[Storage-research-list] [ACM TECS] Call for Papers of SI: "Memory and Storage Systems for Embedded and IoT Applications" (Submission Deadline: Feb. 1st, 2020)

Yuan-Hao Chang, ACM TECS Guest Editor iis.eastlab at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 21:20:54 EST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems Special Issue on "Memory
and Storage Systems for Embedded and IoT Applications" is open for
submissions through 1st February, 2020.

The Call For Papers lists the topics within the scope of the Special Issue:

Submissions can be made through the https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tecs
website by choosing "Memory and Storage Systems for Embedded and IoT
Applications"; please also specify the special issue title in the cover
letter of your submission.

Best Regards,
Yuan-Hao Chang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (johnson at iis.sinica.edu.tw), Guest
Jalil Boukhobza, ENSTA-Bretagne, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285, France (
boukhobza at univ-brest.fr), Guest Editor
Song Han, University of Connecticut, United States (song at engr.uconn.edu),
Guest Editor


With the rapid advances in sensing and communication technologies, embedded
systems (e.g., IoT and edge devices) have evolved tremendously in recent
years. On the other hand, data-intensive applications are more and more
used on such platforms, propelled by the extensive use of machine learning.
However, embedded systems usually have limited energy, computing power, and
memory/storage space. Thus, new technologies (e.g., 3D stacking and
low-power design) for DRAM main-memory have emerged to reduce the energy
consumption and increase the memory capacity for the use of novel embedded
and IoT applications such as autonomous vehicles and healthcare. Meanwhile,
3D TLC/QLC flash memory has been developed to increase the cell density and
storage capacity to provide low-cost yet small feature-sized storage in
embedded and IoT applications. At the same time, non-volatile memories
(e.g., STT-MRAM and PCM) has emerged as popular alternatives to replace
DRAM and/or flash memory, while some other new types of memories (e.g.,
ReRAM and FRAM) and upcoming ones linking logic and storage with in-memory
computing (or computation-in-memory) are more and more investigated opening
new horizons to memory hierarchy design.
     These new advances in memory and storage devices introduce new
opportunities but simultaneously create challenges to rethink the memory
hierarchy for embedded and IoT applications, from the hardware design up to
the software and algorithmic aspects. This is especially true for several
domains such as real-time systems, multimedia, energy-harvesting, e-health,
and transportations. Such a paradigm shift also incurs new challenges to
the interplay between design methodologies for embedded and IoT systems
with the 3D stacking memory, emerging non-volatile memories, or new types
of memories. As those new technologies have specific architectures and
characteristics, a particular attention must be drawn to their integration.
New cross-layer optimization methodologies are needed to optimize the
system timing or energy performance and to handle the reliability issues.
     There is an urgent need for technology innovation, modeling, analysis,
design, and tools for memory and storage in embedded and IoT systems at
every layer of the encompassing system architecture, from application to
the hardware integration and from sensors to the Cloud.

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems seeks original manuscripts
for a special issue on “Memory and Storage Systems for Embedded and IoT
Applications”. This special issue will cover recent memory and storage
system design techniques for embedded and IoT applications. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
* Design-space exploration for memory and storage systems
* Power and performance issues for memory and storage
* Security and reliability techniques for memory and storage
* Cross-layer design methodologies for memory hierarchy
* 3D stacking memory and emerging memory devices integration
* Near-data and in-memory computation paradigm
* Hybrid memory and unified memory design
* File system and database designs
* Compiler and OS optimization for emerging memory and storage
* Modeling, simulation and analysis for memory and storage
* Storage and memory design issues for emerging application scenarios, such
as energy-harvesting computation, etc.
* Data storage and memory management interplay between embedded and IoT
systems / edge / Cloud.

Paper Submission
Prospective authors should follow the submission guidelines for ACM
Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. All manuscripts must be
submitted electronically to the ACM Manuscript Central Web site at
Indicate that you are submitting your article to the special issue on
“Memory and Storage Systems for Embedded and IoT Applications”. All papers
will undergo the standard ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
review process.

* Open for submissions in ScholarOne Manuscripts: December 1, 2020
* Closed for submissions: February 1, 2021
* Results of first round of reviews: April 01, 2021
* Submission of revised manuscripts: June 01, 2021
* Results of second round of reviews: August 01, 2021
* Publication materials due: November 15, 2021
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