Color-/Lineshifts under Windows?

Hauke Heibel hauke.heibel at
Sat Aug 7 16:25:30 EDT 2010

I've spend some more time on the problem and tried to understand the
MIRAX format a little bit better and looked in detail at the method

There are some things which are not totally clear to me and it would
be great, if you could help me out. On the CMU-1 data set, the 9th
level - the level I am always working on for debugging purposes - has
a width of 213 pixels and a height of 431 pixels. The tile size is
according to the slidedat file 340 by 256 and I would expect
tiles_across to be 1 and tiles_down to be 2 but they are 88 and 244.
This means in the loop where you are loading tiles and storing them in
the user's buffer, you load >21k tiles - ok, they are cashed but this
seems to be overkill. Is this intended? I think even the corresponding
data file Data0015 consists of exactly two jpegs which would support
my assumption.

Another thing I do not quite understand is still the tile_advance_x
and tile_advance_y - I am now pretty sure, that a wrong tile_advance_*
value could potentially lead to those patterns we are seeing and I
would have expected that the tile advance values would always be
integral values because tiles should be shifted pixel-wise.

Yet another one is the variable subtiles_per_jpeg_tile - why does it
differ from subtiles_per_position?

I know, that it may be asked too much to explain these things since
you have spend so much time on figuring it all out by yourself but as
I were understanding a bit more, I could help better in debugging and
for the future plans, where we want to support fluorescence it might
also be helpful.

- Hauke

p.s. I had to resend the last two e-mails -- forgot to hit the reply
all button :)

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