nntp not working after upgrade

Ulrich Eckhardt cy at uli-eckhardt.de
Mon Jan 6 14:25:04 EST 2014

Am 06.01.2014 19:47, schrieb Dave McMurtrie:
> Do you have the "newsgroups" configuration option set in imapd.conf?

Yes, I have also tested this option.

> I can tell you that we're running nntp here from the caldav-2.4
> branch in production and it's working fine.

Maybe the Debian package is broken? Is there somebody out, who has news 
successfully running on 2.4.16?

I'll try to recompile a 2.4.16 on a testing machine this weekend and see 
whats happens.

Best Regards
Ulrich Eckhardt                  http://www.uli-eckhardt.de

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