[SCA-BMDL] Pennsic 34 Photo Galleries Open

Shawn MacIntyre medicmacintyre15219 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 22 12:58:01 EST 2005

As usual, you have out done your self... Your photos
are amazing, I nearly cried when I saw myself in the
pictures at the woods battle, The color is amazing.
Your art is very impressive. This will help to make my
first Pennsic Woods battle very special indeed.


    Shawn MacIntyre 
EMT/FFI/Rescue Technician 
Etna Fire/Rescue 
Ross/ West View EMSA
  Fire Department of North Versailles
  "If we (Pennsylvania) lose our Volunteer Fire Companies and Volunteer Firefighters, The added taxpayer cost for firefighter salaries and benefits is estimated at a conservative $6 billion dollars annually"- Pa Resolution 60 report
  AKA: Liam Mac anTsaoir
  Member of the Society for Creative Anachronism

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