Fatal JRE error

Benjamin Gilbert bgilbert at cs.cmu.edu
Thu May 15 03:01:07 EDT 2014

On 05/14/2014 12:34 PM, Tim wrote:
>   The application has been working fine for years on many computers, but
>   under all computers running OpenSuSE >= 13.2, it crashes with the
>   following JRE error:
>   #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f22f92d3a04, pid=10239,
>   tid=139788194010880
>   #
>   # Problematic frame:
>   # C  [libc.so.6+0x7ea04]  cfree+0x14

Something (the stack trace doesn't say what) is trying to free a wild 
pointer during the JNI call to openslide_read_region().  I have no 
concrete explanation from the available data.

Try recompiling OpenSlide and OpenSlide Java on the newer openSUSE 
release.  Better yet, consider upgrading to current versions of both 
packages.  This will require minor source changes to your application, 
but hopefully they'll be worth it: you're running OpenSlide 3.2.4 and 
OpenSlide Java <= 0.9.2, circa mid-2011, and there have been a lot of 
improvements since then!

If neither of those fix the problem, post a followup and I'll help you 
track it down.

--Benjamin Gilbert

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