[SCA-BMDL] fighting, etc get together/thank you party

Tessa the Huntress tessathehuntress at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 6 09:50:43 EDT 2005

Greetings unto the noble populace of Aethelmearc.

Over the last year, many good people turned out to assist  us  with the many
projects for our Kingdom.  The Kingdom's Camp at Pennsic has come a long
way, and  both of us were deeply touched by the great energy each person
poured into the Kingdom.  Aethelmearc was VERY well served by the hands of
so very many people!

Once again, Tessa and I have requested and received permission to open the
Economy Grange in the Canton of Steltonwald to the Kingdom on Saturday, Oct.
15th.  This time, however, instead of projects, it's purely SOCIAL!  Bring a
pot-luck dish to share with everyone.  Fighters, bring armor and blades.. we
can fight!  Scribes..there are tables.  Bards.. the acoustics are ... well..

We  wanted to say "thank you" to everyone who came out to one of the
workshops , helped us with our projects or helped us specifically at events
or at home,  and so on.  Basically, everyone who helped us during our reign
and/or with our kingdom projects, kingdom camp, kingdom party, etc. This was
one way we thought of that could involve as many people as possible. It is a
wet site and we'll be bringing some of the wonderful alcoholic and
non-alcoholic drinks we received during our reign.  More is always welcome
We'll be getting there around noon and they shouldn't be trying to boot us
out until around 6.  Here's an afternoon we can all spend just having a good
time.  Please come out and join us, and enjoy!

Thanks so much for all of your support and help.

Good health to their Majesties, Robin and Isabeau, and salute to all!

 Malcolm and Tessa

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