[SCA-BMDL] FW: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Court Report TRM Christopher and Morgen BMDL Investiture August 27 AS 46
elss_of_augsburg at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 30 02:44:08 EDT 2011
To all --
Our good Seneshale, in her modesty, has omitted herself from her list below, which should include:
THL Hilda for her Cornelian
--- On Tue, 8/30/11, Krista Cogan <hildasca at hotmail.com> wrote:
From: Krista Cogan <hildasca at hotmail.com>
Subject: [SCA-BMDL] FW: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Court Report TRM Christopher and Morgen BMDL Investiture August 27 AS 46
To: "Debatable Lands" <sca-bmdl at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 1:44 AM
Wanted to make sure everyone saw this. VIVANT! to:
Baron Liam and Baroness Constance, 7th Baron and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands
Baron Byron and Baroness Ariella, newest Baron and Baroness of the Court of Aethelmearc
Mistress Ts'vee'a, 31st Jewel of Aethelmearc
Ian of the Debatable Lands for his Silver Alce
Joshua of the Debatable Lands for his Silver Alce
Leah of the Debatable Lands for her Silver Sycamore
Lady Alethea for her AoA
Lady Kathryn for her AoA
Lady Lorelei for her AoA
THL Brandubh for his Cornelian
Lady Cynewyn for her Keystone
Lord Pavel for his Keystone
THL Urho for his Sycamore
Lady Elss for helping at an event on her birthday
Prince Isenwulf for raising over $500 for the Aestel.
Read through the rest, too, and note the myriad of talented scribes we have here. They've been busy! VIVANT to them as well!! Beautiful work!
In Levitate et Caritate,
~Hilda, Seneschale
> Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 22:22:57 -0400
> From: donnghaile at gmail.com
> To: Announcements at aethelmearc.org
> Subject: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: Court Report TRM Christopher and Morgen BMDL Investiture August 27 AS 46
> Keywords: AEnnouncements
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Announcements at aethelmearc.org for announcements only.
> Replies and questions are sent to discussion at aethelmearc.org
> or directly to the person making the announcement.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> The Report of the Court of Their Royal Majesties Christopher and
> Morgen, King and Queen of Aethelmearc, held at the Baronial
> Investiture in the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands on the 27th
> day of August anno societatis 46, Their Royal Highnesses Isenwulf and
> Rosalinda, Prince and Princess of Aethelmearc, as well as Their
> Excellencies Byron and Ariella, 6th Baron and Baroness of the
> Debatable Lands and Liam and Constance, 7th Baron and Baroness of the
> Debatable Lands, in attendance, THLord Brandubh Ó Donnghaile, Silver
> Buccle, with the assistance of Maestra Giulietta da Venezia.
> Morning Court.
> Their Majesties questioned Their Excellencies Byron and Ariella if
> they were ready to see the law enforced, and step down from the
> thrones of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands. Their
> Excellencies begged the boon of some time in order to settle Their
> affairs before they proceeded, and Their Majesties granted Their
> Excellencies leave to hold Their Final Baronial Court.
> Their Majesties then summoned Baron Thomas Byron of Haverford and
> Baroness Ariella of Thornbury to attend Them. As they had completed
> their business and settled their reign, Their Majesties asked them if
> they were now ready to relinquish their control of the Barony back to
> the kingdom. Their Majesties then removed the coronets of the
> Territorial Baron and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable
> Lands from their heads and released them from their bonds of fealty to
> the Crown, Kingdom and People of the Debatable Lands as Territorial
> Baron and Baroness.
> At this time, Sir Maghnus an Chnoic na n’Iora came forth and begged a
> boon of Their Majesties. Five years prior Sir Maghnus had taken his
> squire belts back from Byron and Ariella so that they could sit the
> baronial thrones without owing allegiance to any man. And on this day
> he asked if they would once more wear his red belts about their
> waists. Both Byron and Ariella replied that they would gladly return
> as Sir Maghnus’ squires and swore to him their fealty.
> Their Majesties now found that They lacked a Baron and Baroness for
> Their Barony, and so They called upon The Honorable Lady Hilderun
> Hugelmann, Debatable Lands Seneschal, and Master William de Montegilt,
> Aethelmearc Seneschal, to advise Them upon what to do in this case.
> Hilda presented William and Their Majesties with proof that The
> Debatable Lands had held an election in accordance with all relevant
> laws and policies, that the populace had voted to remain a barony and
> that the election had produced heirs. Her Ladyship Hilda then
> presented a petition signed by the officers and members of the barony
> which did ask Their Majesties to Invest THLord Liam mac an Tsaoir and
> THLady Constance Glyn Dwr as the seventh Baron and Baroness. Master
> William after scrutinizing the documents did affirm that all was in
> order and in accordance with the policies governing baronial
> succession.
> Their Majesties, after careful consideration of the evidence, did call
> forth THLord Liam mac an Tsaoir and THLady Constance Glyn Dwr to
> attend Them. As they approached the dais they returned their belts of
> fealty, Liam returned his Squire belt to Sir Alonzio of the
> Peaceamakers, and Constance returned her protégé belt to Mistress
> Alexandra dei Campagnella. Their Majesties spoke to them that law had
> been followed and that the populace of the Debatable Lands had spoken.
> They questioned Liam and Constance if it was their will and intent to
> take up the burdens of the coronets of the Debatable Lands. They
> replied that it was so, and Their Majesties invested Liam and
> Constance as Seventh Baron and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the
> Debatable Lands, and received their oaths of fealty to the Crown and
> Kingdom of Aethelmearc, and witnessed their oath to the Populace of
> the Barony. Scrolls in progress by Dona Sasha Gray. Subtlety of the
> progression of arms of the Barons and Baronesses of the Barony by
> THLady Myfawny Ferch Rhiannon.
> Their Majesties called forth The Honorable Lord Thomas Byron of
> Haverford and The Honorable Lady Ariella of Thornbury to attend Them.
> Their Majesties again thanked them for their stewardship of the Barony
> and did create them a Baron and Baroness of the Court of Aethelmearc.
> Scrolls by Lady Liadhain ni Chleirigh na Coillte upon texts by THLord
> Stephen Calvert de Gray.
> Their Majesties then called for Mistress Karana Yabokchi to attend
> Them. They thanked her for her service and for her time serving as
> the 30th Jewel of Aethelmearc, and asked for her to return the jewel
> to Them. Their Majesties then recognized that the Barony-Marche of
> the Debatable Lands had indeed been a prosperous place and that in
> this room were no less than a third of the Jewels of Aethelmearc, and
> on this day Their Majesties would add Baroness Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora
> Levi as the 31st name on that august list. Her continual
> Autocratting, seamstressing, hosting, teaching, and holding of offices
> had inspired Their Majesties, and so many others that They found it
> just to recognize her thusly. Scroll by Lord Bjorn bunhauss Olafsson
> and Lady Rota Egillsdottir.
> Evening Court.
> Their Majesties granted leave to Their Excellencies Liam and Constance
> to hold their first Baronial Court.
> Ian of the Debatable Lands was called forth and created a member of
> the Order of the Silver Alce for his achievements with bow, arrow,
> axe, knife and boffer. Ian had won the youth archery championship for
> the Barony as well as serving as youth fighting champion, and
> competing in the Iron comet martial and Arts and Sciences
> Quadrathalon. Promissory scroll given.
> Their Majesties called forth Joshua of the Debatable Lands and
> inducted him into the Order of the Silver Alce for his skills with
> thrown weapons and archery, as he carried a current royal round score
> in each form. Scroll in progress by Dame Margaret Makafee.
> Leah of the Debatable Lands was called forward and created a member of
> the Order of the Silver Sycamore for her artistic endeavors. She
> created artwork for the Baronial Newsletter, created scrolls for
> courts, and teaches stick weaving. Scroll by THLady Odrianna vander
> Brugghe.
> Their Majesties then called forth Il Dottore. They had heard that an
> illness had overtaken the Barony, and that the people of the Debatable
> Lands were afflicted with the malady of kindness and gentility, and so
> They asked the Learned Dottore to distill the source of this plague
> and report back to Them.
> Their Majesties called forth Lady Phelippe Ulfsdotter and presented
> her with her Award of Arms Scroll from Crown Tournament, as it had
> been completed by Lady Astraya Royachevicha.
> Their Majesties Awarded Arms in absentia to Araidia Ravenschild for
> her works at events, working set up crew, and especially doing dishes
> late into the evening, and performing security shifts at Pennsic.
> Scroll by Lord Jacques and Lady Isabella of Sylvan Glen.
> Aries of Kings Crossing was Awarded Arms in absentia for his skills on
> the heavy weapons field and teaching new comers how to get started
> fighting. Scroll by Lady Fenris McGill and Lady Gillian McGill.
> Their Majesties called for Alethea Cowle to attend Them. They had
> seen her be very busy, cooking in the kitchens, creating art work and
> working on scrolls at home, serving at events, passing out scroll
> cases in courts, coordinating a food drive, and as an active youth
> fighter. All these efforts from one so young moved Their Majesties to
> Award her Arms. Scroll by Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope.
> Katherine of the Debatable Lands was called forth and praised for her
> efforts with the Debatable Choir, singing with the group for many
> performances, courts and an album. She stood in as director of the
> choir when needed and occupied herself with knitting in the mean time.
> For this Their Majesties Awarded her Arms. Scroll by Countess Aidan
> ni Leir.
> Their Majesties then called upon Lorelei of the Debatable Lands.
> Their Majesties had heard similar tales of the achievements of Lorelei
> in the arts, that she performed with the Choir, and provided
> processional music for Their courts, as well as sang in featured small
> group performances. For this Their Majesties Awarded her Arms.
> Scroll by THLady Ismay Ponde upon a text by Count Jehan de la Marche.
> Their Majesties felt that Il Dottore had taken plenty of time to
> conduct his research as to the source of the plague upon Their Lands.
> Dottore returned to Their Presence truly shaken, for he had found this
> pox to be a truly vile and virulent disease, but he had followed his
> scientific method and found the source of the pestilence, and that it
> lay with The Honorable Lady Hilderun Hugelmann and The Honorable Lord
> Brandubh O’Donnghaile. These two gentles had spread their contagion
> unto the masses and wherever they went those who came in contact were
> infected with merriment and gentility. Their Majesties then marked
> the pair with Cornelians so that all might know to beware of this
> couple’s effect. Scroll in Progress by Mistress Matilda Bosville de
> bella Aqua.
> Lady Cynewyn Aethelweardeddohter was called forward and inducted into
> the Order of the Keystone for her services as a site coordinator
> securing sites for winter fighting practice and events, serving as
> autocrat, costumer, and deputy Knight Marshal. Scroll limned by
> Master Alaric MacConnal and scrivened by THLord Kameshima Zentarou
> Umakai.
> Their Majesties called His Lordship Deryk the Archer to approach Their
> Court. They understood that he had not received his Order Medallion
> for the Order of the Keystone, and that friends of his had taken steps
> to remedy that, and presented him a Keystone made by Lord Bovi Farmadr
> hung from a beaded Kumihimo by Lady Isabel Fleuretan.
> Lord Pavel Dudoladov was called forth and created a member of the
> Order of the Keystone for his many years of service as Comet
> Pursuivant, performing and Leading the Debatable Consort, serving as
> class coordinator and autocrat. Scroll limned by Lady Anna Leigh and
> scrivened by THLord Kameshima Zentarou Umakai.
> Their Majesties then called THLord Urho Waltterinnen to attend Them.
> They praised his works in the kitchens, creating satisfying feasts and
> sumptuous pies, and promised to return his pie plates so that he could
> present pies to Their Heirs upon their coronation. Further He makes
> bow strings, and fletches arrows and willingly teaches these arts.
> This moved Their Majesties to induct him into the Order of the
> Sycamore. Scroll illuminated by Lady Aleyd von Kiel and calligraphed
> by Duchess Anna Blackleaf.
> Their Majesties understood that only some of the members of the
> audience knew that this day was the anniversary of the birthday of
> Lady Ells von Augsburg, and They called her forth to wish her a happy
> birthday, and her friends shared gifts with her to help her to
> celebrate the happy day.
> King Christopher and Queen Morgen thanked all for coming to the event.
> They had had fun that day, and looked forward to the more food to
> come from the kitchens, as everything had been delicious thus far.
> They reminded everyone that there was still dancing, and a bardic
> circle round a bonfire to look forward to ass the evening progressed.
> His Highness announced that his fundraising efforts to sell small
> pouches had returned $540.00 to support the Aestel through sales and
> donations. And He thanked the members of his Household and friends
> who had assisted with cutting and assembling the leather, tooling and
> painting the escarbuncles, and casting the buttons, for without their
> help, he could not have produced nearly so many nor so well.
> Their Majesties spoke that They knew that They were leaving the Barony
> in good hands of the new Baron and Baroness Liam and Constance. They
> had enjoyed Themselves very much this day had fun all round, and
> wished the populace to continue in the evening’s activities. They
> thanked Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope as the Autocrat and all her
> staff for the lovely day.
> Court Closed.
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