mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
10-601b-instructors [no description available]
10-718-fall2021 [no description available]
11-716 Dialog Processing Seminar
11-754 Dialogue Systems Project Course
11-a Members of the CMU Faculty Organization
110-staff-f19 [no description available]
110-staff-s20 [no description available]
112-cohort [no description available]
112-D1-jstentz [no description available]
112-d1-kthangal [no description available]
112-d1-lsands [no description available]
112-lec3-recitation-b Recitation B
112-m18-e [no description available]
112-m20-leads [no description available]
112-s21-g0 [no description available]
112-s21-recitationd1 [no description available]
112-s22-r [no description available]
112-s22-section-j [no description available]
112-tp-kthangal [no description available]
12-100-fall-2020 [no description available]
12749-spring-21 [no description available]
15-112-f0 [no description available]
15-112-f20-section-z [no description available]
15-112-f21-joycestp [no description available]
15-112-f22-tp-lckim [no description available]
15-112-N20-Staff [no description available]
15-112-n21-h 15-112 N21 H
15-112-n22-section-g [no description available]
15-112-n24-leads [no description available]
15-112-n24-review [no description available]
15-112-n24-staff [no description available]
15-112-s20-section-c [no description available]
15-112-s21-cohort-nancy [no description available]
15-112-s21-section-b1 [no description available]
15-112-s21-section-h0 [no description available]
15-112-s22-section-l [no description available]
15-112-s22-section-o [no description available]
15-112-section-c2 [no description available]
15-112-section-l [no description available]
15-112-sectionh [no description available]
15-150tas [no description available]
15-316-course-staff Mailing list to contact 15-316 course staff
15-440-fa20-private 15-440 Fall 2020 Private Student-Instructor List
15-440-fall20-instructors for internal communication among all the TAs and faculty for Fall 20 15-440
15-440-instructors All 15-440 instructors (TAs + professors)
15-440-student-private List for students to ask private administrative requests
15-744-class [no description available]
15-821-mentors [no description available]
15-821-students All students and instructors in 15-821/18-843
15110-leads [no description available]
15110-staff-f20 [no description available]
15110-staff-s21 [no description available]
15112-f20-section-f1 15-112 f20 section F1
15112-f20-sectionc1 [no description available]
15112-f21-section-l [no description available]
15112-lec3-recitation-aa [no description available]
15112-lec3-recitation-dd [no description available]
15112-n21-section-b [no description available]
15112-n22-victoriastp [no description available]
15112-recitation-p [no description available]
15112-s22-tps-steven [no description available]
15112-s22-victoriastp [no description available]
15317s22-staff [no description available]
15414-staff Course staff for 15-414
15619-aws-reports AWS Notifications
16-311-s21-tas [no description available]
16-311-s22-lab10-tas [no description available]
16-311-s22-tas [no description available]
16-311-s23-lab10-tas [no description available]
16-311-s23-tas [no description available]
16-311-s25-tas TA staff for Intro to Robotics Spring 2025
16385-fall2024-tas [no description available]
16861-fall19 Course mailing list for 16-861 in Fall 2019
16861-fall20 16861 Space Robotics Fall 2020 list
16865-spring20 Email list for the Spring 2020 16-865 class
16865-spring21 16865 Space Robotics Spring 2021 mailing list
16881-tas TA's and course instructor for 16-881
17-614-staff [no description available]
17780-s21-team8 [no description available]
180-mems [no description available]
180dc-dlist [no description available]
180dc-members [no description available]
18202-fall20 18202 Fall 2020 teaching staff
18330-s21-instructors [no description available]
18643-staff [no description available]
18740-staff [no description available]
1f-15112-n22 [no description available]
2018-2019-beac [no description available]
2020-course-dev [no description available]
2020spring-gradtas 2020 spring grad tas
2020tepper-leads [no description available]
2021-sbpbrims 2021 SBP-BRiMS Conference Attendees
2022-bspbida2 [no description available]
2022-dlps [no description available]
2022-dlps2 [no description available]
2022-enrolled-ptsm [no description available]
2022-hrda [no description available]
2022-sbpbrims 2022 SBP-BRiMS participant list distro
2023-24-erg-co-leads [no description available]
2023-all-booth-builders [no description available]
2023-enrolled-ftsm-12 [no description available]
2023-enrolled-ftsm-16 [no description available]
2023-enrolled-ptsm [no description available]
2023-honors [no description available]
2023-ideasconf Participants for the 2023 IDeaS Conference
2023-sbpbrims Participants for the 2023 SBP-BRiMS Conference
2024-enrolled-ftsm-12 [no description available]
2024-enrolled-ftsm-16 [no description available]
2024-enrolled-ptsm [no description available]
21-22-calendar-feedback [no description available]
21259s21-tas [no description available]
21266s23-staff 21-266 Spring 2023 course staff
24-673 [no description available]
24-753 [no description available]
24351-support [no description available]
2o-15112-s23 [no description available]
36402-s24-tas [no description available]
39-660b [no description available]
39611-spring-2021 [no description available]
407-espresso-users [no description available]
4620-olympus-occupants [no description available]
4721d-list Building D-List
4th-floor-ab [no description available]
53110-gameproduction [no description available]
53353-gameengine-f20 [no description available]
53471-gameproduction [no description available]
53472-advancedgame [no description available]
53558-realitycomputing-f20 dlist for 53-558 Reality Computing Studio
57337-soundrecording1 Mailing list for the fall 2020, Mini 1 Sound Recording class
642-jobs [no description available]
746-aws [no description available]
746-staff 746 staff dlist
76-375 76-375 Magazine Writing
76-870-guide-project-mapws 76-870 Guide Project MAPWs
785-survival [no description available]
84350-spring2020 Students in 84-350 during Spring 2020
94889-fall2021 [no description available]
94889-fall2022 [no description available]
94889-fall2023 [no description available]
94889-waitlist-f22 [no description available]
94889-waitlist-f23 [no description available]
99-250 Summer Section 99-250
A-ambassadors [no description available]
A-list [no description available]
Aaai-fs-23-icagm Prospective attendees list of 2023 AAAI FS
Aaai-fs-23-icagm-organizers List of organizing committee of 2023 AAAI FS
Aab-recentalumengagement AAB Recent Alumni Engagement Committee
AAB-SETF [no description available]
Aaba-alumniboardalumni AABA
Aart-concept-learning [no description available]
Aart-lab [no description available]
AB-Films-Committee AB Films committee membership d-list
Ab-geebs A list of the general body members in AB.
Able-dlist [no description available]
Above-the-line-students PTM above the line students
Ac-esb AC Enterprise Service Bus list
ac-webadmins [no description available]
Academic-advisors-dietrich All dietrich college academic advisors
Academic-advisors-pbk-qualifiers [no description available]
Academic-case-management Undergrad Academic Case Management meeting group
Academic-computing-team [no description available]
Academic-feedom-commission [no description available]
Academic-freedom-commission [no description available]
Accdc-l [no description available]
Accelerator-business-meetings [no description available]
Accessibility-lunch Accessibility Lunch seminar announcements
acearo-sg [no description available]
Acf-2023-retreat [no description available]
Acf-all [no description available]
Acf-summer2022 [no description available]
Acf-summer2023 [no description available]
Acm-members [no description available]
acm-public [no description available]
Acmi-all ACMI Lab Members
Acmi-phdstudents [no description available]
aco-reading-group ACO Grad Student Reading Group
Aco-seminar ACO Seminar Announcements
aco-students List for communicating with ACO PhD Students
ACRA-list ACRA-List
Acs-board Andrew Carnegie Society Executive Board members
Act-r-and-fms [no description available]
Activities-Board Mailing list for the Activities Board Executive committee only (join AB-Geebs for general body information!)
Ada-da-team Digital Accessibility Team
AdaptErrEx-Support Support for AdaptErrEx and Stoichtutor sites
Adblocker-experiment-api [no description available]
Adblocker-practicum [no description available]
ADC-dlist Associate Deans Council (ADC)
Adgp-dlist Associate Deans Graduate Programs
Adjunct-faculty (DO NOT USE)All adjunct faculty and part-time faculty/staff
Admin-CAOslab CAOs Lab Mass Emails
Administrative-computing-forum [no description available]
Admission-all [no description available]
Admission-counselors [no description available]
admission-dashboards [no description available]
Admission-supportstaff [no description available]
adp-logs PC/Payroll server logs
Adv-ais-cashnet CashNet application Technical or System emails
adv-alum Alumni Relations Staff
Adv-db-clones Advance database clone notifications
Adv-heinz-professorships Heinz College Professorship Recipients
adv-igpm [no description available]
Adv-professorships [no description available]
Adv-tepper-professorship Tepper Professorship Recipients
Adv-test-autoreject [no description available]
adv-test2 [no description available]
Adversarial-swarm [no description available]
Advising3-reid-miller [no description available]
Aea-pgh Pittsburgh AEA Mailing List
Aethel-heralds Discussion list for the AEthelmearc College of Heralds
Afriq-air [no description available]
Afrogsa-exec AfroGSA is a home for graduate students of African descent at Carnegie Mellon
Afrogsa-members African Graduate Student Association
Agrinteract-proj [no description available]
agrobot-project Mailing list for all discussions related to the agrobot project.
Ai-addtl-majors [no description available]
Ai-classics-reading [no description available]
AI-CRC members of the AI curriculum review committee
Ai-fifthyr Fifth year students in BSAI program
Ai-frosh Freshman who just declared AI.
Ai-in-action-events [no description available]
Ai-inactionevents [no description available]
Ai-juniors Juniors in BSAI program
Ai-literacy [no description available]
Ai-minors [no description available]
Ai-seniors Seniors in BSAI program
Ai-sophs Sophomores in the BSAI program
Ai-subcommittee [no description available]
Ai-undergrad-graduates [no description available]
Ai-undergrads All AI UG D-lists combined
Aidda-proposal Mailing list for AIDDA proposal
Aiira-cmu [no description available]
Aiira-cmu-fullteam [no description available]
Aiml-netsec alias for aiml for netsec research at cmu
Aiphysics-course [no description available]
Ais-systems Systems and Software Development Team List
Ais-systems-admins AIS System Admins (for Certs, CNames, PSR, etc.)
Ais-systems-support AIS Systems Support Notification Emails
Ais-web AIS web development
Aisoc-symposium [no description available]
AKPsi-Alumni Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni
Alexaprize-2019 [no description available]
Alg-test [no description available]
Alhazen-users [no description available]
alice-teachers Alice educators
All-BXA-Advisors Contact List for all BXA Advisors
All-cashnet-users [no description available]
All-gender All Gender Restroom Committee
All-hfs All Housefellows
All-TalentAcquisition All Talent Acquisition
Allegro-users [no description available]
Allies-grad LGBTQIA+ and allies list for graduate students
Allies-poc LGBTQ POC Affinity Group at CMU
Allies-qmsg Queer Men's Society dlist
Allies-qwsg [no description available]
Allies-trans PRISM Trans/Non-binary Support Group
Alumni-dl Design Alumni
am-hoops For the early morning hooping crowd at Carnegie Mellon
Amazon-3 [no description available]
Amazonf23-mt [no description available]
Amazons23-mt [no description available]
Amazons24-mt [no description available]
Ampmap-project [no description available]
Amzf1-6 [no description available]
AN-IDEAL Accessibility and Diversity in Neuroscience
Andy-public-contact Public Point of Contact for CMU Lunar Rover
Andys-list [no description available]
Anne-tg2021 [no description available]
Antiracism-students-core [no description available]
Anvil-members Mailing list for members of ANVIL
Apex-alumni-2021-2022 [no description available]
Apex-members-2020-2021 [no description available]
Apex-members-2021-2022 [no description available]
Apex-recruitment-2023-2024 [no description available]
Apex-recruits-2021-2022 [no description available]
Apex-recruits-fall-22 [no description available]
Aphio-kappa [no description available]
Aphio-kappa-alumni Alpha Phi Omega Kappa Chapter Alumni mailing list
Apinquiry-users [no description available]
APO-kappa Alpha Phi Omega - Kappa Chapter
App-taskforce Academic Policies and Practices (APP) Task Force Committee
Appdev-cloud-team [no description available]
Appdev-db-backup AppDev: Database Backup notifications
Appdev-db-clone AppDev: Database Clone Notifications
Appdev-db-user-access [no description available]
Appdev-flux [no description available]
Apple-dev-program Apple Developer Program administrators
Apple-dev-university Apple Developer University admins
Applied-analytics [no description available]
Applied-micro Applied Micro Mailing List
Appmgt-team [no description available]
Apse-06720 [no description available]
Apse-2024 APSE 2024 Mailing List
Apse-2025 APSE (2025) mailing list
Arab-Student-Organization Arab Student Organization
Arcc-general Awareness of Roots in Chinese Culture's general members
Archgrad-support [no description available]
Arcs-lab [no description available]
Argus-info Open list for users of Argus audit SW -
Arjantp-s21 [no description available]
Arl-community ARL Project Community Meeting
Arl-strong Mail list for ARL STRONG Project
Arp-members [no description available]
Asa-f16-dlist [no description available]
ASCE-booth-23 ASCE's 2023 Booth
Ascend-cohort-1 [no description available]
Ascend-cohort-2 [no description available]
Ascend-cohort-3 [no description available]
Ascend-cohort-4 [no description available]
Ascend-leadership ASCEND Mentor Network Leadership Team
ashok-kumar [no description available]
Asist-ta1 Mail list for TA1 DARPA ASIST Team
Asist-ta1-assessment [no description available]
Asist-ta1-beliefs [no description available]
Asist-ta1-nlp [no description available]
Asist-ta2 DARPA ASIST TA2 group members
ask-the-oracle testing SURI 2021 Project
Asrobinson-lab [no description available]
Assassins-cast A Distribution List for Cast of Assassins
assessment-robotics-capabilities Assessment of Robotics Capabilities (ARC)
Astro-booth Old mailing list specifically for Astronomy Club's Booth activities.
Astroc-officers [no description available]
Astronomy-Club Mailing List for the CMU Astronomy Club
Athletics-cuc CUC Athletics 2020-2021
Athletics-student-desk-workers [no description available]
Atlas-All [Atlas-All]
Atlas-group [no description available]
Atlas-project [no description available]
Atlas-team [no description available]
Au-casual-staff-fy1819 [no description available]
auo-members All University Orchestra mailing list
auo-symphony Mailing list for everyone in AUO symphony orchestra
Autodesk-users Campus Autodesk Users
Autolab-announcements [no description available]
Autolab-dev Autolab Developers
Autonomous-Moon Email list to coordinate autonomous Moon roving work
Avesh-1 [no description available]
Avesh-s13 [no description available]
Ayli-castcontact The As You Like It Cast Contact Distribution
Babbies-wrct WRCT Babby Communication
BABS-psychmajors BA and BS Psychology Majors
Backup-admins Backup application alerts and admin communications
Backup-customers Communications to backup application customers
Bads-team [no description available]
Ballroom-comp CMU Ballroom Dance Competition Team
Ballroom-general CMU Ballroom Dance Club
Ballroom-summer-22 CMU Ballroom Dance Club Summer 2022
Ballroom-summer23 [no description available]
Barblab-booth-backup [no description available]
Barth-lab [no description available]
BCSA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the BCSA degree program.
BCSA-junior To send announcements, etc. to the juniors in the BCSA degree program.
BCSA-senior To send announcements, etc. to the seniors in the BCSA degree program.
BCSA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to the sophomores in the BCSA degree program.
Bcsa-ugrads Updated 7.31.24
beluga-users Beluga Computing Cluster users list
BESA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the BESA degree program.
BESA-junior To send announcements, etc. to the juniors in the BESA degree program.
BESA-senior To send announcements, etc. to the seniors in the BESA degree program.
BESA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to the sophomores in the BESA degree program.
bez-1 [no description available]
Bgso-current BGSO
BHA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the BHA degree program.
Bha-jun [no description available]
BHA-junior To send announcements, etc. to juniors in the BHA degree program.
BHA-senior To send announcements, etc. to seniors in the BHA degree program.
Bha-seniors [no description available]
BHA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to sophomores in the BHA degree program.
Bhp-list [no description available]
Bi-weekly-sloan Tech Choice & Resilience(Sloan) Bi-weekly Mtgs
Bigstraw-magazine Big Straw Magazine mailing list
Bike-advisorycommittee [no description available]
Bio-2020cohort [no description available]
Bio-affiliatedphd Non-bio PhD students
Bio-dei Bio DEI Committee members
Bio-insync-team Bio Insync team faculty, post docs, students, personnel
Bio-ms-alumni [no description available]
Bioeng-organs CMU Bioengineered Organs Initiative
biometrics-lab-gen [no description available]
Biophotonics-lab [no description available]
Biorobotics-medical-list [no description available]
Biorobotics-multiagent [no description available]
Biorobotics-new-members [no description available]
Biorobotics-slam [no description available]
Biorobotics-tactile [no description available]
Biorobotics-tracer Tracer Project List
Biosac-doghouse [no description available]
bioscidept-holidayparty [no description available]
Black-latino-business-association [no description available]
BLBA-Members [no description available]
Blba23-24 [no description available]
Block-center-advisory-board List of all advisory board members of the Block Center for Technology and Society
Block-center-trust-and-transparency-working-group [no description available]
Block-fow-lead Block Center Future of Work Leads
Block-lead Block Center dlist
Block-rai-lead Block Center Responsible AI Leads
Blockchain-students [no description available]
Bme-ambassadors BME MS students-ambassadors
Bme-committeeadmission [no description available]
Bme-committeedei [no description available]
bme-facultyall BME Faculty
Bme-graddeferred [no description available]
Bme-nonbme [no description available]
bme-scotthalltrainees Students and Research Staff working in Scott Hall
bme-seminars BME seminar announcements
bme-testpurchasing Student testers of new purchasing and recharge system
bme-ug2021 BME Undergrad Class of 2021
bme-ug2022 BME Undergrad Class of 2022
bme-ug2023 BME Undergrad Class of 2023
bme-ug2024 BME Undergrad Class of 2024
bme-ug2025 BME Undergrad Class of 2025
bme-ug2026 BME Undergrad Class of 2026
bme-ug2027 BME Undergrad Class of 2027
Bmes-all [no description available]
Board-game-club Board Game Club club-wide communication
Boeing-starling [no description available]
Booth-builders [no description available]
Booth-chair-2025 [no description available]
Borg-mts-user Email list for BORG lab MTS users
Brandeis-all Brandeis Everyone
breakfast-club For notifications about queer women/non-binary focused events
Bri-2 [no description available]
BRIDGE-All Pitt-CMU BRIDGE Center Everyone Email List
BRIDGE-cancellations BRIDGE Center MRI Cancellations
BRIDGE-childMRI Child imaging list for BRIDGE Center.
BRIDGE-Exec BRIDGE Center Executive Group
BRIDGE-PI Pitt-CMU BRIDGE Center PI Email List
BRIDGE-Safety List for BRIDGE Center Safety Committee
Bridge-steering [no description available]
BRIDGE-Users Pitt-CMU BRIDGE Center Users Email List
BSA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to freshmen in the BSA degree program.
BSA-junior To send announcements, etc. to juniors in the BSA degree program.
BSA-senior To send announcements, etc. to seniors in the BSA degree program.
BSA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to sophomores in the BSA degree program.
bss-team [no description available]
Bt1d-all [no description available]
buggy-chairs-rd25 [no description available]
Buggy100-raceday Buggy 100 Raceday/Broadcast Subcommittee
Bughouse-chess List for CMU bughouse players
Build18-2025 Build18 2025 Builders
Build18-Officers Build18 Officers
Business-managers Emails for All Business Manager
BXA-dec-grad To send announcements, etc. to December graduating students in the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs.
BXA-drama [no description available]
BXA-grad To send announcements, etc. to graduating students in the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs.
BXA-local-alumni To send announcements, etc. to alumni from the BXA Intercollege Degree Programs.
BXA-music [no description available]
C-i-b General mailing list for CIB
C-squad46 [no description available]
C-squad47 [no description available]
C-squad48 [no description available]
C-squad49 [no description available]
C-squad50 [no description available]
C-squad51 [no description available]
C-squad52 [no description available]
C-squad53 [no description available]
C-squad54 [no description available]
C-squad55 [no description available]
C-squad56 [no description available]
C-squad57 [no description available]
C-squad58 [no description available]
C-squad59 [no description available]
C-squad60 [no description available]
C-squad61 [no description available]
C-squad62 [no description available]
C-squad63 [no description available]
C-squad64 [no description available]
C-squad65 [no description available]
C-squad66 [no description available]
C-squad67 [no description available]
Ca-dlist20192020 [no description available]
Ca-dlist20202021 [no description available]
Ca-dlist20212022 [no description available]
Ca-dlist2223 CA d-list for 2022-2023
cabal-phil [no description available]
CACES-All All CACES Contributors
CACES-Faculty Faculty member leadership for CACES group
CAH-1 CAH1 Member List
Cah-exec-dir-search-committee [no description available]
CAH-info [no description available]
Cah-wg2 [no description available]
Cah-wg3 [no description available]
Calcm-fac-list [no description available]
Calcm-list [no description available]
calcm-superscalar [no description available]
Call-to-action [no description available]
Call-to-action-announce [no description available]
camp-kesem-cmu [no description available]
Campbell-irmg [no description available]
CAPD-members Center for Advanced Process Decision-making
caps-alumni CAPS Alumni
Caps-events [no description available]
Caps-lab [no description available]
Caps-seminar [no description available]
Caps-staff All Current Staff at CaPS
Career-academy Career Academy Student List
Career-academy-student-list Career Academy Student List
Carnegie-analytics-members Carnegie Analytics club members
Carnegie-bosch-institute-2020-rfp [no description available]
Carnegie-bosch-institute-2021-rfp [no description available]
Carnegie-scenic [no description available]
CarnegieClubTennis-General CMU Club Tennis General
carnival-booth-chairs [no description available]
carnival-stakeholders [no description available]
Cashnet-checkouts Checkouts in Cashnet
cashnet-info Cashnet storefront requests
cashnet-p2-pe pci p2 pe reporting
cashnet-saq-a cashnet
cashnet-storefront-business Business owners of Cashnet Storefronts
cashnet-storefront-technical Technical Resources of Cashnet storefronts
Casos-all email sent to the entire CASOS lab (PHDs and staff)
Casos-phds email sent to all CASOS PHDs
Casos-staff email sent to all CASOS staff
Casos-sysadmin [no description available]
catalog-contacts Undergraduate Catalog Editors
Causality-list [no description available]
Cb-juniors [no description available]
Cb-seniors [no description available]
Cbdr-affiliates All CBDR Affiliates
Cbdr-rppinstructors CBDR RPP Instructors
CC-Collaboration [no description available]
CC-Communications [no description available]
CC-IGL-DEI [no description available]
CC-Info-and-Data-Literacy Email list for Information and Data Literacy Core Competencies committee
CC-Intercultural [no description available]
Ccc-cib [no description available]
ccee-educatorsstaff Cyert Center Educators and Staff
ccee-group1 [no description available]
ccee-group2 [no description available]
ccee-group3 [no description available]
ccee-group4 [no description available]
ccee-group5 [no description available]
ccee-group6 [no description available]
ccee-group7 [no description available]
ccee-parentlist Cyert Center Parent List
ccee-py20-21-parents CCEE-Program Year 20-21-Parents
ccee-py20-21-staff [no description available]
ccee-summer2020-ot Cyert-Summer 2020-OT
ccee-summer2020-parents Cyert-Summer 2020-Parents
ccee-summer2020-pre2 Cyert-Summer 2020-Pre2
ccee-summer2020-prekk Cyert-Summer 2020-Prek/K
ccee-summer2020-preschool Cyert-Summer 2020-Preschool
ccee-summer2020-staff Cyert-Summer 2020-Staff
ccee-summer2020-yt Cyert-Summer 2020-YT
CCEN-CMU Campus Civic Engagement Network
ccm-instructors C@CM Teaching Assistants
Ccmt-computingcrisismgmtteam Computing Crisis Management Team
Cct-mailing-list [no description available]
Cd-adjuncts Design CD Adjuncts
Cdfd-gopro-1 CMU CDFD GoPro 1 list
Cdl-lab The Cognitive Development Lab
CE-BEST-TA3 [no description available]
Cedm-advisory-board [no description available]
Cedm-ex-com [no description available]
Cedm-master [no description available]
Cedm-researchers [no description available]
Cedm-students [no description available]
Cee-academic-jobs [no description available]
Cee-adaptation-researchers CMU researchers connected with CEE's climate adaptation initiative
Cee-asce CEE ASCE Exec Board
Cee-bookclub [no description available]
Cee-dei [no description available]
Cee-mcm-faculty [no description available]
Cee-mmc-seminar [no description available]
cee-tpalumni [no description available]
Ceic-students [no description available]
Celd-office CELD Office Staff
Center-team Center team d-list
Centerfellows20-21 Center Fellowship 2020-2021
Cep-members [no description available]
CFA-AAC College of Fine Arts - Academic Advisory Council
CFA-DeansOffice CFA Dean's Office Mailing List
CFA-DEI-Committee [no description available]
CFA-DICE-Committee CFA DE&I Committee
CFA-Faculty CFA Faculty
Cfa-fun CFA FUN List
CFA-genai [no description available]
CFA-genai-workinggroup CFA Generative AI Working Group
CFA-SDM To send announcements, etc. to the students in the CFA SDM degree program.
CFA-Staff CFA Staff List
CFA-Students CFA students
cfaphoto-gigs photo jobs
cfe-seminar Mailing list for CFE Seminar Series
Chacha-slide [no description available]
Chairmen-Sweepstakes Chairmen for Raceday 2024
Challenge-2021 Fitness Challenge 2021
Chanel-2020 [no description available]
ChargeCar-EVowners Electric Vehicle Owners
Chefbot-proj [no description available]
Chem-staff-and-special-faculty [no description available]
Chem-fac-spec [no description available]
Chem-newphd [no description available]
Chem-seminar CMU Chemistry Seminar Announcements & Reminders
Chem-staff All Chemistry Staff
Cheme-3103-datacenter [no description available]
Cheme-computing [no description available]
ChemE-Cube ChemE Cube
Cheme-exchange-users List for Exchange users being migrated to g-suite
Cheme-faculty-cmunames [no description available]
Cheme-ms ChemE Masters Students
Cheme-phds ChemE Phds
Cheme-prospective-undergrads ChemE Prospective Undergraduates
Cheme-pse-students [no description available]
Cheme-researchers ChemE Researchers
Cheme-safety-coordinators [no description available]
Cheme-ug-firstyears ChemE Undergrad First Years
Cheme-ug-juniors ChemE Juniors
Cheme-ug-seniors ChemE Seniors
Cheme-ug-sophomores ChemE Sophomores
Cheme-visitors ChemE Visitors
Chemistry-admissions-committee [no description available]
Chemistry-ta-list-fall2021 [no description available]
Chemistry-theory-suite Info and Events for Theory Groups in Chemistry Department at CMU
Chengdian-guonan [no description available]
Chess-club [no description available]
Chevron-general [no description available]
Childrensschool-all [no description available]
Childrensschool-alum Children's School Alumni
CIA-all CIA All
CIA-officers Contact CIA Officers
Cic-4thfloor-reading [no description available]
Cic-4thfloor-residents [no description available]
Cic-4thfloor-social CIC4-Social
Cinzano-cast Cinzano Rehearsal Room Team
Circulo-juvenil [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-equipo [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-friends [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-padres [no description available]
Circulo-juvenil-padres-s11 [no description available]
Cit-buyergroup CIT Buyer Group
Cit-dc CIT Diversity Committee
Cit-dei-outreach We support underserved K-12 communities in Pittsburgh
Cit-grad-coordinators For CIT Graduate Student Coordinators
Cit-it CIT IT Committee
Cit-jedi-summer-2021-faculty [no description available]
Cit-jedi-summer-2021-staff [no description available]
Cit-jedi-summer-2021-students [no description available]
Cit-labmanagers [no description available]
Cit-phd-sa CIT PhD Success Academy
Cit-postdocs Postdoctoral Researchers in College of Engineering
Cit-pretenured-faculty CIT pretenured faculty - associate and assistant
CIT-pursuit CIT-pursuit
Cit-ra-list College of Engineering research administrators
CIT-supergroup [no description available]
CIT-teachingfaculty Teaching Faculty in the College of Engineering
Cit-womenfaculty CIT women faculty
Citda-list CIT PRIMARY Department Administrators List
Civil-and-environmental-engineering-graduate-students Current civil and environmental engineering graduate students and post-docs, as well as others interested and/or associated with CEE
Ck-cmu20 [no description available]
Ck1-23 [no description available]
Class-2020 [no description available]
Class-2021 [no description available]
Class-2022 [no description available]
Class-2023 [no description available]
Class-insight [no description available]
Class-of25 School of Architecture Class of 2025
Class-of26 School of Architecture Class of 2026
Class-of27 School of Architecture Class of 2027
Class-of28 School of Architecture Class of 2028
Class-of29 School of Architecture Class of 2029
Clima-fac [no description available]
Climate-careers Informal list for climate and energy job listings
Cls-alumni-2020 [no description available]
Cltawpa-2016-17 CLTA-WPA-2016-17
Cltawpa-2017-18 [no description available]
CMBMC-all Black Male Summit event announcements and updates
CMBMC-core CMU Black Male Collective organizers
Cmimc-2022-contestants [no description available]
Cmimc-2022-prog-contestants [no description available]
cmimc-all The CMIMC Staff mailing list
Cmimc-past-participants [no description available]
Cmimc-prog-past [no description available]
Cmist-allfacultystaff All CMIST faculty, staff, fellows in Pittsburgh and Washington
Cmist-corefaculty CMIST Core Full-Time Faculty
Cmist-faculty CMIST All Pittsburgh Faculty
Cmist-facultystaff CMIST All Faculty and Staff
Cmist-interest CMIST Student Interest List
Cmist-staff CMIST Staff
Cmist-undergraduates All declared majors and minors in CMIST
Cms-analytics [no description available]
Cms-announce News and announcements relating to the university's content management system
CMSAC-events CMSAC events mailing list
Cmsr-2021-members CMSR members in 2021
Cmsr-active-members [no description available]
Cmsr-alumni [no description available]
Cmsr-fall-2019 [no description available]
Cmsr-new-members [no description available]
cmt-grad condmat theory grad students
CMU-17-313-staff [no description available]
cmu-abhinaya CMU Abhinaya Mailing List
cmu-abhinaya-alumni CMU Abhinaya Alumni
Cmu-ace-pi-23 [no description available]
Cmu-adelaidestudents [no description available]
Cmu-africa-alumni CMU-Africa alumni
Cmu-africa-alumni-2014 CMU-Africa alumni C2014
Cmu-africa-alumni-2015 CMU-Africa alumni C2015
Cmu-africa-alumni-2016 CMU-Africa alumni C2016
Cmu-africa-alumni-2017 CMU-Africa alumni C2017
Cmu-africa-alumni-2018 CMU-Africa alumni C2018
Cmu-africa-alumni-2019 CMU-Africa alumni C2019
Cmu-africa-alumni-2020 CMU-Africa alumni C2020
Cmu-africa-alumni-2021 CMU-Africa alumni C2021
Cmu-africa-alumni-2022 CMU-Africa alumni C2022
Cmu-africa-alumni-2023 CMU-Africa alumni C2023
Cmu-africa-alumni-2024 CMU-Africa alumni C2024
Cmu-africa-alumni-association-council-2024 CMU-Africa Alumni Association Council 2024
Cmu-africa-alumni-committee CMU-Africa alumni association committee
Cmu-africa-alumni-female CMU-Africa Women alumni
Cmu-africa-alumni-mcf-scholars CMU-Africa alumni Mastercard Foundation Scholars
Cmu-africa-alumni-rwanda CMU-Africa Rwandan alumni
cmu-africa-guild [no description available]
cmu-ai-mentoring-mentors mentors for undergrad AI mentoring program
cmu-ai-mentoring-questions [no description available]
cmu-ai-mentoring-undergrads [no description available]
cmu-anz List to receive ANZ bank notifications
Cmu-apple [no description available]
Cmu-archcc [no description available]
CMU-ASA [no description available]
Cmu-asme American Society of Mechanical Engineers
cmu-awm [no description available]
Cmu-benefitsandfitnessfair [no description available]
Cmu-bikecurious CMU Bike Curious D-List
cmu-blockchain CMU Blockchain Group's mailing list
Cmu-borg [no description available]
Cmu-brain-exercise-initiative [no description available]
cmu-cashnet-alert CASHNet Umbrella List
cmu-cashnet-user-group User Group for CMU Internal CASHNet eMarketplace
Cmu-ccc Email list for Chinese Cooking Club
Cmu-cheme-car [no description available]
Cmu-christian-faculty [no description available]
Cmu-cip-2020 [no description available]
Cmu-cip-waitlist [no description available]
Cmu-circle-k [no description available]
cmu-climbing-club-officers [no description available]
cmu-club-squash [no description available]
CMU-Club-Swimming CMU Club Swimming
Cmu-Club-Swimming-Leaders CMU Club Swimming Leaders
CMU-CORGI [no description available]
Cmu-cspgolocal-foodies [no description available]
Cmu-debate-f19 [no description available]
Cmu-democrats [no description available]
CMU-DoD DoD Students at CMU
CMU-DSC [no description available]
cmu-ebs-clone-notification List notification of new EBS Instance Clones
Cmu-ece-hardware-security [no description available]
cmu-ecobank-payments List to receive Ecobank payment file acknowledgements
Cmu-effective-altruism strategic social impact at cmu effective altruism ea
cmu-equilibrium [no description available]
Cmu-fbd [no description available]
CMU-Foosball-Club [no description available]
Cmu-full-marcom [no description available]
Cmu-garden [no description available]
Cmu-ghc [no description available]
cmu-grad-coffee-chats CMU grad student coffee chats program
Cmu-graduateconsultingclub CMU Graduate Consulting Club
Cmu-holi-2021 [no description available]
cmu-icl CMU Infant Cognition Lab Mailing List
Cmu-icwerx [no description available]
Cmu-igsa [no description available]
cmu-informs Announcements related to the CMU INFORMS Student Chapter
cmu-informs-research Research interest group promoted by the CMU INFORMS Student Chapter
Cmu-ini-teamsev [no description available]
Cmu-inst-history Folks working on or interested in CMU history
Cmu-jack-buncher-jewish-studies [no description available]
Cmu-japanese-program メーリス for the CMU Japanese language program
Cmu-jsa-21-22-exec CMU JSA Exec Board (2021-22)
Cmu-jsa-21-22-members CMU JSA Members (2021-22)
CMU-KGB Information for Komrades
cmu-libertarians-activity Coordination for the CMU Libertarians' current activity
Cmu-mbl [no description available]
Cmu-mma Carnegie Mellon University Mixed Martial Arts
CMU-MUN [no description available]
Cmu-mwp [no description available]
Cmu-nonpgh-marcom [no description available]
Cmu-nsfconvergenceaccelerator [no description available]
cmu-ohqueue [no description available]
cmu-om [no description available]
Cmu-pantry-users This email list is for registered CMU Pantry Shoppers.
Cmu-pantry-volunteers Volunteer List for CMU Pantry
Cmu-pitt-diwali-2020 [no description available]
Cmu-pitt-ugd-2021 [no description available]
Cmu-pnd-drummers [no description available]
Cmu-powerlifting-email-list [no description available]
cmu-prison-education-project [no description available]
Cmu-psichi [no description available]
Cmu-q CMU Qatar Email List
CMU-QUANT [no description available]
Cmu-quidditchclub D-list for the CMU Quidditch Club
Cmu-recbadminton [no description available]
cmu-rg [no description available]
Cmu-shpe-2017 [no description available]
Cmu-slate-users CMU Slate User's Group
CMU-SPS Mailing list for CMU Society of Physics Students
CMU-TES-Forum [no description available]
CMU-TNC-equity-group [no description available]
cmu-transportation-energy CMU Transportation Energy research lunch meeting mailing list
cmu-tricking-club We do flips.
Cmu-tug [no description available]
cmu-ug-adm-events [no description available]
Cmu-uxa [no description available]
cmu-vegan-society [no description available]
Cmu-voice-interface-project [no description available]
Cmu-wip CMU Women In Politics
Cmu-x [no description available]
Cmu-xe [no description available]
cmu-yarn Yarnivores Mailing List
Cmua-m21internship [no description available]
Cmua-m22internship [no description available]
Cmuab-squash CMU AB League squash team mailing list
Cmuama18-19 CMU AMA d-list
Cmubhangra20-21 CMU Bhangra 20-21
cmugl-finrptg-journal-backup CMUGL Financial Reporting Journal Backup
cmugl-monthly-exchange-rates notification of monthly avg/end exchange rate file from Oracle
Cmujsa-20-21-members [no description available]
Cmukgb-defectors [no description available]
Cmumc-general CMU Math Club
cmuscioly-all Mailing list for the CMU Science Olympiad Student Organization
cmuscioly-interest Mailing list for all persons interested in attending the CMU Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament
Cmuscioly-newmembers [no description available]
cmuscioly-tournament-2022 [no description available]
Cmuscioly-tournament-2023 2023 tournament coaches and contacts
cmuscioly-volunteers-2022 [no description available]
Cmuscioly-volunteers-2023 [no description available]
Cmuscioly-volunteers-2024 [no description available]
cmuTV-Exec Information for executive members
Cmutv-f19 cmuTV Fall 2019 Members
cmuTV-Members cmuTV Announcements
Cmutv-s20 cmuTV Spring 2020 Members
Cmutv-s22 [no description available]
Cmutv-s23 cmutv announcements for 22-23
Cmuworks-integrations-benefits Cmuworks integrations notifications benefits
Cmuworks-integrations-inst-research Cmuworks integrations notifications institutional research
Cmuworks-integrations-insurance Cmuworks integrations notifications insurance
Cmuworks-integrations-nics Computing Services Network Billing
Cmuworks-integrations-notify Cmuworks integrations notifications for campus data producers and consumers
Cmuworks-integrations-oracle-hier Cmuworks integrations notifications oracle hierarchy
Cmuworks-integrations-parking [no description available]
Cmuworks-integrations-payroll Cmuworks integrations notifications payroll
Cmuworks-integrations-retirement Cmuworks integrations notifications retirement
Cmuworks-integrations-sis-ws Cmuworks Student Workstudy
Cmuworks-integrations-tuition Cmuworks Workday <-> Salesforce notifications
Cmuworks-integrations-ua Cmuworks integrations notifications university advancement
Cmuwsp-f20 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-f21 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-f22 Mailing List for Fall 2022 WSP Cohort
Cmuwsp-f23 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-f24 Mailing List for Fall 2024 WSP Cohort
Cmuwsp-faculty CMU/WSP Faculty
Cmuwsp-s20 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s21 [no description available]
cmuwsp-s22 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s23 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s24 [no description available]
Cmuwsp-s25 Spring 2025 WSP Cohort
Cmwa-knitandcrochet CMWA Knit and Crochet Club Members
Cmwa-membership2019-2020 [no description available]
Cmwa-membership2020-2021 CMWA 2020-21 Membership List
Cmwa-membership2021-2022 CMWA 2021-22 Membership List
Cmwa-service-2018-2019 [no description available]
Cnast-faculty CNAST Faculty
Cnast-grads [no description available]
Cnast-postdocs [no description available]
Cnast-staff [no description available]
Cnast-undergrads [no description available]
Cnv-startups [no description available]
Co-designing-the-future-of-transit [no description available]
Code-lab [no description available]
Coe-hmtt [no description available]
Coe-reminst-taskforce [no description available]
Coi-sparcs SPARCS COI d-list
Collaborative-mapping-group [no description available]
Collectionadvisory-council [no description available]
Commencement-2020 [no description available]
Commencement-2021 [no description available]
Commencement-2022 [no description available]
Commencement-2023 [no description available]
Commencement-2024 [no description available]
Commencement-24 grads from F23 S24 and M24 all SCS degrees
Commencement-honors-22 [no description available]
common-model Common Model of Cognition
Common-model-emotion-workshop CMC Emotions Workshop Attendees
CommS-consultants [no description available]
Community-tech [no description available]
comp-chem-club Computational Chemistry Club at CMU
Comp-imaging-reading [no description available]
Compbio-timesheets [no description available]
Complex-systems Complex Systems Speaker Series
Compserv-campus-cloud-team Internal list for Campus Cloud service team
Compserv-eim-monitoring [no description available]
Compserv-informatica-cloud-services Computing Services Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services (IICS) List
compserv-rhel-satellite-users Red Hat Satellite Users
conix-all CONIX Full Team
conix-cmu CONIX CMU Faculty, Staff, Students
conix-faculty CONIX Faculty
conix-liaisons CONIX Liaisons
conix-students CONIX Students & Postdocs
conix-theme1 CONIX Theme 1: ARENA Integrator
conix-theme2 CONIX Theme 2: Hardware/Software Platforms
conix-theme3 CONIX Theme 3: Security
conix-theme4 CONIX Theme 4: Machine Learning
conix-theme5 CONIX Theme 5: Communication, Positioning and Control
conix-theme6 CONIX Theme 6: Programming and Resource Management
Considering-matthew-crew Considering Matthew Crew
Constructive-interference [no description available]
Consulting-academy [no description available]
Control-learning-seminar Mail List for control and learning seminar
Controllers-office [no description available]
Conversations-series [no description available]
Cook-lab [no description available]
Coreacter-main [no description available]
Corects-at-cmu Core Group for CTS Strategy at CMU
Cortina-advisees [no description available]
Cosplay-at-CMU Mailing list for Cosplay@CMU.
Costa-research-group [no description available]
Country-hunt [no description available]
Cpp-concert-group-f23 [no description available]
Cpp-members Members of C++, C#'s open branch
Cps-expeditions [no description available]
cps-members CPS Program and CCFE Members
Crash-Course-2020 [no description available]
Credential-sharing [no description available]
Critical-hci Reading Group for Critical HCI
Crp-members [no description available]
Crypto-announce [no description available]
Cs-5 [no description available]
CS-bcsa BCSA 31 Jan 2017
Cs-gold-stakeholders [no description available]
Cs-reading-group [no description available]
CS-undergradcommencement Spring 23 SCS Commencment list (M22, F22, S23, M23, BCSA)
Cs11711-fall2022 [no description available]
Cs11711-spring2024 [no description available]
cs3-content [no description available]
Csc-wdint Internal Communications for all of UTDC HR
csd-dei CSD DEI Committee Members
Csd-phd-council [no description available]
Csd-ta [no description available]
Csd-teaching-track teaching track csd
Csdi-student-orgs [no description available]
csgold-covid-reports [no description available]
Csharp-board Current C# board members (directors and cabinet)
csharp-concertgroup C# Concert Groups
Csharp-members All active and alumni members of C#
CSI-2023 CASOS SI 2023 participants and presenters
Csmall-test2 [no description available]
Csmall-test3 [no description available]
Cspathwayssummer-2022 [no description available]
Cspathwayssummer-2022all [no description available]
Css-members Active members of CSS
ctat-support [no description available]
CTCS-Moonshot-All [no description available]
Ctp-affiliate-educator CTP Affiliate Educator List
ctp-affiliate-faculty Maling list for CTP Affiliate Faculty
Ctp-affiliate-game-designers Maling list for CTP Affiliate Game Designers
ctp-affiliate-student Maling list for CTP Affiliate Students
Ctp-alumni [no description available]
ctp-announce CTP Announcements
ctp-core CTP Core Team
Ctp-phd [no description available]
Cts-at-cmu Critical Technology Strategy at CMU
Cts-gr-strategy CTS Government Relations Strategy
Cttec-staff [no description available]
cuc-supers CUC Supervisors
cuwip-pgh-2020 Leadership team for the CUWiP Pittsburgh 2020 organizing committee.
Cvn-all [no description available]
Cvn-investors [no description available]
Cvn-startups [no description available]
Cyert-PEC Parent Educator Committee
Cyertpenn-parents [no description available]
cyertstaff-penn Cyert Center Staff - Penn Ave
Cyh-2024mailmantest [no description available]
Cyh-kitchen-leak Mailing list for leaks in Cyert Hall kitchens.
Cyh-mech-leak Mailing list for leaks in Cyert Hall mechanical rooms
cylab-africa-team Cylab Africa
Cylab-alumni CyLab Alumni
cylab-edu-sg CyLab education steering group members
Cylab-future-enterprise-pi22 [no description available]
Cylab-hiking Organization of CyLab Hiking Events
Cylab-partner-pocs Primary CyLab Partner Contacts
Cylab-partners [no description available]
Cylab-pc21 [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2020-pi [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2021-pi [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2022-pi [no description available]
Cylab-seed-funding-2023-pi [no description available]
D3-lab [no description available]
D3-Lab-RAs D3 Lab Research Projects
Dancer-cs-f21 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f22 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-f23 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s21 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s22 [no description available]
Dancer-cs-s23 [no description available]
Dancer-f20 [no description available]
Dancer-f21 [no description available]
Dancer-f22 [no description available]
Dancer-f23 [no description available]
Dancer-s21 [no description available]
Dancer-s22 [no description available]
Dancer-s23 [no description available]
Dancers-alumni [no description available]
Dancers-announce Dancers' Symposium General Annoucements
dancers-f24 [no description available]
Darpa-tami [no description available]
dataex-bank-file-notify bnymellon file transfer notification
dataex-scs-outload-file-notify scs outload file transfer notification
dataex-wkdy-ee-pay-file-notify wkdy_ee_pay file transfer notification
Datashop-users Data Shop Users
Dave64-test Test list for dave64
Dc-2024aim [no description available]
DC-AIM [no description available]
Dc-cabinet [no description available]
Dc-case-advisors created for Kelli Maxwell, October 2022
Dc-heads-only List of Dietrich Department Heads ONLY - no associate deans or anyone else.
Dc-internship-grant-recipients [no description available]
DC-PSIP [no description available]
Dc-senior-honors-qualifiers includes DC primary, DC additional, BHA and ISP
Dc-staff-managers [no description available]
DC-text Data Center Text alerts
Deans-plus [no description available]
Delete-delete [no description available]
Delphi-COVIDcast-API Announcements and discussion for users of the COVIDcast API
Delphi-epicast-czar [no description available]
Delphi-stat-czar [no description available]
Delphi-survey-info Contact for Delphi's COVID-19 surveys
Delphi-symptom-survey Announcements and discussion for users of data from Delphi's COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey
Delta-array NSF NRI project on delta arrays
Deltafs-cmu [no description available]
Department-store-hunt [no description available]
Dept-computing-group Computing Services Departmental Computing Forum (Dugas)
Dept-org-advisors Departmentally recognized student organization advisors.
Design-adjuncts Design Adjuncts
Design-all [no description available]
Design-all-students [no description available]
Design-cdfaculty [no description available]
Design-cjuniors [no description available]
Design-cseniors [no description available]
Design-csophs [no description available]
Design-ejuniors [no description available]
Design-environments-faculty [no description available]
Design-environments-students [no description available]
Design-eseniors [no description available]
Design-esophs [no description available]
Design-f-s-faculty [no description available]
Design-faculty [no description available]
Design-faculty-staff [no description available]
Design-faculty-staff-invites [no description available]
Design-ffaculty [no description available]
Design-first-year [no description available]
Design-grad-invites [no description available]
Design-head-search Head Search 2024
Design-holiday-friends [no description available]
Design-idfaculty [no description available]
Design-incoming-firstyear [no description available]
Design-incoming-masters [no description available]
Design-incoming-phds [no description available]
Design-juniors [no description available]
Design-ma [no description available]
Design-masters-all [no description available]
Design-mdes-1 [no description available]
Design-mdes-2 [no description available]
Design-mdes-all [no description available]
Design-mdes-mps-1 [no description available]
Design-minors [no description available]
Design-mps [no description available]
Design-phd-researchers [no description available]
Design-pjuniors [no description available]
Design-pseniors [no description available]
Design-psophs [no description available]
Design-recent-graduates [no description available]
Design-sandwich [no description available]
Design-senior-faculty Design Senior Faculty
Design-seniors [no description available]
Design-sfaculty [no description available]
Design-sophs [no description available]
Design-staff [no description available]
Design-undergrads [no description available]
Deva-lab Deva Ramanan's lab
Dfa-cmu-2021 [no description available]
Dfs-members Active members of DFS
Dh-undergrad [no description available]
Dhs-faculty [no description available]
Dietrich-gened For faculty and staff affiliated with the Dietrich GenEd launched in Fall 2021
Dietrich-liaisons [no description available]
Dietrich-web-customers Customers of Dietrich Web Services
dietrichcollege-communicators For Dietrich College communicators.
digital-twin-journal-club [no description available]
Digital-twin-reading-group Digital Twin Reading Group (for design, manufacturing, production)
Dining-mealplan-holders Active Dining Meal Plan Holders
Distinguished-service-tepper Special Faculty
Distributed-ai Joint Distributed AI Project
Distributedsystems-staff Mailing List for Staff of Distributed Systems
Diva-list IARPA DIVA project CMU
Diver-alum [no description available]
Diver-list [no description available]
Diversityinclusion-network Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion Network
Dlareau-test [no description available]
DLDesigners-2025 Dance/Light Designers 2025
DLPerformers-2025 Dance/Light Performers 2025
docs-cmu [no description available]
Docs-general-body15-16 [no description available]
Dod-dibc-2024 DOD DIBC Proposal 2024
Doe-curb-project [no description available]
DOE-FORK [no description available]
Doherty-award-nomination-2023 [no description available]
Doherty-bio [no description available]
Donor-relations Donor Relations
Donors-scholarship List of donors to the Carrasquel scholarship
Dosa-communicators [no description available]
Dosa-dh-group DoSA DH Group
Dosa-division [no description available]
Dosa-leadership-forum DoSA Leadership Forum
dpac-social-working-group [no description available]
DR-all Donor Relations and Advancement Events Team
DR-stewardship stewardship team in donor relations
drama-100employment Job listings and other relevant info for the Drama community. You must join using your Andrew email.
drama-acting-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-acting-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-acting-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-acting-ug-yr4 [no description available]
drama-all-freshmen [no description available]
drama-area-acting-mt [no description available]
drama-area-coordinators [no description available]
drama-area-design [no description available]
drama-area-directing [no description available]
drama-area-lit [no description available]
drama-area-ptm [no description available]
Drama-costprod-grad [no description available]
drama-directing-grad-yr2 [no description available]
drama-directing-grad-yr3 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-directing-ug-yr4 [no description available]
drama-dp-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-dp-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-final-year [no description available]
drama-leadership [no description available]
drama-loa [no description available]
drama-media-grad-yr3 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr1 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr2 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-mt-ug-yr4 [no description available]
drama-oc-lunch [no description available]
drama-option-acting-mt [no description available]
drama-option-coordinators [no description available]
drama-option-design [no description available]
drama-option-directing [no description available]
drama-option-lit [no description available]
drama-option-ptm [no description available]
drama-others [no description available]
drama-precollege [no description available]
drama-ptm-all All PTM (& 1st & 2nd year D/P) students
Drama-safe CMU SOD Safety Committee Contact
drama-staff [no description available]
drama-student-posters [no description available]
Drama-test [no description available]
drama-theatre-studies-ug [no description available]
drama-theatre-studies-ug-yr3 [no description available]
drama-theatre-studies-ug-yr4 [no description available]
Driver-interface-team-cmr [no description available]
Drskinner-updates [no description available]
Drupal-alerts [no description available]
drupal-announce [no description available]
Ds-dancers-f24 updated Dancers' Symposium F24 dancer list
Ds-partners-f24 [no description available]
DSAC-main Main DSAC email list
dsateam19-20 [no description available]
Dsc-datathon-24 [no description available]
Dsc-dev-f24 [no description available]
Dsc-dev-team [no description available]
Dsi-2020 [no description available]
Dsn-i-seminar [no description available]
Dssg-dojo-mh [no description available]
dssg-fellows-2022 [no description available]
Dssg2020-r1-interviewers [no description available]
Dssg2020-reviewers [no description available]
Dynballbot-proj [no description available]
E-tower-6th-floor-22-23 [no description available]
E-tower-7th-floor-2021-2022 [no description available]
Ea-app-devs [no description available]
EA-freshmen To send announcements, etc. to the freshmen in the EA additional major program.
EA-junior To send announcements, etc. to juniors in the EA additional major program.
Ea-managers-team [no description available]
EA-senior To send announcements, etc. to seniors in the EA additional major program.
EA-sophomore To send announcements, etc. to sophomores in the EA additional major program.
Ebg-dlist Behavior Decision Policy Working Group
ebpf-DevSecTools [no description available]
Ecap-fdr [no description available]
ecd-discuss Elizabeth's social list
Ece-awards-committee ECE Awards Committee
Ece-aws [no description available]
Ece-chamanzargroup [no description available]
Ece-cmcmt-planning ECE Commencement Planning Team
Ece-curriculum-committee [no description available]
ece-graduate-seminar ECE Graduate Seminar Series
Ece-ieee-outreach-program ECE Outreach Program
Ece-ioc Inclusion and Outreach
ECE-ITS-Tera-Admins ECE ITS Teradactyl Backup Admins
ECE-ITS-Tera-Report-Admins ECE ITS Teradactyl Backup Report Admins
Ece-junior-women-faculty ECE Junior Women Faculty
Ece-mac-chair [no description available]
Ece-outreach-interest-f21 ECE Outreach Interest F21
Ece-ricomm [no description available]
Ece-rock [no description available]
Ece-sac-chair [no description available]
ECE-SV-PhD PhD ECE Students at Silicon Valley
Ece-svms [no description available]
ECE224-staff Professors and Staff of the ECE course 18-224 at CMU
ECE341-staff Professor and TAs for 18-341
Echem-group [no description available]
ECM-project-requests To be used when requesting new ECM related projects.
Eco-cbet ECO-CBET-4-Polymers
Eco-facultys23 Economics faculty for spring 2023
Ecobank-statements Daily Eco statements
ecom-feed CASHNet general ledger feeder notification
Ecom-pci-contacts [no description available]
ecom-refund Refunds processed in Cashnet
ecom-rpt CASHNet admin report notifications
Econ-maj22 [no description available]
Econ-maj23 [no description available]
Econ-maj24 [no description available]
Econ-maj25 [no description available]
Economics-maj20 [no description available]
Economics-maj21 [no description available]
Economics-maj22 [no description available]
Economics-maj23 [no description available]
Economics-maj24 [no description available]
Economics-maj25 [no description available]
Economics-politics Economics and Politics majors
EDC-2018 [no description available]
Edu-sense [no description available]
EE-alerts Endpoint Engineering Alerts
EE-DeviceManager Email account to connect to cloud services
EE-Staff Endpoint Engineering Team List
Eecs-lab [no description available]
Ego-announce ECE Graduate Organization List
Eguide-staff [no description available]
Eguide-students [no description available]
Ehpp-students current EHPP undergrads
Eim-team eim-team
Eis-committee EIS seminar committee
EIS-seminar Theory-related seminar in ECE
Ela-cmu-cohort-1 [no description available]
Electronicmusic-list [no description available]
elijah-mondays weekly Elijah meeting participants
em-comms Enrollment Management Communications
Emaillist-2020graduatingstudents [no description available]
En-pointe [no description available]
En-pointe-class-23-34 [no description available]
En-pointe-general-23-24 [no description available]
En-pointe-interest [no description available]
en-pointe-interest-f24 [no description available]
En-pointe-performance [no description available]
Energy-club CMU Energy Science and Innovation Club
english-creativewriting Creative Writing
english-dei-committee English Dept. DEI committee list
English-dei-taskforce DEI Task Force
english-dohafaculty [no description available]
english-film-visual-media Film & Visual Media
english-gcat masters+of+arts+in+global+communication+and+applied+translation
english-literature-culture Literature & Culture
english-malcsalumni ma lcs alumni list
english-marhetoricalumni ma rhetoric alumni list
english-professionalwriting Professional Writing
english-SigmaTauDelta Sigma Tau Delta aka English Dept. Honors Society
english-technicalwriting Technical Writing
English-writingcommfaculty for full-time & visiting Lecturers
enhance-announce [no description available]
Enrollmentmanagement-all [no description available]
Enrollmentmanagement-directors [no description available]
Enrollmentmanagement-leadership [no description available]
EnrSys-s3support Email for S3 Support and EnrSys CMU-ONLY team members
EnrSys-team Enrollment Systems Team Members w/contractors
Ent-seminar Distribution List for TSB Ent Seminar
Ent-space-working-group [no description available]
Enterprise-space-list [no description available]
EnyAC Energy Aware Computing Group
Epp-dc-trip-2023 A mailman list to reach everyone attending EPP's 2023 DC Trip
Epp-dei [no description available]
Epp-doctoralwomen [no description available]
Epp-dwepp [no description available]
EPP-GROW [no description available]
Epp-growplus-allies [no description available]
Epp-growplus-womxn [no description available]
Epp-instructors [no description available]
Epp-instructors-spring-20 EPP instructors
EPP-MS-Committee Committee for the Master in Engineering and Public Policy program
Epp-projects-project [no description available]
EPP-social [no description available]
Epp-undergrad-alumni [no description available]
Epp-undergrads [no description available]
Epp-webmaster [no description available]
Es-vaeducationalbenefits [no description available]
eShowcase-breakout-address Guests w/o physical addresses
Eshowcase-breakout-guests List of breakout guest emails for eShowcase 2020
Espresso-server-users [no description available]
ESTP-Alumni ESTP dlist for Alumni
Estp-ay20-21 EST&P e-mail list for AY2020-2021
Estp-students EST&P mailing list for just students
Etc-wiixercise [no description available]
Ethics-for-technologists Ethics for Technologists Lecture Series (2018)
Ethics-students Ethics minor
Etim-2023 Etim-2023
etower-1920-residents [no description available]
Etower-floor3 Morewood E-Tower 3rd Floor Residents
Eureka-f20-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f20-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f21-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f21-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f22-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f22-tas [no description available]
Eureka-f23-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f23-ta [no description available]
Eureka-f24-faculty [no description available]
Eureka-f24-ta [no description available]
Eventbrite-9thsummnit [no description available]
Events-dl Design Events Mailing List
Evolving-systems-reading-group [no description available]
Ewb-alumni [no description available]
Ewb-drones [no description available]
Ewb-medicaldevicesanitation [no description available]
Ewb-members Members of Engineers Without Borders
Ewb-pet-thatch [no description available]
Ewb-zimbabwe [no description available]
EWO-members EWO - CAPD Special Interest Group
Example-list [no description available]
Execed-alumnilist [no description available]
Execedchubb-alumni [no description available]
Expertise-at-scale [no description available]
Explorers-hiking Rapid Communication for Explorers Club Hikers
Extensionfaculty-1920 [no description available]
Extensionfaculty2022-2023 [no description available]
External-utc Traffic21 Funded Researchers Outside CMU
f-sae Formula SAE Racing Team - Full Distribution
F19-deanslist [no description available]
F20-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F2022-mechequals [no description available]
F21-deanslist [no description available]
F21-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F21-swsg CMU Strong Women Strong Girls
F22-outside-org [no description available]
F22-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F22-swsg F22 email list for Strong Women Strong Girls
F23-stuco-instructors [no description available]
F23-swsg Strong Women Strong Girls F23
F24-stuco-instructors [no description available]
f24-swsg F24 mailing list for Strong Women Strong Girls
fab-2024 Get emails from the CIT First-Year Advisory Board Class of 2024
Fac-list-fall-24 [no description available]
Fac-list-fall23 [no description available]
faculty-24 Masters Programs Faculty
Faculty-assistants [no description available]
faculty-cmuafrica CMU-Africa Faculty
facultystaff-cmuafrica CMU Africa Faculty and Staff
Fall-2020-faculty [no description available]
Fall-2021-faculty Fall 2021 Faculty List
Fall-2022-rb-retaining [no description available]
Fall-22-deanslist [no description available]
Fall-faculty2019 [no description available]
Fall-frenzy [no description available]
Fall19-msaii [no description available]
Fall20-msaii [no description available]
Fall2020-qual [no description available]
Fall2023-phd [no description available]
Fall21-msaii [no description available]
Fall22-msaii [no description available]
Fall23-msaii [no description available]
Fall24-msaii [no description available]
Fallsubject-2020 [no description available]
Family-care-advisory-committee [no description available]
Familycare-childcare [no description available]
Familycare-kpp [no description available]
Familycare-proctoring [no description available]
Fanti-research-group [no description available]
Fate-series [no description available]
Fb-content Additional content owners for the Finance Bulletin
Fba-2 FBA Floor 2
Fcc-group-a [no description available]
Fcc-group-b [no description available]
Fcc-group-c [no description available]
Fcl-4n [no description available]
Fcl-4s [no description available]
Feat-ml [no description available]
Featml-cmu [no description available]
feature-all [no description available]
Feature-prg Announcements and reminders for the paper reading group
Feeder-interface list error in Feeder interface process
Femme-interest [no description available]
Fi-content Additional content owners for the Finance Insider
Fieldrobotics-40 Field Robotics Center's 40th Anniversary
Fifth-and-clyde-residents [no description available]
Fifth-clyde-third-floor-23-24 [no description available]
Fin-comm-of Financial community (Oracle Financials Users)
Fin-comm-wo-of Opt-in Finance Bulletin list
Fin-pc-dh Finance: President's Council & Dept Heads
Fin-pcard Finance - purchasing cardholders
Finance-dr Finance Division Direct Reports
Finance-supervisors Finance Division Supervisors
Finance-tier2 Finance Division Tier 2 Leadership
First-gen-students First Gen Students at CMU
FIRST-together Information and events for the FIRST Together Initiative
First-year-mealplans First Years on Mealplans
First-years First Year Potential CEE students
Fitness-challenge Carnegie Mellon's Fitness Challenge members.
Fitness-challenge-cont [no description available]
Fitnessstudios-studentdanceorgs Student Organizations in the Fitness Studios
flute-choir Flutonium
Fm-rg Formal Methods Reading Group
fmcs-it Communication for FMCS IT Staff
fms-205sc Information regarding all staff at 205 S. Craig
fms-300scraig FMS's shutdown notice list for 300 S. Craig Street Building
fms-407scraig FMS's shutdown notice list for 407 S. Craig Building
fms-4616henry FMS's shutdown notice list for 4616 Henry Street Building
fms-4721fifth FMCS Shutdown Notice - 4721 Fifth Ave Building
fms-477melwood FMS alerts for 477 Melwood
fms-6555penn FMS's shutdown notice list for 6555 Penn Ave Building
fms-alumni FMS's shutdown notice list for Alumni House
fms-ansys FMS's shutdown notice list for the ANSYS building
fms-baker FMS's shutdown notice list for Baker Hall
fms-bramer FMS's shutdown notice list for Bramer House.
fms-cfa FMS's shutdown notice list for College of Fine Arts Building
fms-cic FMS's shutdown notice list for the CIC Building.
fms-craigstreetcorridor FMS's notice list for Craig Street Corridor
fms-cyert FMS's shutdown notice list for Cyert Hall.
fms-doherty FMS's shutdown notice list for Doherty Hall.
fms-elevator This list notifies members of elevator outages and updates
fms-gatf FMS's shutdown notice list for the GATF Building.
fms-ghc FMS's shutdown notice list for Gates Hillman Complex
Fms-group Dlist for FMS Cognitive Modeling Group
fms-gsia FMS's shutdown notice list for GSIA Building
fms-gym FMS shutdown notice list for the gym
fms-hamburg FMS's shutdown notice list for Hamburg Hall
fms-hamerschlag FMS's shutdown notice list for Hamerschlag Hall
fms-highmark FMS's shutdown notice list for the Highmark Center for Health, Wellness and Athletics
fms-hoa FMS's shutdown notice list for the Hall of Arts (HOA).
fms-housing FMS's shutdown notice list for Housing
fms-hunt FMS's shutdown notice list for Hunt Library
fms-mellon FMS's shutdown notice list for Mellon Institute
fms-mmc FMS's shutdown notice list for Margaret Morrison Building
fms-morewood FMS's shutdown notice list for Morewood Gardens Building
fms-newelsimon FMS's shutdown notice list for Newel-Simon
fms-offshift FMS Off-Shift Report Mailing List
fms-porter FMS's shutdown notice list for Porter Hall
fms-posner FMS's shutdown notice list for Posner Center
fms-purnell FMS's shutdown notice list for Purnell Hall
fms-roberts FMS's shutdown notice list for Roberts Hall
fms-scaife FMS's shutdown notice list for Scaife Hall
fms-scott FMS's shutdown notice list for Scott Hall
fms-sei FMS's shutdown notice list for SEI
fms-shutdown [no description available]
fms-smith FMS's shutdown notice list for Smith Hall
fms-src SRC Staff Information
fms-staff Information pertinent to FMS staff only
fms-supervisors Mailing list for FMS Operations supervisors
fms-tcs FMS's shutdown notice list for the TCS building
fms-tepperquad FMCS's shutdown notice list for Tepper Quad Building
fms-testtheselists FMS's test list
fms-uc FMSs shutdown notice for University Center
fms-utdc FMS's shutdown notice list for UTDC
fms-warner FMS's shutdown notice list for Warner Hall
fms-wean FMS's shutdown notice list for Wean Hall
fms-whitfield FMS's shutdown notice list for Whitfield Hall
fmsfcc-all FMS's shutdown notice list for All Building Facility Coordinators
Fn-3 [no description available]
Foam-hand-lab [no description available]
focal-updates [no description available]
forex-internal-troubleshoot forex internal troubleshooting team
forex-users communication to consumers regarding availability of the currency exchange file “currency_rate.MMDDYYYY”
Forge-cmu CMU FORGE
Formal-cookies CSD Formal Methods PhD Students and Faculty
Formula-SAE Formula SAE Racing Team - Executive Board
FoundationServices-AppleUEM-Administrators Foundation Services Apple Unified Endpoint Management Administrators
FoundationServices-SCCM-Admins Foundation Services SCCM Administrators
Foxconn-IMR Foxconn IMR project
Frc-activities-committee FRC Activities Committee
Freshmanedge-faculty [no description available]
Freshmanedge-students [no description available]
FRFG-ABarth [no description available]
FRFG-BMcCartney [no description available]
FRFG-CArmbruster [no description available]
FRFG-CEttensohn [no description available]
FRFG-DBridges [no description available]
FRFG-FLanni [no description available]
FRFG-JHenninger [no description available]
FRFG-JWoolford [no description available]
FRFG-ZKuang [no description available]
Fringe-22-23 Fringe mailing list for the 2022-2023 school year
Fringe-23-24 General mailing list of Fringe for the 23-24 academic year
Fringe-24-25 [no description available]
Fringe-recruitment [no description available]
Fringe-Recruitment-24-25 Recruitment Mailing list for Fringe 24-25
Fringe-recruitment24 Fringe spring recruitment mailing list for 2024
Fringe21-22 Fringe mailing list for the 2022-2023 school year
FS-RemoteSupportTools Foundation Services Remote Support Tools Customers
fs-sais-meeting Financial Systems - SAIS meeting attendees list
Fsa-f19-s20 [no description available]
FSA-Members [no description available]
Fsg-group Finance Division
Ftmsba-24 [no description available]
Fuchs-research-group Fuchs Research Group
Full-professors All Full Professors at Heinz
Full-time-caps-staff All Full-Time CaPS Staff
Functor-fanclub God, I love structures and their Corresponding Signatures
Furries-at-cmu [no description available]
Future-enterprise-students [no description available]
Future-faculty-program [no description available]
Fye-pcard-deadlines FYE PCard Deadline Reminders List
game-creation Game Creation Society weekly d-list
Gamesec2022-conference [no description available]
Garrod-advisees-2024 [no description available]
Garrod-advisees-2025 [no description available]
Gcc-tutors [no description available]
Gcr-2020 gcr
Gcr-2020-all [no description available]
Gdi-researchers [no description available]
Gdsc-cmu [no description available]
Gelfand-outreach [no description available]
geometry-collective Group announcements for Geometry Collective
Getaway-hunt [no description available]
Geyer-group Hartmut Geyer's Research Group
gh-ai Global Humanities and AI
Ghbs-all GHBS_all
ghc-at-cmu [no description available]
Gittis-lab [no description available]
Gittis-students Gittis lab members that aren't Aryn
GL-Closing [no description available]
Global-goals [no description available]
gomes-group Email list for the Gomes Group @ CMU.
Goodfriend-lunch-seminar [no description available]
Gpt-chat Email list for the GPTChat Discussion Group
Grad-assoc-deans Graduate Associate Deans
Grad-set-model-theory-seminar [no description available]
Grad-students-dietrich [no description available]
Graduate-program-coordinators Graduate Program Coordinators, Directors & ADGP
Graduate-student-teaching-award people who should receive call for nominations.
Graduate-students-of-color-dinner [no description available]
Graduate-women-gathering [no description available]
Graduates-2024 [no description available]
graphics-gllc Graphics Lab Literature Club!
Grappling-club All things related to the Grappling club.
Green-dot [no description available]
Greendesign-dlist Mailing list for Green Design Institute Students and Faculty
Greendot-team Green Dot Team
Grm-ducky [no description available]
Group-limin [no description available]
Grover-lab [no description available]
Grubhub-alerts [no description available]
Gsa-aa A list for those on the Academic Affairs Committee of GSA
Gsa-advocates [no description available]
gsa-ca Mailing list for GSA Campus Affairs Committee
GSA-ea Mailing list for GSA External Affairs Committee
gsa-edi [no description available]
Gsa-exec Mailing list for GSA executive members only
Gsa-exec1920 [no description available]
Gsa-exec2021 [no description available]
Gsa-exec2122 [no description available]
Gsa-exec2223 [no description available]
GSA-finance Mailing list for GSA Finance Committee
Gsa-ia Mailing list for GSA Internal Affairs Committee
GSA-parent-group List for Graduate Students who are parents/have children
Gsa-partnerfamilly-advocates [no description available]
GSA-reps Mailing list for all GSA reps.
GSA-social Mailing list for GSA Social Committee
Gsa2022-volleyball-players gsa2022 list of registered volleyball players
GW-iP GWiP24
Gx-fall [no description available]
Gx-participants GX Participants for Mini 3
Gx-zumba Zumba participants at CMU
Habitat4Humanity-members [no description available]
hackers-tartanhacks-2022 Hackers at TartanHacks 2022
hackers-tartanhacks-2023 Hackers at TartanHacks 2023
Hair-cast Cast of Hair
Hamerschlag-3b Hamerschlag 3B residents
HARPLab-all [no description available]
Hc-helpers [no description available]
HCHWA-staff [no description available]
Hci-primarymajor HCI undergraduate primary majors
hcii-7cup-cmu CMU/7Cups collaboration
Hcii-crowdverify Project mailing list
Hcii-nsfrapid [no description available]
Hcii-prospective-phd-2020 [no description available]
hcii-r21support R21Support
Hcii-reu-committee [no description available]
Hcii-reu-researchers [no description available]
Hcpm1-careerservices HCPM Career Service Info 1st Year
Hcpmjobs-careerservices HCPM Career Service Info Job Info
Hdc-test [no description available]
HDS-starrez-admins StarRez Admins
HDS-starrez-osb-maximo StarRez-OSB-Maximo Problems
Hdx-reading-fall2023 [no description available]
He-lab He-lab group memebers
hegm-workshop [no description available]
Heinz-activities Events and activities for Heinz College students
Heinz-affiliate-faculty Heinz Affiliate Faculty
Heinz-all-adjunct All Heinz Adjuncts-Pittsburgh, Distance, LA & DC
Heinz-all-faculty all Heinz faculty including affiliate
Heinz-allmasters Heinz School Every Masters Student mailing list
HEINZ-ALLMASTERS-AU All Heinz School Adelaide Masters Students
Heinz-allmasters-combined Heinz School/Australia Every Masters Student mailing list
Heinz-allmasters-pgh Heinz College Every PITTS Masters Student mailing list
Heinz-casual-staff-au Request by Admin team
Heinz-casual-staff-aus [no description available]
Heinz-ccons Heinz School CCon Mailing List
Heinz-commence-mailing Heinz commencement ceremony
Heinz-csstaff D list for Heinz School Career Services staff
Heinz-csteam Heinz Computing Services team
Heinz-dc-adjuncts Heinz DC adjuncts
Heinz-div-incl Diversity and Inclusion
Heinz-faculty Heinz School faculty mailing list
Heinz-hca1 HCA first year students (Health Analytics)
Heinz-hca2 HCA second year students (Health Analytics)
Heinz-hcpm HeinzCollege Health Care Management Students - Both 1st and 2nd Years
Heinz-hcpm1 HCPM first year students
Heinz-hcpm2 HCPM second year students
Heinz-hsisusers Heinz College HCIS Mailing List
Heinz-isteam Heinz Informations Systems team
Heinz-la-adjuncts Heinz LA adjuncts
Heinz-mam Heinz School Arts Management Students mailing list
Heinz-mam-gioca [no description available]
Heinz-mam1 Heinz School 1st year MAM Students mailing list
Heinz-mam2 Heinz School 2nd Year MAM Students mailing list
Heinz-meim Heinz School Entertainment Industry Management students mailing list
Heinz-meim1 Heinz School 1st MEIM Students mailing list
Heinz-meim2 Heinz School 2nd Year MEIM Students mailing lisr
Heinz-mpm Heinz School Master of Public Management Students mailing list
Heinz-mpm-full-time MPM full time students
Heinz-mpm-part-time MPM part time students
Heinz-ms Heinz School all MS in Public Policy & Management students mailing list
Heinz-ms1 Heinz School 1st year MSPPM students (includes MSDC1)
Heinz-ms2 Heinz School 2nd Year MSPPM students mailing list
Heinz-ms3 Heinz School 3-semester MSPPM Students Mailing List
Heinz-msdc1 MSPPM DC Track Year 1 in Pittsburgh
Heinz-msdc2 MSPPM DC Track Year 2 in DC
Heinz-msispm Heinz School Info Security Policy & Management Students Mailing List
heinz-msit3-au Heinz College Adelaide MSIT3 F/T and P/T Students
Heinz-phd Heinz School PhD Students mailing list
Heinz-phd-post-docall Heinz PHDs and Post-docs
Heinz-pittsburgh-adjuncts Heinz Pittsburgh (and distance for PGH) adjuncts
Heinz-pittsburgh-staff only Heinz Pittsburgh staff (no LA or DC)
Heinz-post-doc Heinz Post Doctoral Fellows
Heinz-ppia Heinz School Email List for the PPIA Junior Summer Institute (active only during summer program)
Heinz-smt Krishnan Senior Management Team
Heinz-staff Heinz School Staff mailing list
Heinz-tenuredfaculty tenure
Heinz-tenuretrack Heinz College Tenure Track Faculty
Heinzexecedcdatao-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedcdigitalo-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedcdo-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedcio-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedciso-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedcro-alumni [no description available]
Heinzexecedpitc-alumni [no description available]
helix-alum [no description available]
helix-dance-crew [no description available]
herb-administrators Personal Robotics Lab Administrators
Herb-social [no description available]
Hercules-users Users of Mechanical Engineering's Hercules computing cluster
Here-for-You Here for You mailing list
Hh2-faculty-students-staff HH2 Level faculty students and staff
Hha-200-wing HHA-200 faculty and staff
Hidden-service-study [no description available]
Highland-ambassadors Highland Ambassadors 2022-2023
Highmark-caps-staff [no description available]
His-s22 [no description available]
Hist-grads History graduate student community mailing list.
Hist-stem History of Sci/Tech/Env/Med Working Group
History-advisees [no description available]
History-all All History Dept faculty, staff, graduate students
History-graduate History Graduate Students
Hkn-eligibles-f21 HKN Eligibles for Fall 2021
Hkn-eligibles-f22 HKN Eligibles for Fall 2022
Hkn-eligibles-f23 [no description available]
Hkn-eligibles-s22 HKN Eligibles for Spring 2022
Hkn-eligibles-s23 HKN Spring 23 eligibles
HKN-members HKN Members
HKN-officers HKN Officers
Hksa-2024 HKSA members for 2023-2024
Hksa-board [no description available]
Hocs-24 [no description available]
Holi-er-list [no description available]
Holi24-test [no description available]
Hong-lab Hong Lab members
Housing-deskstaff [no description available]
How-to Updates on the how2 dataset releases and challenges.
HPP-AY26 [no description available]
HPP-CMU Health Professions Program - Carnegie Mellon University
HR-BusinessPartners HR Business Partners
HR-BusinessPartners-and-Generalists HRBP & Generalists
hr-coordinators HR Service Center - Student Support Team
HR-Generalist-Central HR Generalists (Central)
HR-Generalists-All HR Generalists (All)
Hr-Specialists Mailing list for HR Service Center Faculty/Staff Support
Hr-Supervisor-Services Supervisor Services
HR-TalentAcquisition HR Talent Acquisition
Hrg-remote-connect [no description available]
HRI-group Researchers in human-robot interaction
HRI-reading-group [no description available]
Hrit-tuition-benefits-support HRIT Tuition Benefits application administrators
Humanities-center humanities center updatees
Humrs-biorobotics HUMRS project
Hw-verification Discussing work related to verifying hardware properties
I4-group [no description available]
Iacuc-sparcs IACUC d-list
Iam-lab [no description available]
Icc-students [no description available]
Iccp-2021-org ICCP 2021 organizer mailing list
Iccp-all General ICCP mailing list
Iccp-steering ICCP conference steering committee list
Icsd-affiliate [no description available]
Icsd-core [no description available]
Id-adjuncts [no description available]
Ideas-Core Internal IDeaS Center Email Distro
Ideas-pgh IDeaS Pittsburgh CMU & PITT
Ideas-pitt-research-sharing [no description available]
Ideas-summerinst-2021 Center for IDeaS Summer Institute 2021 announcements
IDeaS-summit-2025 AI and Disinformation Summit Participants 2025
Ideas-vaccinedisinfo Weekly Updates for COVID-19 vaccine disinformation tracking project
Ideate-curriculum-cmte [no description available]
ideate-designforlearning IDeATe's Design for Learning Program at Carnegie Mellon
IDeATe-faculty [no description available]
Ideate-ggj2023 [no description available]
Ideate-info [no description available]
Ideate-soft-tech [no description available]
IDeATe-staff [no description available]
Identity-services-gap Discuss Grouper-ActiveMQ-Provisioner (GAP)
Ids-team [no description available]
Iea-2019 [no description available]
Iea-newsletter-cmustu [no description available]
Iea-subscriber [no description available]
Iecontalk-mailinglist Economics Seminar Series
ieee-general-body IEEE members
ieee-staff-2020 IEEE Staff for 2020-2021
Iii-dept-all [no description available]
Iii-miips-all [no description available]
Iii-mssm-all [no description available]
III-online-students CMUiii Online Students
Iii-students-all [no description available]
Iii-students-grad [no description available]
Imo19-20 [no description available]
Indaba-cmu [no description available]
INDABA-list [no description available]
Infants-morewood Infants-MG
Infants-penn Infants Penn
Infantsb-penn Infants B Penn Ave
Infantsc-penn [no description available]
Inferlab-cee [no description available]
Infomedia-diva [no description available]
Informedia-meeting INFORMEDIA Group members
Infra-dance-co [no description available]
ini-admissions-committee [no description available]
Ini-ms31-infosec-advising Advising mailing list for INI MS31 Mobility students
Ini-ms31-mobility-advising Advising mailing list for INI MS31 Mobility students
Ini-ms32-advisees [no description available]
Ini-practicum-discuss [no description available]
Instructors-cee [no description available]
Insurance-Internal-Property-Program Internal Property Insurance Program (IPIP) offered by Insurance Services
Integracion-futuro Corporacion Integracion y Futuro
Intelligent-control Intelligent Control Lab
Intelligent-control-alumni [no description available]
Intelligent-control-friends Friends of Intelligent Control Lab
Intent-lab Interactive and Trustworthy Robotics Lab
Internal-comms [no description available]
Internationalrelations-politics Majors, Additional Majors, Minors in the Insitute for Politics and Strategy
Introductory-Finance-Society Introductory Finance Society
Invite-test [no description available]
Io-group IO Reading Group
iot-labels-study [no description available]
Iot-privacy [no description available]
IoTPI-AWS [no description available]
Iotpi-laravel [no description available]
Ip-fall22 [no description available]
Ipd-roster-2022 [no description available]
Ipd-roster-2023 [no description available]
Ips-core IPS staff and core faculty
Ips-faculty CMIST Faculty
Ips-interest CMIST Student Interest List
IPSalumni-career IPS Alumni interested in receiving career/job related emails.
IQ-housing-roster [no description available]
Irb-sparcs IRB SPARCS user list
Irp-amp Students in the MS IRP Program
IS-students [no description available]
IS4-Moonshot [no description available]
Is4-moonshot-core IS4 Moonshot Core Team
IS4-Moonshot-Extended-Team [no description available]
Isayev-lab [no description available]
Isi-2022 [no description available]
iso-alert-log4jvulnerability ISO Java Log4Shell Vulnerability Mailing List
Ispm-careerservices For MSISPM students and others interested in careers in security fields.
Isprogram-faculty [no description available]
Isr-hiring [no description available]
iSTEPPERS-2009 [no description available]
ISU-20-21 International Student Union
Isu-2022-23 [no description available]
Isuboard12-13 ISU Board 2012-2013
IVCF-Alumni Former members of InterVarsity's CMU chapter.
IVCF-Contact Contact list for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
IVCF-Misc Mailing List for announcements to current members
J-mei [no description available]
janus-users Users of the DDMLab server Janus
JazzClub-gb Jazz Club Mailing List
jd-books Notifications of new books by Jim Daniels
Jdc-hi [no description available]
Jelena-group [no description available]
Jex-1 [no description available]
Jfc-submitted-orgs [no description available]
jit-cloudlet-workshop Attendees of JIT Cloudlet Workshop
Jmarella-test [no description available]
Joint-funding-committee-members [no description available]
Joshsch-rastaff RAStaff
Jsa-recruiting21 [DO NOT USE] Recruting list for JSA 21-22
Jsa22-exec JSA '22 Executive Board
Jsa22-members Member List for CMU JSA '22-23
Jsa22-recruiting JSA '22 Recruiting List
Jsa23-booth CMU JSA 22-23's Carnival Booth Mailing List
Jsa23-exec JSA 23-24 Executive Board
Jsa23-members Japanese Student Association 2023-2024
Jsa23-recruiting [no description available]
Jsa23-Undoukai [no description available]
Jsa24-members [no description available]
Juggling-members CMU Juggling Club: Masters of Flying Objects
julia-user-club [no description available]
Juntos-17 [no description available]
Juntos-alumni [no description available]
Juntos-mailing-list [no description available]
K-dewan [no description available]
Kantor-lab [no description available]
Kaplow-lab Kaplow Lab
Kappa-delta-xi [no description available]
kasa-members [no description available]
Kiltie-band Kiltie Band mailing list for
kiltie-band-all All active members of the Kiltie Band
kiltie-band-alumni Alumni of the Kiltie Band
kiltie-band-invitees Invitees to Kiltie's performances
kiltie-band-newbies All freshpeople and other first-year members of the Kiltie Band (for this academic year)
kiltie-band-prospects People who have expressed interest but haven't joined yet or were a recent past participant
kiltie-pepband Mailing list for Kiltie Pep Band
Kkovacs-test1 [no description available]
Kkovacs-test2 [no description available]
Kkovacs-testmain [no description available]
Kmak-test3 [no description available]
Knight-fellows [no description available]
Kpop-dance-club [no description available]
Kuhlman-lab [no description available]
Kurnikova-group kurnikova research group
La-finta-crew LaFinta Run Crew
Lab-lunches [no description available]
Lapp-lab LAPP Lab mailing list
Latine-erg-leads [no description available]
latine-erg-members [no description available]
Latinx-alliance-network [no description available]
Lead-committee [no description available]
Lean-on-me-cmu Lean On Me CMU
Learnlab-help [no description available]
learnsphere-help [no description available]
Lecar-core [no description available]
Lecar-friends [no description available]
Lecar-general [no description available]
Lecture3-reciEE [no description available]
Leduc-lab Leduc-lab
Lel-community [no description available]
Leo-research-group [no description available]
Level-jam [no description available]
lfcps-job-info LFCPS 15424/624/824 related job communications, opt-in
Lg-2023 [no description available]
Lg-2024 [no description available]
Lg-23-24 [no description available]
Lg-all [no description available]
Lg-allmembers [no description available]
Lg-alumni [no description available]
lg-model-interest [no description available]
lib-accesssvcs Access Services
Lib-advocacy [no description available]
Lib-airtable-builders [no description available]
lib-allhunt Personnel at Hunt Library
lib-allref Reference Personnel
lib-allstaff All support staff
Lib-apa [no description available]
lib-archives Archives Personnel
lib-chatservice Library Chat Service
Lib-dawg This list is for members of the Discovery Access Working Group (DAWG) in the University Libraries.
lib-dei This list is for members of the DEI Working Group of the University Libraries.
Lib-digitalcuration [no description available]
Lib-distinctivecollections [no description available]
lib-dsteam Digital Strategy Team
lib-grnprctcomm University Libraries Green Team
Lib-hunt-building [no description available]
lib-huntcircstudwrkrs Circulation Staff and Student Workers at Hunt
lib-ill [no description available]
lib-illiad Illiad Processors
lib-IPA-list [no description available]
Lib-liaisons [no description available]
lib-libfaculty Library Faculty
lib-libguideadmins LibGuide Administrators
lib-litops LIT Operations (old)
lib-lsac [no description available]
Lib-ltts [no description available]
lib-melloncircstudentwrkrs Mellon Student Workers
lib-olibtel Outreach for Library Teaching and Learning
Lib-open [no description available]
Lib-ops Library operations team
lib-RAS Research and Academic Services
lib-selectors Selectors Group
lib-sorrellscircstudwrkrs Circ Staff and Student Workers at Sorrells
Lib-techserv [no description available]
lib-unilib University Libraries Personnel
Lib-webfeedback [no description available]
Library-au Library Australia Email
Library-leadership-team [no description available]
Light-curtains [no description available]
Linden-evenings-mse-team [no description available]
ling-undergrad undergraduate linguistics majors, additional maj, minor
Locomotion-seminar Information for weekly locomotion seminar
Logic-comp-students logic & computation current students
Lom-members [no description available]
Lost-and-found [no description available]
Lowry-group-lcms-users [no description available]
Loyal-wingman [no description available]
LS-dist Limited Submissions CIT Staff distribution list
LSP-Alumni [no description available]
Lti-exec [no description available]
Lti-exec-and-gsa-reps-f22 [no description available]
lunar-gala [no description available]
Lunch-bunch Noon pickup basketball
M-lab [no description available]
MAC-CMU-group Mobility Data Analytics Center team email list
Magic-hunt [no description available]
Magic-officers [no description available]
Mahonlab-undergrads List of Undergrads working in the Mahon Lab.
mam-careerservices General Info for Current MAMs
mam1-careerservices MAM Internships
mamjobs-careerservices MAM Jobs
Manipulation-learning [no description available]
Marketing-IL Marketing in Israel
mars-cmu [no description available]
Material-tracking [no description available]
Maty-lab Matyjaszewski Polymer Group
Mayursasa-Genbod Official General Body Mailing List
mbzirc-2020 [no description available]
Mcds19-crew [no description available]
Mcfscholars-cmuafrica [no description available]
Mcfscholars-cmuafrica-cohort-7 [no description available]
Mcfscholars-cmuafrica-cohort-8 [no description available]
Mcfscholars-cmuafrica-cohort-9 [no description available]
Mcs-deiteam MCS DEI Office Team
Mcs-faculty [no description available]
Mcs-faculty-teaching MCS Teaching Faculty
Mcs-physics-all [no description available]
Mcs-physics-faculty [no description available]
Mcs-physics-grads [no description available]
Mcs-physics-research [no description available]
Mcs-physics-staff [no description available]
Mcs-postdocs MCS postdocs
mcs-sac MCS Student Advisory Council
Mcs-special-faculty [no description available]
Mcs-staff [no description available]
Mcs-staff-exempt MCS Exempt Staff
Mcs-staff-non-exempt [no description available]
Mcs-summer [no description available]
Mcs-ug-cua [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2020 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2021 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2022 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2023 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2024 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2025 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2026 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2027 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-science-2028 [no description available]
Mcs-ug-undergraduates [no description available]
mcsd-conflict Student & faculty studying WP conflict
Mcwilliams-announce McWilliams Center for Cosmology announcements
Mcwilliams-center McWilliams Center - more general announcements
Mcwilliams-computing McWilliams Center computing announcements
Mcwilliams-seminar McWilliams Center for Cosmology and Astrophysics list to advertise seminars
Me-nontenuredfaculty MechE junior faculty
Mech-201 [no description available]
Mech-202 [no description available]
Meche-2021 Class of 2021
Meche-2022 Meche-2022
Meche-2023 Class of 2023
Meche-commencement-phd [no description available]
Meche-courtesy MechE Courtesy Faculty
Meche-dei-mentorship MechE DEI Mentorship
Meche-dei-taskforce MechE DEI Taskforce
Meche-eventlist [no description available]
Meche-fundingopportunities Funding opportunities for MechE faculty
Meche-graduatestudents Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students as of 6/16/2009
Meche-outreach The CMU MechE Outreach Mailing List
Meche-postdocs [no description available]
Meche-techstaff Mechanical Engineering Tech Staff
meimLA-careerservices For second year MEIMs in Los Angeles & alumni
meimPGH-careerservices MEIM students currently in Pittsburgh
Mellon-ach Communications from Mellon Bank to appropriate personnel at Carnegie Mell
Mellon-institute People that work in Mellon Insitute
Mellon-returns Return notices from BNYMellon to CMU
Mentor-shpe [no description available]
Mentor-shpe-2023 [no description available]
Mentor-stat-data-science [no description available]
Mesac19-20 MESAC19-20
metals-help Help for METALS current and incoming students
metals-info METALS Information for Prospective Students
Methodologyvisualization-2020 Methodology of Visualization Spring 2020 Email List
Metro-21-fall-22-interns [no description available]
Metro21-aging Faculty interested in Aging
Metro21-broadband [no description available]
Metro21-events People interested in Metro21 events
Mewomen-all [no description available]
Mewomenall-20-21 [no description available]
Mf-test-list [no description available]
Mfi-2022projects MFI 2022 Projects PIs
Mfi-all-investigators [no description available]
MFI-faculty all MFI faculty
Mfi-funded-students All MFI funded students
Mfi-interested [no description available]
Mfi-mill19-community MFI-Mill19-Community
Mfi-rfp-interested Used to send out to all interested in MFI Opportunities
Mhci-Directors [no description available]
Mhci-summer-prep [no description available]
Microfinance-africa [no description available]
microservices-observatory [no description available]
middleware2012-pcchairs [no description available]
Miips-2023 [no description available]
Miips-adv-study-2023 [no description available]
MIIS-2019 [no description available]
Mikejain-test [no description available]
Military-community-reception CMU's Military Community Reception
Military-students [no description available]
mism-msit-careerservices For BIDA, MISM, MISMAU, MSIT, MSISPM students.
Mism-slow-starts [no description available]
Mism-students Heinz School Master of Information Systems Management Student mailing list
Mismau-inpgh MISMAU students in Pittsburgh
Mites-questions [Mites-Questions]
MITS-Advising MITS Student List
Mj-30312 [no description available]
Mjain30312-test30 [no description available]
Ml-2020grads [no description available]
Ml-2021grads [no description available]
Ml-2022grads [no description available]
Ml-2023grads [no description available]
Ml-2024grads [no description available]
Ml-adjunctfaculty [no description available]
Ml-alsla [no description available]
Ml-arabicstudies [no description available]
Ml-chinesestudies [no description available]
ML-debugging-group [no description available]
Ml-frenchfrancophonestudies [no description available]
Ml-gcat [no description available]
Ml-germanstudies [no description available]
Ml-hispanicstudies [no description available]
Ml-japanesestudies [no description available]
Ml-languagecoordinators [no description available]
Ml-majorsall [no description available]
Ml-psi2020 [no description available]
Ml-regularfaculty [no description available]
Ml-russianstudies [no description available]
Ml-sla [no description available]
Ml-studentall [no description available]
Mld-timesheets [no description available]
MLG-ICS Marxist Literary Group
mlpp-fall2020 class list for fall 2020
Mlsys-reading [no description available]
Mmbl-members [no description available]
Mmbp-alumni-2023 [no description available]
Mobility-21-researchers [no description available]
Mohimani-lab [no description available]
Monopoly-hunt [no description available]
Moon-ranger Email for anyone to contact MoonRanger about info.
MoonRanger-Architecture List for MoonRanger avionics & software architecture people
Moonranger-Summer MoonRanger team for Summer 2020
MoonRanger-Team List for people working on MoonRanger
Moors-crew crew for You on The Moors Now 2023
Morewood-caps-staff Morewood CaPS Staff email list
Morewood-gardens-19-20 [no description available]
Morphingmatter-class-05-499-899 [no description available]
Morphingmatter-researchers [no description available]
mortar-board-gb-2021-2022 [no description available]
Mosaic-cee [no description available]
Motor-journal-club Motor Journal Club
Moura-group [no description available]
mpm-careerservices MPM Career Services information
mrc-associates MRC Associate Editorial Board
mrsd-project-dair [no description available]
Ms-au-exchange MS Adelaide students here 1 semester/exchange
Ms-cee [no description available]
Ms-da1 MS-Data Analytics 1st year
Ms-da2 MS-data analytics 2nd year
ms1-careerservices First Year MSPPM students (internship seekers)
ms2-careerservices Second year MSPPM students (looking for FT)
MSA-all Muslim Student Association
msaii-crypto-capstone [no description available]
Msaii-firstyear [no description available]
Msaii-secondyear [no description available]
Msbtpe-2021 [no description available]
Msbtpe-2022 [no description available]
Msbtpe-2023 [no description available]
Msbtpe-2024 [no description available]
Msbtpe-2025 [no description available]
Msbtpe-alumni [no description available]
Msbtpe-students [no description available]
Mscb-2017 [no description available]
Mscb-2018 [no description available]
Mscb-2021 [no description available]
Mscb-2022 [no description available]
Mscb-2023 [no description available]
Mscb-2024 [no description available]
Mscb-2025 [no description available]
Mscb-alumni [no description available]
Mscb-students [no description available]
Mscf-webupdate [no description available]
Mscf10-pitt [no description available]
Mschemalumni-23 [no description available]
Mscs-social-committee Organizing committee for social events for MSCS students
Msd-group3 [no description available]
Msda1-careerservices Data Analytics Career Service Info 1st Year
Msda2-careerservices Data Analytics Career Service Info 2nd Year
Msdc-careerservices MSDC Career Service Info
Msdc1-students [no description available]
Msdc2-students [no description available]
Msdcapprenticeship-careerservices MSDC Career Service Apprenticeship Info
MSE-JPL [no description available]
MSE-Mario [no description available]
MSE-MoonRanger-2022 MSE Moonranger Studio Team
MSE-Moonshot2021-Students MSE Moonshot2021 Students
Mse-smartgrains [no description available]
mse-studio-2023 MSE Studio Teams 2023
Mse-surefront-fde [no description available]
mse-women female graduate students in the MSE DEPT
mseai2023-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSEAI class of 2023
MSEAI2024-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSEAI class of 2024
MSEAI2025-cmuafrica [no description available]
MSEAI2026-cmuafrica [no description available]
msece2019-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE 2019
msece2020-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE 2020
msece2021-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE 2021
msece2022-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE class of 2022
msece2023-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE class of 2023
MSECE2024-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSECE class of 2024
MSECE2025-cmuafrica [no description available]
MSECE2026-cmuafrica [no description available]
MSIRP-Students Students in the MS IRP Program
msit-alumni PRIVATE-Heinz MSIT Alumni Only
Msit-exchange MSIT Adelaide students here 1 semester/exchange
Msit-faculty MSIT online course faculty
Msit-students Pitts Based (MSIT-ITM, ITA, ITD, and BI) - Master Science in Information Technology Student mailing list
msit2019-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT 2019
msit2020-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT 2020
msit2021-cmuafrica CMU-Africa MSIT 2021
msit2022-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT class of 2022
msit2023-cmuafrica [no description available]
MSIT2024-cmuafrica CMU Africa MSIT class of 2024
MSIT2025-cmuafrica [no description available]
MSIT2026-cmuafrica [no description available]
Mspm-2022 [no description available]
MSPMstudents-2020 MSPM 2020 Students
Mspmstudents-2021 2021 MSPM students
msppmjobs-careerservices MS3 students last semester
Msqbb-2022 [no description available]
Msqbb-2023 [no description available]
Msqbb-2025 [no description available]
Msqbb-alumni [no description available]
Msqbb-students [no description available]
Multilingual-privacy-research [no description available]
Music-alums Music alumni
Music-approved-senders [no description available]
Music-events Music Events d-list
Music-faculty Music Faculty Mailing List
Music-faculty-chambermusic Music Chamber Music Coach Faculty Mailing List
Music-faculty-studio Music Studio Faculty Mailing List
Music-ft-faculty Music Full-time Faculty Mailing List
Music-staff Music Staff Mailing List
Music-students-all All music students
Music-students-ams Advanced Music Studies music students
Music-students-ams-new New Advanced Music Studies music students
Music-students-brass Music Brass Majors Mailing List
Music-students-brasspercussionwoodwind Music Brass/Percussion/Woodwind Majors Mailing List
Music-students-bxa BXA music students
Music-students-bxa-new New BXA music students
Music-students-composition Music Composition Majors Mailing List
Music-students-g-2024 Second year (graduated) MM/MS music students
Music-students-g-2025 Second year MM/MS music students
Music-students-g-2026 First year MM/MS music students
Music-students-g-all All graduate music students
Music-students-g-new New MM/MS graduate music students
Music-students-minors Music Minors Mailing List
Music-students-musicandtech Music and Technology Majors Mailing List
Music-students-musicandtech-new New Music and Technology Majors Mailing List
Music-students-orchestralinstrument Music Orchestral Instrument Majors Mailing List
Music-students-strings Music String Majors Mailing List
Music-students-ug-2024 Senior (graduated) BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2025 Senior BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2026 Junior BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2027 Sophomore BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-2028 Freshman BFA/BS music students
Music-students-ug-new New BFA/BS undergraduate music students
Music-students-voice Music Voice Majors Mailing List
Musicextension-20192020 [no description available]
Muslim-students-association [no description available]
My-list [no description available]
N21-recD [no description available]
n24-reports-15-112 [no description available]
N3-sensing-thrust N3 project sensing thrust
N3-stimulators [no description available]
Nanofab-exthrs [no description available]
Nanofab-process [no description available]
nanofab-staff [no description available]
narwhal-users NARWHAL user list
National-network-members all members of network
Nebula-m78 [no description available]
Network-developers [no description available]
Neural-web CMU Grover Neural Web Group
Neuro-ethics Keep up to date with neuroethics events, announcements, and materials
neuro-sac [no description available]
Neuro-sac-2023 [no description available]
Neuroai-superlab [no description available]
Neurogenomics-lab Wet Lab members of the Neurogenomics Lab
Neville-apts-new-list [no description available]
New-2022-fall [no description available]
New-ghbs List for entire GHBS, replaces GHBS-all
New-workscast [no description available]
New-workscrew [no description available]
Newsletter-CMU-Summit [no description available]
Newsletter-signup [no description available]
Newspage-mailer [no description available]
Nexus-group-list [no description available]
Ngautonml-beta ngAutonML beta
NHSGA-bulbasaurs [no description available]
NHSGA-charmanders [no description available]
NHSGA-Druids NHSGA Druids
NHSGA-Paladins NHSGA Paladins
NHSGA-pikachus [no description available]
NHSGA-Rogues NHSGA Rogues
NHSGA-squirtles [no description available]
Nhsga-test [no description available]
NHSGA-Wizards NHSGA Wizards
NIAC-III List for NIAC III lunar pit exploration work
NILM-Workshop NILM Workshop
Nist-center Krishnan NIST CENTER created 10-7-2024
no-reply-cmu-ai-mentoring [no description available]
Nock-group-mailing-list [no description available]
Non-cashnet-saq-a pci reporting and compliance
NOPP-project [no description available]
Not-hunt [no description available]
Nova-24 [no description available]
Nova-f24 [no description available]
Nova-f24-1 [no description available]
Nova-f24-2 [no description available]
Nova-proposals-24 [no description available]
NPP-Workshop The No Parking Players
NROTC-1C [no description available]
Nrotc-1st [no description available]
NROTC-2C [no description available]
Nrotc-2nd [no description available]
NROTC-3C [no description available]
NROTC-4C [no description available]
Nrotc-allmidn [no description available]
Nrotc-battalion [no description available]
Nrotc-marine-options [no description available]
Nrotc-swo-club [no description available]
Nsbe-22-23 [no description available]
Nsbe-23-24 [no description available]
Nsbe-alumni [no description available]
Nsbe-alumni-23-24 [no description available]
Nsbe-hisig [no description available]
nsf-satc-cmu [no description available]
Nsf-satc-cmu-2024 distro list
Nsf-sws2019 [no description available]
Nu-rho-psi [no description available]
nvc-journalclub Neurovascular Journal Club
Oag-seminar Optimization, Algebra, and Geometry Seminar
oakland-review-board Oakland Review Board Members
Oakland-review-board2 New Oakland Review List
Oakland-Rotary Oakland Rotary Club
Obt-all Tepper OBT PhD students and faculty
Obt-faculty Tepper OBT faculty only
Obt-students Tepper OBT students only
Oec-leaders [no description available]
Oec-member-announcement [no description available]
Oec-nonmember-announcement [no description available]
oec-workshop-invitees Invitees to the Open Edge Computing workshop
Ofs-users [no description available]
Ohs-1968-1975 Oakwood High School 1968-1975
Olympus-mail [no description available]
Omen-2022 OMEN 2022 Membership List
Onr-cai Mailing list for ONR CAI project
ONR-IPT ONR-IPT group mailing list
Opal-lab Optimization, Probability and Learning Lab
openslide-announce Announcement list for OpenSlide,
openslide-users For users of the OpenSlide library and tools,
Opera-excerpts-cast Opera excerpts cast d-list for spring 2024.
Oracle-users-jan-2024 Financial community (Oracle Financials Users) as of Jan 22, 2024
orca-users ORCA user list
oregon-trail-hunt [no description available]
Oric-group [no description available]
Origami-club Origami Club General Members
ORIGINS-2019 Information and events for ORIGINS 2019-2020
Origins-2020 ORIGINS 2020-2021
Origins-2021 [no description available]
Origins-2022 [no description available]
Origins-2023 [no description available]
Origins-2024 [no description available]
Orion-cast [no description available]
Orion-crew [no description available]
Orso-staff [no description available]
Osp-contracts-team [no description available]
Osp-group [no description available]
Ot-morewood OT Morewood
Ot-penn OT Penn
Ot-strat-seminar [no description available]
Otb-penn [no description available]
Otc-penn [no description available]
Out-at-cmu Out@CMU members
Oweek-24-bxa [no description available]
Oweek-24-cfa [no description available]
Oweek-24-cit [no description available]
Oweek-24-dietrich [no description available]
Oweek-24-mcs [no description available]
Oweek-24-ocs [no description available]
Oweek-24-ols [no description available]
Oweek-24-scs [no description available]
Oweek-24-tepper [no description available]
owr-reports-notify Nofiication that on-line web reports (OWR) are converted to PDF format
owr-yearly-purge-notify members are notified upon completion of yearly oracle web reports (owr) purge
owrtrans-users notifications regarding owrtrans account, i.e. yearly account renewal
P3G-project [no description available]
Pa-sentencing-systems [no description available]
Pace-cmu [no description available]
Panhellenic-2023 [no description available]
parallel-rg [no description available]
Past-inferlab-members [no description available]
Pattis-advisees-2027 Pattis advisees scheduled to graduate in 2027
Payroll-deadlines Jan. 2024 Payroll Deadline Reminder List
Payroll-deadlines-dec2023 Dec. 2023 Payroll Deadline Reminder List
Payroll-help Payroll help distribution list
Pbk-2024 [no description available]
Pbk-qualifiers-fall-2022 students who are eligible for fall 2022 PBK initiation
Pc21-speakers [no description available]
Pcan-group Pittsburgh Cognitive Auditory Neuroscience
Pci-p2-pe pci p2 pe reporting
Pci-saq-b pci saq b
Pci-saq-c-only pci saq c only reporting
Pci-saq-cvt pci saq c-vt reporting
Pcmea-dlist D-List for PCMEA
pcr-exec [no description available]
Pcsummersession-23 [no description available]
Pdf-2022 [no description available]
Pdf-participants [no description available]
pdl-account GG amazon
pdl-event used yearly for pdl events
pdl-outage PDL Outage notifications
pdl-pdc-talkseries [no description available]
Pdl-readinggroup PDL reading group mailing list
pdl-staff 2020 pdl staff
pdl-talkseries-2023 talk series registrants
pdl-talkseries-2024 2024 PDL Talk Series List
pdlreunion-2023 11th annual pdl reunion at FAST
Peex-gdpr [no description available]
Peex-lab PeeX researchers only
PeeX-MTurk PeeX Researchers using MTurk
Penguin-servers [no description available]
Pepr-21 [no description available]
Pepr21-speakers [no description available]
Personal-training Personal trainers at CMU
Personalized-privacy-assistant Public Mailinglist
Pfenning-equipment [no description available]
Pftl-lab-list PFTL - Mechanical Engineering
Pgh-alumni-chapter CMU Pittsburgh Network
PghAlumni-dl Design Alumni - Pittsburgh
Pghprofessionals-dl Pittsburgh Design Professionals
Phd-21symposium [no description available]
Phd-cee [no description available]
Phd-commence-mailing PhD commencement ceremony
Phi-beta-kappa-initiates spring PBK initiates
Phil-primary-maj Primary majors in the Philosophy Department
Phil-students philosophy undergrads (major, add'l major, minor)
Phil-unphil unofficial philosophy department announcements
Philly-2023-updates Updates for Philly Missions 2023
Philly-2024-updates Philly Missions 2024
Philosophy-staff [no description available]
Phoebe-all Phoebe team and collaborators
phoebe-users Phoebe Computing Cluster users list
Photonics-group [no description available]
Physical-education Physical Education Instructors
Physics-20 [no description available]
Physics-21 [no description available]
Physics-22 [no description available]
Physics-23 [no description available]
Physics-24 [no description available]
Physics-25 [no description available]
Physics-26 Physics Class of '26
Physics-27 Physics Class of '27
Physics-ai [no description available]
Physics-dei Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee in Physics.
Physics-outreach [no description available]
Physics-steering-committee [no description available]
Physics-teachers-program [no description available]
Pi-Tau-Sigma [no description available]
Piazza-cast [no description available]
Piazza-crew [no description available]
picard-automl The dev mailing list for ngAutonML
Pillar-proj [no description available]
PIM-Crosspoint PIM-Crosspoint researchers
pirate-hunt [no description available]
PJ-ClIMA [no description available]
Pl-talk Social list for current CMU PL people
pl2-app-help PLUS App Help
Plaid-parliament-pwning [no description available]
Planetary-Robotics The public for the Planetary Robotics Lab.
Plots-and-Scotch Biophysics Seminar Series
Plus-playlist-generation [no description available]
plus-training [no description available]
Pmc-2023 [no description available]
Pmxto4-fullteam [no description available]
poker-ai-competition [no description available]
Policy-affinity-group [no description available]
Policyforum-84450 [no description available]
Portfolio-users Communication with users of Portfolio photo server
Postdocs-2023-24 [no description available]
Postdocs-cee [no description available]
Powerfaids-sched-report PF Scheduled Jobs
ppfp-cit Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
ppfp-mentors PPFP mentors and fellows mailing list
Ppmalumni-careerservices PPM Alumni D-list
Pre-tenure-track-dietrich [no description available]
Pre1-morewood Pre1 Morewood
Pre1-penn Pre1 Penn
Pre1b-penn [no description available]
Pre2-morewood Pre2 Morewood
Pre2-penn Preschool 2 Penn Ave
Precision-neuroscopics [no description available]
Prehistory-hunt [no description available]
Prekk-morewood PreK/K Morewood
Prep-complete ALL preparatory families
Prepfaculty-1920 Prep School Faculty 1920
Prism-alumni [no description available]
Prism-cmu PRISM CMU mailing list
Priv-assistants PPA Project Mailinglist
privacy-choices A mailing list for the CUPS privacy choices research group.
Privacy-usability Frontier Project
Privacygrade-dev privacygrade-dev
Prod-mgmt-sv-fall23 Product Management SV Fall '23
Program-directors-advisors-honors-candidates [no description available]
Project-Candela Project Candela Mailing List
Project-ignite-2020-robotics-advisors [no description available]
Project-ignite-advisors-2019 [no description available]
Projectrwanda-team [no description available]
Property-drbc-fusion-info Cmuworks DRBC feed people
Prospective-families [no description available]
pse-cmu PSE Seminar Carnegie Mellon University
Psy-courtesy Psychology Courtesy Faculty Appointments
Psy-grads2017 Psy Grad Cohort 2017
Psy-grads2021 Psy grad cohort 2021
Psychotherapy-team Full-Time Psychotherapy Staff
pt-gba PT GBA
Ptm-des-faculty-staff [no description available]
Ptmsba-24 [no description available]
Ptmsba-25 [no description available]
ptx-24 PTX24 students
puzzlehunt-cmu Puzzle Hunt CMU interest list
puzzlehunt-members Puzzle Hunt CMU members
PyACTUp-users Discussion about PyACTUp
Pyhio-crew [no description available]
PyIBL-Users Announcements and discussion of the PyIBL software
Qa-datashop-test QA DataShop Test
Qis-honors-thesis-qualifiers [no description available]
Qrtly-recons [no description available]
Quadrotor-general Quadrotor general body mailing list
Quantum-crypto Quantum Cryptography Reading Group at CMU
Quantum-initiative [no description available]
Quarks-to-cosmos List for "From Quarks to the Cosmos with AI" conference
Quizbowl-mailing-list CMU Quizbowl Members Mailing List
R-pad [no description available]
r-pad-manipulation-subgroup R-PAD Manipulation Subgroup
R122-project-team Oracle R12.2 upgrade project team
R22-all Retreat 2022 - all registrants
R22-speakers R22 CMU presenters
R23-all [no description available]
R23-speakers r23 speakers
R24-all all of the Retreat 2024 attendees (plus admins)
R2R-Just Just Return to Research
Ra-dlist20192020 [no description available]
Ra-dlist20202021 [no description available]
RAC-list RAC-List
Radlist-20212022 [no description available]
Radlist2022-2023 [no description available]
RAs-cmuafrica CMU Africa Research Associates
Rbg-all RBG at CMU
Rc-robobuggy-interest [no description available]
Rc-treasurer [no description available]
Rchi-lab RCHI Lab in RI
recitation-b2 [no description available]
Recitation-c [no description available]
recitation-c-112-s22-lec3 15-112 S22 Lecture 3 Recitation C
Recitationo15-112 [no description available]
Recreation-facility-assistants [no description available]
Reh-201 [no description available]
Rel-lab [no description available]
Rep-learning [no description available]
Res-ed [no description available]
Rescind-psyccdef-pis [no description available]
Research-board-22sp-waitlist [no description available]
Research-Ecosystem-Committee [no description available]
Researchboard-1920 [no description available]
Researchboard20-21 [no description available]
Researchboard21-22 [no description available]
Researchstaff-cee Research Staff & Visitor Positions
Responsible-ai Responsible AI Initiative - full CMU distribution
Responsibleai-affiliatedfaculty Affiliated CMU faculty for the Responsible AI initiative
Restorative-practices-community [no description available]
Rhetoric-n-at Rhetoric n'at
ri-academic-job-seekers robotics academic job seekers
Ri-climate RI Climate Committee Members
Ri-education-cmte RI Education Committee
Ri-junior [no description available]
Ri-manipulation [no description available]
Ri-ms-students-incoming [no description available]
Rickyxwang-18732-buildit [no description available]
Riclimate-notion [no description available]
Rkdfall-2020ta [no description available]
Robomechanics-lab Robomechanics lab
Robot-learning [no description available]
Robotics-club-members-20-21 [no description available]
Robotouch-lab [no description available]
Rocket-club Rocket Club D-list
Rocket-command [no description available]
Rocket-recruiting Rocket Club Recruiting List
Rolls-cancellation-sweepstakes Cancellation Emails
Rover-Teams-STTR NASA STTR Project Group: Rover Teams, aka Paired Rover, aka H#SH Robotics
Rpad-alumni [no description available]
Rpad-phds [no description available]
Rpg-association RPG Association (Club) Mailing List
Rpg-writing-7thsea [no description available]
Rpg-writing-nba [no description available]
Rpt-leadership [no description available]
rspace-cmu [no description available]
Rugby-club [no description available]
running-club D-list for CMU Running Club
rust-stuco Mailing list for all things related to the Rust Stuco
rust-stuco-staff List for rust stuco (98-008) staff.
S-quall [no description available]
S20-stuco-instructors [no description available]
S21-stuco-instructors [no description available]
s21-tp-mentees [no description available]
S22-stuco-instructors [no description available]
S22-swsg [no description available]
S23-outside-org [no description available]
S23-stuco-instructors [no description available]
S23-swsg Strong Women Strong Girls S23
S24-dancers [no description available]
S24-faculty [no description available]
S24-facultydlist List of all faculty teaching in TUP for Spring 2024
S25-faculty spring 25 teaching faculty
S3-architects [no description available]
S3-batch-devs Batch developers for the S3 HTP project.
S3-billing-aging-prod Production notifications for S3 billing and aging
S3-CAS-Support Email for S3 Support from CAS
S3-cucumber For email communication to & with the Cucumber test writers
S3-deployment-team S3 team members that help with batch and flux deployment
s3-developers [no description available]
S3-fms-cms-support [no description available]
S3-iics-devs [no description available]
S3-nacha Gets communication re: certificates, accounts.
S3-operations [no description available]
S3-release-announce dlist for announcing S3 releases with category details
S3-requests Requests for new and changes to existing S3 suite functionality
S3-sio-prod The 'from' address for S3 feedback
S3db-perf-alerts [no description available]
Saac-2020 SAAC emails for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021
Saac-2021-2022 SAAC emails for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022
Saac2022-2023 [no description available]
Sac-design [no description available]
Sadeh-group [no description available]
Safe-AI Safe AI seminars and events at CMU
Safeai-mailing [no description available]
Salsa-member Spanish And Latin Student Association members
Sams-2022all [no description available]
Sams-2022andrew [no description available]
Sams-2022pg [no description available]
Sand-organizers [no description available]
SAO-CES-Staff Student Affairs Operations - Conferences & Events
sao-staff Student Accounts Office staff members
Sase-dlist SASE (Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers)
Satc-pimgt24 [no description available]
Satya-group Members of Satya's research group
sbp-brims SBP-BRiMS Participants
sbp-lab Search-based Planning Lab group mailing list
Sc-deib Current Staff Council DEI+B committee.
Sca-bmdl Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands Email List
Sca-hrlds Discussions of SCA Heraldry
Scaife-building Scaife building occupants
Scaife-moving-personnel Personnel with office space in Scaife
Scambusters-Study [no description available]
Scc-booth-builders [no description available]
Scc-gig [no description available]
scc-members Members of Spring Carnival Committee
Scc-stakeholders [no description available]
Scenario-SLTE24 Scenario-SLTE24
scheduling-and-queueing A forum for researchers studying scheduling, queueing, stochastic processes, and related areas.
Scheme-purchasing Crazy Scheme purchasing account email
Sclt-info Information list for SCLT
Sclt-submission SCLT Submission address
Sclt-subscription Subscription mailing list for SCLT
Scott-affiliates Scott Institute Affiliates
Scott-fellows [no description available]
Scottie-Ventures Mailing list for Scottie Ventures members
Scottie-Ventures-23-24 Mailing list for Scottie Ventures members
Scottylabs-mangesh [no description available]
Scottyspark-participants [no description available]
Scs-2020-2021-undergrad-commence 2020 and 2021 grads for 3 year Commencement
scs-advisors-ugrad All SCS ugrad advisors and program admins.
scs-anti-racism-allies [no description available]
Scs-cert-contact [no description available]
Scs-deanslist dean's list f 20 and s 21
Scs-dual-degrees DD updated 8.19.24
Scs-frosh SCS Z00 - 7.31.24
scs-gpi2019 GPI Mailing List 2019
Scs-juniors All SCS Juniors - 7.31.24
SCS-phd-committee [no description available]
Scs-seniors All SCS Sr (4&5) 7.31.24
Scs-sophs All SCS Soph Updated 7.31.24
scs-student-tours [no description available]
Scs-ugrads [no description available]
Scscf-certtrackingadmin [no description available]
Scsday-2425 [no description available]
Scsday-planning-23 [no description available]
Scsday-planning-24 [no description available]
Scsday-planning-2425 [no description available]
Scsdayplanning-2020 [no description available]
SDC-buggydrivers SDC Buggy Drivers
Sdc-dining SDC Dining Committee
SDC-ExBoard SDC Executive Board
SDC-GenBody SDC General Body
sdc-general Student Dormitory Council's general members
Sdc-mechanics22 [no description available]
Sdc-movies First hand info about Movies SDC is sponsoring
Sdc-newmechs [no description available]
Sdc-newmechs22 [no description available]
Sdc-newpushers22 [DO NOT USE]
sdc-pushers-2022 SDC Pushers 2022
sdc-pushers-2023 SDC Pushers 2023
sdc-pushers-23-24 [no description available]
sdc-pushers-24-25 [no description available]
Sdc-pushers2020 [no description available]
Sdc-recruits-2019 [no description available]
Sdc-recruits-2021 SDC Pushers 2021
sdc-recruits-2022 SDC Buggy 2022
sdc-recruits-23-24 Mailing list for new SDC recruits for the 2023-24 year.
sdc-recruits-24-25 [no description available]
sdc-voting Student Dormitory Council's voting members
Sdcbooth-heads-2023 [no description available]
Sdcbooth-members-2324 SDC Booth Members for Carnival 2024
Sdcbooth-recruit-2023 [no description available]
Sdcbooth-recruit-2425 [no description available]
Sdcbuggy-recruiting22 [no description available]
Sds-adminstaff All administrative staff in SDS
Sds-all All faculty/staff/graduate students of Social & Decision Sciences
Sds-allplus All SDS dlists in one
Sds-associatedfaculty All courtesy faculty in SDS
Sds-faculty All SDS tenure track, research track, and teaching track faculty
Sds-grads All graduate students in SDS
Sds-postdocs All postdocs in SDS
Sds-researchstaff All research staff in SDS
Sds-seminar All faculty, grads, postdocs, visiting faculty, and courtesy faculty
Sds-staff All staff and research staff in Social & Decision Sciences
Sds-visitors All visitors in SDS
Sdw-users [no description available]
Sea-star The Hinman Lab Group
Sean-xx [no description available]
Section-l [no description available]
Senate-22-23 [no description available]
senate-aa Senate Academic Affairs Committee Members
senate-advocacy CMU UG Student Senate Advocacy Committee Members
Senior-resumes-2023 students for possible PBK candidacy
Senior-ueis-leaders [no description available]
Senior-women-in-signal-processing Senior women in Signal Processing Society
sher-lab SHER Lab D-List
Shift-students SHIFT minor
Shpe-cmu-2022 [no description available]
Shwoaklandville-cmu [no description available]
Shwoaklandville-s23 [no description available]
Si-15-122 [no description available]
Si-2020 CASOS SI 2020 participants
Si-2021 SI 2021 Participants and Instructors
SI-2022 2022 CASOS Summer Institute
SI-2024 Summer Institute 2024
SIAM-board SIAM board members
SIAM-general-mail-list SIAM general members
Siam-sc [no description available]
SIGBOVIK-Announce SIGBOVIK Announcements
Simon-brainstorming-ies [no description available]
Simon-coords [no description available]
Simon-oli-internal D-list for Simon/OLI team
Simst-help SimStudent WebPage HelpList
Sin-bad Florian Metze
Sis-production-errors [no description available]
Sit-office SIT Office Staff
Sketch-troupe Tisbert Sketch Comedy
sl-career ScottyLabs Careers
sl-email-testing [no description available]
sl-events [no description available]
sl-public ScottyLabs
sl-sponsorship [no description available]
sla-grad-seminar SLA Grad Seminar list
slate-admins [no description available]
Slice-breakroom Staff with access to the SLICE Breakroom
Slice-staff [no description available]
Sloan-2024 Sloan Proposal 2024
Sloanboard-2024 [no description available]
Sm-alumni-2018 MSSM Alumni 2004 - 2017
Sm-seminar [no description available]
Smc-t21 People interested in Traffic21 - send announcements of speakers
SML-ME Soft Machines Lab for Human-Compatible Machines & Electronics
Snowflake-alerts [no description available]
Sns-dlist Scotch'n'Soda General dlist
Sns-workshop Scotch'n'Soda Workshopping dlist
Snsalumni-mar2023 [no description available]
Soa-2022-aecm [no description available]
soa-all All School of Architecture (faculty/staff/students)
soa-all-students All School of Architecture Students
soa-ba School of Architecture BA Students
soa-bxa BXA architecture students
soa-ddes School of Architecture DDes Students
soa-fulltime School of Architecture Full-Time Faculty
soa-grad-program-committee All Grad Faculty
soa-graduate School of Architecture Graduate Students
soa-gsac Graduate Student Advisory Council
Soa-interpunct Interpunct General Mailing List
soa-iw School of Architecture Intelligent Workplace
soa-maad-class-of25 School of Architecture MAAD Class of 2025
soa-maad-class-of26 School of Architecture MAAD Class of 2026
soa-march-class-of25 School of Architecture M.Arch Class of 2025
soa-march-class-of26 School of Architecture M.Arch Class of 2026
soa-masters School of Architecture Masters Students
soa-msaecm-class-of24 School of Architecture MSAECM Class of 2024
soa-msaecm-class-of25 School of Architecture MSAECM Class of 2025
soa-msbpd-class-of25 School of Architecture MSBPD Class of 2025
soa-msbpd-class-of26 School of Architecture MSBPD Class of 2026
soa-mscd-class-of25 School of Architecture MSCD Class of 2025
soa-mscd-class-of26 School of Architecture MSCD Class of 2026
soa-msphd-committee MSPHD grad faculty
soa-mssd-class-of25 School of Architecture MSSD Class of 2025
soa-mssd-class-of26 School of Architecture MSSD Class of 2026
soa-mud-class-of25 School of Architecture MUD Class of 2025
soa-mud-class-of26 School of Architecture MUD Class of 2026
soa-phd School of Architecture PhD Students
soa-phdaecm School of Architecture PhD-AECM Students
soa-phdarch School of Architecture PhD-Arch Students
soa-phdbpd School of Architecture PhD-BPD Students
soa-phdcd School of Architecture PhD-CD Students
soa-staff School of Architecture Staff
soa-student-instructors School of Architecture Student Instructors
soa-tenured School of Architecture Tenured Faculty
soa-undergraduate School of Architecture Undergraduate Students
Soc-cyber Social Cyber Security Working Group
Socialist-studies-seminar List of seminar participants
Society-women-engineers-grad SWE grad students
SOCMIND-L Laboratory for Social Minds
Soda-group [no description available]
Soda-test [no description available]
Soda24-pc [no description available]
Som-foh [no description available]
Som-foh-leads [no description available]
Sp-2020qual [no description available]
sp-foundations-pgh [no description available]
Sp2021-mssympsoium [no description available]
Sp2021-qual [no description available]
Sp22phd-mechequal [no description available]
Space-fortress [no description available]
spam-hunt [no description available]
sparcs-alerts SPARCS alert notifications
Spc-2024 [no description available]
Spc-2025 [no description available]
Special-boy-list [no description available]
Special-faculty Postdocs and special faculty
Specs-summer-school [no description available]
Speculative-Fiction Mailing list for the Partners in Speculative Fiction book club.
Speech-kitchen Speech Recognition Virtual Kitchen Work
spex-alerts SPEX alert notifications
Spiral-group [no description available]
Spirit-20-21 [no description available]
Spirit-22-23 [no description available]
Spirit-buggy-pushers [no description available]
Spirit-dance-team [no description available]
Spirit2022-2023 [no description available]
spirituality-interfaith The mailing list for Religious & Spiritual Life Initiatives.
sponsors-tartanhacks-2022 Sponsors at TartanHacks 2022
Spring-2019faculty [no description available]
Spring-2023qual [no description available]
Spring-24-faculty [no description available]
Spring20-qual2 [no description available]
Spring2023-mechequal [no description available]
Srdavis-testing [no description available]
Srs-mechanics-22 [no description available]
Srs-mechanics-interest [no description available]
Srs-mechanics-rd2023 [no description available]
Srs-mediadesign [no description available]
Ss-test [no description available]
Ssp-contacts SSP Staff and Faculty
Sta-2022fall [no description available]
Staff-17313 [no description available]
staff-24 Masters Programs Staff
Staff-736 14-736 Staff Email List
staff-cmuafrica CMU Africa Staff
Staff-council-eight Staff council division 8 CIT
Staff-council-eleven Staff council division 11 CFA
Staff-council-fourteen Staff council division 14 Heinz
Staff-council-reps Staff Council Representatives
Staff-council-three Staff council division 3 Education
Staff-faculty-fitness List for the CMU Staff and Faculty Fitness Class
Staff-ny-mscf MSCF Staff in New York
Staff-pgh-mscf MSCF Staff in Pittsburgh
Staff-swartz Staff in Swartz Center
Staff-well-being-committee [no description available]
Staffcouncil-wellness Staff Council Wellness Committee
stamps-webinar Mailing List for the STAMPS Webinars
Startup-10 [no description available]
Startup-4 [no description available]
Startup-5 [no description available]
Startup-6 [no description available]
Startup-7 [no description available]
Startup-8 [no description available]
Startup-9 [no description available]
Stat-2016phdclass [no description available]
Stat-courses-1920 [no description available]
stat-network Networkshop
Stat-webremarks [no description available]
Stat-wellness-network [no description available]
Stat-wids [no description available]
Statds-seminar [no description available]
statistical-methods-for-physical-sciences STAMPS
Steinbrenner-all Steinbrenner Institute general mailing list
Steinbrenner-ess Environmental and Sustainability Studies students
Stentrode-team NML stentrode team
Steverhouse-1920 [no description available]
Storage-research-list Computer storage systems research discussion
Structural-Estimation-Study-Group [no description available]
Strudel-lab Members of the Socio-Technical Research Using Data Excavation Lab (STRUDEL)
Stuco-exec-2021 [no description available]
Stuco-exec-2022-23 CMU StuCo Executive Committee 2022-23
Stuco-interest-f22 [no description available]
Student-success-ops SASC Ops Team
Student-success-team Staff of Student Academic Success Center
Studentlifesuite-all [no description available]
students-cmuafrica CMU-Africa Students
Students-using-data-for-social-good SUDS Members
StuGov-Exec [no description available]
StuGov-SLC [no description available]
succeed-program succeed-program
Summer-acf-2024 [no description available]
Summer-list Summer TEF Students
Supa-dl Heinz School Control List
Supervisors-library Library Supervisors
Supply-chain-reading-group [no description available]
SURI-2021 SURI 2021 Project
Survey-question [no description available]
Sustain-dlist Sustainable Earth
Sustainability-advisory-council [no description available]
svd20-ind [no description available]
svd20-pdl [no description available]
svd20-posters [no description available]
svd20-speakers [no description available]
svd22-all svd22 all attendees
Svd22-army [no description available]
Svpai-dlist Senior Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives
Swe-gb SWE General Body
Sweepstakes-chairmen-rd21 Chairmen for Raceday 2022
Sweepstakes-drivers Sweepstakes Drivers
Sweepstakes-operations Raceday Logistics
SWEexec2020-2021 SWE Exec 2020-2021
SWEexec2021-2022 SWE Exec 2021-2022
Sws-alumni [no description available]
Sws-classof2021 [no description available]
Sws-classof2022 [no description available]
Sws-classof2023 [no description available]
Sws-classof2024 [no description available]
Sws-classof2025 [no description available]
Sws-classof2026 [no description available]
Sws-classof2027 [no description available]
Sws-classof2028 [no description available]
Sws-fall2018returning [no description available]
Sws-fall2019returning [no description available]
Sws-fall22-rb [no description available]
Sws-fall22-rbwaitlist [no description available]
Sws-fall23-rb [no description available]
Sws-ip-2023 [no description available]
Sws-ip-f24 [no description available]
Sws-newfall2018 [no description available]
Sws-newFall2019 [no description available]
Sws-newfall2020 [no description available]
Sws-rb-fall24 [no description available]
Sws-rb-sp23waitlist [no description available]
Sws-rb-spring23 [no description available]
Sws-spring23-rb [no description available]
Sws-spring24-rb [no description available]
Sws-test [no description available]
swsg-s24 [no description available]
Swsnewfall21-22 [no description available]
Swsr-bpp [no description available]
Systems-team [no description available]
T32ni-faculty [no description available]
T32ni-trainees [no description available]
ta-deeprl 10-703 CMU Mailing List
Tartan-Athlete-Fellowship Email list for students involved in Tartan Athlete Fellowship at CMU
Tartan-bike-project [no description available]
Tartan-neurotech-newsletter [no description available]
Tartan-planning-series Tartan Planning Series
tartan-scholars-ambassadors [no description available]
Tartan-scholars-campus-partners [no description available]
Tartan-slam-series Tartan SLAM Series
Tartan-slam-series-z Tartan SLAM Series
Tartan-Student-Fund Tartan Student Fund
tartanhacks-2021 [no description available]
tartanhacks-2021-cmu [no description available]
Tartanhacks-2024 [no description available]
Tartanhacks-admitted [no description available]
Tartanhacks-registrations [no description available]
Tartanhacks-unsubmitted [no description available]
Tartanhacks-verified [no description available]
Tartans-Floorball CMU Floorball Club
Tartanscholars-allcohorts [no description available]
Tartanscholars19-20 [no description available]
Tartanscholars20-21 [no description available]
Tartanscholars21-22 [no description available]
Tartanscholars22-23 [no description available]
Tartanscholars23-24 [no description available]
Tas-218 [no description available]
Tas-226 [no description available]
tas-cmuafrica CMU Africa Teaching Assitants
TBP-CMU [no description available]
Tbp-volunteers [no description available]
Tcc-team Full-Time TCC-Team Members
Td-articles [no description available]
Teaching-track-committee Teaching Track Committee
Teaching-track-dietrich created November 2022
Team-aspinity-2022 [no description available]
Team-FireVox [no description available]
Team-ideafoundry-students [no description available]
team-Outersense MRSD Project Team E - Class of 2024
Team-synchronized [no description available]
Team-voyant [no description available]
Tech-for-society [no description available]
Tech-Solidarity Tech Solidarity Lab
Technights-coordinators List for student coordinators of the CMU TechNights program.
Techspark-staff [no description available]
Techspark-users [no description available]
Tef-operators [no description available]
Tefman-labs Computer Lab TEFman
TEFman-list TEF Student Managers Mailing List
TEFop-list TEFop List
TEFtech-list [no description available]
Teknowledge-members [no description available]
Teledia-group [no description available]
Temp-cls [no description available]
Temp-mefaculty [no description available]
Tenure-committee RPT Tenure Committee
Tepper-adjuncts All Adjunct Faculty and Staff Faculty
Tepper-econ-faculty Tepper Econ Faculty
tepper-nonsupervisor-staff staff employees who do not manage others
Tepper-phd Tepper PhD GSA Reps
Tepper-rankings [no description available]
Tepper-research-fund Info on funding opportunities for Tepper Faculty Research
Tepper-staff All Tepper Staff
Tepper-supervisors Faculty and staff who manage staff
Tepperecon-f22 [no description available]
Tepperfacultyug-f22 UG Faculty F22
Teppersys-devgroup [no description available]
Tepperuba-f22 [no description available]
Term-report-dist [no description available]
Terrabot1-2022 [no description available]
Tertulia-Chile Conversation among Chileans
Test-39876 [no description available]
Test-alumni [no description available]
Test-list [no description available]
Test-list-my [no description available]
Test-list-take-2 [no description available]
Test-list50 [no description available]
Test-listsw [no description available]
Test-scotty [no description available]
Test-sws [no description available]
Test-temp [no description available]
Tester-email [no description available]
Testing-jeff [no description available]
Testingmassmail-kailacespedes [no description available]
Testlist-1 [no description available]
Testlist-segi [no description available]
tetrad-phil Mailing list for the Tetrad project (CMU Philosophy)
Tfc-members [no description available]
Tfc-pax [no description available]
Tfc-pilots [no description available]
TFG-Members Tepper Finance Group
Th25-prereg [no description available]
Th25-reach [no description available]
Th2nova-s24 Top 15 tartanhacks teams - special invite to nova
The-project-zone Users of (TPZ) project admin system
Thesis-advisors DC honors thesis advisors
Theta-main [no description available]
thursdz-dg [no description available]
Ticktalk-python TickTalk Python
TOM-Tartans Members of TOM Tartans club at CMU
Tom-workshop [no description available]
Top3-dlist CMU Deans, Department Heads, Center Directors and some senior business administrators.
Tpr-tech-test [no description available]
Transforming-transplant-initiative [no description available]
Transpo-students Students interested in Transportation
Travel-all [no description available]
Trello-backup-info [no description available]
Triannual-newsletter [no description available]
Tridelta-officers-23-24 [no description available]
Tridelta-officers-24-25 [no description available]
Ts-campus-champions [no description available]
Ts-community-partners [no description available]
Ts-mentors [no description available]
Tsa-board mailing list to all TSA board members (SECRETARY USE THIS ONE)
Tsp-famambassadors [no description available]
Tsp-proambassadors [no description available]
Tsvetshop-members Yulia Tsvetkov's research group mailing list
TUP-FacultyListF23 TUP Faculty DList Fall 2023
twe-all Mailing list for Tartan Wind Ensemble
twe-prospects Non-members who expressed interest
Txt-text [no description available]
ua-form-gift-transmittal Distribution list for UA Gift Transmittal Form
ua-form-new-commitment-checklist Distribution list for UA New Commitment Checklist Form
ua-form-pledge-status-change Distribution list for UA Pledge Status Change Form
Uba-all-f21 All UBA majors F21
Uba-alls22 primary majors S22
Uba-allstudents [no description available]
Uba-faculty-20-21 UBA Faculty 2020 2021 Full List
Uba-facultys23 UBA faculty for spring 2023
Uba-firstyears-25 All UBA FY F21
Uba-juniors-23 All UBA Juniors F21
Uba-sac [no description available]
Uba-seniors-22 All UBA Seniors Class of 22
Uba-spring-2020-faculty [no description available]
Uba-spring21-faculty [no description available]
Ubafaculty-s22 [no description available]
Ubasac20-21 [no description available]
Ubasac2019-2020 [no description available]
Uc-all Staff at the Cohon Center Info Desk
Uc-team UC Team
Ucc-20212022 [no description available]
Ucm-ai [no description available]
Ucm-campusmarcomm [no description available]
Ucm-communications [no description available]
Ucm-council [no description available]
Ucm-extendedoffice Extended UCM Office
Ucm-leadership [no description available]
Ucm-marcommleaders [no description available]
Ucm-marketing [no description available]
Ucm-office [no description available]
Ucm-scc Senior Communicators
Ucm-subscriptions Email for UCM accounts
Ucmc-ucm [no description available]
uec-members University Education Council members
Ueis-members University Libraries, ETC, IDeATe, andSustainability Members.
Ugdesign-admiss [no description available]
Uhs-support [no description available]
Undergraduate-poker-club CMU Poker Club Mailing List
University-energy-institute-collaborative UEIC
Urban-lab [no description available]
uscms-meeting-2023-organizers US-CMS 2023 annual meeting organizers
Utc-advisory-council Advisory Council
Utc-deployment-partners Deployment Partners
Utc-faculty Traffic21 Funded Researchers Inside CMU
Ux-research [no description available]
VariAbility-Lab [no description available]
Vehicle-issues Vehicle drivers & issue reporting
Ventilator-team [no description available]
veterans-erg-members [no description available]
Vets-erg [no description available]
vgroup-cmu Prof. Virgil Gligor's research group
Vietnamese-Student-Association VSA
Visdial-minecraft [no description available]
Visitors-cee [no description available]
Vnn-comp2021 [no description available]
Vnn-comp2022 [no description available]
W3VC-buggy Members of W3VC in Buggy
W3VC-members Members of W3VC
W3VC-new Prospective Members of W3VC
Walchem-H2O-Controllers Walchem Water Treatment Controllers
Warnerhall-5thfloor Memos for WH5
Watchit-wednesday [no description available]
wca-minicourse Students and instructors of WCA minicourse
Weak-lensing-group Research group mailing list for Dodelson & Mandelbaum
web-feedback [no description available]
webops-notifications Notifications for New CMS Site Managers
Webops-support [no description available]
Website-kurnikova-group to discuss group web-site
Webster-2-and-3 [no description available]
Webster-2021 [no description available]
Webster-four-the-sequel [no description available]
Wg1-live-institute [no description available]
Whitefoot-research-group Whitefoot research group
Whitehead-lab Members of Katie Whitehead's lab group.
wib-cmu Women In Business - CMU
WIIS-CMU Women in International Security - CMU Chapter
Windows-team [no description available]
Winece-announcements Women in ECE
Winece-grad-announcements WinECE Grad Students
Winece-officers WinECE Officers
winsvc-development [no description available]
WiS-dlist [no description available]
Witech-lab WiTech Lab Mailing List
wky-emp-assign-inload nighly processing of emp and assign inload
WoMEn-all [no description available]
Women-in-bme [no description available]
Women-scs-phd-postdoc Women/Nonbinary PhD and Postdocs in SCS
Womens-club-lacrosse [no description available]
Womens-initiatives CMUQ Women's List-serve
womens-wapo Women's Club Water Polo
Woo-mmittee [no description available]
Wood-neuro-group Wood Neuro Research Group
Workday-distributions Cmuworks Workday post settlement activity coordination
Workday-integrations Cmuworks Workday integrations team members
Working-group-provost-dei-sp Working Group for Provost's DEI Strategic Plan
Wpwvc-acrl Academic librarians in western PA and West Virginia
wrct-alumni WRCT Alumni Chat ("Nuthin Special")
wrct-djsubs WRCT DJ Substitute Requests
wrct-official WRCT Official Announcements
Wrct-training [no description available]
Wushu-club [no description available]
xaqlab-members Members of Laboratory for the Algorithmic Brain
xctf-mmbp mmbp info for current competitors and alumni!
xEV-group Carnegie Mellon Vehicle Electrification Group
XRTC-affiliatedfaculty Affiliated CMU faculty for the Extended Reality Technology Center
yala-mailinglist [no description available]
Ycora-list [no description available]
Yoder-ism [no description available]
Yp-one [no description available]
Ypradhan-mse [no description available]
Yr2-mfi-investigators YR2 MFI Funded PIs
Yr2-mfi-postdocs-and-students YR2 postdocs and students
Yr3-mfi-investigators Year 3 MFI investigators
Yrrsds-2017 Organizers for the Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialog Systems, 2017
Yt-morewood YT Morewood
Yt-penn YT A Penn
Ytb-penn YT B Penn
Yttri-lab Yttri Lab
Yu-lab [no description available]
z-cl [no description available]
zhang-group [no description available]
Zhang-lab [no description available]
Zhao-lab [no description available]
zhu-group [no description available]
Zoom-owner-test [no description available]

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