[SCA-BMDL] Canvas for tents!

Broom iambroom at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 21:33:31 EST 2016

I'm getting rid of unwanted STUFF, and I have f\o\u\r\ five big boxes of
canvas for a pavillion I never made. Some is cut into pie wedges already,
some unaltered.

Mostly I want it gone. Make me an offer, and cart it all off to do with as
you please. :)

' |   Broom      IAmBroom @ gmail . com
' |   cellphone:           412-389-1997
' |   1838 Spring Garden Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
'\|/  "Discere et docere", which means:
'/|\  "Which is it, is man one of God's blunders or is God one of
//|\\ man's?" - Friedrich Nietzsche
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