Deleting mailbox problem

Wouter van Marle wouter at
Fri Jul 22 10:46:21 EDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 16:24 +0200, Ondrej Sury wrote: 

> On Fri, 2005-07-22 at 21:59 +0800, Wouter van Marle wrote:
> > That command is accepted.
> > Now I do not have a mailbox called user.wouter, and after giving that
> > command I still get the system I/O error when setting rights to the
> > mailbox wouter.INBOX... 
> > I am logging in as "wouter" (my normal username), and I have set the
> > line "admins: wouter" in imapd.conf. So I should be admin with full
> > rights, right?
> OK, what does lm command say? Ie. what mailboxes really exists on your
> system?  If it's big please publish it somewhere on web and send only
> pointer.

It isn't that big: though I do not want to put the full names in it for
privacy reasons, I've cut out the deeper children, as they contain
identifiable names. That should be unimportant for the issue.

INBOX (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.Deutschland (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.Europe other (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.HK, CN, TW, SG (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.Korea, Japan (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.Nederland (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.SE Asia (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.USA, Canada (\HasChildren)
INBOX.01_Plastics.World other (\HasChildren)
INBOX.02_Hardsafe (\HasChildren)
INBOX.03_Personal (\HasChildren)
INBOX.04_General_business (\HasChildren)
INBOX.05_Fax (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.06_System (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists (\HasChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists.ETC (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists.Enlightenment (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists.Mgetty+sendfax (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists.Nomads (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists.cyrus (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists.mod_python (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.07_Maillists.procmail (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.08_PayPal (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.09_SquirrelFax (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.10_Junk (\HasNoChildren)
INBOX.Sent_mail (\HasNoChildren)
wouter.INBOX (\HasNoChildren)

That's it.


> Ondrej.
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