Can't connect to server

Jim Sabatke jsabatke at
Sun Mar 12 18:42:26 EST 2006

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am So, den 12.03.2006 schrieb Jim Sabatke um 15:50:
>> I know this is a common problem.  I've spent well over 100 hours 
>> scouring google for answers.  I've sunk to just 'trying' things to see 
>> how they work.  I had cyrus working with postfix once, but I had a disk 
>> crash a year ago and lost some of the setup. Fortunately I didn't lose 
>> much email, which I badly need, and soon.
>> I couldn't connect to "telnet localhost imap" until I activated imap in 
>> intetd, which is contrary to 'most' documentation.
> You then activated the wrong IMAP server. Cyrus-IMAPd has a standalone
> daemon master process and isn't (x)inetd controlled.
>> Now I can't get past the following:
>> jim at bandit:/programs/mail/cyrus-imapd-2.2.12> cyradm
>> cyradm> cm user.jim
>> createmailbox: no connection to server
>> cyradm>
> This is a result of running not Cyrus-IMAPd but a different IMAP server.
>> I assume the server is cyrus.  I just don't know where to go next and am 
>> very frustrated.  I would be happy to just be pointed to a faq or 
>> instructions, but I find that what is online is not in anyway 
>> consistant; probably due to the advanced coding of cyrus.  Even 
>> compiling the program is almost undocumented unless one knows what all 
>> the flags do.
>> Jim
> The path you show above looks very uncommon. Which OS / release do you
> run? Doesn't it ship with a binary version of Cyrus-IMAPd which you
> could easily install? Doesn't it have an init script?
> Alexander

I'm running SuSE 9.0.  I tried intsalling the cyrus server, but it 
doesn't seem to work at all.  It does not leave a running, functioning 
mail (IMAP) server, and has almost no README docs on it.   I have never 
had any luck with the SuSE supplied cyrus server, although maybe it has 
improved since the last time I did manage to get it running from sources 
(which was back in the SuSE 6.3 days).

I am using the startup script from the SuSE install, which required 
changing the path to the 'master' program.

One thing that confused me was that some of the faqs I found said imap 
MUST be enabled in inetd and others said it must NOT be enabled.

The startup file points to /usr/cyrus/bin/master, which looks to be 

I am trying to run cyrus server 2.2.12.

One frustration is that I can't find much information on what compile 
flags to use.  The list of all the flags is a bit overwhelming, and I'm 
used to compiling my own software.  There used to be a faq with step by 
step tests which I can't find anymore.  The WIKI site doesn't really 
have a lot of documentation yet.

I turned off imap in inetd, and I can still login to telnet imap, 
however, I am now getting an error: "cyradm: cannot authenticate to 
server with as cyrus"

I see on google that a lot of folks are having this problem, and a bunch 
of solutions are suggested and none of them work for me.

This also occurs with the standard SuSE install (as I can see from the 
google search).

Any help appreciated.



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