[SCA-BMDL] FW: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Court Report TRM Andreas and Kallista Pennsic 41

Krista Cogan hildasca at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 20 12:20:29 EDT 2012

I would call out those gentles in the Debatable Lands that were recognized and given awards this Pennsic. Feel free to add if I missed anyone.
THL Jussi Laplein - Gage
THL Bors of Rouen - Gage
Don William Parris - White Scarf
Don Christian Amaury de Launey - Golden Thorn
Maistir Brandubh O’Donnghaile - 33rd Jewel of Aethelmearc 
THL Rosalia Iuliana Andere - Scarlet Battery  (new Grant-level polling order for Combat Archery and Siege Weapons)
Master Urho Waltterinen  - Pelican
I would encourage all to read the Pennsic Court report that Silver Buccle sent to the Aethelmearc list, as there are many more friends of the Barony that also received recognition, as well as a list of Archery Champions including Barony members, and hard-working scribes from our very talented Barony.
VIVANT to you all!!
In Levitate et Caritate,
~Hilda, Seneschale 		 	   		  
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