alice-teacher Getting a character to return to position

Susan Rodger rodger at
Tue May 7 15:54:53 EDT 2013

Sometimes do togethers in different with multiple directions don't always
process the same do to timing so I could see how it could get a little bit
off if you are using them. 

A quick fix might be to have an invisible copy of the object on the bed and each
time the character goes back to bed have them also move to and orient to
the invisible one to be in the exact same position as before. 


Susan Rodger, Professor of the Practice
Computer Science, LSRC D237
308 Research Drive, Box 90129
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0129
Email:	rodger at      URL:
Phone: (919)-660-6595           Fax: (919)-660-6519

Must include BOX number on all US Mail!

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