singleinstancestore obsolete?

Simon Matter simon.matter at
Wed Oct 19 11:42:46 EDT 2011

> Ramprasad wrote, on 19.10.2011 15:37:
>> I think , writing a standalone index upgrade utility , like the ipurge ,
>> seems to be a reasonable thing to do
>> If there was a light enough index upgrade possible ( only for inboxes ..
>> not subfolders ) Then I could stop cyrus , fork probably around 100
>> parallel upgrades take a 2-3 hour downtime and then start services again
> Currently I'm considering the following way:
> *) build a new backend with same partition count/names
> *) output something like
>    "find ../partxx -type -f -links +2 -ls |sort" to a file for every
> partition
>    on the old backend. -ls maybe replaced by special -printf.
> *) move mailboxes from 2.3 to 2.4 with rename keeping partitions the same
> *) write a script reading "find"-output and relink all the files with same
>    inodes. This can be done at any time and with low impact.
> I think that should be pretty safe if the script has enough safty belts in
> place. Mails moved or deleted in the meantime are a special case. Don't
> know
> if it's worth to try hard to find them.

I think for the singleinstancestore, you can redo it after migration with
tools like hardlink or IIRC I did this once and
it worked fine - I think I was using a simple bash script as you suggested
above. The only problem could be that you need the extra space while
migration is going on.


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