[SCA-Dance] Fwd: Dancing at non-dance events

David Learmonth david.a.learmonth at gmail.com
Tue Jan 21 11:18:57 EST 2014

I've been in that position too.  We've been trying to put some of the
responsibility back on the Autocrats, by asking what they expect of the
dancing, what they are hoping for, and what they can do to help encourage
it at the event (before and during the event)?

We had an event here recently where the autocrat advertised that there
would be Dancing at the event, and put it on the schedule.  But the funny
thing was, that all us dance teachers were asking each other "are you going
to that event?  who is running the dancing?".  The autocrat didn't actually
ask anyone, she just assumed it would happen if it was on the schedule.

So with that in mind, and with the idea of coordinating and focusing
efforts, a few of us in our area have made certain that people know to
contact us if they want to discuss dance plans, and we also take an active
effort to contact events ahead of time, to make sure we know if dance is in
the plans.  (well, at least if they've published it, asked for it, or if we
think it would be a good event for it).


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Justin du coeur <jducoeur at gmail.com>wrote:

> [And another resend]
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 11:04 AM, David Learmonth <
> david.a.learmonth at gmail.com> wrote:
> > As for getting the space / time at an event, in Ealdormere we do have a
> > lot of autocrats who would like to see dance happening, and so for the
> > afternoon at least (for an hour or so before court / feast), that aspect
> > hasn't been too much of an issue.
> >
> Yeah, ditto.  We've more often had to take the weird position where an
> autocrat has put dance onto the schedule, and I've had to say, "Seriously
> -- I've looked at your schedule, and I think dance is going to suck.  Can
> we take it off?"  That's hard, but I think that being picky about it, and
> only running dance at the events where it seems realistic, has generally
> helped things a bit.
> (This may be a regional thing.  I suspect that northern/indoor Kingdoms
> have more of a tradition of dance as an assumption than southern/outdoor
> ones...)

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