Information regarding MIRAX v2.2 tile positioning

John Minnie jminnie at
Tue Sep 11 23:40:38 EDT 2012

On 09/11/2012 07:54 AM, John Minnie wrote:
> For all of the v1.9 MIRAX slides at my disposal, there is ALWAYS a
> 1-to-1 correlation between the total number of xyp files and xml 
> files, supporting the notion of a relationship between the old slide 
> position file buffer previously found in the NONHIER section 
> "VIMSLIDE_POSITION_BUFFER" and the xml-based scaninfo data.

Right, there clearly is a relationship; see our previous discussion at [1].
However, due to the low resolution of the *MotorPos attributes, I doubt that
the XML data will be useful.
[John Minnie] I believe that the coordinates in the xml files are relative
to a moving origin and therefore do not need to be as large as the usual
position values. I am working up the concept of this moving origin now.

Have you investigated the StitchingIntensityLayer non-hierarchical section?
There is evidence[2] that it is significant.
[John Minnie] Yes I have, and I quickly dismissed it. I had to go back and
refresh my memory. Attached to this message is a binary file containing a
dump of the StitchingIntensityLayer non-hierarchical section of one of the
v2.2 slides at my disposal. The contents can be viewed with any hex viewer.
Recall that the old "VIMSLIDE_POSITION_BUFFER" contains 9-byte records,
consisting of one 1 byte value of unknown significance, and two 4-byte
values, for the x and y values of the camera position. The attached binary
file of the "StitchingIntensityLayer" section has zero resemblance to this
9-byte structure. I don't think the "StitchingIntensityLayer" data contains
any integers. I think the contents are floating point values, also in
agreement with the name of the section that mentions "intensity". Intensity
is inherently a fractional or relative quantity, and floating point values
seem appropriate for this. I do not doubt that there is some purpose for
this data, but I believe the  "StitchingIntensityLayer" section has nothing
to do with positioning. However, I will never say never and I am open to
anyone else's interpretation of the data.

John Minnie

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