alice-teacher Annoying pause at the end of each loop

Kathleen Riley kriley at
Thu Jan 8 13:03:44 EST 2015

Inspired by the question about falling snow, I made a simple snow scene
with four transparent .png panels with snowflakes in the foreground (one
that stays stationary, and three that:
(1) appear while moving down,
(2) disappear while moving down,
(3) reset to top while invisible,
and loop endlessly doing this.

It looks great, EXCEPT that there is an annoying pause between each loop
iteration. Does anyone know whether there is a built in pause at the
comparison, and, if so, how to get rid of it?

Here is some pseudocode for my loop, after a few lines of initial setup

        Panel1 appear
        Panel1 move down .1 meter
        Panel2 disappear
        Panel2 move down .1 meter
        Panel3 move up .2 meter

        Panel3 appear
        Panel3 move down .1 meter
        Panel1 disappear
        Panel1 move down .1 meter
        Panel2 move up .2 meter

        Panel2 appear
        Panel2 move down .1 meter
        Panel3 disappear
        Panel3 move down .1 meter
        Panel1 move up .2 meter

Any thoughts would be most welcome!

Kathleen Riley
Bishop Denis J O'Connell High School
Arlington, Virginia
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