[SCA-BMDL] CMU student org. re-recogntion -- IMPORTANT

Douglas Wade Needham cinnion at ka8zrt.com
Sun Nov 2 16:04:57 EST 2008

Hi Dmitriy (and the rest of the list),

My reply is inline...

Quoting Dmitriy Ryaboy (dvryaboy at gmail.com):
> Apparently we managed to register the organization initially with none of
> the required documents/bylaws/etc, and now that re-recognition is being done
> electronically, they check for that sort of thing.  If we don't re-register,
> we will lose ability to reserve rooms (assuming that was being done under
> the SCA "club"?), put up flyers, etc.
> Here's what's needed.. I really hope someone can help out with this, as, to
> make matters worse, I will be out of town Monday-Wednesday.

I think I know where you will be... I think I have been seeing you at
the PDL meetings... ;)

> 1) We need 10 members.  That's members with a valid andrew account.  I got
> the Student Activities coordinator to say that we might get away with fewer
> people, but at the moment the official members are just me and someone whose
> andrew id is 'flip'.  If you are not 'flip', please register using
> OrgTracker.

You can figure out who 'flip' is by doing a finger against Andrew.
But more importantly, you do not tell how to "register", though I am
not sure if faculty/staff would count towards that number.  I do know
that several of us are in that category.

BTW... my id is dneedham

> 2) Of those people who register, we need a secondary and a tertiary
> contact.  Right now I am listed as all 3 contacts, and that's not valid
> according to their form (and the application gets bounced on that alone).
> 3) "Provide your organization's unique mission and include the
> organization's overall objectives"
> 4) Over the past year (Fall 2007 to now), what has your organization done in
> order to meet its mission and objectives? Please include all programs and
> initiatives.
> 5) Provide a detailed list of short- and long-term goals your organization
> wishes to accomplish, including a detailed description of events or projects
> that your organization plans to host or sponsor in the 2008-2009 academic
> year.
> 6) Constitution
> 7) Bylaws
> I can probably wing the mission, constitution and bylaws parts (basically by
> simply putting a reference to the Society and/or Kingdom governing docs),
> but someone else should write about past events and future plans.
> And register on OrgTracker if you are able!! If you can't figure out how
> send me a note with your andrew id.

Some may call me a SCA fixture, but I think that there are those
better qualified with knowledge and time than I am right now.

- Doug/Cinnion

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