alice-teacher Need help with student Alice world

Sarah Rave srave at
Wed May 8 13:55:43 EDT 2013

Our 8th grade students decided they wanted to make simple video games for
their Alice assignment. This has been their first introduction to if/else
statements and many have found it challenging. One student is creating a
game where the character, Mr Shoes, has to go around and collect shoes. He
has built a timer and written a method to have Mr Shoes walk while the arrow
keys move him around the screen.


Our problem is if Mr Shoes waits for the instructions and the timer to
begin, the shoes don't disappear. If Mr Shoes goes to the shoe while the
instructions are being given, then when the timer starts, the shoe
disappears as desired.


I am going to attempt to attach a Word doc with screen shots of all of the
methods and the alice world itself. I have been monkeying around with this
world and have replaced his If/Else statement with a While statement. It
didn't change anything.


Thanks for any help you can provide. 

Sarah Rave




Sarah Rave

Mountain Discovery Charter School


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