sieve imap flags and + folder addressing...

Robert Mueller robm at
Mon Apr 21 19:56:07 EDT 2003

One of our users has reported a problem using the "imapflags" extension
in sieve and emails addressed to user+folder at I've included
the email below, and I've been able to reproduce the problem with cyrus
2.1.9. Is this a known bug? A fixed bug?



I'm using the Sieve IMAP flag extensions to label (for Mozilla email
client) certain incoming emails based on the "From" address. For example,
I'm using the sieve rule

if header :contains ["From"] ["user at"] {
addflag "\\Flagged";
addflag "$Label1";

to label all emails coming from user at This works really nice,
and all emails from this user that end up in my Inbox are correctly
labeled (and displayed in the appropriate color in Mozilla).

However, if the same user sends me an email that will automatically be
delivered to one of my folders (e.g. by addressing the email to
'myusername+folder at'), the email will correctly be delivered
into my folder 'folder', but the label will *not* be set in this case.

Anything that could be done about it? I'd like that emails delivered to
one of my subfolders also get labeled correctly.
robm at
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