
FY-advisors FY Advisors for Calc Exam
Fy20-budgets [no description available]
game-creation Game Creation Society weekly d-list
Game-Innovation [no description available]
Gamesec2022-conference [no description available]
Gardens-2 [no description available]
Gardens-7 [no description available]
Garrod-advisees-2024 [no description available]
Garrod-advisees-2025 [no description available]
garthfarewell-1212 [no description available]
Gatf-4615 Computing Services staff in 311SCRG
Gb-jsa-f11 [no description available]
Gbb-recruitment2016 [no description available]
Gcc-tutors [no description available]
Gcr-2020 gcr
Gcr-2020-all [no description available]
Gcs-bleatbeater [no description available]
gcs-lagooned [no description available]
Gcs-lunatix GCS lunatix project team
gcs-patient [no description available]
Gdi-researchers [no description available]
Gdsc-cmu [no description available]
Ge-tfs GE Trailer Fleet Project Spring 2011
Gelfand-outreach [no description available]
Gem-2019 [no description available]
Gem4-students [no description available]
Genesis-msitebiz [no description available]
geometry-collective Group announcements for Geometry Collective
Getaway-hunt [no description available]
Geyer-group Hartmut Geyer's Research Group
Geyer-group-alumni Geyer Group Alumni List
gh-ai Global Humanities and AI
Ghbs-all GHBS_all
Ghbs-student For non-faculty (no PIs on this list)
Giggle-squad [no description available]
girls-first-girls girls of steel team members
girls-first-programmers Girls of Steel Programmers
Git-stuco-s14 [no description available]
Gittis-health-report Email list for sending health reports to Gittis Lab
Gittis-lab [no description available]
Gittis-students Gittis lab members that aren't Aryn
GL-Closing [no description available]
Glass-project [no description available]
Global-firstyear Global Program First Year Students
Global-goals [no description available]
Global-secondyear Global Program Second Year Students
Global-studies [no description available]
Globalstudies-major Global Studies majors and additional majors in the
Go-research-2017 Summer Go Research! Dlist
Goat-team For Biorobotics Lab members working on GOAT.
Golf-carts CMU Spring Carnival Golf Carts Working Group
gomes-group Email list for the Gomes Group @ CMU.
goresearch-summer2014 [no description available]
Gorilla-submarine [no description available]
Gos-summer-java-staff [no description available]
GotConsent-Members [no description available]
Gphb-2013 [no description available]
Gphb-exec CMU GPHB Executive Board
Gphb-Interest CMU Global Public Health Brigades
Gpt-chat Email list for the GPTChat Discussion Group
Grad-assoc-deans Graduate Associate Deans
Grad-community [no description available]
Grad-set-model-theory-seminar [no description available]
Grad-students-dietrich [no description available]
Graduate-program-coordinators Graduate Program Coordinators, Directors & ADGP
Graduate-student-teaching-award people who should receive call for nominations.
Graduate-students-of-color-dinner [no description available]
Graduate-women-gathering [no description available]
Graduates-2019 [no description available]
Graduates-2024 [no description available]
graphics-gllc Graphics Lab Literature Club!
Grappling-2015 [no description available]
Grappling-club All things related to the Grappling club.
Grappling-interested [no description available]
Greek-ras-s21 Greek RAs S21
Greek-sing-chairs-2019 [no description available]
Greek-sing-chairs-2020 Greek Sing Chairs 2020
Greeksing-2014 [no description available]
Greeksing-theta-alpha-sig [no description available]
Green-computing [GreenComputing Class]
Green-design-reading-group meet to discuss green design or environmental topics of interest
Green-dot [no description available]
Greendesign-dlist Mailing list for Green Design Institute Students and Faculty
Greendot-team Green Dot Team
Grm-ducky [no description available]
Grm-jabber [no description available]
Group-limin [no description available]
Grouper-test-list [no description available]
Grover-lab [no description available]
Grover-lab-phds [no description available]
growing-theater Growing Theater Class
Grubhub-alerts [no description available]
Gs-chapter-chairs2021 [no description available]
Gs-thetadelt [no description available]
Gs12-band [no description available]
GS2011-PiKappaAlphaTheta PKAT Greek Sing D-List 2011
Gsa-aa A list for those on the Academic Affairs Committee of GSA
Gsa-advocates [no description available]
Gsa-alumni Graduate Student Assembly Exec Alumni
gsa-ca Mailing list for GSA Campus Affairs Committee
GSA-ea Mailing list for GSA External Affairs Committee
GSA-ea-fa Mailing List for GSA External Affairs, Federal Affairs Subcommittee
GSA-ea-sla Mailing List for GSA External Affairs, State & Local Affairs Subcommittee
Gsa-ea-whitepaper Mailing List for White Paper Working Group
gsa-edi [no description available]
Gsa-exec Mailing list for GSA executive members only
Gsa-exec1718 [no description available]
Gsa-exec1819 [no description available]
Gsa-exec1920 [no description available]
Gsa-exec2021 [no description available]
Gsa-exec2122 [no description available]
Gsa-exec2223 [no description available]
GSA-finance Mailing list for GSA Finance Committee
Gsa-ia Mailing list for GSA Internal Affairs Committee
gsa-insurance D-List for GSA Health Insurance Working Group
Gsa-needs D-List for GSA Basic Needs Working Group
GSA-parent-group List for Graduate Students who are parents/have children
Gsa-partnerfamilly-advocates [no description available]
GSA-reps Mailing list for all GSA reps.
Gsa-service [no description available]
GSA-social Mailing list for GSA Social Committee
Gsa-sp-working-groups [no description available]
GSA-Sports Mailing list for the GSA Summer Sports leagues.
Gsa-sports-soccer [no description available]
GSA-Sports-Ultimate [no description available]
Gsa-transport D-List for GSA Transportation Working Group
gsa-wellness Grad Wellness Working Group
Gsa2022-volleyball-players gsa2022 list of registered volleyball players
GT-CMU [no description available]
Gx-fall [no description available]
Gx-participants GX Participants for Mini 3
Gx-zumba Zumba participants at CMU
Gymnastics-dlist Gymnastics Club
h15-event pdl 15 events and admins and finance people
H15-sdipdlfriends christmas 15 - sdi, visitors, pdc inquiries and former
H17-holidaycard 2017 Holiday Card to all but pdl-gen
H18-pdlfriends holiday email list for 2018
Habibis-4life [no description available]
Habitat-exec [no description available]
Habitat-exec-cmu for habitat for humanity board members
Habitat-general-cmu To communicate with members of the CMU community interested in Habitat for Humanity
Habitat4Humanity-members [no description available]
haciendo-enlaces [no description available]
hackers-tartanhacks-2022 Hackers at TartanHacks 2022
hackers-tartanhacks-2023 Hackers at TartanHacks 2023
Hair-cast Cast of Hair
haiti-2016 [no description available]
Ham-1A [no description available]
Ham-1b [no description available]
Ham-2b [no description available]
Hamerschlag-1a-2014 [no description available]
hamerschlag-2a [no description available]
Hamerschlag-3a Hamerschlag 3A D-list
Hamerschlag-3a-14-15 [no description available]
Hamerschlag-3b Hamerschlag 3B residents
Hamerschlag-3b-2013 2013 Hamerschlag 3B Floor Residents
Hamerschlag-b200 Residents of Hamerschlag B200 for SAMS2014
Hamerschlag1b2013-2014 [no description available]
Hammerschlag-2b-2015-2016 Hammerschlag 2B Mailing List
Hamsco-residents [no description available]
Hands-reading-group [no description available]
Hardware-handoff [no description available]
Harmful-14 [no description available]
Harmonic-announce [no description available]
HARPLab-all [no description available]
Hashtag-Pinney [no description available]
Haunt-cast [no description available]
Hauptmann-wean [no description available]
Hc-helpers [no description available]
Hcc-mailer [no description available]
Hccomm-heinz [no description available]
Hci-primarymajor HCI undergraduate primary majors
hcii-7cup-cmu CMU/7Cups collaboration
Hcii-bhciproject HCII undergrad project course
hcii-bsac HCII Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee
hcii-cmutetris distribution list for developers/researchers on CMU Tetris project
Hcii-crowdverify Project mailing list
Hcii-cscw CSCW course mailing list
Hcii-design-group HCI Institute's Design Community
hcii-jmp HCII Jmp licensees
Hcii-methods-2012 [no description available]
Hcii-nsfrapid [no description available]
hcii-orgcom Mailing list for Organizational Communication
Hcii-ourcs [no description available]
Hcii-pandt list for HCI Process & Theory course
Hcii-prospective-phd-2020 [no description available]
hcii-protolab HCII's Protolab (Professor Dow's research group)
hcii-r21support R21Support
Hcii-reu-committee [no description available]
Hcii-reu-researchers [no description available]
Hcii-socialcomputing Mailing list for CMU's Social Computing Lab
hcii-socialcomputinglab hcii-social computing lab mailing list
Hcii-socialweb Hcii-socialweb
Hcii-tennis-enthusiasts [no description available]
Hcpm1-careerservices HCPM Career Service Info 1st Year
Hcpmjobs-careerservices HCPM Career Service Info Job Info
Hdc-test [no description available]
HDS-starrez-admins StarRez Admins
Hds-starrez-clients Housing & Dining StarRez Client Users
HDS-starrez-osb-maximo StarRez-OSB-Maximo Problems
HDS-starrez-osb-sis StarRez-OSB-SIS Problems
hds-starrez-support [no description available]
Hdx-reading-fall2023 [no description available]
He-lab He-lab group memebers
Health-working-group Health policy working group
Healthcare-alum-careerservices [no description available]
Healthcare-heinz List for all students with a healthcare interest
Healthy-lifestyles Healthy Lifestyles
hegm-workshop [no description available]
Heinz-activities Events and activities for Heinz College students
Heinz-affiliate-faculty Heinz Affiliate Faculty
Heinz-all-adjunct All Heinz Adjuncts-Pittsburgh, Distance, LA & DC
Heinz-all-faculty all Heinz faculty including affiliate
Heinz-allmasters Heinz School Every Masters Student mailing list
HEINZ-ALLMASTERS-AU All Heinz School Adelaide Masters Students
Heinz-allmasters-combined Heinz School/Australia Every Masters Student mailing list
Heinz-allmasters-pgh Heinz College Every PITTS Masters Student mailing list
Heinz-alumni-adelaide [no description available]
Heinz-alumni-australia [no description available]
Heinz-au-test Test
HEINZ-BIDA-SHORTCOURSEAU [no description available]
Heinz-casual-staff-au Request by Admin team
Heinz-casual-staff-aus [no description available]
Heinz-cc Heinz Consulting Club
Heinz-ccons Heinz School CCon Mailing List
Heinz-commence-mailing Heinz commencement ceremony
Heinz-csstaff D list for Heinz School Career Services staff
Heinz-csteam Heinz Computing Services team
Heinz-dc-adjuncts Heinz DC adjuncts
Heinz-div-incl Diversity and Inclusion
Heinz-executive-workshop-au Request by Admin team
Heinz-faculty Heinz School faculty mailing list
Heinz-financialaid [no description available]
Heinz-hca1 HCA first year students (Health Analytics)
Heinz-hca2 HCA second year students (Health Analytics)
Heinz-hcpm HeinzCollege Health Care Management Students - Both 1st and 2nd Years
Heinz-hcpm1 HCPM first year students
Heinz-hcpm2 HCPM second year students
Heinz-hcpmall [no description available]
Heinz-hr Distribute offer letters to HR personnel.
Heinz-hsisusers Heinz College HCIS Mailing List
heinz-iof All current IOF members
heinz-iofmerchandise Merchandise sales team for IOF
Heinz-isteam Heinz Informations Systems team
Heinz-la-adjuncts Heinz LA adjuncts
Heinz-mam Heinz School Arts Management Students mailing list
Heinz-mam-gioca [no description available]
Heinz-mam1 Heinz School 1st year MAM Students mailing list
Heinz-mam2 Heinz School 2nd Year MAM Students mailing list
Heinz-meim Heinz School Entertainment Industry Management students mailing list
Heinz-meim1 Heinz School 1st MEIM Students mailing list
Heinz-meim2 Heinz School 2nd Year MEIM Students mailing lisr
Heinz-mism-au Heinz College Adelaide MISM3 Students
Heinz-mpm Heinz School Master of Public Management Students mailing list
Heinz-mpm-full-time MPM full time students
Heinz-mpm-part-time MPM part time students
Heinz-ms Heinz School all MS in Public Policy & Management students mailing list
Heinz-ms1 Heinz School 1st year MSPPM students (includes MSDC1)
Heinz-ms2 Heinz School 2nd Year MSPPM students mailing list
Heinz-ms3 Heinz School 3-semester MSPPM Students Mailing List
Heinz-ms3-au Heinz College Adelaide MS3 Students
Heinz-ms5-au Retired - Heinz College Adelaide MS5 Students
Heinz-msdc1 MSPPM DC Track Year 1 in Pittsburgh
Heinz-msdc2 MSPPM DC Track Year 2 in DC
Heinz-msglob-au Retired - Heinz College Adelaide MSGLOB Students
Heinz-msispm Heinz School Info Security Policy & Management Students Mailing List
heinz-msit3-au Heinz College Adelaide MSIT3 F/T and P/T Students
heinz-msit5-au Heinz College Adelaide MSIT5 Students
Heinz-msppm [no description available]
Heinz-newstudents-au [no description available]
Heinz-phd Heinz School PhD Students mailing list
Heinz-phd-post-docall Heinz PHDs and Post-docs
Heinz-phd-students List for Heinz PhD students
Heinz-pittsburgh-adjuncts Heinz Pittsburgh (and distance for PGH) adjuncts
Heinz-pittsburgh-staff only Heinz Pittsburgh staff (no LA or DC)
Heinz-post-doc Heinz Post Doctoral Fellows
Heinz-ppia Heinz School Email List for the PPIA Junior Summer Institute (active only during summer program)
Heinz-product-management Heinz Product Management Club
Heinz-qssp Heinz School Quantitative Skills Summer Program mailing list (active only in summer)
Heinz-s18-graduates [no description available]
Heinz-S19-95760 [no description available]
Heinz-s19-graduates [no description available]
Heinz-s20-95760 [no description available]
Heinz-s20-graduates [no description available]
Heinz-smt Krishnan Senior Management Team
Heinz-staff Heinz School Staff mailing list
Heinz-students-oshc-aus [no description available]
Heinz-teachingfaculty teaching faculty
Heinz-tenuredfaculty tenure
Heinz-tenuretrack Heinz College Tenure Track Faculty
Heinz-white-hat-society [no description available]
Heinzconsultingclub-e-board [no description available]
Heinzexecedcdatao-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedcdigitalo-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedcio-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedciso-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedcro-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedpitc-alumni [no description available]
Heinzpec-careerservices Heinz Professionalism and Ethics Committee
helix-alum [no description available]
helix-dance-crew [no description available]
Helping-hands Helping Hands Members
Henderson-house [no description available]
Her-Campus [no description available]
herb-administrators Personal Robotics Lab Administrators
herb-hardware Personal Robotics Lab Hardware
Herb-perception [no description available]
Herb-social [no description available]
Hercampus-cmu [no description available]
Hercules-users Users of Mechanical Engineering's Hercules computing cluster
Here-for-You Here for You mailing list
Hh2-faculty-students-staff HH2 Level faculty students and staff
Hha-200-wing HHA-200 faculty and staff
Hidden-service-study [no description available]
Highland-ambassadors Highland Ambassadors 2022-2023
Highlandsapartments-spring2020 [no description available]
Hill-dsas-spring-2017 Hill Desk Group Spring 2017
Hillel-leadership-team [no description available]
Hiphop-fall14 [no description available]
His-s22 [no description available]
Hist-grads History graduate student community mailing list.
Hist-stem History of Sci/Tech/Env/Med Working Group
History-advisees [no description available]
History-all All History Dept faculty, staff, graduate students
History-graduate History Graduate Students
Historyofclothing-fall2011 Mailing list for History of Clothing Fall 2011
HKN-eligibles-F2018 Fall 2018 Eligibles Mailing List
Hkn-eligibles-f21 HKN Eligibles for Fall 2021
Hkn-eligibles-f22 HKN Eligibles for Fall 2022
Hkn-eligibles-f23 [no description available]
Hkn-eligibles-fall-2019-pitt HKN Fall 2019 Eligibles in Pittsburgh
Hkn-eligibles-fall-2019-sv HKN Fall 2019 Eligibles in Silicon Valley
Hkn-eligibles-s20-pit [no description available]
Hkn-eligibles-s20-sv [no description available]
HKN-eligibles-S2019 HKN Eligibles Spring 2019
Hkn-eligibles-s22 HKN Eligibles for Spring 2022
Hkn-eligibles-s23 HKN Spring 23 eligibles
Hkn-f20-eligibles-list [no description available]
Hkn-inductees-f16 [no description available]
HKN-inductees-f17 [no description available]
Hkn-inductees-s17 [no description available]
HKN-inductees-s18 [no description available]
HKN-members HKN Members
HKN-officers HKN Officers
hkn-s21-eligibles [no description available]
Hkn-web [no description available]
Hksa-2024 HKSA members for 2023-2024
Hksa-board [no description available]
Hksa-members [no description available]
Hksa-memberslist [no description available]
Hnz-marketing-test [no description available]
Ho-Co [no description available]
Hoc-06 [no description available]
Hoc-2012 [no description available]
Holi-er-list [no description available]
Holi24-test [no description available]
Holmgroup-journalclub [no description available]
Homewoodproject-2013 [no description available]
Hong-lab Hong Lab members
Hopper-sorter [no description available]
hot-compilation-2020 For discussing HOT Compilation
Hotline-users Computing Services Coverage Hotline Users
Housing-deskstaff [no description available]
Housing-dsa-17-18 [no description available]
How-to Updates on the how2 dataset releases and challenges.
HPP-CMU Health Professions Program - Carnegie Mellon University
HR-BusinessPartners HR Business Partners
HR-BusinessPartners-and-Generalists HRBP & Generalists
hr-coordinators HR Service Center - Student Support Team
HR-Generalist-Central HR Generalists (Central)
HR-Generalists-All HR Generalists (All)
hr-services Communications for Andrea's teams
Hr-Specialists Mailing list for HR Service Center Faculty/Staff Support
Hr-Supervisor-Services Supervisor Services
hr-talent Mailing list for HR Talent Strategies
HR-TalentAcquisition HR Talent Acquisition
Hrg-remote-connect [no description available]
HRI-group Researchers in human-robot interaction
HRI-reading-group [no description available]
Hri-s16 [no description available]
hrpr-rfp-core [no description available]
Hscma-list HSCMA mailing list
Hsp-scholars students in the humanities scholars program
Hss-aim Mailing list for the HSS AIM committee
HSS-runoff [no description available]
Hug-group [no description available]
Humanities-center humanities center announcements
Humans-Vs-Zombies [no description available]
Humrs-biorobotics HUMRS project
Hvz-fall-2013 All participants of Humans vs Zombies Fall 2013
Hw-verification Discussing work related to verifying hardware properties
Hybridrobotics-lab [no description available]
Hz-1235 [no description available]
I-15112-s16 [no description available]
i-GEM International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM)
I-lab-faculty [no description available]
I4-group [no description available]
Iac-full-body IAC Full Body list
Iacuc-sparcs IACUC d-list
IAESTE-officers IAESTE Officers
Iam-lab [no description available]
Icampus-organizations [no description available]
Icaps2017-attendees [no description available]
Icarus-cmu CMU mailing list for ICArUS project
Icc-students [no description available]
Iccp-2021-org ICCP 2021 organizer mailing list
Iccp-all General ICCP mailing list
Iccp-steering ICCP conference steering committee list
Ices-holiday-party [no description available]
Icl-spring2012 Infant Cognition Labbies
Icra2011-cmu [no description available]
Icsd-affiliate [no description available]
Icsd-core [no description available]
Icti-students-spring2016-cmu [no description available]
Id-adjuncts [no description available]
Id-committee-16-17 [no description available]
Id2020-21 Student Senate Internal Development mailing list
Idea-team [no description available]
Ideas-Core Internal IDeaS Center Email Distro
Ideas-pgh IDeaS Pittsburgh CMU & PITT
Ideas-pitt-research-sharing [no description available]
Ideas-summerinst-2021 Center for IDeaS Summer Institute 2021 announcements
Ideas-vaccinedisinfo Weekly Updates for COVID-19 vaccine disinformation tracking project
Ideate-curriculum-cmte [no description available]
ideate-designforlearning IDeATe's Design for Learning Program at Carnegie Mellon
IDeATe-faculty [no description available]
Ideate-ggj2023 [no description available]
Ideate-info [no description available]
Ideate-soft-tech [no description available]
IDeATe-staff [no description available]
Identity-services-gap Discuss Grouper-ActiveMQ-Provisioner (GAP)
Ids-team [no description available]
Iea-2019 [no description available]
Iea-newsletter-cmustu [no description available]
Iea-subscriber [no description available]
Iecontalk-mailinglist Economics Seminar Series
ieee-admin-members IEEE Officers List
ieee-general-body IEEE members
ieee-interest IEEE Interest
Ieee-mentor-mentee-spring19 [no description available]
Ieee-staff [no description available]
ieee-staff-2020 IEEE Staff for 2020-2021
Ieee-winece-mentorship [no description available]
Ifs-masterlist iFS Mailing List
Ig-liaisons [no description available]
Ignite-17-18 [no description available]
Ignite-cmu [no description available]
iii-all-active-alumni2018 [no description available]
III-online-fa22 CMUiii Online Fall 2022 Registered Students
Iii-online-fa23 CMUiii Online Fall 2023 Registered Students
III-online-sp23 CMUiii Online Spring 2023 Registered Students
III-online-sp24 CMUiii Online Spring 2024 Registered Students
III-online-students CMUiii Online Students
III-online-su23 CMUiii Online Summer 2023 Registered Students
Im-basketball-2020-the-masters [no description available]
Imee-team [no description available]
Imf-1112 [no description available]
Imo-dlist [no description available]
Imo-eboard [no description available]
Imo19-20 [no description available]
Impact-women Impact Movement - Women's
Incoming-f15-ms [no description available]
ind18-talks may 8, 2018 presenters
Indaba-cmu [no description available]
INDABA-list [no description available]
Ines-students [no description available]
Inescedm-student [no description available]
Infants-morewood Infants-MG
Infants-penn Infants Penn
Infantsb-penn Infants B Penn Ave
Inferlab-cee [no description available]
Infomedia-diva [no description available]
Informedia-meeting INFORMEDIA Group members
Infra-dance-co [no description available]
ini-admissions-committee [no description available]
Ini-ms31-infosec-advising Advising mailing list for INI MS31 Mobility students
Ini-ms31-mobility-advising Advising mailing list for INI MS31 Mobility students
Ini-ms32-advisees [no description available]
Ini-practicum-discuss [no description available]
Inspire-cmu INSPIRE mailing list
Instructors-601 Instructor mailing list for 10-601 in Spring 2015
Instructors-cee [no description available]
Instrumented-spaces [no description available]
Insurance-Internal-Property-Program Internal Property Insurance Program (IPIP) offered by Insurance Services
Integracion-futuro Corporacion Integracion y Futuro
Intelligent-control Intelligent Control Lab
Intelligent-control-alumni [no description available]
Intelligent-control-friends Friends of Intelligent Control Lab
Intent-lab Interactive and Trustworthy Robotics Lab
Inter-fellowship CMU Christians
Internal-comms [no description available]
International-justice-mission [no description available]
Internationalrelations-politics Majors, Additional Majors, Minors in the Insitute for Politics and Strategy
Internship-application [no description available]
Interpret-nlp [no description available]
Intersection-mm-111-120 MM 111-120
Intersection-staff-2014 Intersection Staff 2013-2014
Intersectionstaff2015-2016 [no description available]
Intro-bus [no description available]
Intro-psych-l [no description available]
Intro-to-ece-f17 [no description available]
Intro-to-nail-art [no description available]
Introduction-to-anime [no description available]
Introductory-finance [no description available]
Introductory-Finance-Society Introductory Finance Society
Invite-test [no description available]
Io-group IO Reading Group
Ios-developers [no description available]
Iot-cmuafrica [no description available]
iot-labels-study [no description available]
Iot-privacy [no description available]
Iot-privacy-commits [no description available]
Iot-privacy-study [no description available]
IoTPI-AWS [no description available]
Iotpi-laravel [no description available]
Ip-fall22 [no description available]
Ipd-roster-2022 [no description available]
Ipd-roster-2023 [no description available]
Ips-communications [no description available]
Ips-core IPS staff and core faculty
Ips-faculty CMIST Faculty
Ips-interest CMIST Student Interest List
Ips-sac [no description available]
IPSalumni-career IPS Alumni interested in receiving career/job related emails.
IQ-housing-roster [no description available]
Irb-sparcs IRB SPARCS user list
Irp-amp Students in the MS IRP Program
IS-EPP International Students in EPP
Is-juniors [no description available]
Is-seniors [no description available]
Is-sophomores [no description available]
IS-students [no description available]
IS4-Moonshot [no description available]
Is4-moonshot-core IS4 Moonshot Core Team
IS4-Moonshot-Extended-Team [no description available]
ISA-CMU International Student Advocacy Org at CMU
Isa-faculty [no description available]
Isa-leadership [no description available]
Isayev-lab [no description available]
iSection-MM-111-120 [no description available]
iSection-MM-121-130 [no description available]
ISection-Roselawn-6-16even-2013 [no description available]
Isection-woodlawn-2013 [no description available]
Isetta-engine [no description available]
Isgd-dist [no description available]
Isi-2022 [no description available]
Isli-tepper International Student Life Initiative -- Tepper MBA
iso-alert-log4jvulnerability ISO Java Log4Shell Vulnerability Mailing List
Ispm-careerservices For MSISPM students and others interested in careers in security fields.
Isprogram-faculty [no description available]
Isr-climate ISR Climate Committee
Isr-hiring [no description available]
ISR-Lunch-and-Learn [no description available]
Istc-cc-retreat-intel [no description available]
istc-ec-all ISTC-EC: CMU faculty, Intel researchers at CMU, external faculty, CMU students, external students
istc-ec-fac ISTC-EC: CMU faculty, Intel researchers at CMU, external faculty
Istc-ec-students [no description available]
Istc-ec-students-all [no description available]
Istc-visualcloud-fac Faculty Involved in the Visual Cloud ISTC
Istc-visualcloud-notice Notices (including meetings) relevant to the Visual Cloud Systems ISTC
iSTEPPERS-2009 [no description available]
ISU-18-19 ISU mailing list 2019-2020
ISU-20-21 International Student Union
Isu-2022-23 [no description available]
Isu-exec-12-13 [no description available]
Isu-exec-13-14 [no description available]
Isuboard-13-14 [no description available]
Isuboard-14-15 [no description available]
Isuboard11-12 [no description available]
Isuboard12-13 ISU Board 2012-2013
Isuexec-14-15 [no description available]
Isugeneralboard13-14 [no description available]
Isunion-members [no description available]
it-cmuafrica [no description available]
Its-staff [no description available]
Itw-cast [no description available]
Itw-crew into the woods crew
Iv-2016girls [no description available]
IV-Leaders D-List for InterVarsity Leaders
Iv-women [no description available]
IVCF-Alumni Former members of InterVarsity's CMU chapter.
IVCF-Contact Contact list for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Ivcf-foundations InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's Foundations Bible Study
Ivcf-gates IVCF Gates Small Group
IVCF-Mail Mailing list for CMU Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Ivcf-mens IVCF Men's SG
IVCF-Misc Mailing List for announcements to current members
Ivcf-prayer Intervarsity Christian Fellowship - Prayer Meetings
IVCF-SGL IVCF Upperclassmen Small Group Leaders
ivcf-womens [no description available]
Iw-parents-only [no description available]
Iwsds-2017 IWSDS 2017 Organizers
Iwsds-2017-scientific IWSDS 2017 Scientific Committee
Iwsds2017-mail IWSDS 2017 mailing list
J-15112-s16 [no description available]
J-mei [no description available]
janus-users Users of the DDMLab server Janus
Japan-at-cmu J@CMU Mailinglist
Japanese-food-cooking Distrubution list for the Japanese Food Cooking Club
JazzClub-gb Jazz Club Mailing List
Jcbnsdjcjbsdjvb-indiowhd [no description available]
jd-books Notifications of new books by Jim Daniels
Jelena-group [no description available]
Jewish-grads Jewish Graduate Student Association
Jewish-students-association [no description available]
Jex-1 [no description available]
Jfc-1314 Joint Funding Committee 2013-2014
Jfc-budgets-fy21 [no description available]
Jfc-fy14 2012-2013 Joint Funding Committee
Jfc-fy21 [no description available]
Jfc-rep2012 [no description available]
Jfc-submitted-orgs [no description available]
jit-cloudlet-workshop Attendees of JIT Cloudlet Workshop
Jive-cmu Jazz Vocal Improv Ensemble member list.
Jmarella-test [no description available]
Joint-funding-committee-members [no description available]
Jolly-roger [no description available]
Jonathan-joo [no description available]
Joshsch-rastaff RAStaff
Journalclub-s4 [no description available]
joyful-noise Joyful Noise Members
joyful-noise-announce [no description available]
Jpdoyle-test [no description available]
Jsa-2009 [no description available]
Jsa-board [no description available]
Jsa-board-2018-2019 Japanese Student Association Board Mailinglist
jsa-culture-committee JSA Culture Committee
Jsa-event-committee [no description available]
Jsa-exec-board [no description available]
Jsa-food [no description available]
Jsa-general-body Japanese Student Association General Body Mailinglist
Jsa-kids [no description available]
Jsa-mailing-list Japanese Student Association General Body Mailinglist
Jsa-recruiting21 [DO NOT USE] Recruting list for JSA 21-22
Jsa22-exec JSA '22 Executive Board
Jsa22-members Member List for CMU JSA '22-23
Jsa22-recruiting JSA '22 Recruiting List
Jsa23-booth CMU JSA 22-23's Carnival Booth Mailing List
Jsa23-exec JSA 23-24 Executive Board
Jsa23-members Japanese Student Association 2023-2024
Jsa23-recruiting [no description available]
Jsa23-Undoukai [no description available]
Jsa24-members [no description available]
Jsabody19-20 [no description available]
Jsalt-2017-all [no description available]
Jsamembers19-20 [no description available]
Juggle-officers [no description available]
Juggling-discuss [no description available]
Juggling-members CMU Juggling Club: Masters of Flying Objects
julia-user-club [no description available]
Junior-seminar-planning [no description available]
Juntos-17 [no description available]
Juntos-alumni [no description available]
Juntos-mailing-list [no description available]
Juntos-members [no description available]
Justice-photos [no description available]
Jyan-one [no description available]
Jys-2 [no description available]
K-15112-f16 [no description available]
K-dewan [no description available]
Kaiju-playtest [no description available]
Kantor-lab [no description available]
Kao-announcements [no description available]
Kappa-chapter-council [no description available]
Kappa-delta-xi [no description available]
Kappa-new-members [no description available]
Kappa-new-mems [no description available]
Kappa-new-mems21 [no description available]
Kappa-plus-owletsf21 [no description available]
Kappa-seniors [no description available]
kdchin-list1 [no description available]
Kdistech-mailinglist [no description available]
Kdphi-sigmachi-greeksing2015 [no description available]
Kemp-lab [no description available]
Kgb-booth-13 [no description available]
Kgbhunt-planning-fall-08 [no description available]
Kiltie-1 List for current officers of Kiltie Band (deprecated)
Kiltie-band Kiltie Band mailing list for
kiltie-band-all All members of the Kiltie Band
kiltie-band-invitees Invitees to Kiltie's performances
kiltie-band-newbies All freshpeople and other first-year members of the Kiltie Band (for this academic year)
Kiltie-band-prospects People who have expressed interest without joining the Band
kiltie-pepband Mailing list for Kiltie Pep Band
kiska-users Users of the Kiska computing cluster at PDL
Kkovacs-test1 [no description available]
Kkovacs-test2 [no description available]
Kkovacs-testmain [no description available]
Klezmer-roster Carnegie Shpil Company
Kmak-test3 [no description available]
Knight-fellows [no description available]
knowledge-accelerator-capstone [no description available]
kpdc-projects [no description available]
KPL-Alumni Kappa Phi Lambda Pi Chapter Alumni
Kpop-dance-club [no description available]
Ksa-board-11 all board members
ksa-ece Korean ECE graduate students at CMU
Kuhlman-lab [no description available]
Kundalini-yoga [no description available]
KUPC-Members Knowing and Understanding the Passion of Christ
Kurnikova-group kurnikova research group
L-etoile Personnel working on SOM's L'etoile
La-finta-crew LaFinta Run Crew
Lab-lunches [no description available]
Lala-1 [no description available]
Lambda-sigma-2015 Lambda Sigma 2015-16
Lambda-sigma-2016 Lambda Sigma Honor Society 2016-2017
Lambda-sigma-2017 [no description available]
Lambda-sigma-2019-20 [no description available]
Lampshade-robot [no description available]
Lapp-lab LAPP Lab mailing list
Laptop-rehab [no description available]
Laser-flank GCS F12 Project with Lasers.
Latham-st-commons [no description available]
Latine-erg-leads [no description available]
latine-erg-members [no description available]
Latinx-alliance-network [no description available]
Lbs-comm-2015 [no description available]
Lbsnaa-cmu-dafcgroup1 [no description available]
Lbsnaa-cmu-dafcgroup2 [no description available]
Lbsnaa-cmu-dafcgroup3 [no description available]
Lbsnaa-cmu-dafcgroup4 [no description available]
LCS-Colloquium [no description available]
Lead-committee [no description available]
Leadership-slice [no description available]
Leadershiptheory-stuco [no description available]
Lean-on-me-cmu Lean On Me CMU
learning-the-ropes-s17 [Skippin Scotties]
Learnlab-help [no description available]
learnsphere-help [no description available]
Lecar-core [no description available]
Lecar-friends [no description available]
Lecar-general [no description available]
Lecture3-reciEE [no description available]
Leduc-lab Leduc-lab
Lee-students [no description available]
Lel-community [no description available]
Lemons-cast Lemons Cast
Lemons-runcrew [no description available]
Leo-research-group [no description available]
Level-jam [no description available]
Lexispin-all [no description available]
lfcps-job-info LFCPS 15424/624/824 related job communications, opt-in
Lg-2020-creative [no description available]
Lg-2023 [no description available]
Lg-2024 [no description available]
Lg-23-24 [no description available]
Lg-all [no description available]
Lg-allheads [no description available]
Lg-allmembers [no description available]
Lg-alumni [no description available]
Lg-board2021 [no description available]
lg-model-interest [no description available]
Lg-runcrew [no description available]
Lg-sounddesigners [no description available]
lib-accesssvcs Access Services
Lib-airtable-builders [no description available]
lib-allhunt Personnel at Hunt Library
lib-allref Reference Personnel
lib-allstaff All support staff
Lib-apa [no description available]
lib-archives Archives Personnel
lib-chatservice Library Chat Service
Lib-dawg This list is for members of the Discovery Access Working Group (DAWG) in the University Libraries.
lib-dei This list is for members of the DEI Working Group of the University Libraries.
Lib-digitalcuration [no description available]
Lib-distinctivecollections [no description available]
lib-dsteam Digital Strategy Team
lib-grnprctcomm University Libraries Green Team
Lib-hunt-building [no description available]
lib-huntcircstudwrkrs Circulation Staff and Student Workers at Hunt
lib-ill [no description available]
lib-illiad Illiad Processors
lib-IPA-list [no description available]
Lib-liaisons [no description available]
lib-libfaculty Library Faculty
lib-libguideadmins LibGuide Administrators
lib-litops LIT Operations (old)
lib-lsac [no description available]
Lib-ltts [no description available]
lib-melloncircstudentwrkrs Mellon Student Workers
lib-olibtel Outreach for Library Teaching and Learning
Lib-open [no description available]
Lib-ops Library operations team
lib-RAS Research and Academic Services
lib-selectors Selectors Group
lib-sorrellscircstudwrkrs Circ Staff and Student Workers at Sorrells
Lib-supervisors [no description available]
Lib-techserv [no description available]
lib-unilib University Libraries Personnel
Lib-webfeedback [no description available]
Library-au Library Australia Email
Library-leadership-team [no description available]
Light-curtains [no description available]
Linden-evenings-mse-team [no description available]
ling-undergrad undergraduate linguistics majors, additional maj, minor
Linguisticfoundations-materials [no description available]
LiNK-board LiNK Board List
Link-fall-2017 [no description available]
List-a-test [no description available]
List-b-test [no description available]
List-BOND [no description available]
List-c-test [no description available]
Little-sisters [no description available]
Local-gov-clubs ICMA, ELGL, Urbanist/Smart Growth Club
Locker-laundry FORMER - DO NOT USE
Lockers-laundry April 2018
Locomotion-seminar Information for weekly locomotion seminar
Logic-comp-students logic & computation current students
Lol-lol [no description available]
Lonely-planet CMU 23-24 Lonely Planet Artistic & Production Team Distribution List
Lore-all [no description available]
Lost-and-found [no description available]
Loves-labors-cast [no description available]
Loves-labors-crew [no description available]
Loyal-wingman [no description available]
Ls-eboard [no description available]
Lsp-workshop [no description available]
Lsstc-proposal For work on the LSSTC computing network proposal
Lti-exec [no description available]
Lti-exec-and-gsa-reps-f22 [no description available]
Lti-music [no description available]
Lti-timesheets [no description available]
Luna-cast [no description available]
lunar-gala [no description available]
Lunar-team [no description available]
Lunch-bunch Noon pickup basketball
M-15251-s18 [no description available]
M-lab [no description available]
M-pdoc [no description available]
Mac-Admins List for CMU Macintosh Administrators
MAC-CMU-group Mobility Data Analytics Center team email list
Madforest-cast [no description available]
Magic-at-cmu [no description available]
Magic-hunt [no description available]
Magic-officers [no description available]
Mahonlab-undergrads List of Undergrads working in the Mahon Lab.
Mai-12fall [no description available]
Maids-crew [no description available]
Majic-dlist majic
Makerspace-dsa [no description available]
Makerspace-dsa-2017-2018 [no description available]
mam-careerservices General Info for Current MAMs
mam1-careerservices MAM Internships
mamjobs-careerservices MAM Jobs
Manipulation-learning [no description available]
maps-dlist MAPS Dlist
Maps-eboard MAPS Executive List
maps-faculty [no description available]
March-luncheon [no description available]
MarComm-HRGeneralists MarComm / HR Generalists
Margaret-Morrison-dsas Margaret Morrison Desk Services Assistants
margret-morrison-appts [no description available]
Mark-testing [no description available]
Marketing-IL Marketing in Israel
Marmalade-crew [no description available]
Maroc14-15 [no description available]
Maroc15-16 [no description available]
mars-cmu [no description available]
Marxist-reading [no description available]
MASRE-Team [no description available]
Master-batters Master Batters GSA Softball Team
Material-tracking [no description available]
Math-booth-2016 MATH BOOTH 2K16
Math-majors [no description available]
Mathclub-f12dlist [no description available]
Matilda-greek-sing [no description available]
Matlab-cmu-student-group [no description available]
Maty-lab Matyjaszewski Polymer Group
Maudalist-amazon [no description available]
Mayur-freshcom-2014-15 Mayur SASA FreshCom
Mayur-freshmancommittee [no description available]
Mayur-sasa-allmembers Mayur SASA D List
Mayursasa-allmembers Mayur-SASA D-List
Mayursasa-Exec Official Executive Board Mailing List
mayursasa-fc09-10 [no description available]
Mayursasa-fc10-11 [no description available]
Mayursasa-Genbod Official General Body Mailing List
Mayursasaboard2010-2011 [no description available]
Mayursasaboard2011-2012 [no description available]
MayurSASABoard2013-2014 Executive Board 2013 - 2014
Mayursasafc11-12 [no description available]
Mayursasafc12-13 [no description available]
Mayurshow2016-board [no description available]
Mb-candidates-2 CMU Mortar Board 18-19
Mb-eligible-15 [no description available]
mbzirc-2020 [no description available]
Mc-cs-web-team Joint Marketing & Communications and Computing Services Web Team
Mc-online [no description available]
Mccrea-Party [no description available]
Mcds19-crew [no description available]
Mcfscholars-cmuafrica [no description available]
Mcfscholars-cmuafrica-cohort-7 [no description available]
Mcfscholars-cmuafrica-cohort-8 [no description available]
McGill-1 [no description available]
Mcgill1ladies-2013-2014 [no description available]
Mcgill2-1617 [no description available]
Mcs-deans-office MCS Dean's office
Mcs-deiteam MCS DEI Office Team
Mcs-faculty [no description available]
Mcs-faculty-research MCS faculty, research track
Mcs-faculty-special MCS special faculty
Mcs-faculty-teaching MCS Teaching Faculty
Mcs-faculty-tenure-all All MCS tenure track faculty, tenured and non-tenured
Mcs-paid-graduate-students MCS paid graduate students
Mcs-paid-undergrads [no description available]
Mcs-physics-all [no description available]
Mcs-physics-faculty [no description available]
Mcs-physics-grads [no description available]
Mcs-physics-research [no description available]
Mcs-physics-staff [no description available]
Mcs-postdocs MCS postdocs
Mcs-psc [no description available]
mcs-sac MCS Student Advisory Council
Mcs-single-department-test [no description available]
Mcs-slate-chemistry [no description available]
Mcs-slate-physics [no description available]
Mcs-softball MCS Softball Mailing List
Mcs-special-faculty [no description available]
Mcs-staff [no description available]
Mcs-staff-exempt MCS Exempt Staff
Mcs-staff-non-exempt [no description available]
Mcs-summer [no description available]
Mcs-ug-cua [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2020 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2021 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2022 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2023 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2024 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2025 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2026 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2027 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-undergraduates [no description available]
Mcs-umbrella-test [no description available]
mcsd-conflict Student & faculty studying WP conflict
Mcsmentor-group6-2014 [no description available]
Mcwilliams-announce McWilliams Center for Cosmology announcements
Mcwilliams-center McWilliams Center - more general announcements
Mcwilliams-computing McWilliams Center computing announcements
Mdes-1st-yrs-201314 MDes first years, students only, 2013-14 year
Me-20202021 [no description available]
Me-fa21 [no description available]
Me-nontenuredfaculty MechE junior faculty
Me-spring16quals [no description available]
Me-studyabroad [no description available]
Meatless-monday [no description available]
MEC-lending MEC Lending Staff
Mech-201 [no description available]
Mech-202 [no description available]
Mech-e2015 Class of 2015
Meche-2021 Class of 2021
Meche-2022 Meche-2022
Meche-2023 Class of 2023
Meche-BayAreaAlumni [no description available]
Meche-commencement-phd [no description available]
Meche-courtesy MechE Courtesy Faculty
Meche-dei-mentorship MechE DEI Mentorship
Meche-dei-taskforce MechE DEI Taskforce
Meche-eventlist [no description available]
MechE-FacultyRecruiting MechE Faculty Recruiting
Meche-fundingopportunities Funding opportunities for MechE faculty
Meche-graduatestudents Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students as of 6/16/2009
Meche-mscoursework [no description available]
Meche-outreach The CMU MechE Outreach Mailing List
Meche-postdocs [no description available]
Meche-techstaff Mechanical Engineering Tech Staff
Medea-shulie-cast [no description available]
Medieval-robots [no description available]
meeting-attendees [no description available]
MEG-reading-group [no description available]
meimLA-careerservices For second year MEIMs in Los Angeles & alumni
meimPGH-careerservices MEIM students currently in Pittsburgh
Mellon-ach Communications from Mellon Bank to appropriate personnel at Carnegie Mell
Mellon-institute People that work in Mellon Insitute
Mellon-returns Return notices from BNYMellon to CMU
MellonHeads-Board Board Members
MellonsRecruits16-17 MellonsRecruits16-17
Mem-list [no description available]
Mens-club-lacrosse Men's Club Lacrosse Team
Mens-lacrosse [no description available]
Mens-lax Carnegie Mellon Lacrosse
Mentees-s15 [no description available]
Mentor-shpe [no description available]
Mentor-shpe-2023 [no description available]
Merichar-test [no description available]
Mesac18-19 [no description available]
Mesac19-20 MESAC19-20
Meta-CLF Meta-CLF
METALS-Cobalt [no description available]
metals-help Contact for METALS info for perspective students
metals-info METALS Information
Method-group [no description available]
Methodologyvisualization-2020 Methodology of Visualization Spring 2020 Email List
Metro-21-fall-22-interns [no description available]
Metro21-aging Faculty interested in Aging
Metro21-broadband [no description available]
Metro21-events People interested in Metro21 events
Mewomen-all [no description available]
Mewomen-org [no description available]
Mewomenall-20-21 [no description available]
Mfi-2022projects MFI 2022 Projects PIs
Mfi-all-firstcall [no description available]
Mfi-all-investigators [no description available]
Mfi-all-secondcall [no description available]
MFI-faculty all MFI faculty
Mfi-funded-students All MFI funded students
Mfi-interested [no description available]
Mfi-mill19-community MFI-Mill19-Community
Mfi-pis-firstcall [no description available]
Mfi-research-projects MFI Research Project Correspondence
Mfi-rfp-interested Used to send out to all interested in MFI Opportunities
Mg-2ab-14-15 [no description available]
Mg-3rdfloor-cdresidents [no description available]
Mg-4-kruti [no description available]
MG-FY Morewood Gardens First-Year
Mg-penthouse [no description available]
Mg-staff Morewood Garden Staff D-List
Mg3-cd [no description available]
Mgc-delegates [no description available]
Mgc-eboard [no description available]
Mhci-Directors [no description available]
Mhci-summer-prep [no description available]
Mhci-teamnasa2019 2019 MHCI NASA Capstone Team
Microfinance-africa [no description available]
Microgrids-f15 [no description available]
Microrobotics-lab [no description available]
microservices-observatory [no description available]
Microsoft-project [no description available]
Micv-users MICV Users
middleware2012-pcchairs [no description available]
Miips-2020 [no description available]
Miips-2021 [no description available]
Miips-2022 [no description available]
Miips-2023 [no description available]
Miips-adv-study-2020 [no description available]
Miips-adv-study-2021 [no description available]
Miips-adv-study-2022 [no description available]
Miips-adv-study-2023 [no description available]
MIIS-2019 [no description available]
Miis-capstone [no description available]
Mikejain-test [no description available]
Military-students [no description available]
Milk-cast [no description available]
milk-like-cast Milk Like Sugar Cast
Mindful-cmu [no description available]
Mindfulness-room [no description available]
mism-msit-careerservices For BIDA, MISM, MISMAU, MSIT, MSISPM students.
Mism-slow-starts [no description available]
Mism-students Heinz School Master of Information Systems Management Student mailing list
Mismau-inpgh MISMAU students in Pittsburgh
mismBIDA-careerservices all MISM-BIDA students
Missingsyllabispring-2019 [no description available]
MITS-Advising MITS Student List
Mj-30312 [no description available]
Mjain30312-test30 [no description available]
Mjwu-Fan-Club All things Michelle Wu.
Ml-2018grads [no description available]
Ml-2020grads [no description available]
Ml-2021grads [no description available]
Ml-2022grads [no description available]
Ml-2023grads [no description available]
Ml-2024grads [no description available]
Ml-adjunctfaculty [no description available]
Ml-alljobsearch job search
Ml-alsla [no description available]
Ml-arabicstudies [no description available]
Ml-chinesestudies [no description available]
ML-debugging-group [no description available]
Ml-frenchfrancophonestudies [no description available]
Ml-gcat [no description available]
Ml-germanstudies [no description available]
Ml-gradstudents [no description available]
Ml-hispanicstudies [no description available]
Ml-japanesestudies [no description available]
Ml-languagecoordinators [no description available]
Ml-majorsall [no description available]
Ml-mlsac [no description available]
Ml-psi2017 [no description available]
Ml-psi2018 [no description available]
Ml-psi2019 [no description available]
Ml-psi2020 [no description available]
Ml-regularfaculty [no description available]
Ml-russianstudies [no description available]
Ml-sla [no description available]
Ml-studentall [no description available]
Ml-test2 [no description available]
Ml-test3 [no description available]
ml4hc-cmu [no description available]
Mlab-foxconn [no description available]
Mlab-hrg [no description available]
Mlab-meeting [no description available]
Mld-timesheets [no description available]
MLG-ICS Marxist Literary Group
mlk-winners-2018 Distribution list for MLK Day Writing Award winners
Mlkwritingawards-anthology [no description available]
Mlkwritingawards-cmu MLK Writing Awards
mlpp-fall2020 class list for fall 2020
Mlrc-catalog [no description available]
Mlsp-2014 [no description available]
Mlsp-2015 [no description available]
Mlsp-superstars The Best List Nuff Said
Mlsys-reading [no description available]
Mlws-2020 [no description available]
Mm-20cast [no description available]
Mm-administrivia [no description available]
Mm111-120 [no description available]
Mm131-133 MM 131-133 2014-2015 School Year
Mma-2011-12 [no description available]
Mmbl-members [no description available]
Mmbp-alumni-2023 [no description available]
Mms-general [no description available]
Mms-leads [no description available]
Mobile-api-survey [no description available]
Mobility-21-researchers [no description available]
Mobilyzr-info [no description available]
Mock-trial-list CMU Mock Trial
Mocktrial-ateam Mock Trial A-Team
Mocktrial2015-2016 [no description available]
Mocktrialateam-1314 [no description available]
Mocktrialinterest14-15 [no description available]
Mod-chem [no description available]
Models-group [no description available]
Modern-music-king [no description available]
Modsnake-undergrads-list Undergraduates working for pay or credit in modsnake lab.
Module-repair [no description available]
Mohimani-lab [no description available]
Money-mellons-recruits Women's Ultimate Frisbee
Moneythink-Board Fall 2018
Moneythink-Chapter Spring 2018
Moneythink-curriculumcommitteee [no description available]
Monopoly-hunt [no description available]
Monty-cast The Full Monty Cast
Moocs-hcii [no description available]
Moon-ranger Email for anyone to contact MoonRanger about info.
MoonRanger-Architecture List for MoonRanger avionics & software architecture people
Moonranger-Summer MoonRanger team for Summer 2020
MoonRanger-Team List for people working on MoonRanger
Moors-crew crew for You on The Moors Now 2023
Mootcourt-competitive2018 Competitive members
Mootcourt2017-competing [no description available]
Mootcourt2017s-general [no description available]
Morewood-2nd [no description available]
Morewood-5-cd C and D Towers Morewood 5 2016-2017
Morewood-7thfloor [no description available]
Morewood-DSA [no description available]
Morewood-etower-ambassadors [no description available]
Morewood-gardens-19-20 [no description available]
Morewood-gardens-2-cd Kelsey's Rezzies <3
Morewood-gardens-4thfloorcd [no description available]
Morewood-gardens-a50 [no description available]
Morewood-gardens6th [no description available]
Morewood2n-2013 [no description available]
Morewood3e-2010 [no description available]
Morewood3s-2013 [no description available]
Morewood4s-2011 [no description available]
Morewood4s-2013 [no description available]
Morewood5e2013-2014 [no description available]
Morewood5n-2011 [no description available]
Morewood5s-2013 [no description available]
MorewoodE-3 [no description available]
Morewoodhome-fall16 [no description available]
Morewoodstaff17-18 A dlist for summer communication!
Morf-interest People who have expressed interest in MORF/feminism/gender issues
Morphingmatter-class-05-499-899 [no description available]
Morphingmatter-researchers [no description available]
Morphlour-journal [no description available]
Mortar-board-1617 [no description available]
mortar-board-gb-2021-2022 [no description available]
mortarboard-all Mortar Board All Members
mortarboard-exec Mortar Board Executive Board
Mortarboard-exec2016 [no description available]
Mortarboard-gbm2016 [no description available]
MortarBoard17-18 CMU Mortar Board 17-18
Mortarboard2019-20 Mortar Board Class of 2020
Mortarboard2020-21 Mortar Board Class of 2021
MortarBoardEligibleJuniors-2014 MortarBoardEligibleJuniors2014
Mosaic-cee [no description available]
Motor-journal-club Motor Journal Club
Motorola-canopy Motorola's canopy mailing list
Moura-group [no description available]
Movie-directing-stuco Students taking the "Movie Directing" Stuco, Fall '14
moving-cmuafrica CMU Africa Moving Committee
Mozart-cast [no description available]
Mozart-crew [no description available]
mpm-careerservices MPM Career Services information
mrc-associates MRC Associate Editorial Board
Mrsd-excalibr [no description available]
Mrsd-expresscook [no description available]
mrsd-project-dair [no description available]
Ms-2014 [no description available]
Ms-2015 [no description available]
Ms-au-exchange MS Adelaide students here 1 semester/exchange
Ms-cdm [no description available]
Ms-cee [no description available]
Ms-da1 MS-Data Analytics 1st year
Ms-da2 MS-data analytics 2nd year
Ms-glob MS PPM Global Career Services FT Info
Ms-jd PPM/JD students
Ms-mba MS-MBA Career Service Info
Ms-phdwrkingcmtee Masters - PHD Working Committee
ms1-careerservices First Year MSPPM students (internship seekers)
ms2-careerservices Second year MSPPM students (looking for FT)
MSA-all Muslim Student Association
Msa-starup-lab-team [no description available]
msaii-crypto-capstone [no description available]
Msaii-firstyear [no description available]
Msaii-secondyear [no description available]
Msbtpe-2021 [no description available]
Msbtpe-2022 [no description available]
Msbtpe-2023 [no description available]
Msbtpe-alumni [no description available]
Msbtpe-students [no description available]
Mscb-2017 [no description available]
Mscb-2018 [no description available]
Mscb-2021 [no description available]
Mscb-2022 [no description available]
Mscb-2023 [no description available]
Mscb-2024 [no description available]
Mscb-2025 [no description available]
mscb-admins [no description available]
Mscb-alumni [no description available]
Mscb-students [no description available]
Mscf-ny-fulltime-firstyears [no description available]
Mscf-ny-fulltime-secondyears [no description available]
Mscf-pit-2012 [no description available]
Mscf-webupdate [no description available]
MSCF09-PITT [no description available]
Mscf10-pitt [no description available]
Mscf2019-classrep [no description available]
Mschemalumni-23 [no description available]
Mscs-social-committee Organizing committee for social events for MSCS students
Msd-fall-ta [no description available]
Msd-group [no description available]
Msd-group3 [no description available]
Msd-satera MSD Group #2
Msda1-careerservices Data Analytics Career Service Info 1st Year
Msda2-careerservices Data Analytics Career Service Info 2nd Year
Msdc-careerservices MSDC Career Service Info
msdc1-careerservices First Year MSDC Students
Msdc1-students [no description available]
msdc2-careerservices All second year MSDC students
Msdc2-students [no description available]
Msdcapprenticeship-careerservices MSDC Career Service Apprenticeship Info
mse-gsac [no description available]
Mse-intl-stu [no description available]
MSE-JPL [no description available]
MSE-JPL-ALL [no description available]
Mse-leadership MSE Leadership Initiative Group
Mse-li [no description available]
MSE-Mario [no description available]
MSE-Mario-Mentors [no description available]
MSE-MoonRanger-2022 MSE Moonranger Studio Team
Mse-moonshot2021 [no description available]
MSE-Moonshot2021-Students MSE Moonshot2021 Students
Mse-sdm-engineers [no description available]
Mse-sdm-internal [no description available]
Mse-smartgrains [no description available]
Mse-smartgrains-client [no description available]
mse-studio-2023 MSE Studio Teams 2023
Mse-surefront-fde [no description available]
mse-women female graduate students in the MSE DEPT
mseai2023-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSEAI class of 2023
MSEAI2024-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSEAI class of 2024
MSEAI2025-cmuafrica [no description available]
msece2019-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE 2019
msece2020-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE 2020
msece2021-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE 2021
msece2022-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE class of 2022
msece2023-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE class of 2023
MSECE2024-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE class of 2024
MSECE2025-cmuafrica [no description available]
msft-gatekeepers [no description available]
Msibooth2010-2011id [no description available]
MSIRP-Students Students in the MS IRP Program
msit-alumni PRIVATE-Heinz MSIT Alumni Only
Msit-aquorn [no description available]
Msit-au-students Adelaide MSIT students
Msit-ebiz-2015-oceans-11 Test DL
Msit-ebiz-ft-2010 [no description available]
Msit-ebiz-ft-2018 [no description available]
Msit-ese [no description available]
Msit-exchange MSIT Adelaide students here 1 semester/exchange
Msit-faculty MSIT online course faculty
msit-robotwits [no description available]
msit-ssn-salud List crated for MSIT-SE students working @ ISR for the project "Salud Juicery"
Msit-students Pitts Based (MSIT-ITM, ITA, ITD, and BI) - Master Science in Information Technology Student mailing list
Msit-theradioactives [no description available]
Msit-theradioactives-mentors [no description available]
msit2019-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT 2019
msit2020-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT 2020
msit2021-cmuafrica CMU-Africa MSIT 2021
msit2022-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT class of 2022
msit2023-cmuafrica [no description available]
MSIT2024-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT class of 2024
MSIT2025-cmuafrica [no description available]
msitese17-bezirk [no description available]
MSITIS-Lisbon10 MSIT-IS Lisbon students from the 2010-11 class
Mspm-2022 [no description available]
mspm-sac-admins MSPM SAC Admin communication email list
MSPMstudents-2020 MSPM 2020 Students
Mspmstudents-2021 2021 MSPM students
Msppm-careerservices MS3 students 1st year
msppmjobs-careerservices MS3 students last semester
Msqbb-2022 [no description available]
Msqbb-2023 [no description available]
Msqbb-alumni [no description available]
Msqbb-students [no description available]
MSSM-DEC-2017 [no description available]
Mt-exec-board [no description available]
Mts-staff [no description available]
Mudge-a2 [no description available]
Mudge-a3 [no description available]
Mudge-a3-2012-2013 [no description available]
Mudge-b0-2011-2012 [no description available]
Mudge-b1-2013-14 [no description available]
Mudge-b1-2017 [no description available]
Mudge-b1-2020 [no description available]
Mudge-b3-2017-2018 Staff and residents on Mudge B3 during 2017-2018.
Mudge-bbase1819 Mudge BBase and A100 residents for 2018-19
Mudge-books [no description available]
Mudge-c1-2011-2012 [no description available]
Mudge-c1-2013-2014 [no description available]
Mudge-c2 [no description available]
Mudge-c3 [no description available]
Mudge-c3-2016 [no description available]
Mudge-cbaese [no description available]
Mudge-das Mudge Desk Services Assistants
Mudge-desk Mudge Desk Attendants Spring 2017
Mudge-dsa-fall-2017 Mudge DSAs Fall 2017
mudge-house-a2-2015-2016 [no description available]
Mudge-staff Mudge RA Staff 2018-2019
Mudgea10011-12 [no description available]
Mudgea213-14 [no description available]
Mudgeambassadors16-17 [no description available]
Mudgeb-baseresidents2014-2015 [no description available]
Mudgeb12014-2015 [no description available]
Mudgeb2-13-14 [no description available]
Mudgeb2-2015-2016 [no description available]
Mudgeb3-2014-2015 MudgeB3
Mudgeb3-2019 [no description available]
MudgeC22k14-2k15 Mudge C2 Mailing List
Mudgecbase10-11 [no description available]
Mudgehousea3-13-14 [no description available]
Mudgementors11-12 [no description available]
Mudgementors2014-2015 [no description available]
Mudgeocs-2017 [no description available]
Mudgeocs-2018 [no description available]
Mudgeocs-2019 [no description available]
Mudgestaff14-15 [no description available]
Mudgestaff2015-16 for the lead purple peeps 2015-2016
Mudgies-c3 [no description available]
Multi-mt-asr [no description available]
multi-pc Multicultural Presidents Council
Multilingual-privacy-research [no description available]
Muri-factions MURI Project faculty and students
Music-alums Music alumni
Music-approved-senders [no description available]
Music-babbys-2018 DJ Babbys from Babby Ball 2018!
Music-brassensemble [no description available]
Music-events Music Events d-list
Music-extension [no description available]
Music-faculty Music Faculty Mailing List
Music-faculty-chambermusic Music Chamber Music Coach Faculty Mailing List
Music-faculty-studio Music Studio Faculty Mailing List
Music-ft-faculty Music Full-time Faculty Mailing List
Music-library-outreach Music Library Outreach Mailing List
Music-nonmajors [no description available]
Music-staff Music Staff Mailing List
Music-students-all All music students
Music-students-ams Advanced Music Studies music students
Music-students-ams-new New Advanced Music Studies music students
Music-students-brass Music Brass Majors Mailing List
Music-students-brasspercussionwoodwind Music Brass/Percussion/Woodwind Majors Mailing List
Music-students-bxa BXA music students
Music-students-bxa-new New BXA music students
Music-students-composition Music Composition Majors Mailing List
Music-students-g-2022 Second year (graduated) MM/MS music students
Music-students-g-2023 Second year (graduated) MM/MS music students
Music-students-g-2024 Second year MM/MS music students
Music-students-g-2025 First year MM/MS music students
Music-students-g-all All graduate music students
Music-students-g-new New MM/MS graduate music students
Music-students-minors Music Minors Mailing List
Music-students-musicandtech Music and Technology Majors Mailing List
Music-students-musicandtech-new New Music and Technology Majors Mailing List
Music-students-orchestralinstrument Music Orchestral Instrument Majors Mailing List
Music-students-strings Music String Majors Mailing List
Music-students-ug-2022 Senior (graduated) BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2023 Senior (graduated) BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2024 Senior BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2025 Junior BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2026 Sophomore BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2027 Freshman BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-new New BFA/BS undergraduate music students
Music-students-voice Music Voice Majors Mailing List
Musicextension-20192020 [no description available]
Musketeers-cast Musketeers Cast
Muslim-students-association [no description available]
Mve-summer-2010-e2 [no description available]
Mve-summer-2010-f2 [no description available]
Mve-summer-2010-h6 [no description available]
Mwg-5 [no description available]
My-apology [no description available]
My-list [no description available]
N21-recD [no description available]
N3-sensing-thrust N3 project sensing thrust
N3-sharpfocus-all [no description available]
N3-sharpfocusinvestigators All PIs/Co-PIs in N3
N3-stimulators [no description available]
Naacsos-list North American Association for Computational Social and Organization Sciences
nannyapp-msit [no description available]
Nanofab-ALD [no description available]
Nanofab-exthrs [no description available]
Nanofab-process [no description available]
nanofab-staff [no description available]
Narain-ab-lectures [no description available]
narwhal-users NARWHAL user list
National-network-members all members of network
ndel-research [no description available]
Nebula-m78 [no description available]
Nelken-line [no description available]
Net-Impact CMU Net Impact Chapter
nets-eci-2019 NeTS Early Career Workshop 2019
Netsvc-cmu-device cmu-device network discussion
Netsvcs-team Network Services Team list
Network-developers [no description available]
Neural-web CMU Grover Neural Web Group
Neuro-ethics Keep up to date with neuroethics events, announcements, and materials
Neuro-learning [no description available]
neuro-sac [no description available]
Neuro-sac-2023 [no description available]
Neuroai-superlab [no description available]
Neurogenomics-lab Wet Lab members of the Neurogenomics Lab
Neville-2013-2014 Neville Apartments
Neville-apts-new-list [no description available]
New-2022-fall [no description available]
New-ghbs List for entire GHBS, replaces GHBS-all
New-members-f19 CMR New Members 2019-2020
new-ocs-2015 [no description available]
New-pgh-connections2014 [no description available]
New-workscast [no description available]
New-workscrew [no description available]
Newsletter-CMU-Summit [no description available]
Newsletter-fsae [no description available]
Newsletter-signup [no description available]
Newspage-mailer [no description available]
newworks-crewf15 [no description available]
newworks-f15 New Works 1-3 Fall '15
Ngautonml-beta ngAutonML beta
NHSGA-bulbasaurs [no description available]
NHSGA-charmanders [no description available]
NHSGA-Druids NHSGA Druids
NHSGA-Paladins NHSGA Paladins
NHSGA-pikachus [no description available]
NHSGA-Rogues NHSGA Rogues
NHSGA-squirtles [no description available]
Nhsga-test [no description available]
NHSGA-Wizards NHSGA Wizards
NIAC-III List for NIAC III lunar pit exploration work
NILM-Workshop NILM Workshop
Nis-heinz [no description available]
NL-DPR New Life Daily Prayer Requests
Nme-alerts [no description available]
no-reply-cmu-ai-mentoring [no description available]
Nock-group-mailing-list [no description available]
Non-cashnet-saq-a pci reporting and compliance
NOPP-project [no description available]
Not-hunt [no description available]
Nova-24 [no description available]
Nova-proposals-24 [no description available]
Novice-crew [no description available]
Npm-team [no description available]
NPP-show No Parking Players Improv Show list
Npp-showlist NPP improv show updates
NPP-Workshop The No Parking Players
NROTC-1C [no description available]
Nrotc-1st [no description available]
NROTC-2C [no description available]
Nrotc-2nd [no description available]
NROTC-3C [no description available]
NROTC-4C [no description available]
Nrotc-4c-s13 [no description available]
Nrotc-a1-s13 [no description available]
Nrotc-allmidn [no description available]
Nrotc-alpha [no description available]
Nrotc-aviation-club [no description available]
Nrotc-batt-staff [no description available]
Nrotc-battalion [no description available]
Nrotc-bravo [no description available]
Nrotc-emergency [no description available]
Nrotc-hq [no description available]
Nrotc-ladies [no description available]
Nrotc-marine-options [no description available]
Nrotc-sub-club [no description available]
Nrotc-subclub [no description available]
Nrotc-swo-club [no description available]
Nsbe-12-13 [no description available]
Nsbe-13-14 [no description available]
Nsbe-14-15 [no description available]
Nsbe-15-16 [no description available]
Nsbe-16-17 [no description available]
Nsbe-17-18 [no description available]
Nsbe-18-19 [no description available]
nsbe-19-20 [no description available]
Nsbe-20-21 [no description available]
Nsbe-21-22 [no description available]
Nsbe-22-23 [no description available]
Nsbe-23-24 [no description available]
Nsbe-alumni [no description available]
Nsbe-alumni-23-24 [no description available]
Nsbe-base-2020 [no description available]
Nsbe-communtyservice [no description available]
Nsbe-hisig [no description available]
nsf-breakout-session Attendees of breakout session at NSF PI mtg
Nsf-sws2019 [no description available]
Nsf-trustworthy-proposal [no description available]
Nsf-user-scribe NSF USER scribe
Nsf-user-workshop [no description available]
Nsh1609-git-update [no description available]
nsidi-memorial [no description available]
Nu-rho-psi [no description available]
nvc-journalclub Neurovascular Journal Club
nvm-systems-group [no description available]
NW-456-Crew New Works 4-6 Crew
Nw13-cast New Works Cast
Nw456-crew New Works Spring 18 Crew
O-chem1f20 [no description available]
O-chem2s21 List of O-Chem 2 students in S21
Oag-seminar Optimization, Algebra, and Geometry Seminar
oakland-review Oakland Review Staff
oakland-review-board Oakland Review Board Members
Oakland-review-board2 New Oakland Review List
Oakland-Rotary Oakland Rotary Club
Observability-team MSE Observability Team 2015
Obt-all Tepper OBT PhD students and faculty
Obt-faculty Tepper OBT faculty only
Obt-students Tepper OBT students only
OC-staff2012 [no description available]
Ochem1-f19 [no description available]
oe-devel Open Edge developers mailing list
oe-sync Weekly sync meeting participants for open edge computing
Oec-leaders [no description available]
Oec-member-announcement [no description available]
Oec-nonmember-announcement [no description available]
oec-workshop-attendees Attendees of JIT Cloudlet Workshop
oec-workshop-invitees Invitees to the Open Edge Computing workshop
Off-campus [no description available]
Officeparty-ascension Office Memo
Ofs-users [no description available]
Ogs-master Master distribution list for the Online Gaming Society
Ohs-1968-1975 Oakwood High School 1968-1975
Oli-instructors Instructors using OLI courses
oli-tech-team OLI Technical Team
Oli-test-email-list [no description available]
Ols-2017 [no description available]
Olympus-mail [no description available]
Om-dlist [no description available]
Om-executive-board om-executive-board
Omegaphibeta-events [no description available]
Omen-2022 OMEN 2022 Membership List
Omfreshman-dlist [no description available]
Omx-outreachcommittee CMU OMx's Outreach Committee
Onewest2013-14 [no description available]
Onib-2016-yiru [no description available]
Onib-board-13-14 ONiB Board 2013-2014
Onib-board-14-15 [ONiB Board]
Onib-committee [no description available]
Onib-performers-09 [no description available]
Onib-spring-dance [no description available]
Onr-acp ONR Accountable Protocol Customization participants
Onr-cai Mailing list for ONR CAI project
ONR-IPT ONR-IPT group mailing list
Oo-2013trip OO@CMU trip 2013
Oo-at-cmu2 [no description available]
oo2013trip-interested Interested applicants for OO 2013 trip
Ooatcmu-2011interest [no description available]
Ooatcmu-trip2011 [no description available]
Opal-lab Optimization, Probability and Learning Lab
open-edge Everyone interested in Open Edge Computing
Open-mic-night-17 Open Mic Night Spring 2017
openslide-announce Announcement list for OpenSlide,
openslide-users For users of the OpenSlide library and tools,
Opera-excerpts-cast Opera excerpts cast d-list for spring 2024.
or-seminar OR Seminar Announcements
Oracle-users-jan-2024 Financial community (Oracle Financials Users) as of Jan 22, 2024
Orange-project [no description available]
orca-users ORCA user list
Orcs-dlist [no description available]
Order-of-omega Order of Omega Mailing List
Order-of-omega16-17 Order of Omega Membership 2016-2017
oregon-trail-hunt [no description available]
Oric-group [no description available]
Orientation-staff-2014 [no description available]
Orientation-staff-2015 [no description available]
Orientationstaff-2016 [no description available]
Origami-club Origami Club General Members
ORIGINS-2019 Information and events for ORIGINS 2019-2020
Origins-2020 ORIGINS 2020-2021
Origins-2021 [no description available]
Origins-2022 [no description available]
Origins-2023 [no description available]
Orion-cast [no description available]
Orion-crew [no description available]
Orso-staff [no description available]
Osa-cmu [no description available]
Osp-awards-team [no description available]
Osp-contracts-team [no description available]
Osp-group [no description available]
Osp-openhouse2017 [no description available]
Osp-subcontract-team [no description available]
Osv-support [no description available]
Ot-morewood OT Morewood
Ot-penn OT Penn
Ot-strat-seminar [no description available]
Otb-penn [no description available]
Out-at-cmu Out@CMU members
Outreach-2014 Outreach 2014
Outreach360-2015 [no description available]
Outreach360-2016 Outreach360 2015-2016 Members
Outreach360-2017 [no description available]
Outreach360-2017-interest [no description available]
Outreach360-cmu [no description available]
Outreach360-info-sessions Outreach360 Interest Notifications
owr-reports-notify Nofiication that on-line web reports (OWR) are converted to PDF format
owr-yearly-purge-notify members are notified upon completion of yearly oracle web reports (owr) purge
owrtrans-users notifications regarding owrtrans account, i.e. yearly account renewal
P-and-M-students Policy and Management students
P3G-project [no description available]
Pa-sentencing-systems [no description available]
Pace-cmu [no description available]
Pace-steering PACE Steering Committee
Panama-brigade-2 Dlist for CMU's Panama Brigade Part 2
Panama-general GBB Panama
Panhel-exec-2011 [no description available]
Panhellenic-2023 [no description available]
parallel-rg [no description available]
parental-leave-group Parental Leave Interest Group
Password-study-2019 [no description available]
Past-inferlab-members [no description available]
Payroll-accounting [no description available]
Payroll-deadlines Jan. 2024 Payroll Deadline Reminder List
Payroll-deadlines-dec2023 Dec. 2023 Payroll Deadline Reminder List
Payroll-help Payroll help distribution list
Payroll-utdc [no description available]
Pbk-qualifiers-fall-2022 students who are eligible for fall 2022 PBK initiation
Pc21-speakers [no description available]
Pcan-group Pittsburgh Cognitive Auditory Neuroscience
PCHE-Simon-collaboration PCHE/Simon Collaboration
PCHE-Simon-collaboration-leadership Leaders at PCHE schools; gets first alerts about Summer Institute
PCHE-Simon-collaboration-POC-2017 Summer Inst. POCs
Pci-p2-pe pci p2 pe reporting
Pci-saq-b pci saq b
Pci-saq-c-only pci saq c only reporting
Pci-saq-cvt pci saq c-vt reporting
Pcmea-dlist D-List for PCMEA
pcmrs-members [no description available]
pcr-bloggers Email list of the contributors to PCR's Science Non-Fiction blog
pcr-exec [no description available]
pcr-officers [no description available]
pcr-practice Public Communication for Researchers practice
pcr-reading-group PCR reading group participants mailing list
pcr-social Public Communication for Researchers social events
Pcsummersession-23 [no description available]
pd-murph Paddy Murphy's
Pdf-2022 [no description available]
Pdf-participants [no description available]
pdl-account GG amazon
pdl-event used yearly for pdl events
pdl-outage PDL Outage notifications
pdl-pdc-talkseries [no description available]
Pdl-readinggroup PDL reading group mailing list
pdl-staff 2020 pdl staff
pdlreunion-2023 11th annual pdl reunion at FAST
Pdltest-users [no description available]
Pedpal-userstudy [no description available]
Peex-gdpr [no description available]
Peex-lab PeeX researchers only
PeeX-MTurk PeeX Researchers using MTurk
Penguin-servers [no description available]
Pepr-21 [no description available]
Pepr21-speakers [no description available]
Perceptrun-cmu [no description available]
Perfect-harmony Perfect Harmony General Mailing List
Performance-modeling-2019 Class mailing list for 15-857 Analytical Performance Modeling 2019
PerformanceManagement-MeritProject Peformance Management Merit Project
Persian-poetry [no description available]
Personal-1 [no description available]
Personal-training Personal trainers at CMU
Personalized-privacy-assistant Public Mailinglist
PetThatch16-17 For PET Thatch Communications
Petthatch18-19 For PET Thatch Communications
Pfos-group [no description available]
Pftl-lab-list PFTL - Mechanical Engineering
Pg13-committee [no description available]
Pg13-studentcommittee [no description available]
Pgh-alumni-chapter CMU Pittsburgh Network
pgh-connections D-list for Pittsburgh Connections
Pgh-connections1 Pittsburgh Connections list 1
Pgh-connections2 Pittsburgh Connections list 2
PghAlumni-dl Design Alumni - Pittsburgh
Pghprofessionals-dl Pittsburgh Design Professionals
Phc-2021 [no description available]
Phc-s22 [no description available]
Phd-21symposium [no description available]
Phd-cee [no description available]
Phd-commence-mailing PhD commencement ceremony
Phd-s15 Potential PHD grads Spring 2015
Phd-wrkingcmtee PHD - Working Committee
phelophepa-project [no description available]
Phi-beta-kappa-initiates spring PBK initiates
Phideltatheta-parho [no description available]
Phil-primary-maj Primary majors in the Philosophy Department
Phil-students philosophy undergrads (major, add'l major, minor)
Phil-unphil unofficial philosophy department announcements
Philly-2023-updates Updates for Philly Missions 2023
Philly-2024-updates Philly Missions 2024
Philosophy-staff [no description available]
Phoebe-all Phoebe team and collaborators
phoebe-users Phoebe Computing Cluster users list
Phoenix-MRSD [no description available]
Phoenix-wristwatch S16 Management Game World 1 Firm 2
Photonics-group [no description available]
Physical-education Physical Education Instructors
Physics-20 [no description available]
Physics-21 [no description available]
Physics-22 [no description available]
Physics-23 [no description available]
Physics-24 [no description available]
Physics-25 [no description available]
Physics-26 Physics Class of '26
Physics-27 Physics Class of '27
Physics-ai [no description available]
Physics-dei Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee in Physics.
Physics-outreach [no description available]
Physics-steering-committee [no description available]
Physics-teachers-program [no description available]
Physicsi-f11 [no description available]
Pi-Tau-Sigma [no description available]
Piano-tech [no description available]
Piazza-cast [no description available]
Piazza-crew [no description available]
picard-automl The dev mailing list for ngAutonML
Pillar-proj [no description available]
PIM-Crosspoint PIM-Crosspoint researchers
Pipeband-members [no description available]
PipeDream-Nuclear List for the PipeDream pipe inspection project
pirate-hunt [no description available]
Pire-ss [no description available]
Pitt-cmusatprep SAT/college prep
Pittsburgh-Indian-Music Pittsburgh Indian Classical Music Community
Pittsburgh-weather NWS data and a fortune quote, twice a day.
PJ-ClIMA [no description available]
Pj-clima-alumni [no description available]
Pl-talk Social list for current CMU PL people
pl2-app-help PLUS App Help
Plague-runcrew [no description available]
Plagueinvenice-cast [no description available]
Plaid-parliament-pwning [no description available]
Planetary-Robotics The public for the Planetary Robotics Lab.
Playboy-crew Playboy of the Western World Crew
Playboy-ww Playboy of the Western World dlist
Playground14-participants Playground 14 Participants
Playtest-project [no description available]
Playtesting-night [no description available]
Plots-and-Scotch Biophysics Seminar Series
Plus-playlist-generation [no description available]
plus-training [no description available]
Pmc-2023 [no description available]
Pmxto4-fullteam [no description available]
Pnc-accounting-group Tepper Faculty & PhD Students
Pnc-advisorycommittee PNC Center Advisory Committee
Pnc-affiliatedfaculty PNC Affiliated Faculty
Pnc-econ-finance-group Tepper Faculty & PhD Students
poker-ai-competition [no description available]
Policy-affinity-group [no description available]
Policyforum-84450 [no description available]
PoliticsAndPolicy-Club Politics and Policy Club at Heinz College Mailing List
Pool-club-exco [no description available]
Pops-orchestra [no description available]
Portfolio-users Communication with users of Portfolio photo server
Postdocs-2023-24 [no description available]
Postdocs-cee [no description available]
Potential-senators [no description available]
Power-system [no description available]
Powerfaids-citrix-users E-list for PF Citrix users
Powerfaids-esg-team [no description available]
Powerfaids-sched-report PF Scheduled Jobs
ppfp-cit Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
ppfp-mentors PPFP mentors and fellows mailing list
Ppmalumni-careerservices PPM Alumni D-list
Pr-2012 [no description available]
Pr-s14 [no description available]
Pr14-15 Project Rwanda
PR15-16 [no description available]
Practicum-2013 [no description available]
Pre-c-art-club-2019 [no description available]
Pre-CollegeCommuters2014 [no description available]
Pre-law-society-executive-board [no description available]
Pre-tenure-track-dietrich [no description available]
Pre1-morewood Pre1 Morewood
Pre1-penn Pre1 Penn
Pre2-morewood Pre2 Morewood
Pre2-penn Preschool 2 Penn Ave
Prec-bigqs [no description available]
Precision-neuroscopics [no description available]
Precmusic-students [no description available]
Precollege-residents [no description available]
Prehistory-hunt [no description available]
Prekk-morewood PreK/K Morewood
Prep-complete ALL preparatory families
Prep-instructors [no description available]
Prep-pianostudents All Prep Piano Students
Prepfaculty-1920 Prep School Faculty 1920
Prepfamspecial-1920 [no description available]
Pres-cmuq A list for members of the Professional Enrichment Society at CMUQ
Presidential-cabinet-2017-2018 [no description available]
Print-club CMU Print Club D-List
Prism-activism-dlist PRISM Activism Committee mailing list
Prism-alumni [no description available]
Prism-cmu PRISM CMU mailing list
Prism-mhsg-f19 [no description available]
Prism-revitalization SoHo Revitalization Committee
Prism-stained-glass [no description available]
Priv-assistants PPA Project Mailinglist
privacy-choices A mailing list for the CUPS privacy choices research group.
Privacy-usability Frontier Project
Privacygrade-dev privacygrade-dev
probability-computing-2018 15-359/659
probability-computing-2020 [no description available]
Prod-mgmt-sv-fall23 Product Management SV Fall '23
Production-team Centennial Production Team
Program-directors-advisors-honors-candidates [no description available]
Project-Candela Project Candela Mailing List
Project-ignite-2020-robotics-advisors [no description available]
Project-ignite-advisors-2019 [no description available]
Project-Ignite-Art-Sound [no description available]
Project-ignite-battery [no description available]
Project-Ignite-Charity-App [no description available]
Project-Ignite-Chem [no description available]
Project-ignite-edtools [no description available]
Project-Ignite-Holo [no description available]
Project-ignite-household [no description available]
Project-ignite-hs-16-17 [no description available]
Project-Ignite-HS-S16 [no description available]
Project-ignite-interest-2016 A list for students interested in joining Project Ignite for the 2016-2017 year
Project-ignite-interest-2019 People with expressed interest in joining Project Ignite in 2019
Project-Ignite-Interest-F15 Fall 2015 recruitment list for Project Ignite
Project-ignite-interest-s16 [no description available]
Project-Ignite-Minecraft [no description available]
Project-ignite-musique [no description available]
Project-Ignite-Neuro [no description available]
Project-ignite-parents [no description available]
Project-ignite-photography [no description available]
Project-ignite-promotionadv-s21 [no description available]
Project-ignite-promotionstu-s21 [no description available]
Project-Ignite-Quads [no description available]
Project-ignite-weather [no description available]
Project-Smile Project Smile D-List
Project-smile-candy-runs [no description available]
Project-sparks [no description available]
Project-sunshine [no description available]
project-umbrella A project to provide accessible umbrellas for everyone on campus
Projectrwanda-qatar [no description available]
Projectrwanda-team [no description available]
ProjectRwanda16-17 [no description available]
Propel-IT [no description available]
Property-drbc-fusion-info Cmuworks DRBC feed people
Prospective-families [no description available]
Prospective-senate [no description available]
Prospective-senate-spring [no description available]
Proteomics-platoon [no description available]
pse-cmu PSE Seminar Carnegie Mellon University
Psy-courtesy Psychology Courtesy Faculty Appointments
Psy-grads2017 Psy Grad Cohort 2017
Psy-grads2021 Psy grad cohort 2021
Psych-a [no description available]
Psych-n [no description available]
Psych-outreach [no description available]
Psychotherapy-team Full-Time Psychotherapy Staff
pt-gba PT GBA
Ptm-des-faculty-staff [no description available]
Ptmsba-24 [no description available]
Ptmsba-25 [no description available]
Pts-2015 [no description available]
Pts2014-2015 [no description available]
Pts2015-16 [no description available]
ptx-24 PTX24 students
Pugwash-exec [no description available]
Pugwash-list A mailing list for Pugwash.
Put-on-crew [no description available]
puzzlehunt-cmu Puzzle Hunt CMU interest list
Puzzlehunt-f11 [no description available]
Puzzlehunt-f12 [no description available]
puzzlehunt-members Puzzle Hunt CMU members
Puzzlehunt-s12-onsite [no description available]
Puzzles-in-language-change [no description available]
PyACTUp-users Discussion about PyACTUp
Pyhio-crew [no description available]
PyIBL-Users Announcements and discussion of the PyIBL software
Qa-datashop-test QA DataShop Test
Qfc-2019 [no description available]
Qis-honors-thesis-qualifiers [no description available]
qpoc-cmq QPOC@CMU
Qrtly-recons [no description available]
Quadcopter-2k16-17 [no description available]
Quadrotor-general Quadrotor general body mailing list
Quantum-crypto Quantum Cryptography Reading Group at CMU
Quantum-initiative [no description available]
Quarks-to-cosmos List for "From Quarks to the Cosmos with AI" conference
Questioning-support Questioning support group of ALLIES
Quizbowl-mailing-list CMU Quizbowl Members Mailing List
R-pad [no description available]
r-pad-manipulation-subgroup R-PAD Manipulation Subgroup
R12-fst-listing Oracle R12 Upgrade FST Listing
R122-project-team Oracle R12.2 upgrade project team
R14-all [no description available]
R18-oct29paneralunch [no description available]
R19-pdc-all [no description available]
R22-all Retreat 2022 - all registrants
R22-speakers R22 CMU presenters
R23-all [no description available]
R23-speakers r23 speakers
R2A-Psychology Psych Return to Admin
R2R-Anderson Anderson Return to Research
R2R-Behrmann Behrmann Return to Research
R2R-Helgeson Helgeson Return to Research
R2R-Holt Holt Return to Research
R2R-Just Just Return to Research
R2R-Mahon-Cantlon Mahon Return to Research
R2R-Psychology All psych dept Return to Research
R2R-Verstynen Verstynen Return to Research
R7-party-dl r7 party invite list
Ra-dlist20192020 [no description available]
Ra-dlist20202021 [no description available]
Ra-training-workgroup RATrain
RAC-list RAC-List
Racquetball-Club The CMU Racquetball Club member communication list
Radical-all radical all
Radical-bootcamp CMU Babel Bootcamp
Radical-pi Radical PI
Radio-bemba [no description available]
Radlist-20212022 [no description available]
Radlist2022-2023 [no description available]
Ragtime-crew [RagtimeCrew]
Rams-mrsd [no description available]
Rasl-list Reliable Autonomous Systems Lab mailing list
Rb-submit Robber Barons Submissions
Rbg-all RBG at CMU
Rbg-equipment-users RBG Equipment Users
rc-colony-elec [no description available]
RC-colony-electrical Robotics Club Colony Project Electrical Sub-Team
RC-colony-mech Roboclub Colony Mechanical Subteam
RC-colony-new Mailing list for new colony members
Rc-fridgetron [no description available]
Rc-projects [no description available]
Rc-robobuggy robobuggy
Rc-robobuggy-electrical RoboBuggy Electrical Subgroup
Rc-robobuggy-interest [no description available]
Rc-robobuggy-mechanical RoboBuggy Mechanical Subgroup
Rc-robobuggy-officers RoboBuggy Officers/Senior Members
Rc-robobuggy-software RoboBuggy Software Subgroup
Rc-treasurer [no description available]
Rchi-lab RCHI Lab in RI
Rcr-announcements Responsible Conduct of Research Info
Re-propmgmt-cic [no description available]
Re-propmgmt-gatf [no description available]
Ready-to-learn-mentor-program prospects for a middle school math tutoring program called the “Ready to Learn mentor/Tutor” program
recitation-b2 [no description available]
Recitation-c [no description available]
recitation-c-112-s22-lec3 15-112 S22 Lecture 3 Recitation C
Recitationo15-112 [no description available]
Redrobot-2018 [no description available]
Redrobot-2018-mentors [no description available]
Redteam-class Class DList for courses relating to The Red Team
Region-g-2015 [no description available]
Reh-201 [no description available]
Rel-lab [no description available]
Rep-learning [no description available]
Res-ed [no description available]
res-fifth Mailing list for 5th floor of the Residence
res-nmt Residence on Fifth's New Music Tuesdays
Rescind-psyccdef-pis [no description available]
Research-accelerator-community-retreat ERA retreat d list
Research-board-22sp [no description available]
Research-board-22sp-waitlist [no description available]
Research-Ecosystem-Committee [no description available]
Research-methods [no description available]
Researchboard-1920 [no description available]
Researchboard20-21 [no description available]
Researchboard21-22 [no description available]
Researchstaff-cee Research Staff & Visitor Positions
Resnik-2-S19 Resnik Residents Second Floor S19
Resnik-3-2012 [no description available]
Resnik-five Resnik 5
Resnik-fourthfloor [no description available]
Resnik-Two [no description available]
Resnik-two-16-17 [no description available]
Resnik2-1718 [no description available]
Resnik5-2019 [no description available]
Resnikfour2018-19 [no description available]
Responsible-ai Responsible AI Initiative - full CMU distribution
Responsibleai-affiliatedfaculty Affiliated CMU faculty for the Responsible AI initiative
Restorative-practices-community [no description available]
resume-prints [no description available]
Rez-3 [no description available]
Rez-5 [no description available]
Rez-fall2011 [no description available]
Rez-mez-2 Residence on Fifth Mez and 2nd Floors
Rez-on-5th-2020 [no description available]
Rez-spring-2018-dsas [no description available]
Rez-sum15 [no description available]
Rez-third-floor-2011 [no description available]
Rez3-1819 [no description available]
Rez4-1516 [no description available]
Rezhoco-1516 [no description available]
Rezstaff-15-16 [no description available]
Rgnc-fall2021 [no description available]
Rhetoric-n-at Rhetoric n'at
RhetoricMA-Directory Rhetoric MA Directory Linda Flower
Rholambda-cmu [no description available]
ri-2010 Mailing list for RI incoming class of 2010
Ri-climate RI Climate Committee Members
Ri-education-cmte RI Education Committee
RI-Frisbee [no description available]
Ri-junior [no description available]
Ri-manipulation [no description available]
Ri-meta RI meta seminar series
Ri-ms-students-incoming [no description available]
Ri-soccer Mailing list for all things soccer/football at the Robotics Institute
Ri-table-tennis [no description available]
RI-ultimate RI Ultimate Frisbee.
Rickyxwang-18732-buildit [no description available]
Riclimate-notion [no description available]
Ride-sharing Study group for ride sharing and mobility services research
Rips-weis [no description available]
Riskgame-msit [no description available]
Rkdfall-2020ta [no description available]
Rnatour-1 [no description available]
RNL-interface Ruffalo Noel Levitz Data Transfers
Robo-friends [no description available]
Robo-orchestra RobOrchestra project of CMU Robotics Club
robo-reading General robotics reading group.
Roboclub-hardware-team Roborchestra Hardware Team
Robocrop-team Robocrop project team communication
Robomechanics-lab Robomechanics lab
roboorg-power RoboOrg officers
Roborchestra-21-22 [no description available]
Roborchestra-software-20-21 [no description available]
RobOrchestra2016-2017 RobOrchestra Project of CMU Robotics Club
Roborchestra2017-2018 RobOrchestra Project in CMU Robotics Club
Roborchestra2018-2019 [no description available]
Robosub-members [no description available]
Robot-learning [no description available]
Robotics-club-members-20-21 [no description available]
Robotouch-lab [no description available]
Rocket-club Rocket Club D-list
Rocket-command [no description available]
Rocket-recruiting Rocket Club Recruiting List
Rolls-cancellation-sweepstakes Cancellation Emails
Roman-reports For Roman's Direct Reports
Roo-2015 [no description available]
Rooseveltcmu18-19 [no description available]
Roselawn-2015-even [no description available]
Roselawn-even-houses-spring-2016 [no description available]
Roselawn-evens [no description available]
Roselawn-Evens-2014-2015 [no description available]
Roselawn-Evensf16 [no description available]
Roselawn-odds [no description available]
Roselawn-spirit [no description available]
Rover-Teams-STTR NASA STTR Project Group: Rover Teams, aka Paired Rover, aka H#SH Robotics
Rowing-novices16-17 [no description available]
Rpad-alumni [no description available]
Rpad-phds [no description available]
rpcs-2018-students [no description available]
RPG-research Role-playing game research, design, and play.
Rpg-writing-7thsea [no description available]
Rpg-writing-all-f19 RPG Writing Workshop Fall 2019
Rpg-writing-nba [no description available]
Rpt-leadership [no description available]
Rsa-general Romanian Student Association
rspace-cmu [no description available]
Rtml-grads [no description available]
Rugby-interest-list Rugby Interest from FAIR 2021
Run-away [no description available]
Run-twelve [no description available]
running-club D-list for CMU Running Club
running-grad Graduate students who like to run
Russianfairytales-list Russian Fairy Tales course
rust-stuco Mailing list for all things related to the Rust Stuco
rust-stuco-staff List for rust stuco (98-008) staff.
S-club This is the Ski & Snowboard dlist. Sign up to hear about trips and events!
s-fiction [no description available]
S-quall [no description available]
S14-112-mentees [no description available]
S14-18474 [no description available]
S14-82132-elementary-chinese [no description available]
S14-calc3d-m [no description available]
S14-calc3d-m2 [no description available]
S15-mentees [no description available]
S16-15112k [no description available]
S16-21111-recitation-a [no description available]
S16-mentees [no description available]
S16-section-b-112 [no description available]
S16-section-o [no description available]
S16-speakers [no description available]
S16-tp [no description available]
S18-112-tp [no description available]
S18-stuco-teachers [no description available]
S19-15-112-TP [no description available]
S19-15112 [no description available]
S19-design-cultures Email list for Cultures mini Spring 2019
S19-design-research-methods-mini [no description available]
S19-groovy-grapes [no description available]
S19-low-relief [no description available]
S19-sectionf [no description available]
S19-stuco-instructors [no description available]
S20-design-cultures [no description available]
S20-stuco-instructors [no description available]
S20-swsg [no description available]
S20ta-deeprl [no description available]
S21-stuco-instructors [no description available]
s21-tp-mentees [no description available]
S22-stuco-instructors [no description available]
S22-swsg [no description available]
S22-tp-students [no description available]
S23-outside-org [no description available]
S23-stuco-instructors [no description available]
S23-swsg Strong Women Strong Girls S23
S24-dancers [no description available]
S24-faculty [no description available]
S24-facultydlist List of all faculty teaching in TUP for Spring 2024
S3-analysts [no description available]
S3-architects [no description available]
S3-batch-devs Batch developers for the S3 HTP project.
S3-billing-aging-prod Production notifications for S3 billing and aging
S3-borpa BORPA list
S3-CAS-Support Email for S3 Support from CAS
S3-cucumber For email communication to & with the Cucumber test writers
S3-cutover-team [no description available]
S3-deployment-team S3 team members that help with batch and flux deployment
s3-developers [no description available]
S3-edm [no description available]
S3-fms-cms-support [no description available]
S3-htp-infrastructure-team [no description available]
S3-iics-devs [no description available]
S3-nacha Gets communication re: certificates, accounts.
S3-operations [no description available]
S3-release-announce dlist for announcing S3 releases with category details
S3-requests Requests for new and changes to existing S3 suite functionality
S3-services-team [no description available]
S3-sio-prod The 'from' address for S3 feedback
S3-testers [no description available]
S3-ui-developers S3 UI Developers
S3db-perf-alerts [no description available]
Saac-2015 [no description available]
Saac-2017 [no description available]
Saac-2019 [no description available]
Saac-2020 SAAC emails for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021
Saac-2021-2022 SAAC emails for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022
Saac2022-2023 [no description available]
Sab-exec [no description available]
Sab-general [no description available]
Saba-members [no description available]
Sac-design [no description available]
Sae-buggy-awesome SAE Buggy
sae-gs SAE Greek Sing
Sae-spring07 SAE Spring 07
Sae-spring11-pledge [no description available]
Safari-students [no description available]
SAFARI-undergrads SAFARI Research Group Undergrads & Masters
Safe-2016-2017 [no description available]
Safe-AI Safe AI seminars and events at CMU
Safe-ai-digest Weekly Digest from Safe AI Lab@CMU
Safe-cmu [no description available]
Safeai-mailing [no description available]
Sai-alphamu [no description available]
Sai-list [no description available]
Sai-members [no description available]
Salmon-hat [no description available]
Salsa-member Spanish And Latin Student Association members
Sams-2014 [no description available]
Sams-2018 [no description available]
Sams-2022all [no description available]
Sams-2022andrew [no description available]
Sams-2022pg [no description available]
Sams-alexa SAMS 2017 Alexa Project
Sand-organizers [no description available]
Sander-shi-amazon [no description available]
SAO-CES-Staff Student Affairs Operations - Conferences & Events
SAO-DIN-Staff Student Affairs Operations - Dining Services
SAO-HOU-Staff Student Affairs Operations - Housing Services
SAO-IT-staff Student Affairs Operations - IT
sao-staff Student Accounts Office staff members
Sasageneralbody2016-2017 [no description available]
Sase-dlist SASE (Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers)
Sase-interest [no description available]
Sase-interest-f14 [no description available]
Sase-msit-2015 [no description available]
Satya-group Members of Satya's research group
sbp-brims SBP-BRiMS Participants
sbp-lab Search-based Planning Lab group mailing list
sbp-lab-announcement Search-Based Planning Lab Announcements
sbp-lab-nonwork [no description available]
Sc-crowdsourcing1 [no description available]
Sc-crowdsourcing2 [no description available]
Sc-deib Current Staff Council DEI+B committee.
Sca-bmdl Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands Email List
Sca-dance Medieval Dance in the SCA
Sca-hrlds Discussions of SCA Heraldry
Scaife-building Scaife building occupants
Scaife-moving-personnel Personnel with office space in Scaife
SCALE-all-list All members of the SCALE research project
SCALE-PI-list PIs for the SCALE research project
Scambusters-Study [no description available]
Scanner-list [no description available]
Scc-booth-builders [no description available]
scc-entertainment [no description available]
Scc-gig [no description available]
SCC-marketing-2020 Spring Carnival Committee Marketing Mailing List
scc-members Members of Spring Carnival Committee
Scc-opps [no description available]
scc-ops Operations Sub-Committee
Scc-stakeholders [no description available]
Scc-uiux SCC UI/UX Subcommittee
scheduling-and-queueing A forum for researchers studying scheduling, queueing, stochastic processes, and related areas.
Scheme-purchasing Crazy Scheme purchasing account email
Schlag-1-bravo [no description available]
Schlag-1A-14-15 Hamerschlag 1A Distribution List
Schlag-3a 2015-2016 Schlag 3A
Schlag-3b 2017-18 Hamerschlag 3B residents
Schlag-staff [no description available]
Schlag-staff-14-15 [no description available]
Schlag3a-13-14 Hamerschlag 3A Residents 2013-2014
Science-tech-society-reading STS reading group, summer 2018
Sclt-editor Mailing list for SCLT Editors
Sclt-info Information list for SCLT
Sclt-submission SCLT Submission address
Sclt-subscription Subscription mailing list for SCLT
Scobell-0 [no description available]
Scobell-2 [no description available]
Scobell-2-2021 [no description available]
Scobell-2-yo [no description available]
Scobell-2013-14 Scobell House 2013-14
Scobell-3-2014-2015 [no description available]
Scobell-3-2015 [no description available]
Scobell-5-2013-14 Scobell House 3rd Floor (2013-14)
Scobell-house-council House Council for Scobell
Scobell01-17-18 [no description available]
Scobell3-2017 Mailing list for Scobel 3, 2017-2018
Scone-mits-cmu [no description available]
Scott-affiliates Scott Institute Affiliates
Scott-fellows [no description available]
Scotthallcollaboratory-steering Scott Hall Lab Steering Committee
Scottie-Ventures-23-24 Mailing list for Scottie Ventures 2023-2024 members
Scottylabs-announce Information about ScottyLabs events
Scottylabs-mangesh [no description available]
Scottyspark-participants [no description available]
Scs-2020-2021-undergrad-commence 2020 and 2021 grads for 3 year Commencement
Scs-amt scs-amt
scs-anti-racism-allies [no description available]
Scs-cert-contact [no description available]
Scs-deanslist dean's list f 20 and s 21
Scs-deansoffice [no description available]
Scs-dual-degrees [no description available]
Scs-frosh updated 19 Aug 2023
Scs-frosh-women [no description available]
scs-gpi2019 GPI Mailing List 2019
Scs-honors [no description available]
Scs-juniors all scs juniors
Scs-little-sisters Women@SCS Sisters Program: Littles
Scs-mentee-20 [no description available]
Scs-mentor-20 [no description available]
scs-outreach [no description available]
SCS-phd-committee [no description available]
Scs-seniors all scs seniors (4&5)
SCS-sisters SCS-sisters
Scs-sophs all sophomores in scs
scs-student-tours [no description available]
Scs-ugrad-advisors All SCS ugrad advisors and program admins.
scs-ugrad-research [no description available]
Scs-ugrads [no description available]
Scs-web-2020-alpha-adm [no description available]
Scscf-certtrackingadmin [no description available]
Scsday-2015-planning Planning committee for the best day ever!
Scsday-2016-planning Planning committee for the best day ever!
Scsday-2017-planning Planning for SCS Day 2017!
Scsday-2018-planning [no description available]
scsday-2019-planning [no description available]
Scsday-committee-2014 [no description available]
Scsday-planning-2020 [no description available]
Scsday-planning-23 [no description available]
Scsday-planning-24 [no description available]
Scsdayplanning-2020 [no description available]
Sdc-2015pushers Pusher recruits for RD 2016
Sdc-2016pushers Pusher recruits for RD 2017
Sdc-2018pushers Pusher Recruits for RD2018
Sdc-admin-contacts SDC's Admin Contacts
SDC-Announce Announcements from the Student Dormitory Council
SDC-Booth Information about being a part of the SDC Booth team
Sdc-buggy2017 [no description available]
SDC-buggydrivers SDC Buggy Drivers
SDC-Campus-Relations SDC Campus Relations Committee
SDC-chairman-list Dlist for Sweepstakes BBoard msgs
Sdc-cr2010 [no description available]
Sdc-dining SDC Dining Committee
SDC-Events Student Dormitory Council Events Committee
Sdc-events-temp [no description available]
SDC-ExBoard SDC Executive Board
SDC-ExComm SDC Executive Committee
SDC-Funding SDC Funding Committee
SDC-GenBody SDC General Body
sdc-general Student Dormitory Council's general members
SDC-HF-Contacts Information from SDC for Housefellows
Sdc-hsl SDC Housing and Student Life Committee
Sdc-info [no description available]
SDC-Interest List of gen bod members not in commitees
sdc-mechanics-2022 SDC Mechanics 2022
Sdc-mechanics2018 [no description available]
Sdc-mechanics22 [no description available]
Sdc-mechs-interest [no description available]
Sdc-movies First hand info about Movies SDC is sponsoring
Sdc-newmechs [no description available]
Sdc-newmechs22 [no description available]
Sdc-newpushers22 [DO NOT USE]
SDC-Publicity SDC Publicity Committee
sdc-pushers-2022 SDC Pushers 2022
sdc-pushers-2023 SDC Pushers 2023
sdc-pushers-23-24 [no description available]
Sdc-pushers2019 Pusher Recruits RD 2019
Sdc-pushers2020 [no description available]
Sdc-recruits-2019 [no description available]
Sdc-recruits-2021 SDC Pushers 2021
sdc-recruits-2022 SDC Buggy 2022
sdc-recruits-23-24 Mailing list for new SDC recruits for the 2023-24 year.
Sdc-temp SDC Temp Mailing List
sdc-voting Student Dormitory Council's voting members
Sdcbooth-heads-2023 [no description available]
Sdcbooth-members-2324 SDC Booth Members for Carnival 2024
Sdcbooth-recruit-2023 [no description available]
Sdcbuggy-recruiting22 [no description available]
SDP-SOS-reading-group SDP/SOS reading group
Sds-adminstaff All administrative staff in SDS
Sds-all All faculty/staff/graduate students of Social & Decision Sciences
Sds-allplus All SDS dlists in one
Sds-associatedfaculty All courtesy faculty in SDS
Sds-faculty All SDS tenure track, research track, and teaching track faculty
Sds-grads All graduate students in SDS
Sds-postdocs All postdocs in SDS
Sds-researchstaff All research staff in SDS
Sds-sac SDS SAC
Sds-seminar All faculty, grads, postdocs, visiting faculty, and courtesy faculty
Sds-staff All staff and research staff in Social & Decision Sciences
Sds-visitors All visitors in SDS
Sdw-users [no description available]
Se-phd-students-postdocs-unmoderated Software engineering people and friends at ISR. Totally admin-free.
Se-research-methods [no description available]
Sea-star The Hinman Lab Group
Seams17-org [no description available]
Sean-xx [no description available]
Section-b-15112-s18 [no description available]
Section-l [no description available]
Section-mmm-delicious-15-112 [no description available]
Sectiona-112spring18 [no description available]
sectiona-n18 [no description available]
Sectionc-m18 [no description available]
Sectione-s19 [no description available]
Sectioni-f17 [no description available]
Sectioni-f18 15-112 Section I F18
Sectionl112-s19 [no description available]
Sectiono-s19 [no description available]
sectionq-s17 [no description available]
Seds-all A list for reaching everyone actively involved in SEDS@CMU
Seds-cmu [no description available]
Seds-leads A list for reaching the leadership of SEDS@CMU
Seer-center-directors Directors of Centers in SEER
Seer-doctoral-fellows Current and Former SEER Doctoral Fellows
Seer-external Former Fellows and SEER contact outside of the University
Seer-faculty Steinbrenner Affiliated Faculty Members
Seer-staff CMU's Environmentally-related staff members
SemEval-2014-task-8 SemEval 2014's task 8
Senate-18-19 [no description available]
Senate-19-20 [no description available]
Senate-20-21 [no description available]
Senate-21-22 [no description available]
Senate-22-23 [no description available]
senate-aa Senate Academic Affairs Committee Members
Senate-academic-affairs-18-19 [no description available]
Senate-Academic-Affairs-F16 Undergraduate Student Senate Committee on Academic Affairs - Fall 2016
Senate-Academic-Affairs-S17 Undergraduate Student Senate Committee on Academic Affairs - Spring 2017
senate-advocacy CMU UG Student Senate Advocacy Committee Members
Senate-communications-16-17 Senate Communications 16-17
Senate-gbm-16-17 [no description available]
Senate-gbm-2013-2014 [no description available]
Senate-gbm-2014-2015 [no description available]
Senate-gbm-2015-2016 [no description available]
Senate-interest-f16 [no description available]
Senate-internal-development-18-19 [no description available]
Senate-New-Members [no description available]
senate-novel-s17 For NOVEL Committee
Senate-smoking-discuss Faculty Senate smoking policy discussion
Senateexcomm12-13 [no description available]
Senior-events13 [no description available]
Senior-resumes-2023 students for possible PBK candidacy
Senior-women-in-signal-processing Senior women in Signal Processing Society
Seniordancegirls-2011 [no description available]
Seniordanceguys-2011 [no description available]
Serious-Business Organizational Behavior Team 7
service-bus-customers [no description available]
Service-collaboration-group [no description available]
Servicenow-advisory-users-group ServiceNow Advisory User Group List
Setchange-faculty [no description available]
Setchange-main [no description available]
Setchange-seminar Setchange Seminar Series
Setchange-students [no description available]
Sexcomm-2015 [no description available]
Sf-planning San Francisco Area Alumni Planning Group
Sfs-communications SFS Communications CC List
SFS-eboard SPIRIT Fashion Show - Executive Board
SFS-models SPIRIT Fashion Show - Models (17-18)
SGI-cmu [no description available]
Shady-oak2014 [no description available]
Shadyoak-1and2 shadyoak1and2 dlist for 2014-2015
Shadyoak-34 [no description available]
sher-lab SHER Lab D-List
Shift-students SHIFT minor
Shirley-1314 [no description available]
Shlomos-team [no description available]
Shotokankarate-dlist [no description available]
Showcase-17-dp Showcase 2017 Design & PTM
Showcase-actors-13 Showcase d-list for actors
Showcase-actors-14 Showcase 2014- Performers
Showcase12-film [no description available]
Showcase12-performers Performing Participants / Showcase 2012
Showcase12-sound [no description available]
Shpe-cmu-2022 [no description available]
Shpe-conference-2019 [no description available]
Shpe-mentees-19-20 [no description available]
Shpe-mentors19-20 [no description available]
Shwoaklandville-cmu [no description available]
Shwoaklandville-s23 [no description available]
Si-15-122 [no description available]
Si-2018 Summer Institute 2018 Attendees
Si-2019 CASOS Summer Institute 2019
Si-2020 CASOS SI 2020 participants
Si-2021 SI 2021 Participants and Instructors
SI-2022 2022 CASOS Summer Institute
Si-cellbiology-2014 [no description available]
si-organic-chemistry-i-f18 [no description available]
SIAM-board SIAM board members
SIAM-general-mail-list SIAM general members
Siam-news Subscribers to event news from SIAM: Thai Students Association
Siam-sc [no description available]
Siam-soccer [no description available]
Siam-wg [no description available]
SIBR-tech-notes [no description available]
Side-announcements [no description available]
Sife-eboard [no description available]
SIFE-GlobalEmpowerment [no description available]
Sife-globalthreads11-board [no description available]
Sife-nicaragua [no description available]
SIGBOVIK-Announce SIGBOVIK Announcements
Sigep-buggy-womens [no description available]
Sigep-buggypushers SigEp Buggy Pushers
Sigep-fall-rush-2015 [no description available]
Sigmanu-exec [no description available]
Sigmanu-pledges [no description available]
Simon-brainstorming-ies [no description available]
Simon-coords [no description available]
Simon-oli-internal D-list for Simon/OLI team
Simst-help SimStudent WebPage HelpList
Sin-bad Florian Metze
Sio-team [no description available]
Sis-production-errors [no description available]
Sisters-cast Three Sisters Cast List
Six-degrees [no description available]
Sketch-troupe Tisbert Sketch Comedy
Skippin-scotties-f16 [no description available]
Skoog-undergrads-cook-lab [no description available]
sl-career ScottyLabs Careers
sl-dev ScottyLabs Dev
sl-email-testing [no description available]
sl-events [no description available]
sl-print ScottyLabs Print API Development
sl-public ScottyLabs
sl-public-tech-2016 ScottyLabs Tech - New Members
sl-sponsorship [no description available]
sl-tartanhacks TartanHacks public communications and announcements.
sla-grad-seminar SLA Grad Seminar list
Slanda-test1 [no description available]
Slanda-test21 [no description available]
Slanda-test31 [no description available]
Slate-group [no description available]
Slice-breakroom Staff with access to the SLICE Breakroom
Slice-staff [no description available]
Sloan-2024 Sloan Proposal 2024
Sm-15-alumni-attendance [no description available]
Sm-15-year-event [no description available]
SM-ALUMNI-2016 [no description available]
Sm-alumni-2018 MSSM Alumni 2004 - 2017
Sm-aug-2015-graduating [no description available]
Sm-aug-dec-2014-grads [no description available]
Sm-dec-2015-graduating [no description available]
SM-diploma-ceremony-participants-2015 [no description available]
Sm-diploma-ceremony-participants-2016 [no description available]
Sm-diploma-ceremony-participants-2017 [no description available]
SM-graduating-2015 [no description available]
Sm-seminar [no description available]
Sm1-fall11 [no description available]
Smc-t21 People interested in Traffic21 - send announcements of speakers
Sme2019-atk [no description available]
Sml-journal-club [no description available]
Sml-lab-mates [no description available]
SML-ME Soft Machines Lab for Human-Compatible Machines & Electronics
Sneakerology-dlist [no description available]
Snowflake-alerts [no description available]
Snowflake-ultimate Snowflake Ultimate Mailing List
Sns-dlist Scotch'n'Soda General dlist
Sns-music S'n'S Music Interest
Sns-workshop Scotch'n'Soda Workshopping dlist
Snsalumni-mar2023 [no description available]
Snsboard10-11-internal (Internal Only) Scotch'n'Soda Board of Directors 2010-2011
Snsboard12-13 [no description available]
Soa-2022-aecm [no description available]
soa-all All School of Architecture (faculty/staff/students)
soa-all-students All School of Architecture Students
soa-ba School of Architecture BA Students
soa-bxa BXA architecture students
Soa-cnc-monitors-2015-2016 [no description available]
SoA-DBS ASO Studio
Soa-faculty-search [no description available]
soa-fulltime School of Architecture Full-Time Faculty
Soa-gpec-committee [no description available]
soa-grad-program-committee All Grad Faculty
soa-grad-stem-committee msphd programs committee
soa-graduate School of Architecture Graduate Students
soa-gsac Graduate Student Advisory Council
Soa-interpunct Interpunct General Mailing List
soa-iw School of Architecture Intelligent Workplace
soa-maad-class-of24 School of Architecture MAAD Class of 2024
soa-maad-class-of25 School of Architecture MAAD Class of 2025
soa-march-class-of24 School of Architecture M.Arch Class of 2024
soa-march-class-of25 School of Architecture M.Arch Class of 2025
soa-march-faculty Core Faculty for the NewMArch Program
soa-masters School of Architecture Masters Students
Soa-mentors-16 SoA Mentors for 2016-2017
Soa-mentors-17 SoA Mentors for 2017-2018
soa-msaecm-class-of23 School of Architecture MSAECM Class of 2023
soa-msaecm-class-of24 School of Architecture MSAECM Class of 2024
soa-msbpd-class-of19 School of Architecture MSBPD Class of 2019
soa-msbpd-class-of20 School of Architecture MSBPD Class of 2020
soa-msbpd-class-of24 School of Architecture MSBPD Class of 2024
soa-msbpd-class-of25 School of Architecture MSBPD Class of 2025
soa-mscd-class-of24 School of Architecture MSCD Class of 2024
soa-mscd-class-of25 School of Architecture MSCD Class of 2025
soa-msphd-committee MSPHD grad faculty
soa-mssd-class-of24 School of Architecture MSSD Class of 2024
soa-mssd-class-of25 School of Architecture MSSD Class of 2025
soa-mud-class-of24 School of Architecture MUD Class of 2024
soa-mud-class-of25 School of Architecture MUD Class of 2025
soa-phd School of Architecture PhD Students
soa-phdaecm School of Architecture PhD-AECM Students
soa-phdbpd School of Architecture PhD-BPD Students
soa-phdcd School of Architecture PhD-CD Students
soa-staff School of Architecture Staff
soa-student-instructors School of Architecture Student Instructors
soa-tenured School of Architecture Tenured Faculty
soa-undergraduate School of Architecture Undergraduate Students
Soarch-aias [no description available]
Soc-cyber Social Cyber Security Working Group
Social-computing-odesk [no description available]
Socialist-studies-seminar List of seminar participants
Societal-computing-research-group SC Reading Group
Society-women-engineers-grad SWE grad students
SOCMIND-L Laboratory for Social Minds
Soda-group [no description available]
Soda-test [no description available]
Soda24-pc [no description available]
Soft-robot-jc Soft Robotics Journal Club
Solar-splash General mailing list for people involved in solar splash
Som-foh [no description available]
Som-foh-leads [no description available]
Sorrells-student [no description available]
Sp-2019qual [no description available]
Sp-2020qual [no description available]
sp-foundations-pgh [no description available]
sp-pickles super pickles
Sp17-quals [no description available]
Sp19-sim Spring 2019 Simulation Course Student List
Sp2018-quals [no description available]
Sp2021-mssympsoium [no description available]
Sp2021-qual [no description available]
Sp22phd-mechequal [no description available]
Spa-staff [no description available]
Space-fortress [no description available]
spam-hunt [no description available]
sparcs-admins SPARCS administrators (Grouper)
sparcs-alerts SPARCS alert notifications
sparcs-developers SPARCS developers (Grouper)
Sparcs-team [no description available]
Spark-the-Movement [no description available]
Spark-the-movement-17-18 [no description available]
Spc-2024 [no description available]
Specevents-unicef1415 [no description available]
Special-boy-list [no description available]
Special-faculty Postdocs and special faculty
Specs-summer-school [no description available]
Speculative-Fiction Mailing list for the Partners in Speculative Fiction book club.
speech-and-debate [no description available]
Speech-kitchen Speech Recognition Virtual Kitchen Work
Speech-kitchen-announce Speech Recognition Virtual Kitchen Announce
spex-alerts SPEX alert notifications
Spiral-dev Spiral developers list
Spiral-group [no description available]
Spiral-info SPIRAL info list
Spiral-ugrad Spiral Undergraduate Researchers
Spirit-15-16 [no description available]
Spirit-16-17 [no description available]
Spirit-17-18 [no description available]
Spirit-18-19 [no description available]
Spirit-19-20 [no description available]
Spirit-20-21 [no description available]
Spirit-22-23 [no description available]
Spirit-buggy-chairmen-2013-14 [no description available]
Spirit-buggy-interest [no description available]
Spirit-buggy-kru-2013-14 Kru 2013-2014
Spirit-buggy-pushers [no description available]
Spirit-dance-team [no description available]
SPIRIT-dlist [no description available]
Spirit-eboard-14 [no description available]
Spirit-executive-board-1516 SPIRIT E Board
Spirit-executive-board-1617 [no description available]
SPIRIT-mechanics SPIRIT Mechanics List
Spirit-mechanics-interest [no description available]
Spirit2022-2023 [no description available]
Spiritkru-19 [no description available]
SpiritKru14-15 [no description available]
spirituality-interfaith The mailing list for Religious & Spiritual Life Initiatives.
sponsors-tartanhacks-2022 Sponsors at TartanHacks 2022
Spring-2019faculty [no description available]
Spring-2023qual [no description available]
Spring-24-faculty [no description available]
Spring-activities-fair-2017 [no description available]
Spring-break Spring Break Desk Services Assistants
Spring-stever-2017 [no description available]
Spring15-quals [no description available]
Spring16-dsm [no description available]
spring18-mentors [no description available]
Spring20-qual2 [no description available]
Spring2023-mechequal [no description available]
Squid-shoe [no description available]
Srs-design [no description available]
Srs-interest [no description available]
Srs-mechanics-22 [no description available]
Srs-mechanics-interest [no description available]
Srs-mechanics-rd2023 [no description available]
Srs-mediadesign [no description available]
srt-5 Systems and Requirements Team 5
Ss-test [no description available]
SSA-announce Singapore Student's Association List
SSERVI-CAVES Mailing list for SSERVI CAVES proposal group
sservi-caves-2019 [no description available]
sservi-caves-writers [no description available]
Ssl-cmmus [no description available]
sstp-discuss Students for Science & Tech Policy
Sta-2022fall [no description available]
Staff-15313 [no description available]
Staff-17313 [no description available]
Staff-18202 [no description available]
staff-24 Masters Programs Staff
Staff-736 14-736 Staff Email List
Staff-740 14-740 Staff List
staff-cmuafrica CMU Africa Staff
Staff-council-at-large-reps Staff Council At-Large Reps
staff-council-comms Staff Council Communications Committee
Staff-council-constitution Staff Council Constitution Committee
Staff-council-division-1 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-10 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-11 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-12 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-13 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-14 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-15 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-2 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-3 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-4 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-5 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-6 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-7 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-8 [no description available]
Staff-council-division-9 [no description available]
Staff-council-divisional-reps Staff Council Divisional Reps
Staff-council-eight Staff council division 8 CIT
Staff-council-eleven Staff council division 11 CFA
Staff-council-fifteen Staff council division 15 SEI
Staff-council-five Staff Council Division 5 Finance
Staff-council-food-drive Staff Council Food Drive Committee
Staff-council-four Staff council division 4 University Advancement
Staff-council-fourteen Staff council division 14 Heinz
Staff-council-gem [no description available]
Staff-council-nine Staff council division 9 MCS
Staff-council-one Staff council division 1 Office of the President
Staff-council-reps Staff Council Representatives
Staff-council-seven Staff council division 7 General Counsel
Staff-council-six Staff council division 6 Campus Affairs
Staff-council-ten Staff council division 10 SCS
Staff-council-thirteen Staff council division 13 Tepper
Staff-council-three Staff council division 3 Education
Staff-council-twelve Staff council division 12 Dietrich
Staff-council-two Staff council division 2 Computing Services
Staff-council-wellness old list -- do not use
Staff-faculty-fitness List for the CMU Staff and Faculty Fitness Class
Staff-ham-sco [no description available]
Staff-ny-mscf MSCF Staff in New York
Staff-pgh-mscf MSCF Staff in Pittsburgh
Staff-python [no description available]
Staff-service-award-fifteen Staff Council #15 Years of Service Awards
Staff-service-award-five Staff Council #5 Years of Service Awards
Staff-service-award-forty Staff Council #40 Years of Service Awards
Staff-service-award-ten Staff Council #10 Years of Service Awards
Staff-service-award-thirty Staff Council #30 Years of Service Awards
Staff-service-award-thirtyfive Staff Council #35 Years of Service Awards
Staff-service-award-twenty Staff Council #20 Years of Service Awards
Staff-service-award-twentyfive Staff Council #25 Years of Service Awards
Staff-swartz Staff in Swartz Center
Staff-well-being-committee [no description available]
Staffcouncil-sustainability Staff Council Sustainability Committee
Staffcouncil-wellness Staff Council Wellness Committee
stamps-webinar Mailing List for the STAMPS Webinars
Stat-2016phdclass [no description available]
Stat-courses-1920 [no description available]
stat-learn [no description available]
Stat-mona-registrants [no description available]
stat-network Networkshop
Stat-teach Teaching Statistics research group
Stat-webremarks [no description available]
Stat-wellness-network [no description available]
Stat-wids [no description available]
Statds-seminar [no description available]
State-fellowship-programs Coalition of organizations interested in state S&T policy fellowship programs
statistical-methods-for-physical-sciences STAMPS
statistics-computing-2020 [no description available]
Steel-Bridge Steel Bridge
Steel-city-family-and-friends [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-1st-class-2013-14 [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-2nd-class-2013-14 [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-3rd-class-2013-14 [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-4th-class-2013-2014 [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-alpha-2013-14 [no description available]
Steel-City-NROTC-Battalion2013-14 Steel City NROTC Battalion
Steel-city-nrotc-bravo-2013-14 [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-hq-2013-14 [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-marine-options-2013-14 [no description available]
Steel-city-nrotc-unit-staff-2013-14 [no description available]
Steinbrenner-advis-board Steinbrenner Institute Advisory Board
Steinbrenner-affiliate-fac Steinbrenner Institute Affiliated Faculty
Steinbrenner-all Everyone associated with the Steinbrenner Institute
Steinbrenner-alumni Alumni of Steinbrenner ESS program
Steinbrenner-ess Current Environmental and Sustainability Studies Students
Steinbrenner-fellows Current and Former Steinbrenner Doctoral Fellows at CMU
Steinbrenner-prev-fellows Previous Steinbrenner Doctoral Fellows who are no longer at CMU
Stellic-users Stellic users group distribution list
STEM-junior-women-faculty [no description available]
Stentrode-all-hands [no description available]
Stentrode-team NML stentrode team
Steph-amazon [no description available]
stever-12 Stever House 2011 - 2012
Stever-2-guys-13-14 Stever 2 Guys 2013-14
Stever-2a [no description available]
stever-5f [no description available]
Stever-DSAs-2017 [no description available]
Stever-fiveguys [no description available]
Stever-hoco [no description available]
Stever-hoco1718 [no description available]
stever-one [no description available]
Stever-service-14-15 [no description available]
Stever1-14-15 [no description available]
Stever1-2018 Stever1 mailing list 2018-19
Steverhouse-1920 [no description available]
Steverhousecouncil10-11 [no description available]
Steverorientation-2013 [no description available]
Stevertwoladies2011-2012 [no description available]
stoat-users STOAT users list
Stoc-admin Leadership of the CMU Student Technology Outreach
Storage-research-list Computer storage systems research discussion
Stress-s19 [no description available]
Strive-members Strive for College Member List
Structural-Estimation-Study-Group [no description available]
Strudel-lab Members of the Socio-Technical Research Using Data Excavation Lab (STRUDEL)
Sts-lindy [no description available]
Stuco-exec-2021 [no description available]
Stuco-exec-2022-23 CMU StuCo Executive Committee 2022-23
Stuco-general-interest [no description available]
Stuco-interest [no description available]
Stuco-interest-f22 [no description available]
Stuco-latindances-spr12 [no description available]
Stuco-mc [no description available]
Stuco-mc-f20 [no description available]
Stuco-mc-f2019 [no description available]
Stuco-mc-f21 [no description available]
Stuco-mc-s20 [no description available]
Stuco-mc-s21 [no description available]
Stuco-mc-s22 [no description available]
Stuco-teachers-s2014 Spring 2014 StuCo Teachers
Student-Representative-Committee SRC
Student-success-ops SASC Ops Team
Student-success-team Staff of Student Academic Success Center
StudentAffairs-HRGeneralists Student Affairs / HR Generalists
Studentguild2020-africa [no description available]
StudentHealth-EHRS Student Health EHRS Listserve
Studentlifesuite-all [no description available]
students-cmuafrica CMU-Africa Students
Students-trustedfamily-mse2016 Trusted Family List for Students- MSE 2016 Studio project
Students-using-data-for-social-good SUDS Members
Study-group-stats [no description available]
Stugov-cabinet Student Body Government Cabinet GB D-list
StuGov-Exec [no description available]
StuGov-SLC [no description available]
Succeed-2011 [no description available]
Succeed-2013 [no description available]
Succeed-2014 Succeed-2014
succeed-program succeed-program
Suds-boardmembers [no description available]
Suds-members [no description available]
Summer-14-2 [no description available]
Summer-18-dsa [no description available]
Summer-2014 Summer 2014 Communication
Summer-Andrew-Ambassadors [no description available]
Summer-desk Summer student workers for Athletics desk
Summer-dsas SUMMER 2012 DSAs! For real
Summer-lifeguard-list [no description available]
Summer-list Summer TEF Students
Summer-math2018 Summer Math Seminar 2018
Summer-modeling-2017 [no description available]
Summer-reading Summer reading group at CMU
Summer-spas2015 [no description available]
Summer-tepper Tepper student workers for summer
Summer-undergrads-cooklab [no description available]
Summer-workers [no description available]
Summer2012-aa [no description available]
Summer2013-dsa [no description available]
Summer2014instructors-ballroom [no description available]
Summit-2015 [no description available]
Summit-team [no description available]
Summit2015-registered [no description available]
Supa-dl Heinz School Control List
Supervisor-project [no description available]
Supervisors-library Library Supervisors
Supply-chain-reading-group [no description available]
SURI-2021 SURI 2021 Project
Survey-question [no description available]
Sus-workshop [no description available]
Sustain-dlist Sustainable Earth
Sustainability-advisory-council [no description available]
Sustainability-stuco [no description available]
Sv-tas [no description available]
svd20-ind [no description available]
svd20-pdl [no description available]
svd20-posters [no description available]
svd20-speakers [no description available]
svd22-all svd22 all attendees
Svd22-army [no description available]
SvSIC-Sustain Social Innovation Club Sustainability Dlist
Swe-exec SWE Executive Board
Swe-exec-14 SWE Exec Board 2014-15
Swe-exec-17-18 SWE Exec Board 2017-2018
Swe-exec-18-19 SWE Executive Board 2018-2019
Swe-exec-2015 SWE Exec Email List
Swe-exec-2016 [no description available]
Swe-gb SWE General Body
Swe-gb-13 [no description available]
SWE-GradGreets SWE Grad Greets: serving graduate student women in engineering
Swe-mini-exec-2015 [no description available]
Swe-networking-14 [no description available]
Sweepstakes-chairmen-rd21 Chairmen for Raceday 2022
Sweepstakes-drivers Sweepstakes Drivers
Sweepstakes-operations Raceday Logistics
Sweexec2019-2020 SWE Exec 2019-2020
SWEexec2020-2021 SWE Exec 2020-2021
SWEexec2021-2022 SWE Exec 2021-2022
Swiggin-flickers list for a group of CMU grad students/faculty + outsiders who play pickup
Swim-instructors [no description available]
Swim-lesson-parents [no description available]
Swim-team2016 [no description available]
Sws-1819interest [no description available]
Sws-19springrb [no description available]
Sws-alumni [no description available]
Sws-classof2020 [no description available]
Sws-classof2021 [no description available]
Sws-classof2022 [no description available]
Sws-classof2023 [no description available]
Sws-classof2024 [no description available]
Sws-classof2025 [no description available]
Sws-classof2026 [no description available]
Sws-classof2027 [no description available]
Sws-comp2020 [no description available]
Sws-exec-2017 [no description available]
Sws-exec-2018 [no description available]
Sws-exec2017nsr [no description available]
Sws-exec2020 [no description available]
Sws-fall2018returning [no description available]
Sws-fall2019returning [no description available]
Sws-fall22-rb [no description available]
Sws-fall22-rbwaitlist [no description available]
Sws-fall23-rb [no description available]
Sws-investment [no description available]
Sws-ip-2023 [no description available]
Sws-newfall2017 [no description available]
Sws-newfall2018 [no description available]
Sws-newFall2019 [no description available]
Sws-newfall2020 [no description available]
Sws-rb-sp23waitlist [no description available]
Sws-rb-spring23 [no description available]
Sws-spring23-rb [no description available]
Sws-spring24-rb [no description available]
Swsg-fall17 [no description available]
Swsg-fall19 [no description available]
Swsg-fall20 CMU Strong Women Strong Girls
Swsg-inactive-mentors [no description available]
swsg-mentors SWSG Members
Swsg-recruitment [no description available]
swsg-s24 [no description available]
swsg-spring21 CMU Strong Women Strong Girls
swsgs18-interest SWSG Interest S18
Swsnewfall21-22 [no description available]
Symbiotic-exploration [no description available]
Systems-booklet [no description available]
systems-kidsplus2015 [no description available]
Systems-team [no description available]
T-list [no description available]
T-nantawi [no description available]
T32ni-faculty [no description available]
T32ni-trainees [no description available]
ta-deeprl 10-703 CMU Mailing List
Tabata-cmu [no description available]
Taf-leaders-2019-2020 [no description available]
Talenta-ebiz2016 Talenta Practicum Ebiz 2016
Tartan-Athlete-Fellowship Email list for students involved in Tartan Athlete Fellowship at CMU
Tartan-aviation [no description available]
Tartan-fall18 Tartan the Bot
Tartan-neurotech-newsletter [no description available]
Tartan-planning-series Tartan Planning Series
Tartan-Sauce [no description available]
tartan-scholars-ambassadors [no description available]
Tartan-scholars-campus-partners [no description available]
Tartan-slam-series Tartan SLAM Series
Tartan-slam-series-z Tartan SLAM Series
Tartan-Student-Fund Tartan Student Fund
Tartan-student-fund-utilities [no description available]
tartanhacks-2019 TartanHacks 2019
tartanhacks-2021 [no description available]
tartanhacks-2021-cmu [no description available]
Tartanhacks-2024 [no description available]
Tartanhacks-admitted [no description available]
Tartanhacks-attending [no description available]
Tartanhacks-mentors [HISTORICAL] TartanHacks Mentors List
Tartanhacks-registrations [no description available]
Tartanhacks-unsubmitted [no description available]
Tartanhacks-verified [no description available]
tartanhacks2019-accepted TartanHacks 2019 - Accepted
tartanhacks2020-accepted TartanHacks 2020 - Accepted
Tartanhouse-2013 [no description available]
TartanRacing-Team Internal team communications
Tartans-4-israel [no description available]
Tartans-Floorball CMU Floorball Club
Tartansalsa-salseros Open list for those interested in Tartan Salsa
Tartanscholars-allcohorts [no description available]
Tartanscholars19-20 [no description available]
Tartanscholars20-21 [no description available]
Tartanscholars21-22 [no description available]
Tartanscholars22-23 [no description available]
Tartanscholars23-24 [no description available]
Tas-218 [no description available]
Tas-226 [no description available]
tas-cmuafrica CMU Africa Teaching Assitants
Tau-akpsi [no description available]
Tau-beta-pi Mailing list for Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honor Society
Tau-beta-pi-initiates [no description available]
Tau-beta-pi2018-19 Tau Beta Pi members 2018-19 academic year
TBP-CMU [no description available]
Tbp-eligibles17 [no description available]
Tbp-f14-jr [no description available]
Tbp-f14-sr [no description available]
Tbp-s15 [no description available]
Tbp-s15-jr [no description available]
Tbp-s15-sr [no description available]
Tcc-team Full-Time TCC-Team Members
Td-articles [no description available]
TD-Seminar-2021 Transition Design Seminar - Spring 2021
Teaching-club Sciences Teaching Club
Teaching-track-committee Teaching Track Committee
Teaching-track-dietrich created November 2022
Team-aperture [no description available]
Team-aspinity-2022 [no description available]
Team-aware Team Aware mailing list
Team-carpediem [no description available]
Team-FireVox [no description available]
Team-ideafoundry [no description available]
Team-ideafoundry-students [no description available]
Team-ivs [no description available]
team-kratos Team Kratos, MSIT-SE Studio Project
Team-medida [no description available]
Team-o2 music
Team-orientation [no description available]
team-Outersense MRSD Project Team E - Class of 2024
team-slate [no description available]
Team-Solemates Team Solemates
Team-synchronized [no description available]
Team-tars [no description available]
Team-uba2019 [no description available]
Team-voyant [no description available]
Team-Zenith [no description available]
Teamastro-2014 [no description available]
Teamblue-2014 [no description available]
tech-ethics-in-the-curriculum [no description available]
Tech-for-society [no description available]
Tech-org-leaders [no description available]
Tech-Solidarity Tech Solidarity Lab
Technights-coordinators List for student coordinators of the CMU TechNights program.
Techspark-equipment [no description available]
Techspark-machineshop [no description available]
Techspark-proshop [no description available]
Techspark-staff [no description available]
Techspark-users [no description available]
Techspark-weldshop [no description available]
Tef-operators [no description available]
Tefman-labs Computer Lab TEFman
TEFman-list TEF Student Managers Mailing List
TEFop-list TEFop List
TEFteam-list TEF Team Mailing List
TEFtech-list [no description available]
Teknowledge-members [no description available]
Tele-fund [no description available]
Telecom-administrators Telecom Admins
Teledia-group [no description available]
Temp-cls [no description available]
Temp-mefaculty [no description available]
Temp-test [no description available]
tennis-board [no description available]
Tennis-cmu CMU Tennis Mailing List
tennisclub-competitive CMU Club Tennis
Tennistryouts-2015 [no description available]
Tenure-committee RPT Tenure Committee
Tepper-2011 [no description available]
Tepper-2012 [no description available]
Tepper-adjuncts All Adjunct Faculty and Staff Faculty
Tepper-cms-user-group Tepper CMS Users Group
Tepper-data [no description available]
Tepper-dataresources Information on Data and IT Resources at Tepper
Tepper-econ-faculty Tepper Econ Faculty
Tepper-finance-group [no description available]
Tepper-list Tepper Student Workers
tepper-nonsupervisor-staff staff employees who do not manage others
Tepper-phd Tepper PhD GSA Reps
Tepper-phd-outdoors-club [no description available]
Tepper-rankings [no description available]
Tepper-research-fund Info on funding opportunities for Tepper Faculty Research
Tepper-soccer Tepper soccer mailing list. FFA games, etc
Tepper-staff All Tepper Staff
Tepper-supervisors Faculty and staff who manage staff
Tepper-vcs-probono [no description available]
Tepperecon-f22 [no description available]
Tepperfacultyug-f22 UG Faculty F22
Teppersys-devgroup [no description available]
Tepperuba-f22 [no description available]
Tepperwinter-list [no description available]
Term-project-mentees [no description available]
Term-report-dist [no description available]
Terrabot1-2022 [no description available]
Tertulia-Chile Conversation among Chileans
Test--list [no description available]
Test-39876 [no description available]
Test-alumni [no description available]
Test-doop [no description available]
test-ecm-requests new ecm requests are sent here for review
Test-emmett [no description available]
Test-group [no description available]
Test-list [no description available]
Test-list-123 [no description available]
Test-list-boi [no description available]
Test-list-gcal [no description available]
Test-list-my [no description available]
Test-list-take-2 [no description available]
Test-list50 [no description available]
Test-lj [no description available]
Test-me [no description available]
Test-psn [no description available]
Test-scotty [no description available]
Test-sws [no description available]
Test-temp [no description available]
Test-test [no description available]
Test-test123 [no description available]
Test-this-out [no description available]
Test-warfa1 [no description available]
Test-ws2019 [no description available]
Tester-email [no description available]
Testing-1bb [no description available]
Testing-jeff [no description available]
Testing-jyli1 [no description available]
Testing-list [no description available]
Testing-t [no description available]
Testingmassmail-kailacespedes [no description available]
Testlist-1 [no description available]
Testlist-segi [no description available]
tetrad-phil Mailing list for the Tetrad project (CMU Philosophy)
Tetramorph-technical [no description available]
Tf-healthcare [no description available]
Tfc-members [no description available]
Tfc-pax [no description available]
Tfc-pilots [no description available]
TFG-Members Tepper Finance Group
Th2nova-s24 Top 15 tartanhacks teams - special invite to nova
the-cabinet President's Cabinet 2016-2017
The-chefs [no description available]
the-CHESS-club CMU Chess Club
The-cut Carnegie Mellon's music magazine
The-cut-2018-19 Carnegie Mellon's music magazine 2018/19
The-cut-2019-20 The Cut Magazine - CMU's music magazine
The-cut-design [no description available]
The-cut-photography [no description available]
the-ghostriders The Cycling Fusion Team
The-paper-discussers Discussion of OM/MS-type papers
The-project-zone Users of (TPZ) project admin system
The-thistle [no description available]
Thebestlist-ever [no description available]
Thebestlistever-2 [no description available]
Thebestlistever-3 [no description available]
Thefairfax-9 [no description available]
Theme-Park-Engineering-Group [no description available]
Theory-meetings Mailing list for MCS Theory Meetings
Theory-reading-group [no description available]
Theory-suite Mellon Theory Suite Occupants
Thesis-advisors DC honors thesis advisors
Thesiscommitee-JJZhang Mailing list for PhD thesis commitee of JJ Zhang
Theta-asig-greeksing2019 [no description available]
Theta-main [no description available]
Theta-new-members-2018 [no description available]
TheTripleHelix-EBoard CMU's The Triple Helix Eboard
Thigep-Greek-Sing Theta-Sigep Greek Sing 2020 dlist
Third-eye [no description available]
Thistle-18-19 [no description available]
Thistle-photo-interest [no description available]
Thistlehouse-fall2020 [no description available]
thursdz-dg [no description available]
Ti-project [no description available]
Ticktalk-python TickTalk Python
Tiger-creative-team [no description available]
Tiramisu-notifications [no description available]
TK-ALL [no description available]
Tngl-dlist [no description available]
Tom-workshop [no description available]
Tools-for-nlp [no description available]
Top3-dlist CMU Deans, Department Heads, Center Directors and some senior business administrators.
Tp-info-edryer-fall2015 [no description available]
Tp-mentor-lizzy [no description available]
Tpr-tech-test [no description available]
Tprc-list tprc mailing list peter shane
Trail-talk Three Rivers Adult Interdenominational Links (TRAIL)
Transforming-transplant-initiative [no description available]
Transit-capstone Spring 2018 Transit Frequency Capstone Team
Transition-design-summer-2020-tec [no description available]
Transition-meeting [no description available]
Transitiondesign-2019 [no description available]
Transnbi-cmu [no description available]
Transpo-students Students interested in Transportation
Travel-all [no description available]
Travelclub-soccer [no description available]
Treblemakers-interest Treblemakers
Treblemakers-official Treblemaker's Member List
Trecvid2017-list [no description available]
Trello-backup-info [no description available]
Tridelt-house [no description available]
Tridelta-fall2017 [no description available]
Tridelta-house-2014-2015 [no description available]
tridelta-house-fall21 [no description available]
Tridelta-house-fall22 [no description available]
Tridelta-house-list [no description available]
Tridelta-housef17s18 [Tri Delta House]
Tridelta-officers-23-24 [no description available]
Trideltahouse17-18 [Tri Delta House]
Trideltahouse18-19 Tridelta House 18-19
Trideltahouse20-21 [no description available]
Triplecheck-msit [no description available]
trojan-cast Trojan Women 2.0 Cast List
Trojan-crew [no description available]
Trustedfamily-mse2016 Trsuted Family - MSE 2016 Studio project
Ts-campus-champions [no description available]
Ts-community-partners [no description available]
Ts-mentors [no description available]
Tsa-board mailing list to all TSA board members (SECRETARY USE THIS ONE)
Tsa-members Mailing List for the Taiwanese Students Association
Tsac-editing-committee [no description available]
TSB-ADV-transfer Tepper Inload
Tsf-general-2015 [no description available]
Tsf-members [no description available]
Tsf-tmt [no description available]
Tsf-votingmembers-2015 [no description available]
Tsp-famambassadors [no description available]
Tsp-proambassadors [no description available]
Tsvetshop-members Yulia Tsvetkov's research group mailing list
Ttb-singers [no description available]
Ttl-all [no description available]
Ttl-designers [no description available]
Ttl-directors [no description available]
TTL-Teachers [no description available]
Ttl-writers [no description available]
Tumbleweed-list [no description available]
Tuna-shoe [no description available]
TUP-FacultyListF23 TUP Faculty DList Fall 2023
twe-all Mailing list for Tartan Wind Ensemble
twe-prospects Non-members who expressed interest
Twib-exec-comm [no description available]
Twib-leadership-conference-2017 [no description available]
Txt-text [no description available]
U-dreamers UDream program participants, past and present
ua-cs-communications Used for email communications between Computing Services and AIS
ua-form-donor-recognition-anonymity Distribution list for UA Donor Recognition Anonymity Form
ua-form-gift-transmittal Distribution list for UA Gift Transmittal Form
ua-form-new-commitment-checklist Distribution list for UA New Commitment Checklist Form
ua-form-pledge-status-change Distribution list for UA Pledge Status Change Form
ua-form-staging Distribution List for UA Forms Staging
Uba-all-f21 All UBA majors F21
Uba-alls22 primary majors S22
Uba-allstudents [no description available]
uba-exchangestudents [no description available]
Uba-faculty-20-21 UBA Faculty 2020 2021 Full List
Uba-facultys23 UBA faculty for spring 2023
Uba-firstyears-25 All UBA FY F21
uba-freshmanf14 [no description available]
uba-instructors-s15 [no description available]
Uba-juniors-23 All UBA Juniors F21
uba-parent [no description available]
uba-parents15 [no description available]
Uba-sac [no description available]
Uba-seniors-22 All UBA Seniors Class of 22
Uba-spring-2020-faculty [no description available]
Uba-spring21-faculty [no description available]
Ubafaculty-s22 [no description available]
Ubasac20-21 [no description available]
Ubasac2019-2020 [no description available]
Uc-all students that work at the uc infodesk
Uc-desk [no description available]
Uc-team UC Team
Ucc-16-17 [no description available]
Ucc-2018-19 [no description available]
Ucc-20192020 [no description available]
Ucc-20212022 [no description available]
Ucc-projects [no description available]
ucc-spring20 [no description available]
Ucc2017-2018 [no description available]
Uccd-list [no description available]
Ucm-ai [no description available]
Ucm-campusmarcomm [no description available]
Ucm-communications [no description available]
Ucm-council [no description available]
Ucm-extendedoffice Extended UCM Office
Ucm-marcommleaders [no description available]
Ucm-marketing [no description available]
Ucm-office [no description available]
Ucm-scc Senior Communicators
Ucm-subscriptions Email for UCM accounts
Ucmc-ucm [no description available]
Udc-members [no description available]
udream-alum-pgh PGH UDream Alum
udream-univcontacts University contacts for UDream program recruitment
uec-members University Education Council members
Uep-core [no description available]
Uep-instructors [no description available]
UFA-Dlist Undergraduate Finance Association
UFA-execboard [no description available]
Ugdesign-admiss [no description available]
Uhs-support [no description available]
Uic-club-2012-2013 [no description available]
UIC-club-2013-2014 UIC-2013-2014
Uic-Members [no description available]
Ukulele-stuco Mailing list for 98-254 Ukulele StuCo
Ulissi-group-software [no description available]
Ultimate-dlist Checka checka: Suscribe to recieve announcements about pickup ultimate
UMO-AMA [no description available]
Umo-case-comp [no description available]
Umo-communications UMO Communications Committee '15-'16
Umo-consulting UMO Consulting
Umo-consulting-cmr UMO Consulting Fall '15 – CMR Team
Umo-consulting-fall15 UMO Consulting Fall '15
Umo-consulting2014 [no description available]
Umo-digital-17-18 [no description available]
Umo-projectblab [no description available]
Umo2015-2016board [no description available]
Umo2015-regional-conference [no description available]
Umo2016-2017board [no description available]
Umo2017-2018board [no description available]
UMOconsulting-esteria UMO Consulting, Esteria Project
Umoprograms-spring2014 [no description available]
Undergraduate-poker [no description available]
Undergraduate-poker-club CMU Poker Club Mailing List
Unicef-board1415 [no description available]
Unicef-education [no description available]
University-energy-institute-collaborative UEIC
unpsa-innovation [no description available]
Upc-general [no description available]
Urban-lab [no description available]
Usable-policies Public mailing list of the Usable Privacy Policy Project
uscms-meeting-2023-organizers US-CMS 2023 annual meeting organizers
Utc-advisory-council Advisory Council
Utc-deployment-partners Deployment Partners
Utc-faculty Traffic21 Funded Researchers Inside CMU
Ux-research [no description available]
VariAbility-Lab [no description available]
Varsity-crew [no description available]
vav-volunteers CMU volunteers for VAV's robotics and programming workshop.
vball-team CMU Men's Volleyball Team
Vehicle-based-shm Vehicle Based Structural Health Monitoring
Vehicle-issues Vehicle drivers & issue reporting
vehicle-users Computing Services staff driving the street vehicles
Ventilator-team [no description available]
vermillion-anime-club Vermillion Anime Club Mailing List
veterans-erg-members [no description available]
Vets-erg [no description available]
vgroup-cmu Prof. Virgil Gligor's research group
Vietnamese-Student-Association VSA
Visdial-minecraft [no description available]
Visitors-cee [no description available]
Vnn-comp2021 [no description available]
Vnn-comp2022 [no description available]
Vpca-athletics VPCA Athletics & Phys Ed
Vpca-health VPCA Health Department
Vpca-housing VPCA Housing Services
Vpdat-admins IDEATE Administrators
Vpdat-lmc Learning Media Curriculum
Vpdat-mdc Media Design Curriculum
Vpdat-mdr Media Design Research
Vpdat-sac IDEATE SAC
W3VC-alumni [no description available]
W3VC-buggy Members of W3VC in Buggy
W3VC-members Members of W3VC
W3VC-new Prospective Members of W3VC
Walchem-H2O-Controllers Walchem Water Treatment Controllers
Walking-club CMU Lunchtime Walking Club
Warner-renovation-updates [no description available]
Warnerhall-5thfloor Memos for WH5
Watchit-wednesday [no description available]
wdw-2019 [no description available]
wdw-2020 Web Dev Weekend by ScottyLabs
Weak-lensing-group Research group mailing list for Dodelson & Mandelbaum
web-dev-weekend Web Dev Weekend
Web-feedback [no description available]
webops-notifications Notifications for New CMS Site Managers
Webops-support [no description available]
Webster-2 [no description available]
Webster-2-2015-2016 [no description available]
Webster-2-and-3 [no description available]
Webster-2021 [no description available]
Webster-3rd-floor [no description available]
Webster-6th-flur [no description available]
Webster-8 [no description available]
Webster-9-2014 [no description available]
webster-five Webster Floor Five
Webster-floor-8 [no description available]
Webster-four-the-sequel [no description available]
Webster-second-floor [no description available]
Webster2-2014 [no description available]
Webster2019-2020 Webster residents 2019-2020
Webster4-2015-16 [no description available]
Webster5-6-2013 [no description available]
Webster7year19-20 Webster7
Webster8--2015-2016 Webster 8
Webster8-2013 [no description available]
Weekend-aa [no description available]
Well-beingadvisorycommittee [no description available]
Wellness-volunteers [no description available]
West-wing3 Floor d-list
Westwing-third [no description available]
Whatwashed-design [no description available]
Whitefoot-research-group Whitefoot research group
Whitehead-lab Members of Katie Whitehead's lab group.
Whitehead-ugs [no description available]
wib-cmu Women In Business - CMU
Wife-crew [no description available]
Wife-u [no description available]
Wiiin-pittsburgh WiiiN-Pittsburgh Members
WIIS-CMU Women in International Security - CMU Chapter
Windows-team [no description available]
Winece-announcements Women in ECE
Winece-grad-announcements WinECE Grad Students
Winece-officers WinECE Officers
winsvc-development [no description available]
Winter-list Winter Desk Attendants
Winterbreak-dsa Winter Break DSA list
Winterbreakdsas13-14 [no description available]
Winterdsateam18-19 [no description available]
WiS-dlist [no description available]
Witech-lab WiTech Lab Mailing List
Wiz-cast [no description available]
wky-emp-assign-inload nighly processing of emp and assign inload
Wmw-mentee [no description available]
WoMEn-all [no description available]
Women-in-bme [no description available]
Women-scs-phd-postdoc Women/Nonbinary PhD and Postdocs in SCS
Womens-club-lacrosse [no description available]
Womens-initiatives CMUQ Women's List-serve
Womens-lacrosse Women's Club Lacrosse
Womens-Lacrosse-2019-2020 [no description available]
Womens-vball-team 2014-2015 women's club volleyball team
womens-wapo Women's Club Water Polo
Womensclubvb-f13 [no description available]
Womenscs-jobs Job postings targeted to Women@SCS
Woo-mmittee [no description available]
Wood-neuro-group Wood Neuro Research Group
Woodlawn-2015 [no description available]
Woodlawn-2016 [no description available]
Woodlawn-2021 [no description available]
Woodlawn-intersection [no description available]
Woods-advisors [no description available]
Woods-design Into the Woods Design Team
Workday-distributions Cmuworks Workday post settlement activity coordination
Workday-integrations Cmuworks Workday integrations team members
Working-group-provost-dei-sp Working Group for Provost's DEI Strategic Plan
Workshop-survey [no description available]
Wpwvc-acrl Academic librarians in western PA and West Virginia
Wpwvc-acrl-board Board members of WPWVC
wrct-alumni WRCT Alumni Chat ("Nuthin Special")
Wrct-babby WRCT Babbies
Wrct-babbys prospective student members of WRCT
wrct-babbys-2017 WRCT Babbys 2017
wrct-babbys-2018 2018 Babby Ball!
wrct-djsubs WRCT DJ Substitute Requests
wrct-endowment-team Members of the WRCT Forever Fund (Endowment) team
wrct-graffiti WRCT General Chat
wrct-official WRCT Official Announcements
Wrct-pa-hosts WRCT Pittsburgh - Public Affairs hosts
Wrct-training [no description available]
Wrctbabbies-19 [no description available]
Writing-econ-2017 Writing for Economist Group Project
Wsc-gb-1415 [no description available]
Wushu-club [no description available]
Wwf-4 [no description available]
xaqlab-members Members of Laboratory for the Algorithmic Brain
xctf-mmbp mmbp info for current competitors and alumni!
xEV-group Carnegie Mellon Vehicle Electrification Group
XR-SIG CMU Special Interest Group on XR
XRTC-affiliatedfaculty Affiliated CMU faculty for the Extended Reality Technology Center
Yal-cmu-general-membership YAL General Membership
Yal-cmu-officers YAL Officers
yala-mailinglist [no description available]
yamaha-viking Yamaha Viking VI project list
Yash-patel [no description available]
Ycora-list [no description available]
Yeheyis-a [no description available]
Yellow-duplex [no description available]
Yoder-ism [no description available]
Yousuf-bootwala [no description available]
Ypradhan-mse [no description available]
Yr2-mfi-investigators YR2 MFI Funded PIs
Yr2-mfi-postdocs-and-students YR2 postdocs and students
Yr3-mfi-investigators Year 3 MFI investigators
Yrrsds-2016 Organizers for the Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems, 2016
Yrrsds-2017 Organizers for the Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems, 2017
Yrrsds-2018 Organizers for the Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems, 2018
Yt-morewood YT Morewood
Yt-penn YT A Penn
Ytb-penn YT B Penn
Yttri-lab Yttri Lab
Yu-lab [no description available]
Yuk-a [no description available]
Yuk-all CMU Ultimate Team
Yuk-core Yuk Ultimate Core Officers
Yuk-f14 [no description available]
Yukcore15-16 [no description available]
Yukcore16-17 [no description available]
z-cl [no description available]
Zemirecast-cmu Cast of Zemire et Azor
Zenith-team-internal [no description available]
zhang-group [no description available]
Zhang-lab [no description available]
Zhao-lab [no description available]
zhu-group [no description available]
Zimbabwe-hydro-analysis [no description available]
Zombies-s14 Mailing list for the Zombies game
Zoom-lab [no description available]

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