Minutes 23 Feb

Matt matt at mattkeenan.net
Mon Feb 23 08:31:43 EST 2015

On 23/02/15 13:19, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> Meeting was held in Google Hangout  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/g4xnqjjb5zvomzeb4kqvja3fz4a?hl=en
> Time: 20150223T12:00:00Z - 7am US East, 1pm Europe, 11pm Melbourne.
> Present (by irc nic):
> achowe (Anthony Howe)
> brong (Bron Gondwana)
> elliefm (Ellie Timoney)
> kmurchison (Ken Murchison)
> tankenmate (Matt Keenan)
> ^Simon^ (Simon Amor)
>  (Steven Kelbley)
>  (Jean)
> I'm afraid I didn't catch all the names, because I forgot to take a lot, and I can't see how to get the history from G+.  Something for next time.
[snip snip]
> Matt:
> * splitting lib/imap code into sensible directories and heirarchy
> * configuration parsing
> * potentially SNMP/statistics code (I have an email from Greg somewhere detailing what's needed here)
[snip snip]

I could be wrong here but I think maybe Jeroen was doing work on the
config system; I'm happy to defer to him or whatever makes it easiest to
get it done. I see my role as supporting the main coders; so although I
have preferences I have no agenda and I'm happy to do whatever people
feel helps them the most.


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