OT: HEADS-UP: viral storm out there

Mike Mascari mascarm at mascari.com
Fri Sep 19 18:44:24 EDT 2003

Nigel J. Andrews wrote:

> On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:
>>Hi all.
>>This is off topic and is a cross-post, so I'll be brief. 
>>There is a very nasty virus out there and I urge everybody
>>to get their AV in order.
>>The virus is known as: "W32.Gibe-F" or "W32.Swen-A".
> On a side note, my new work place lost all internet services earlier in the
> week when a virus got in and shutdown the DMZ network. Seemed near
> instantaneous as well. Workstation alarms went and DMZ went offline. Nasty and
> costly.

In keeping with being off topic, how do people feel about Verisign
wild-carding the .com and .net domain names so any miskeys
(www.someunregistereddomain.com) resolve to sitefinder.verisign.com.

It is my understanding that sendmail's default configuration rejects
mail whose envelope contains an unregistered domain name, and now that
line of defense (as small as it is) has been rendered useless.

Mike Mascari
mascarm at mascari.com

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