Docker Images for Testing

Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) vanmeeuwen at
Mon Mar 9 15:28:27 EDT 2015

Hi there,

As part of a more participatory and therefore hopefully better Quality 
Assurance, I have created a series of Docker images for some 13 
platforms (in codenames);

  * squeeze through sid
  * santiago through maipo
  * heisenbug through rawhide
  * precise through vivid

These Docker images' purpose is purely Development and Quality Assurance 
for now, meaning that their entrypoints have been set up to run the most 
tests thinkable;

  * ./configure with everything enabled,
  * "relaxed" vs. "strict" make,
  * make check,
  * a Cassandane run [1].

That said, tests are built to fail, and so I've documented the process 
including the steps to get an interactive shell:

I believe this could also aid our developers in enabling them to easily 
run the target platform (for a certain bug or issue).

If you have Docker running or could easily fire it up, please consider 
humouring me and executing your distro of interest, and giving it a 

and giving me a task for the distro of your interest not included;

I'm also specifically interested in feedback from our Solaris and *BSD 
users -- whether they are able to run Docker and whether we could target 
using the same set of scripts to execute builds and continuous 
integration on those platforms in a similar manner.

I'm hoping for all of this to become the next generation of continuous 
integration for the Cyrus project, with Jenkins / Travis CI becoming a 
distant second/third.

Anyone else interested in Docker is free to join the project I've 
created for it;

Some of the things we'll be figuring out as we go may include;

   * Running a (certain) version of Cassandane tests against a (certain) 
version of Cyrus IMAP,

   * Exporting/uploading legible/parseable test results to 

   * Whatever tickles your fancy.


Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

[1]: For those of you unaware of what Cassandane is -- it is the 
functional test suite for Cyrus IMAP.

Systems Architect, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at
m: +41 79 951 9003

pgp: 9342 BF08

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