Windows openslide

Benjamin Gilbert bgilbert at
Sun Sep 23 13:37:35 EDT 2012

On 09/23/2012 07:31 AM, PD Dr. M. Weihrauch wrote:
> I installed Python27 on Windows and got me the openslide-python-0.4.0
> archive as well as the openslide-wind32-20120908 archive.
> Now, I tried:
> python
> but I received the error "line 25, in <module>... ImportError: no module
> named openslide".

OpenSlide Python is loaded in two phases:

1.  Python loads the OpenSlide package.
2.  The OpenSlide package uses ctypes to load the DLL.

The first step is the one that's failing.  The script included 
with OpenSlide Python can install the package into Python's search path. 
  Just run:

     python install

from the distribution directory.

--Benjamin Gilbert

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