Problem with Subject: XXXX XXXXXX on Cyrus

Andrzej Adam Filip anfi at
Mon Nov 7 10:22:10 EST 2005

lkolchin at wrote:
> I have very annoying problem since I've moved to Cyrus from UW-IMAP:
> When someone sends e-mail from a number of servers to my users, and 
> Subject line is in hebrew, the only Subject they see on their Outlook 
> Express or
> Horde IMP is Subject: XXXX XXXXXX
> On the other hand, same message sent to Exchange account looks OK on the 
> Subject line.
> Is there any solution to this kind of problem?
>  [...]

You can set munge8bit option to zero in imapd.conf.
I am not sure if it requires patching cmu sources.

Check "man imapd.conf" on your system to find out if it is supported by your 

[en: Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : anfi at : anfi at  Netcraft Site Rank: 483671
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
      -- Edmund Burke, 18th century

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