<p dir="ltr">Baron Robert de la Tor, GoA, Sieur de l a Tor-Fraisse, AoA,ounder of the Baronie-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Treaty Plentpotentiary Extraodinaire with the EastRealm for b the cess ion of ALL Lands as a Protectorate of the aforesaid Baronie-Marche comprising ALL of the (Called quainly Western-"By-God'-Sylvania, De la War, & Western "St. Mary" Land, with Western Nieu Yorke to be discussed with a new S.C.A. for addition to the Baronie-Marche' Nieu Protectorate. These lands were populated by indigenous savage "Skraelings" & a very few civilized individual S.C.A. folk but no organized S.C.A. units in A.S. VII when the Protectorate was formed & granted by EastRealm Charter as a boon for the Baronie-Marche' decisive aide via the latter's Army enabling the EastRealm to win 2 "war points" @ Pennsic III. (The copy of the full color map you display in your group's history is a copy of the Original Full Color Edition which remain extant.) This document was considered, from time of its drawing & execution by authorized EastRealm Officers & the authorized Baronie-Marche Plenipo-tentiary Extraodinaire as the definitive document supporting the boundaries for the future application for for a Charter for a Nieu Kingdom which the EastRealm would grant from its western marches adjacent to the MidRealm as delineated & de marked Map under discussion herein. I that way, the Baronie-Marche rights to become an S.C.A. Kingdom betwixt EastRealm & MidRealm were preserved, fixed, & delineated within a year or so of its original founding by the Baronie-Marche-'s Founder, Baron Robert de la Tor, Goa, who writes to Your Lordeship, Andrew, AoA, now with some requests.</p>
<p dir="ltr">First, can Your Lordeship inform me of when are (days of week, months, times of day) & locations for the Baronie-Marche's meetings either of the Officers, or general Populace, or combined if one & the same?</p>
<p dir="ltr">Second, could Your Lordeship inform me of when are (date, month, & time of day) & location for the Baronie-Marche's Annual AllThings of the People (Or, if they have become more or less than Annual in nature, then the appropriate adjustments to the information sought.)?</p>
<p dir="ltr">Third, could Your Lordeship inform me of the current SCA names, (Mundane names if they choose to also give such out for mailing contact.) for current Officers of the Baronie-Marche, any replacement Officers soon to assume assume such Officers' duties for any reason, "hard" mailing addresses for any Officers who make such available, the same for E-Mail addresses for ALL Officers (& MOST ESPECIALLY, the Seneschal, the Knight's-Marshall, the Herald, & the Chatellaine.), & "FarSpeaker Runes" for those Officers who choose to make such available. </p>
<p dir="ltr">Fourth, I am within 110 Roman Milia (44 Gregorian Leagues, & but 45.55 "Long Strides" in "Seven Mile Boots" ... ha, ha!!) of the Pointe de la Tres Rivieras 9 months of the year now & am conducting Law work for the Mundane Government that keeps me in & around the MidRealm's Marche of Gwytarian. Being so close to my original home & beloved Baronie-Marche allows me the hitherto infeasible opportunity to regain my five (5) fighter qualifications sword (aka: "weapon") & shield, "Florentine", greatsword" (In my case "bastard sword"), polearm, & spear. And, if there are any new variants e.g. "warsheild" & weapon, 2-bladed polearm w/handguard, "targe" & "claighmohr" or what have you. (I'm not interested in epee at this time as, if I am correct, it is not a massed melee form for the Pennsic Wars.)</p>
<p dir="ltr">Fifth, I'd appreciate bring given the event schedules for both the Baronie-Marche (& it's heavy fighter train practices, when, times dates, where, places, addresses, etc. As we all know, Pittsburgh hs clever nuances in its street plan: West End Circle Is NOT a circle, Schenly Park Drive crosses over itself, there is an intersection of Sixth Avenue & Sixth Avenue ... I could go on ... ha, ha!!). And, I would appreciate have the same detailed schedule for AEthelmearc. (I will give the same contact information, in full & in detail below, that I have requested of others above.)</p>
<p dir="ltr">Sixth, I'd appreciate such contact information as the King, Queen, Crown Prince, & Crown Princesse of AEthelmearc would care to give, & I would aappreciate learning of their plans for Royale Progress.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Seventh, I would VERY MUCH appreciate learning of that information which my successors on the "Seizes Perilous" of the fabled first Baronie-Marche of the whole SCA care to release to the Publick. I MUCH desire to meet them. (I only know my designated successors of very distant past, Baron Leonard the Younger of the Thane of Ericssen, & his dear sweet wyfe, Baronesse Anne of Kiev, also of the selfsame Thanes.)</p>
<p dir="ltr">Eighth, my full & detailed contact information nearby ('though I still remain a PA Citizen & Legal domiciliary of the State Capital in Harrisburg, PA For Political & Lawyer in purposes of critical import.) are as follows:</p>
<p dir="ltr"> Baron Robert de la Tor, Goa, Sieur de la Tor-Fraisse, Founder <br>
Baronie-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Founder of the<br>
Shire-Marche of the Blak Rose, Founder & Cap't.-Cmdr. of<br>
The Blak Garde Reg't. (Please DON'T use these SCA names <br>
in mundane "hard" mailings.<br>
aka: Hon. Robert F. Frazier, Esq.<br>
c/o: C. Allen Neighorn, MA, MA, Legal Ass't.<br>
1083 Lane Street <br>
Akron, Ohio 44307-175<br>
<<a href="mailto:RFFESQ41@gmail.com">RFFESQ41@gmail.com</a>> *NOTE BELOW*<br>
717-579-8112 (Cellular w/voicemail 24/7/365)</p>
<p dir="ltr"> *NOTE BELOW* This E-Mail address is a CHANGE from<br>
what you currently have Lordeship Andrew, which is:<br>
<<a href="mailto:RFFESQ41@cs.com">RFFESQ41@cs.com</a>>. If you will send your communi-<br>
cations to BOTH, that would be just Grand for me! But,<br>
if that poses a problem for you, I understand, & in that<br>
case please delete the "<a href="http://cs.com">cs.com</a>" address you CURRENTLY <br>
are sending-to, & please substitute the NEW "<a href="http://gmail.com">gmail.com</a>."<br>
<p dir="ltr">Thanking YOU in-advance, Your Most Gracious Lordeship, Andrew, for anything, & ALL that YOU can do to effectuate my requests herein-<br>
above, I hope I remain You Humble Servant, & the Servant of the S.C.A.,<br>
in the past, present, & future ...</p>
<p dir="ltr"> in Service of the S.C.A.,<br>
.../s/Baron Robert de la Tor, GoA<br>
a.k.a.: Hon. Robert F. Frazier, Esq.</p>