OT: HEADS-UP: viral storm out there

Tom Lane tgl at sss.pgh.pa.us
Fri Sep 19 19:42:04 EDT 2003

Mike Mascari <mascarm at mascari.com> writes:
> In keeping with being off topic, how do people feel about Verisign
> wild-carding the .com and .net domain names so any miskeys
> (www.someunregistereddomain.com) resolve to sitefinder.verisign.com.

They'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes.  I suggest
voting with your feet: if you still have any domains registered via
Network Solutions, reregister them elsewhere, immediately.

> It is my understanding that sendmail's default configuration rejects
> mail whose envelope contains an unregistered domain name, and now that
> line of defense (as small as it is) has been rendered useless.

Yeah.  The latest version of BIND is able to reject verisign's bogus
redirections and maintain the proper behavior.  I installed it about
thirty hours ago, and I've already rejected 270 spams that would have
gotten through (that particular line of defense anyway) without the
fix.  I think a lot of them were this newest worm though, as normally
the reject rate is a lot lower.

			regards, tom lane

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