alice-teacher Online gallery objects

BADGERY Teresa tbadg2 at
Mon Feb 7 23:56:32 EST 2011



In my classroom I am trying to download new objects from the internet
gallery.  However, the connection will not work, whilst in the program, as
we are on a network and I think it has something to do with proxies and
permissions.  Therefore I have gone directly to the website through the ie
and downloaded the various objects into the local gallery.  However, most of
them are *.zip files and when I unzip them - they won't work in the Alice
program.  There doesn't even seem to be any *a2c files there.  Please help.





Mrs Teresa Badgery

ICT Co-Ordinator

Smart Classrooms Co-Ordinator


Orange Card - 0288


Wallumbilla State School

Education Queensland

22 High Street



Ph:  (07) 4629 8888

Fx:  (07) 4623 4387


tbadg2 at 


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