[SIGBOVIK] First Paper Hack Session and Submission Deadline

SIGBOVIK Announcements sigbovik-announce at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Feb 18 23:29:55 EST 2012

Esteemed researchers,

Just as the SIGBOVIK conference comes up, so too do the submission
deadlines. The first deadline for SIGBOVIK is:

   **** Monday, March 5 ****

Fear not, however, for we will be having a paper hacking session the
previous weekend to motivate you to put your work together! The hack
session will be:

   **** Saturday, February 25 ****
in GHC 6121 from noon until dinnertime (and we'll remind you again
closer to the date). As always, you can find the submission form for
papers at tinyurl.com/sigboviks12 .

-- HB, on behalf of the SIGBOVIK Motivational Subcommittee

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