[SCA-BMDL] 05-15-A.S at 41=>42??
Hon. Robert F. Frazier, Esq.
honrobertffrazieresq at gmail.com
Sun May 21 09:22:16 EDT 2017
Baron Robert de la Tor, GoA, Sieur de l a Tor-Fraisse, AoA,ounder of the
Baronie-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Treaty Plentpotentiary Extraodinaire
with the EastRealm for b the cess ion of ALL Lands as a Protectorate of the
aforesaid Baronie-Marche comprising ALL of the (Called quainly
Western-"By-God'-Sylvania, De la War, & Western "St. Mary" Land, with
Western Nieu Yorke to be discussed with a new S.C.A. for addition to the
Baronie-Marche' Nieu Protectorate. These lands were populated by indigenous
savage "Skraelings" & a very few civilized individual S.C.A. folk but no
organized S.C.A. units in A.S. VII when the Protectorate was formed &
granted by EastRealm Charter as a boon for the Baronie-Marche' decisive
aide via the latter's Army enabling the EastRealm to win 2 "war points" @
Pennsic III. (The copy of the full color map you display in your group's
history is a copy of the Original Full Color Edition which remain extant.)
This document was considered, from time of its drawing & execution by
authorized EastRealm Officers & the authorized Baronie-Marche
Plenipo-tentiary Extraodinaire as the definitive document supporting the
boundaries for the future application for for a Charter for a Nieu Kingdom
which the EastRealm would grant from its western marches adjacent to the
MidRealm as delineated & de marked Map under discussion herein. I that way,
the Baronie-Marche rights to become an S.C.A. Kingdom betwixt EastRealm &
MidRealm were preserved, fixed, & delineated within a year or so of its
original founding by the Baronie-Marche-'s Founder, Baron Robert de la Tor,
Goa, who writes to Your Lordeship, Andrew, AoA, now with some requests.
First, can Your Lordeship inform me of when are (days of week, months,
times of day) & locations for the Baronie-Marche's meetings either of the
Officers, or general Populace, or combined if one & the same?
Second, could Your Lordeship inform me of when are (date, month, & time of
day) & location for the Baronie-Marche's Annual AllThings of the People
(Or, if they have become more or less than Annual in nature, then the
appropriate adjustments to the information sought.)?
Third, could Your Lordeship inform me of the current SCA names, (Mundane
names if they choose to also give such out for mailing contact.) for
current Officers of the Baronie-Marche, any replacement Officers soon to
assume assume such Officers' duties for any reason, "hard" mailing
addresses for any Officers who make such available, the same for E-Mail
addresses for ALL Officers (& MOST ESPECIALLY, the Seneschal, the
Knight's-Marshall, the Herald, & the Chatellaine.), & "FarSpeaker Runes"
for those Officers who choose to make such available.
Fourth, I am within 110 Roman Milia (44 Gregorian Leagues, & but 45.55
"Long Strides" in "Seven Mile Boots" ... ha, ha!!) of the Pointe de la Tres
Rivieras 9 months of the year now & am conducting Law work for the Mundane
Government that keeps me in & around the MidRealm's Marche of Gwytarian.
Being so close to my original home & beloved Baronie-Marche allows me the
hitherto infeasible opportunity to regain my five (5) fighter
qualifications sword (aka: "weapon") & shield, "Florentine", greatsword"
(In my case "bastard sword"), polearm, & spear. And, if there are any new
variants e.g. "warsheild" & weapon, 2-bladed polearm w/handguard, "targe" &
"claighmohr" or what have you. (I'm not interested in epee at this time as,
if I am correct, it is not a massed melee form for the Pennsic Wars.)
Fifth, I'd appreciate bring given the event schedules for both the
Baronie-Marche (& it's heavy fighter train practices, when, times dates,
where, places, addresses, etc. As we all know, Pittsburgh hs clever nuances
in its street plan: West End Circle Is NOT a circle, Schenly Park Drive
crosses over itself, there is an intersection of Sixth Avenue & Sixth
Avenue ... I could go on ... ha, ha!!). And, I would appreciate have the
same detailed schedule for AEthelmearc. (I will give the same contact
information, in full & in detail below, that I have requested of others
Sixth, I'd appreciate such contact information as the King, Queen, Crown
Prince, & Crown Princesse of AEthelmearc would care to give, & I would
aappreciate learning of their plans for Royale Progress.
Seventh, I would VERY MUCH appreciate learning of that information which my
successors on the "Seizes Perilous" of the fabled first Baronie-Marche of
the whole SCA care to release to the Publick. I MUCH desire to meet them.
(I only know my designated successors of very distant past, Baron Leonard
the Younger of the Thane of Ericssen, & his dear sweet wyfe, Baronesse Anne
of Kiev, also of the selfsame Thanes.)
Eighth, my full & detailed contact information nearby ('though I still
remain a PA Citizen & Legal domiciliary of the State Capital in Harrisburg,
PA For Political & Lawyer in purposes of critical import.) are as follows:
Baron Robert de la Tor, Goa, Sieur de la Tor-Fraisse, Founder
Baronie-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Founder of the
Shire-Marche of the Blak Rose, Founder & Cap't.-Cmdr. of
The Blak Garde Reg't. (Please DON'T use these SCA names
in mundane "hard" mailings.
aka: Hon. Robert F. Frazier, Esq.
c/o: C. Allen Neighorn, MA, MA, Legal Ass't.
1083 Lane Street
Akron, Ohio 44307-175
<RFFESQ41 at gmail.com> *NOTE BELOW*
717-579-8112 (Cellular w/voicemail 24/7/365)
*NOTE BELOW* This E-Mail address is a CHANGE from
what you currently have Lordeship Andrew, which is:
<RFFESQ41 at cs.com>. If you will send your communi-
cations to BOTH, that would be just Grand for me! But,
if that poses a problem for you, I understand, & in that
case please delete the "cs.com" address you CURRENTLY
are sending-to, & please substitute the NEW "gmail.com."
Thanking YOU in-advance, Your Most Gracious Lordeship, Andrew, for
anything, & ALL that YOU can do to effectuate my requests herein-
above, I hope I remain You Humble Servant, & the Servant of the S.C.A.,
in the past, present, & future ...
in Service of the
.../s/Baron Robert de
la Tor, GoA
a.k.a.: Hon. Robert
F. Frazier, Esq.
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