
Leena Heino Leena.Heino at uta.fi
Wed Apr 20 07:36:59 EDT 2016

On Mon, 18 Apr 2016, ellie timoney via Cyrus-devel wrote:

>> I'm personally interested in resolving the "specialuse flags not working
>> from cyradm" (T199, 198, 191, 121; looks like still pending) issue
> Are these still issues?  Or are they stale tasks that have been fixed
> but not closed?  We've had a number of cyradm metadata patches
> contributed by a few different people over the last year, so it seems
> probable that at least some are fixed but the assignees don't know.

These should be fixed, or at least they work in Cyrus Imapd 2.5:

This is fixed by changing configuration setting specialuse_extra. The 
default configuration does not allow Templates special use flag as it is 
not defined in RFC 6154:

This is more like feature request, not a bug in the code:

   Leena Heino              University of Tampere / Computer Centre
   ( liinu at uta.fi )      ( http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/tkk )

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