[SCA-BMDL] BMDL Sunday Fighter Practice

Shiro No Kaminari shironokaminari at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 23:30:23 EDT 2010

 Greetings Good Gentles,

*Come join us at the BMDL fighter practice, Sunday** October 24th** at
Blvd Park<http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=40.4832,+-79.9085+%28Highland+Park+Practice+Site%29&ll=40.483189,-79.9085&spn=0.030356,0.037293&om=1>
- 5pm*.


November 7th we will be at the Baron and Baroness' Castle

November 14th begins our transition to the Pittsburgh Chinese Church til
March.  Sundays 2pm - 6pm.

Fighter practice* will continue at Washington Blvd
Sunday October 31st 1pm - 5pm *unless other notice is given.
 As always, all interested parties are welcome. Youth fighters and fencers
must provide their own marshals.
See you at practice - Shiro

Lord Ogami Arashimoto no Shirou
Squire to Sir Ogami Akira
BMDL Baronial Knight Marshal
BMDL Iron Key

412 415 3336
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