alice-teacher Graphic Computer Programming Additional Curriculum

Edward Bujak edward_bujak at
Thu May 15 10:35:29 EDT 2014

I have taught a high school Intro CS semester course with Processing is Java, but with less "overhead." Also Processing (like Alice) does not require an install.  It is a simple executable with support directories and files. Simply drag the files onto the hard drive, USB flash drive, even network drive.
Processing does have it's own IDE to facilitate easier development, but it does involve an edit, compile, test development model.
For a live dynamically interactive Processing development, check out the Khan Academy's CS track. is Processing brought to your browser (no installs).  This is done with Processing.js a JavaScript Library to bring Processing into the browser.Here you can control variables by simply hovering over them and sliding.
 Edward Bujak
Computer IT Professional
Math teacher, Computer Science teacher 
CSTA-Philly Vice President
Cell: 267-467-4312
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From: jeannette_anderson at
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 08:51:11 -0400
To: alice-teachers at
Subject: Re: alice-teacher Graphic Computer Programming Additional Curriculum

I started using Processing this year and really like it.  It students have to write code (rather than drag and drop) but the outputs are visual. There is a lot of info online try

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 8:03 AM, Emily Higgins <erphiggins at> wrote:

Dear All - I have taught Alice in my programming class for the past three years.  I need to add more to the course - I have become more efficient in my teaching.  Does anyone have particular recommendations of what languages or projects I could add for the portion of the year after I've used Alice?  I would like it to be something different from Alice.

Thank you all -Emily HigginsBoothbay Region High SchoolBoothbay Harbor, Maine

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Jeannette Anderson
Computer Science Teacher
Hickory High School
640 North Hermitage Rd
Hermitage, PA 16148
724.981.8750 x1320 
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