automated delivery of sieve scripts for new users

Simon Matter simon.matter at
Wed Feb 2 16:33:37 EST 2005

> On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 12:54 -0600, John Wade wrote:
>> Craig White wrote:
>> > 1 - Is there a way to automatically set a sieve script to new users
>> > created on a system?
>> I believe this is a part of the latest autocreate patch from the
>> University of Athens.
> ----
> hmm...looking at the diff, I wondered if that was already in my imapd
> configuration...

No, IIRC it includes an older patch without the autocreate_sieve_script
feature. Take my rpms which include it:


> # rpm -qa|grep cyrus-imap
> cyrus-imapd-2.2.10-3.fc3
> cyrus-imapd-devel-2.2.10-3.fc3
> cyrus-imapd-utils-2.2.10-3.fc3
> cyrus-imapd-nntp-2.2.10-3.fc3
> cyrus-imapd-murder-2.2.10-3.fc3
> so far so good
> added to imapd.conf
> autocreate_sieve_script: /etc/default_sieve_script
> restarted - cyrus-imapd
> no complaints - syslog seems happy
> telnet localhost imap and logged in as jennifer
> ls -l /var/spool/imap/j/user/jennifer/INBOX and other
> autocreateinboxfolders are there...(nice feature by the way)
> ls -l /var/lib/imap/sieve/ - no j no jennifer  ;-(
> OK - so I would have to patch source and re-install I guess... ;-(
> I may be too lazy to do this and resort to #2 below as it appears that I
> have to do some scripting anyway...
> ----
>> > 2 - Is there a way to insert sieve scripts without having to type a
>> > password at the console (for automation)?
>> Athough it kind of goes against the Cyrus blackbox mentality, you should
>> be able to just do the following in a script as the cyrus user.
>> 1.  Create the user's sieve directory
>> 2.  Copy your script into the directory with a .script extension.
>> 3.   Use sievec to compile the script (i.e. /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/sievec
>> <scriptname>.script <scriptname>.bc)
>> 4.  Symbolically link the script to make it active:   ln -s <scriptname>
>> default.bc
>> We have certainly done these steps during conversions.  (Note binary
>> compilation is only required with the latest versions of Cyrus.)
>> Hope this helps,
> ----
> Indeed it has helped - it cut to the quick.
> Thanks
> Craig
> ---
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