alice-teacher FW: FW: [BULK] Re: Making it snow

Scherff, Elisabeth, Ms., CIV, OSD/DoDEA-Americas Elisabeth.Scherff at
Thu Jan 8 08:13:46 EST 2015

RE: Making it snow.
One of my talented students, using Alice 2.4, offered this suggestion:

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Stefanchik [mailto:mstefanchik5 at] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 6:22 PM
To: Scherff, Elisabeth, Ms., CIV, OSD/DoDEA-Americas
Subject: Re: FW: [BULK] Re: alice-teacher Making it snow

To make it snow I used the Smoke item from the Special Effects Folder.  I made a Christmas Countdown Clock in Alice (Download: <>   ).  Feel free to look through the code and copy if needed.  The "snow flakes" are above the view of the camera and then move down.  The code you need to look for is contained in a loop and then a do in order.  It can be seen in the attached image.

Just for fun - have a look at how some folks are creating falling snow...

-----Original Message-----
From: at [mailto:alice-teachers-bounces+elisabeth.scherff <mailto:alice-teachers-bounces%2Belisabeth.scherff> at] On Behalf Of Kathleen Riley
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2015 2:51 PM
To: Alice educators
Subject: [BULK] Re: alice-teacher Making it snow
Importance: Low

I did this by adding some panels (billboards) to my world that had transparent backgrounds and "snow" on them (you can download some good ones from the web) and enlarging them and pulling them to the foreground. I then made a loop which faded the different panels in and out, making them move down while they were visible (and going back to the top when they were invisible).

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Kelly Maxwell <kmaxwell at> wrote:

        I have a student that is working on her final project and wants it to snow in the world.

        Is there an easy way to do this?

        She was putting white objects in the world and making some appear/disappear at different times, it just doesn't look like its snowing.  Should she add that the objects move down the screen.

        Any suggestions are welcome!



        Kelly B. Maxwell
        Business Education Instructor
        Oakland Catholic High School
        144 North Craig Street
        Pittsburgh, PA 15213
        kmaxwell at

         Spirituality, Scholarship, Service

        Phone:  412-682-6633
        Fax:  412-682-2496

        alice-teachers mailing list
        alice-teachers at


Kathleen Riley
Bishop Denis J O'Connell High School
Arlington, Virginia

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