[SCA-BMDL] possibly OT - List of potential sites?

Gretchen Beck grm at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Nov 29 15:14:10 EST 2007

--On Thursday, November 29, 2007 12:10 PM -0800 Karen Kasper 
<arianna_wyn at yahoo.com> wrote:

> St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral (Dithridge St. in Oakland)
> Has a large hall and a smaller hall (probably kitchen space as well)
> 412-682-3866 (ask for Janine)

This is a lovely hall, but I'm pretty sure the kitchen is non-negotiable. 
Last I checked they had an exclusive use caterers contract. This may have 
changed, but that was the case as of about 5 years ago.

toodles, margaret

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