alice-teacher alice 3 question

Heidi Kunselman hkunselman at
Tue Feb 24 10:24:51 EST 2015

Hello Everyone !

I have been using Alice 2 in a middle school environment for 3 years and I
want to step up the pace with the kids to a more advanced version with the
8th graders.I just installed the newest version of 3.  I¹m having an issue
and was wondering If its a bug or something I accidentally clicked. When
building a scene with objects and props my mouse and/or pad on my laptop
freezes after a period of time and I can no longer move the objects. Only my
arrow keys work, which gives me limited movement. I¹m using a mac with
maverick and another one with mountain lion and having the same problem. Is
this a bug? I¹ve looked all over the internet trying to find some kind of
similar issue but haven¹t found anything. Any ideas on how to go about
solving this issue? I really want to move the students towards learning java
but won¹t be able to use it if this keeps happening. Help !


Heidi Kunselman
Technology Teacher 
Oak Prairie Junior High

³Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change
the world; 
indeed it is the only thing that ever has.²
    -Margaret Mead

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