[SCA-BMDL] New Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences
caseyodonovan at yahoo.com
caseyodonovan at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 7 22:52:14 EST 2015
Salutations and Greetings,
First, please join me in thanking Ishiyama for the outstanding work he has accomplished during his tenure as Baronial A&S Minister. He has left big shoes to fill, and I look forward to the challenge.
So yes, my name is Janos and I am your new Minister for Arts and Sciences. I am looking forward to meeting those of you that I have not yet; so I can share with you the ideas I have on how I believe we can enrich the current state of arts and sciences in the Barony and the surrounding areas. Tomorrow, I am hoping to see people bring their arts and projects with them to the Newcomer's Day. Events like these often spark new interests in older SCAdians as well as new people alike.
In the next few weeks I plan on having an A&S gathering to go over my ideas and to solicit ideas from everyone as to what they would like to see in the coming year. Keep an eye out for the announcement of the location and the time for that meeting.
As a reminder: the IceDragon Pentathalon (http://www.ice-dragon.info/) is coming up pretty quickly. If you have not entered a juried show before, this one is pretty well organized and boasts a decent set of judges from all around the Kingdom. Even if you do not plan on entering into all five categories I strongly suggest that you enter just to get an idea on how a competition like this is run and get some constructive criticism on your art or science project.
Also coming up is the College of Three Ravens in the Barony of Thescorre (http://www.thescorre.org/calendar/events/c3r/c3r2015.htm). As one of the longest running A&S events in the Kingdom this is a good event to hit if you are interested in learning something new, or even better, teaching others about the things you have learned in the pursuit of your studies.
To finish up, I will be reaching out to the various guild leaders in the Barony and the Canton to set up a summit in the coming weeks. I would like to get a grip on what is happening with the various guilds and see what support can be provided to expand and advertise the skills and activities of the amazing people in this Barony.
So please keep working on your new, old and continuing projects and do not hesitate to reach out to me should you have concerns, ideas or thoughts on how we can continue to be one of the most prolific Baronies in the Known World.
Baron Janos Meszaros - Baronial A&S Minister
On Saturday, February 7, 2015 9:37 AM, Ishiyama Gen'tarou Yori'ie <ishiyama at ee0r.com> wrote:
Fellow debatable landers,
Since I have not yet seen this announced here, let it be known that my
term as your Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences ended this past
Wednesday. Two candidates submitted letters for this position, and a new
Minister was selected.
Please congratulate Baron Meszaros Janos (Daniel Casey O'Donovan). He
has recently returned to Aethelmearc from some time away in other
kingdoms, and he submitted some great plans for the future of BMDL A&S.
I look forward to working with him along side all the great artisans,
crafters, and scientists of these Debatable Lands.
Ishiyama Gen'tarou Yori'ie roku-i
(mka: Elliott C. Evans)
ishiyama at ee0r.com
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