Sync_client error Hit upload limit 0

Stephen Carr sgcarr at
Wed Apr 2 22:41:22 EDT 2008

Dear Ken

I killed master and restated it but forgot to kill sync_client so it may
have been running the unpatched version.

I have manually restarted sync_client and after 30+ minutes had no
"errors" and in that period I know one user got 8 emails at almost the
same time.

It also seems the sync_client in 2.3.11 is more stable than in 2.3.8.

I have a cronjob to restart the sync_client if it "died" which usually
happened 2 or 3 times a day, the new version has not had to be restarted
except to get the patched version to run.

Stephen Carr

Ken Murchison wrote:
> Are you sure that you installed the new sync_client binary?  If the
> patch applied correctly, I don't see how max_count can be reported as
> zero.
> Stephen Carr wrote:
>> Dear List
>> I have applied the patch on our server and I regret to infom you it does
>> not fix the problem.
>> I still get 1 "error" line this when 2 emails are being delivered at
>> almost the same time.
>> Apr  3 08:42:29 brooks sync_client[4402]: Hit upload limit 0 at UID
>> 22186
>> for user.AAA, sending
>> -rw-------    1 cyrus    users       81943 Apr  3 08:42 22186.
>> -rw-------    1 cyrus    users       81844 Apr  3 08:42 22187.
>> Also
>> Apr  3 09:02:45 brooks sync_client[5249]: Hit upload limit 0 at UID
>> 119493
>> for user.BBB, sending
>> -rw-------    1 cyrus    users        1248 Apr  3 09:02 119493.
>> -rw-------    1 cyrus    users        4548 Apr  3 09:02 119494.
>> I have also seen the "error" when a user has moved emails from one
>> folder
>> to another folder.
>> Regards
>> Stephen Carr
>> Bron Gondwana wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 07:46:33AM -0400, Ken Murchison wrote:
>>>> Bron Gondwana wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 07:19:07AM -0400, Ken Murchison wrote:
>>>>>> Bron Gondwana wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 09:51:50PM +1100, Bron Gondwana wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 11:28:07AM +1030, Stephen Carr wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I get the following type of error (see below) during replication
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> appeared after upgrading from 2.3.8 to 2.3.11.
>>>>>>>> BAH - upload_messages_from() is broken.
>>>>>>>> Will reply shortly with a patch,
>>>>>>> Ken - CCing you on this one since you'll want this for CVS.
>>>>>>> I have compile tested this - haven't rolled it out anywhere,
>>>>>>> but it's pretty trivial.
>>>>>> I understand the missing check for max_count's value, but is there a
>>>>>> reason why you're not checking that its negative?
>>>>> unsigned
>>>> Ah, right.  Since config_getint() returns signed, we should probably
>>>> make
>>>> max_count signed
>>> Sounds reasonable - then I'm happy with <= 0 :)
>>> Bron.
> --
> Kenneth Murchison
> Systems Programmer
> Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
> Carnegie Mellon University

Stephen Carr
Computing Officer
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of Adelaide
Tel +618-8303-4313
Fax +618-8303-4359
Email sgcarr at

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