Cyrus, Solaris 10, ZFS? (and NIS?)

Robert Banz banz at
Thu Oct 5 13:29:43 EDT 2006

On Oct 5, 2006, at 12:40, Elizabeth Schwartz wrote:

> Is anyone happily running all of the above? All of the above except  
> NIS? Any tuning hints?
> I'm running Solaris 10 (06/06), cyrus 2.3.7 (Blastwave build) ,  
> sendmail 8.13.8 (ditto), mailspool on a zfs filesystem, authenticating
> via NIS. I've already solved one problem with VERY slow sendmail  
> response, turned out to be a Solaris NIS bug  ( patch 123186-01)

Run procsystime (from the dtrace toolkit) on the cyrus imap  
processes.  I'm going to bet that they do a lot of fdsync's.

There's a bug in ZFS regarding performance problems when fsync'ing  
file descriptors -- there's apparently going to be a patch coming  
"real soon now" -- your options are:

1) Move your mail spool off of ZFS.
2) Remove all of the fsync() calls from cyrus.  (this may mean  
removing them from berkely db ;) )


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