Recover from a failed rename operation ?

Christian Schulte cs at
Wed Apr 30 12:43:27 EDT 2003


I just added a new partition to my cyrus-installation and tested to 
rename a users' INBOX to move it to that new partition. Here I made a 
mistake. The file-permissions of the new partition were incorrect so 
that cyrus was not able to move the INBOX to the new partition because 
of "permission denied". While cyrus trying to create 
/newpartition/domain directory I got permission denied error. What now 
happened is that the INBOX has gone completely also on the old 
partition. Even running ctl_cyrusdb -r "that INBOX" did not bring it up 
again and that INBOX keeps missing in mailboxes.db ! Any chances to 
reconstruct it anyways or have I lost it ? The data in 
/oldpartition/domain/etc... got deleted so I think I lost it...Would it 
be possible to only delete data from the old partition if the actual 
move to the new partition was successfull ? Glad that I tested it before 
 starting to move my users to the new partition ;-)


I added this to bugzilla because I think it is a bug in not handling 
IO-errors correctly during a rename operation:

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