[SCA-BMDL] Known World Youth Choir Promo
Rachel Barr Shively
friscokitty at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 18 14:43:17 EDT 2013
Hi folks. Now that Pennsic is almost here I am wanting to let the Youth of ourSociety know about the opportunity to be part of the very first Known WorldYouth Choir. I have access to the KWChoir group, the AEthelmearc Kingdom e-listand a few local groups, but I would you to please pass this along to whereveryou think appropriate. I am really excited to be directing the youth andChildren's choirs this year, and the more participants we have, the moresuccessful the experience will be! Thanks so much!!-Rachel**********************************The Youth of our Society are the fire and energy of our future. It is throughyou that we will see our next generation of Peers, Performers, and Artisans. Youare the future of our society, and your activities now will shape your ownfuture roles within the Society.For those of you that love to sing and perform, for those of you that areleaders and trailblazers, and for those of you that would like to be a part ofa new tradition, this year will be the Inaugural Year for the Known World YouthChoir. Open to all "free range" youth ages 12+, this is an opportunity to beable to say in years to come, "I was there…part of the very FIRST…" No priorregistration is necessary and all are welcome, regardless of singing experience.We will start rehearsals on Saturday of War Week, July 27, from 1-2 pm at theNew Rehearsal Tent. We will be rehearsing Saturday 7/27 – Wednesday 7/31 from1-2 pm. (Right after lunch! How convenient! :D) Dress Rehearsal with the fullKnown World Choirs on Thursday 8/1 from Noon-2 in the PA Pavilion, and the KNOWNWORLD CHOIR AND FRIENDS CONCERT Thursday evening starting at 5:30. (Report timewill be 5:00), also in the PA Pavilion. Music will be provided and can also befound online at http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/KWChoir/files/My name is Lady Rachel Dalicieux and I have over 15 years of experience workingwith middle and high school students in both choir and band. I love kids andteaching and I think this is going to be an awesome experience. I am lookingforward to making some amazing music this year at Pennsic. If you have anyquestions, please feel free to contact me at friscokitty AT hotmail DOT com. Hope to see you soon!
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