[SCA-BMDL] BMDL camp improvements

Roana Devreux roana01 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 13 17:34:57 EDT 2007

In response to Kazi:

> 0) We may want to strive for digging the sump in one
> of the original sump
> holes, to cut down on potential ankle hazards.

During camp break-down on Sunday, several of us moved
around some of the dirt that was excavated from the
drainage ditch to help fill and level last year's old
sunken-in sump holes.  It'd certainly be nice to have
the sump in exactly the same spot every year, but
fluctuations of the sizes of the camps on either side
of us and the numbers, shapes and sizes of the tents
within the camp from year to year may make that tough.
 However, I'll see about leveling this year's
sunken-in sump during camp setup next year, so we
don't have to step in it all War ...


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