[SCA-BMDL] Fwd: [AEthelmearc Marshal Group] Aluminum Faceplates on helms.
Shiro No Kaminari
shironokaminari at gmail.com
Sun May 2 19:01:07 EDT 2010
- Shiro
Squire to Sir Ogami Akira
BMDL Knight Marshal
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sir Tristen Sexwulf - Earl Marshal of AEthelmearc <
Tristen at tribalbellydance.net>
Date: Sun, May 2, 2010 at 3:36 PM
Subject: [AEthelmearc Marshal Group] Aluminum Faceplates on helms.
To: AEMarshal at yahoogroups.com, AE-Chivalry at yahoogroups.com
I was instructed that, under no circumstances was I to allow a helm with
aluminum as a "structural" component. Aluminum may be used in a decorative
fashion only.
This ruling came down from the Society Earl Marshal - Sir Omarad (Paul
Newton) Marshal at sca.org
Helms with faceplates will be inspected for material of construction at War
Practice & Pennsic. If they are aluminum they will not pass.
I agree that 1/4" thick aluminum is tough stuff but the Society Earl Marshal
has ruled that it is "NOT" equivalent to steel.
Please spread this around any e-lists you may be a part of. If there is
someone out there with an aluminum faceplate, we need to let him know that
it will not be passible at War Practice or Pennsic (regardless of past uses)
unless he gets permission from the Society Earl Marshal. I cannot circumvent
this ruling. Also, Omarad will not likely be at War Practice so those
wishing to appeal should contact him ASAP. marshal at sca.org
PS: My eMail (ae.marshal at aethelmearc.org) was down for 2 - 3 days last week.
If I missed an eMail from you I apologize. It is working now, please resend
any messages because if I haven't responded to you by now I must not have
gotten your message.
Sir Tristen Sexwulf
Earl Marshal of Æthelmearc
“Quicumque est necesse pro malum praevaleo est pro bonus hominum efficio
(304) 549-6214 - Voice & Text Message
24 Hour Fax (304) 241-4867
eMail: ae.marshal at aethelmearc.org
website: marshal.aethelmearc.org
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