virtualmin / webmin and web-cyradm

Troy McKinnon TroyMcKinnon at
Mon Dec 29 17:00:19 EST 2003

I seem to have web-cyradm working.  

I was using webmin and virutalmin to set up my virutal domains, and was curious if:
1)  there is a way to integrate the cyrus stuff with the virutalmin. They seem to be completely independent.
Currently if I set up a new domain:  '' I then have to also set up the same domain in web-cyradm.  Also if I add a email account using virtualmin such as 'me at' a unix user:  foo-me is created as  /home/foo/homes/foo-me.  But the one created under the web-cyradm is under /var/spool/imap/mail/

I am just curious if there is a better way to do this.. or should I just not bother using the virutal min to create email accounts and stick to the web-cyradm only?

2) I followed Postfix-Cyrus-Web-cyradm-HOWTO by Luc de Louw and I can send and receive mail (pop3 and imap) via 'outlook' etc.  But I can't seem to connect via ssl. Is this necessary when using cyrus?

3) is there somway of accessing the mailboxes from the postfix module.  If I try to point to /var/spool/imap vs /var/spool/postfix I get issues because the imap directory is not owned by root; and I guess not accessible by the postfix user.

Thanks a bunch!


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