SVS File Whole Slide Image Tiling

Angelos Pappas angelos at
Wed Dec 11 01:55:53 EST 2019

You want to save them as separate images?
You can use vips to create Deep Zoom images using the following command:

vips dzsave yourslide.svs yourdzdirectory

From: openslide-users < at> on behalf of Sied Kebir <skycrazer at>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 8:21 PM
To: openslide-users at <openslide-users at>
Subject: SVS File Whole Slide Image Tiling

Hello there,

I am a completely new user of Openslide and hope to receive a response nonetheless. I am using openslide for python. I am working with whole slide histology images, that are usually huge in size. I would like to automatically subdivide this whole slide image into many smaller chunks of a fixed size, say 512*512 pixels. I have tried several approaches, any idea on how to get there?

Many thanks

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