alice-teacher Error messages

Don Slater dslater at
Mon Sep 10 20:55:25 EDT 2012

We believe that Alice 2.3 is much more stable than the version that you have been working with… I suggest you download it to one of your machines to test (You can even copy it on to a USB drive and try it from there first before loading it on a machine.)

Let me know what you find out.

All the best,
Don Slater

On Sep 10, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Emily Higgins <erphiggins at> wrote:

> Dear All -
> I have Alice 2.2 on my computer lab's desktops.  It was placed on there in August 2011.  We are having frequent error messages for no particular reason - just moving things around, learning the very basics.  Before I update all of them to the most recent Alice 2.2, I wanted to make sure that the recent update's bugs are minimal.  Should I do the March 2.2 update or use the Alice 2.3?  I have not used Alice 2.3 and right now, cannot re-write my assignments for the fall (headed out on maternity leave shortly.  
> Emily Higgins
> Boothbay Harbor, Maine
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