[SCA-BMDL] Fiber guild meeting tomorrow!

Dina Ternullo dinaternullo at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 10 13:17:01 EDT 2017


This the reminder that the 
BMDL Fiber Giuld meeting will be tomorrow, on Tuesday, July 11th at 7PM, at Songbird Artistry, 4316 Penn Ave. in Lawrenceville. 

This month Mistress Irene von Schmetterling will teach us about knitting in period, and start us on a period knitting project - a Monmouth cap! (Monmouth caps were made in the Welsh town of Monmouth, and were super popular in 15th and 16th century, when they were imported to England and to continental Europe) Beginner knitting will be taught, no prior experience necessary. As usual, feel free to bring your own projects to work on. 

Tea and snacks will be happening. 

(Drinking tea is encouraged but not mandatory. Please contact me about any dietary restrictions)


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