creating user-mailboxes without cyradm

Philipp Leusmann philipp.leusmann at
Mon Jan 27 09:29:06 EST 2003


is there a way to create INBOXes for users by IMAP-commands instead of using
cyradm? I want to control the creation of mailboxes from a java-servlet.
Another strange thing is, that I cannot use cyradm at all. I have set up
cyrus to use sasl-auxprop authentication against a mysql-db. logging in to
imap works fine using this authentication and the user listed as admin in
/etc/imapd.conf was even able to create his own inbox using the
CREATE-command in imap.
But when I try to login to cyradm with this user it always looks like this:

sh#: cyradm --user testuser
cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with  as testuser

Anyone knows what is missing between 'with' and 'as'?

Help would be great,

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